Unit 1,Holism,1,Unit 1 Holism1,Word-Formation,homeo- 相同,象;同一,同,( homeostasis ),hypno- 睡眠,hypnosis / hypnotic / hypnotherapy ,sych/o 心理,精神,(psychotherapy ),ovari/o- 卵巢,( ovarian ),splen/o 脾,( spleen ),leuk/o 白,(leukemia ),lymph/o 淋巴,( lymphoma ),melan/o 黑色,( melanoma ),onco- 瘤,肿,( oncology ),2,Word-Formationhomeo- 相同,象;同一,anti- 抗, 防止,( antioxidant ),tox/o 毒,毒素,( genotoxic ),intra- 内,内部的,( intravenous ),crani/o 颅骨,( craniosacral ),-ic 的,( psychosomatic ),-iatry 医疗术,医治法,( psychiatry ),diet 饮食,( dietitian ),chemo- 化学,( chemotherapy ),oxy- 氧,氧化,( antioxidant ),3,anti- 抗, 防止 ( antioxidant,ven/o-,ven/i- 静脉,( venous ),-stasis 停滞,淤积,(homeostasis ),-osis 状态,病态,病,症,( hypnosis ),-therapy 治疗,(chemotherapy ),-emia 血症,(leukemia ),-oma 肿瘤,(melanoma ),-logy 学科,研究,(oncology ),-ant 剂,(antioxidant ),-ous 的,有的,分泌的,( venous ),4,ven/o-,ven/i- 静脉 ( venous ),整体医学的开展概况 21世纪社会的开展以人为本,人的开展以健康为本。人是一个不可侵害的有机整体,人所需要的卫生效劳是整体性的效劳,要提高这种效劳必须树立整体医学观,掌握系统整体的思维方式,开展生物-心理-社会医学模式,做好以患者为中心而不是以疾病为中心的效劳。,Background Knowledge,5,整体医学的开展概况,医学观就是医学工作者对医学的本质、构成和目的的根本看法。整体医学观就是用整体观认识医学的各个要素。世界上的任何事物都可以被看成是一个有一定内部结构的系统整体,生命系统是按照从低级到高级的严格系统程序组成,也是从简单的原子开始,逐渐从低级到高级开展起来的。从分子细胞组织器官系统躯体个人两个人家庭社会生态系统。局部与整体之间存在着对立统一的辩证关系。整体总是由相互联系、相互制约的各个局部构成,没有局部的整体和脱离整体的局部都是毫无意义的。,6,医学观就是医学工作者对医学的本质、构成和目的的根本看法。整体,黑格尔曾指出:“一只手,如果从身体上割下来,按照名称仍然可以称为手,但按其实质来说,已经不是手了。医学的整体观要求把医学看成一个有机整体,从整体上来认识医学的性质、对象和目的。整体医学从广义上是指从总体上研究医学的结构及其与各分体的关系,探讨各个学科的发生、开展和演变规律的科学。亦即高度综合的人体生命科学。在狭义上,它是指从整体水平出发,将人体看作是一个具有“自稳态性质的开放系统,研究人与自然以及人体内部各器官间信息联系的一门医学学科.,7,黑格尔曾指出:“一只手,如果从身体上割下来,按照名称仍然,美国、日本整体医学的概况 20世纪后半期,西方兴旺国家以技术革新为先导,推动经济开展,结果经济确实快速增长起来,但经济高速增长造成的诸多矛盾开始显露,如环境的恶化日趋严重等,不少学者意识到问题的严重性,著书立说,提出改革或替代方案。对于医疗现状提出的替代方案是“整体健康。生物医学模式等传统的理念和做法日益显露其弊端,现状促使人们进行反思,逐步认识到:身体、精神、环境不可别离,使它们处于一种相互平衡调和的状态才叫做健康。,8,美国、日本整体医学的概况8,美国在对越南战争中阵亡士兵的尸体进行解剖时开展,营养供给全面的20岁左右的士兵,不少已患了动脉硬化。美国人开始对自己生活方式及医疗保健体系的正确性产生疑心。当医学领域的矛盾也同样在日本显露出来时,日本人开始重新重视自己的传统思想文化,很快地接受了整体的观念。,9,美国在对越南战争中阵亡士兵的尸体进行解剖时开展,营养供给全面,整体医学的理论体系,现在尚未正式形成,但已具雏形,大致包括: (1)强调整体的健康观;(2)治疗的出发点是激发自然治愈力;(3)治疗疾病的主角是患者自身,治疗者不过是援助者;(4)把各种治疗方法综合起来加以应用。 美国整体医学的兴起,可以说是始于美国加利福尼亚州巴克莱整体健康中心的设立。此后,类似的整体健康中心很快在美国各大城市建立,在全美掀起了一个整体健康运动。,10,整体医学的理论体系,现在尚未正式形成,但已具雏形,大致包括:,1987年,全美整体医学协会成立,美国替代医学的绝数门类都属于整体医学范畴。日本整体医学的发端晚于美国,但其开展的势头超过了美国。这是因为日本原有的东洋医学的传统与整体医学的观念十分接近,因此,整体医学传至日本后便很快与东洋医学结合起来,得到迅速普及。,11,1987年,全美整体医学协会成立,美国替代医学的绝数门类都属,我国整体医学开展概况 自从20世纪80年代我国实行改革开放以后, 经济建设得到迅速的开展,特别是我国进 入WTO后医疗卫生必须适应国际化的要求。 21世纪社会的开展以人为本,人的开展以 健康为本,健康才是人生最珍贵的财富。 人是一个不可侵害的有机整体,人所需要 的卫生效劳是一种整体性的效劳,要提供 这种效劳必须树立整体医学观,掌握系统 整体性的思维方式。,12,我国整体医学开展概况12,随着医学科学的开展,传统的生物医学模式正在转变为生物-心理-社会医学模式,要求临床医务人员具备的知识结构符合这种模式要求,医学院校完善自己的教学体系成立相应的教研室。1979年北京大学医学院率先成立了医学心理学教研室,至今几乎所有的医学学院已正式开设了医学心理学的课程或讲座。整体护理也在各级医院得到深化和推广。2002年我国创办了中华全科医生杂志,宣传、交流、推广整体医学,使整体医学得到普遍重视。,13,随着医学科学的开展,传统的生物医学模式正在转变为生物-心理-,整体医学的崛起给中医药学国际化带来了机遇,整体医学与中医药学的关系是十分密切的。从理论体系看,整体医学的理论与中医药学的学说实际上是相通的。如?黄帝内经?中就提出“人与天地相参的观点。“人与天地相参可以认为是?黄帝内经?对医学认识的根本指导思想,其含义可以归结为四个方面:一是人是自然界运动变化的产物;二是自然界是人类赖以生存的根本条件;三是人体与自然界有着共同规律;四是人体生理机制与病理过程受自然界的影响,所以中医药学与整体医学是相通的。,14,整体医学的崛起给中医药学国际化带来了机遇,整体医学与中医药学,美国整体医学主要表现替代疗法的常用 的十六种方法中,有5种属中医药学范畴, 日本整体医学界也十分重视中医学的各种 疗法。