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    12/17/2022,Da Qing,My Hometown:,10/2/2022Da QingMy Hometown:,12/17/2022,Daqing (formerly spelled “Taching”) located in the western Songnen Plain, is a city in northeast China in the Heilongjiang province. The total area is 21,219 square kilometers and the totalpopulation,is 2.9 million.,10/2/2022 Daqing (form,12/17/2022,大 庆,10/2/2022大 庆,12/17/2022,The name means “Great Celebration”, for it is discovered on 1959.9.26, just before the day commemorated our country established for 10 years. Daqing is an oil, petrochemical and high-tech industry city, it is a shining pearl in the north country, known as the green oil-based capital, natural 100 Lake City, the North Hot,Springs township .,10/2/2022 The name means,12/17/2022,李四光,松基三井,10/2/2022李四光松基三井,12/17/2022,绿色油化之都,天然百湖之城,北国温泉之乡,10/2/2022绿色油化之都天然百湖之城北国温泉之乡,12/17/2022,Daqing, is an emerging city in the wet ground. There is the countrys largest city wetland - The daqing longfeng wetland.It is a complete, unique original wetland ecological system whitch havent been destroyed. Biodiversity is rich, with a variety of rare and endangered animals, there are 5 types which were classified as a national level protected animals, 19 species which are the national level . It has the important meaning of protection.,10/2/2022 Daqing, is an,12/17/2022,10/2/2022,12/17/2022,Daqing is Chinas largest oil field and an important petrochemical base. Oil production 50 years ago, accumulatively countries to contribute 2 billion tons of crude oil, profits and taxes turned over 1.7 trillion yuan and exports worth 50 billion U.S. dollars; dynamic farming, animal husbandry and high-tech industries are also the local pillar industries. Daqing ranks No. 19 at the national competitions in the citys comprehensive strength which was announced by the National Bureau of,Statistics(国家统计局).,10/2/2022 Daqing is China,12/17/2022,10/2/2022,12/17/2022,Daqing, is a city with the unique cultural heritage. The core content of daqing iron spirit is: patriotism, entrepreneurship, objectivity, dedication. The spirit influence generations of daqing people.,10/2/2022 Daqing, is a cit,12/17/2022,10/2/2022,12/17/2022,Daqings Own Nest,Daqing is a young city,where is filled lively and vibrant from a wasteland to the charming new city today.It including three venues:Comprehensive Hall,Swimming Hall,Speed Skating Hall.,10/2/2022Daqings Own Nest D,12/17/2022,Daqing Times Square,It is only second to Tiananmen Square,an area of 144 hectares.It is imposing and reflecting the magical of technology everywhere.,10/2/2022Daqing Times SquareIt,12/17/2022,The Oil Cube,The Oil Cube from ShangHai world EXPO was moved to Daqing in 2012.It total has four exhibitions and each part shows the vital separately vital significance about the oil and peoples everyday life in each side.It also carries peoples glories and expections.,10/2/2022The Oil CubeThe Oil C,12/17/2022,10/2/2022,12/17/2022,Now, the cultural and educational enterprise of daqing is developing vigorously. Now there are 6 universities, 10 provincial demonstrative senior high school, nearly one hundred research institutions, daqing is gradually becoming the north cultural center. Daqing is also the cradle of athletes: Olympic champions 李对红 曹磊 , the world champions 刘云峰 梁淑艳 孟宪娟,10/2/2022 Now, the cultu,12/17/2022,李对红,1996年在亚特兰大第26届奥运会上获女子25米运动手枪冠军并创奥运会纪录。,曹磊 , 2008年北京奥运会女子举重75公斤级冠军,10/2/2022李对红,1996年在亚特兰大第26届奥运会,12/17/2022,刘云峰,2004年世界杯竞走赛男子20公里竞走第五。,梁淑艳 ,2004年 亚洲田径大奖赛女子跳远冠军。,孟宪娟,1997年世界女子举重锦标赛54公斤级抓举、挺举、总成绩冠军,并打破世界纪录,10/2/2022刘云峰,2004年世界杯竞走赛男子20公里,12/17/2022,Thank you !,10/2/2022Thank you !,


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