中医、中药、针灸、气功、推拿被 广泛应用于倡导整体医学的医院、诊疗所、 疗养院中,所以整体医学的崛起将给中医 药学的国际化带来机遇。,15,美国整体医学主要表现替代疗法的常用15,整体医学开展趋势 我国原有的卫生效劳体系采用各种卫生效劳相互独立、各自为政、垂直管理的模式,分别由相应的部门来管理,由专门的机构来实施,由不同的专业人员来提供,相互之间缺乏协调和合作,难以实现横向整合,这种模式不能适应社会开展的需要。医疗效劳是一种整体性效劳,特别需要对卫生效劳进行横向整合,加强各部门、系统和人员之间的协调和合作,只有这样才能充分满足社会对卫生效劳的要求,才能使有限的卫生资源产生最正确的效率和效益。,16,整体医学开展趋势16,随着整体医学在国内外的不断开展,一个整体医学理论体系即将建立,医学研究的对象更为明确,医学的最终目的将是鉴别疾病、治愈疾病、控制病症、预防疾病、帮助患者适应病症和环境,尽可能恢复功能,满足患者的需要,改善个人的生活质量,进而改善全体人民的生活质量。整体医学与中医药学的关系密切,整体医学的崛起将给中医药学的国际化带来机遇。现在应解放思想,实事求是,大胆开拓,使中医药学进一步走向世界。,17,随着整体医学在国内外的不断开展,一个整体医学理,Group discussion,What do you know about:1. holism2. holistic medicine3. holistic health,18,Group discussionWhat do you kn,Holism (from holos, a Greek word meaning all, entire, total) is the idea that all the properties of a given system (biological, chemical, social, economic, mental, linguistic, etc.) cannot be determined or explained by the sum of its component parts alone. Instead, the system as a whole determines in an important way how the parts behave. The term holism was coined in 1926, by the South African statesman General Jan Christian Smuts.,Introduction,19,Holism (from holos, a Greek wo,holistic adj.describing an approach to patient care in which the physical, mental, and social factors in the patients condition are taken into account, rather than just the diagnosed disease. The term is applied to a range of orthodox and unorthodox methods of treatments.机能整体性的 描述照料病人的一种思路:应考虑病人的身体、精神、以及社会等各方面因素,而不是仅仅考虑经诊断的疾病。此术语适用于一系列正统的和非正统的治疗方法。,20,holistic adj.describing an a,Understanding the Text,Part I Introduction (para. 1-3)1. Definition of holistic medicine given by Canadian Holistic Medical Association (para. 1-2),American Holistic Medical Association (AHMA) ( Founded in 1978 ) :/,British Holistic Medical Association ( BHMA ) ( Formed in 1983 ) :/,21,Understanding the TextPart I I,optimal- adj. the best or most favorable or desirable e.g. An optimal environment for healingwell being/wellness- n. healthalternate/alternative,Difficult Points,22,optimal- adj. the best or m,Alternative Medicine - 替代医学a wide range of treatments for medical conditions that people use instead of or with western medicine.It is often used by the general public and some healthcare practitioners to refer to medical techniques which are not known or accepted by the majority conventional medical practitioners . Such techniques could include non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical techniques such as Medical Herbalism, Acupunture, hypnotherapy, naturopathy and many others. However, this term can also refer to any experimental drug or non-drug technique that is not currently accepted by conventional medical practitioners.,23,Alternative Medicine - 替代医学,2. Holistic health/holistic healing (para. 3)Questions: What is holistic health? What is the goal of holistic healing?,Holistic health is a philosophy of medical care that views physical and mental aspects of life as closely interconnected and equally important approaches to treatment. Holistic health is not itself a method of treatment, but is an approach to how treatment should be applied.,24,2. Holistic health/holistic he,Difficult Points,takes a broader spectrum of mind, body, and spirit(para.3)spectrum-range, field, scope 领域, 范围; 谱; 系e.g. broad-spectrum antibiotic 广谱抗生素healer(para.3)-a person skilled in a particular type of therapy( Synonym: therapist ),25,Difficult Pointstakes a broade,Part II Overview(para.4-5 ),Questions:1. What are the healthy lifestyle habits promoted by health professionals ?2. What does a holistic approach generally mean in mainstream medicine ?,26,Part II Overview(para.4-5 )Que,Mainstream medicine/careComplementary therapy/medicinePreventive care/public healthHealth professionals/providersA more inclusive approach to a persons health,Difficult Points,27,Mainstream medicine/careDiffic,Mainstream/Conventional medicinee.g. chemotherapy surgery radiation therapy hormone therapy,28,Mainstream/Conventional medici,Complementary Medicine 补充医学,A non-mainstream health care provided in addition or instead of standard medical practice. It is often used by conventional medical practitioners to refer to non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical techniques used as a complement to conventional medical treatments such as drugs and surgery. The term implies that conventional medicine is used as a primary tool and the non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical techniques are used as a supplement when needed.,29,Complementary Medicine 补充医学A n,Preventive care is a set of measures taken in advance of symptoms to prevent illness or injury. This type of care is best exemplified by routine physical examinations and immunizations. The emphasis is on preventing illnesses before they occur. (compare: Public health ),30,Preventive care is a set of me,health care provider / health professional-A health care provider or health professional is an organization or person who delivers proper health care in a systematic way professionally to any individual in need of health care services. Health care professionals include physicians, physician assistants, support staff, nurses, pharmacists, therapists, psychologists, veterinarians(兽医), dentists, optometrists(配镜师), and a wide variety of other individuals regulated and/or licensed to provide some type of health care.,31,health care provider / health,A more inclusive approach to a persons health(para.5),inclusive 1)covering a wide scope; involving much or everything; 2)all-around, general ,comprehensive, e.g. gender-inclusive 不分性别的 all-inclusive 包罗万象的,32,A more inclusive approach to a,Part III Promotion of Use ( para. 6-7 ),Questions:1. What are the complementary therapies mentioned in para. 6 ?2. What are the different kinds of cancer claimed to be cured by holistic methods in para. 7 ?,33,Part III Promotion of Use ( pa,Difficult Points,anecdotal ( para.7 )-informal ( unscientific Art therapyHypnosisImageryMeditationPsychotherapySpirituality and prayeryoga,34,Difficult Pointsanecdotal ( pa,Art Therapy 艺术疗法Other common names: creative arts therapy, expressive arts therapy Art therapy is used to help people manage physical and emotional problems by using creative activities to express emotions. It provides a way for people to come to terms with emotional conflicts, increase self-awareness, and express unspoken and often unconscious concerns about their illness and their lives. Expressive arts therapy or creative arts therapy may also include dance and movement, drama, poetry, photo therapy and others, as well as the more traditional art methods.,35,Art Therapy 艺术疗法Other common,Hypnosis 催眠疗法Other common names: Hypnotherapy, Hypnotic Suggestion, Self-HypnosisHypnosis is a state of restful alertness during which a person uses deeply focused concentration. The person can be relatively unaware of, but not completely blind to, her or his surroundings, and may be more open to suggestion. It is considered to be a type of complementary therapy.,36,Hypnosis 催眠疗法Other common nam,Imagery 想象(疗法)Other common names: Guided Imagery, Visualization Imagery involves mental exercises designed to allow the mind to influence the health and well being of the body.,37,Imagery 想象(疗法)Other common na,Meditation 冥想(疗法)Other common names: mindfulness meditation, transcendental meditationMeditation is a mind-body process that uses concentration or reflection to relax the body and calm the mind. It has been defined as the intentional self-regulation of attention, a mental focus on a particular aspect of ones inner or outer experience. One commonly practiced type is Transcendental Meditation, which involves repeating a word or phrase , either silently or aloud. Another is mindfulness meditation, in which a person observes sensations, perceptions, and thoughts without judgment as they arise.,38,Meditation 冥想(疗法)Other common,Psychotherapy 心理/精神疗法Other common names: Therapy, Counseling, Psychological Intervention, Psychotherapeutic Treatment Psychotherapy covers a wide range of approaches designed to help people change their ways of thinking, feeling, or behaving.,39,Psychotherapy 心理/精神疗法Other co,Spirituality and Prayer 宗教/精神疗法Other common names: Religion, spiritual healing Spirituality is generally described as an awareness of something greater than the individual self. It is often expressed through religion and/or prayer, although there are many other paths of spiritual pursuit and expression.,40,Spirituality and Prayer 宗教/精神疗,Yoga 瑜珈Other common name: Hatha Yoga Yoga is a form of non-aerobic exercise that involves a program of precise posture, breathing exercises, and meditation. Yoga can be a useful method to help relieve some symptoms of chronic diseases such as cancer, arthritis, and heart disease and can lead to increased relaxation and physical fitness. Available scientific evidence does not support yoga as an effective treatment for cancer or any other disease; however, it may enhance quality of life. Some cancer treatment centers even offer yoga in addition to standard medical treatment.,41,Yoga 瑜珈Other common name: Hat,Part IV Coverage (para. 8-11),Questions:1. What do all practitioners stress when they are practicing holistic medicine? (Para. 8)2. What does holistic medicine involve? (Para. 9-10),42,Part IV Coverage (para. 8-11)Q,Difficult Points,Helicobacter pylorisupplement: 补品 (natural/botanical/health/dietary/nutritional)synthetic interferonhealing touch,43,Difficult Points43,Helicobacter Pylori: 幽门螺杆菌Helicobacter pylori is a bacterium that infects the mucus lining of the human stomach. Many peptic ulcers and some types of gastritis are caused by H. pylori infection, although most humans who are infected will never develop symptoms. This bacterium lives in the human stomach exclusively and is the only known organism that can thrive in that highly acidic environment. It is helix-shaped (hence the name helicobacter) and can literally screw itself into the stomach lining to colonize. ( helix-螺旋线),44,Helicobacter Pylori: 幽门螺杆菌Hel,早在一个世纪前就有人发现胃内存在一种螺旋状微生物,由于长期未能别离而未受到重视。 直至 1983 年澳大利亚佩思皇家医院的 Warren 和 Marshall 报道从胃内成功地别离出“未鉴定的弯曲状杆菌( unidentified curved bacilli ) 后, 才引起医学界的广泛兴趣,从各方面进行了深入的研究。 人们在研究这种细菌的生物学物性时,曾几次对其易名,直到1989年才正式将其命名为:幽门螺杆菌Helicobacter pylori, Hp,45,早在一个世纪前就有人发现胃内存在一种螺旋状,interferons 干扰素- small, natural or synthetic protein and glycoprotein cytokines(细胞素) that are produced by leucocytes, T-lymphocytes, and fibroblasts(成纤维细胞) in response to infection and other biological stimuli. In cancer treatment, they are used as immunotherapy against the proliferation(增生) of cancer cells.,46,interferons 干扰素46,Healing touch 触摸治疗,Healing Touch is a relaxing, nurturing energy therapy. Gentle touch assists in balancing your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well- being. Healing Touch works with your energy field to support your natural ability to heal. It is safe for all ages and works in harmony with standard medical care.,47,Healing touch 触摸治疗Healing Touc,Healing Touch is used in a wide variety of settings including hospitals, long term care facilities, private practices, hospices(临终关心医院), and spas(疗养院). Janet Mentgen, RN, founded Healing Touch in 1989 as a continuing education program for nurses, other health care professionals, and lay persons. Today Healing Touch has spread internationally and is taught in universities, medical and nursing schools, and other settings internationally.,48,Healing Touch is used in a wid,Reducing stress Calming anxiety, depression Decreasing pain Strengthening the immune system Enhancing recovery from surgery Completing care for neck and back problems Supporting cancer care Creating a sense of well-being Easing acute and chronic conditions,Some of the benefits of healing touch,49,Reducing stress Some of the be,Part V A short history (para. 12-13 )Part VI Scientific evidence (para. 14-15),Questions: 1. Why does scientific research generally not focus on holistic medicine itself as a cure for cancer or any other disease ? (Para. 14)2. According to health professionals,