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    大学英语课程教案 课程名称:大学英语( 第一册) 学时数:64 本章名称: Growing Up 学时数:6 授课对象:全院非英语专业学生 授课学期:第一学期 授课教研室:外语学院大学英语教学部 授课教师:外语学院大学英语教学部全体教师,大学英语课,Unit One Growing Up,Unit One,Text A Writing for Myself,I. Background Information,II. Text Organization,III. Language Points,IV. Writing Strategy,Teaching Steps:,Text A Writing for MyselfI.,Text A Writing for Myself,1. Grade schools in the U.s.: Its necessary to have some knowledge of grade schools in the U.S. because students have to realize that “the thirds year in high school” equals “the eleventh grades”. U.S. students generally go through elementary schools (kindergarten to 5th or 6th grade), middle schools (grades 68) or junior high school (grades 79), and high school (grades 912 or 1012).,Text A Writing for Myself1.,Text A Writing for Myself,2. What American teachers wear in school: Nowadays, people in the U.S. love to dress casually. Even among those companies with a rigid dress code so me now allow employees not to wear suits on Friday. U.S. teachers wear fairly formal clothes to school, but not necessarily suits and ties. Bow ties are considered even more old-fashioned than ties.,Text A Writing for Myself2.,Text A Writing for Myself,3. Spaghetti and the proper way of eating it: Spaghetti is the Italian-style thin noodle, cooked by boiling and served with sauce. Usually you would put a fork into a plate of spaghetti, turn the fork several times so that spaghetti will wind around the fork, then place the fork into your mouth. Its impolite to suck.,Text A Writing for Myself3.,Text A Writing for Myself,Part Division of the Text,115,1639,4060,1,2,3,Baker was bored by everything associated with English courses, including essay writing.,Baker found himself attracted by one particular topic and wrote about it for his own joy.,The experience of writing the essay helped him discover his talent for writing and realize what he wished to do in life.,Text A Writing for Myself P,Text A Writing for Myself,1. off and on: from time to time, now and again, irregularlyAs her patient slept soundly during the night, Nurse Betty was able to doze off and on in a bedside chair.,2. possibility: state of being possible; (degree of) likelihood; usually followed by that-clause or ofThey havent arrived. Theres a possibility that they have taken the wrong road.,Text A Writing for Myself1.,Text A Writing for Myself,3. take hold: become establishedThe idea of only one child has taken hold in many Chinese families.,4. bore: make someone feel tired and lose interest(Notice the difference between its present and past participle forms: boringbored)Tom Sawyer grew bored with painting the garden fence, so he thought of a way to make others paint it for him.,Text A Writing for Myself3.,Text A Writing for Myself,5. associate with: join or connect together; connect or bring in mind I cant associate this gentle young woman with the radical political essays she has written.,6. turn out: produceNew computers are soon out-dated since newer models are turned out constantly.American film studios turn out hundreds of films every year.,Text A Writing for Myself5.,Text A Writing for Myself,7. anticipate: expect (followed gerund or that-clause)The police had anticipated trouble from the soccer fans and were at the ground in large numbers. We anticipated running into problems in carrying out the medical welfare reform.,Text A Writing for Myself7.,Text A Writing for Myself,8. tedious: boring and lasting for a long timeThe movie was so tedious that many viewers left before it was over.Laura found George to be tedious and decided not to see him any more.,Text A Writing for Myself8.,Text A Writing for Myself,9. reputation: an opinion about person or thing held by othersJim Kerry has quite a reputation for being comic.The newly-elected chairman is a man of reputation.,10. inspire: fill someone with confidence, eagerness, etc.The last leaf on the tree that never fell off inspired the dying patient with the will to live on.Martin Luther King, Jr.s speeches inspired people to fight for equal treatment of African Americans.,Text A Writing for Myself9.,Text A Writing for Myself,11. rigid: (often disapproving) fixed in behavior; based on correct or accepted rulesIf he had been a little less rigid about things, his daughter would not have left home at such a young age.The rigid head master would button up his clothes even on the hottest day.,Text A Writing for Myself11,Text A Writing for Myself,12. severe: 1) completely plainEarnest Hemingway is known for his severe writing style.2) stern, strictOnly those who have undergone severe training can be accepted into the air force.Fu Lei was so severe with his son that even his wife would cry.3) causing very great pain, difficult, worry, etc.A factory must turn out newer and better products to win in the climate of severe business competition.,Text A Writing for Myself12,Text A Writing for Myself,13. tackle: deal withTOSHIBA recently designed a robot that can tackle almost any kinds of housework.The classroom was quite as students were busy tackling the final exam.,14. face up to: be brave enough to accept or deal with a problem or difficultyYeltsin faced up to the fact that he was no longer fit for the Russian presidency and resigned on New Years Eve.Now that your daughter is born, you will have to face up to the responsibilities of being a father.,Text A Writing for Myself13,Text A Writing for Myself,15. scan: look through quickly The banker scanned the financial section of a dozen newspapers over breakfast. Scan the table of contents and tell me how many chapters are on child development.,16. sequence: connected line of events, ideas, etc. A sequence of bad harvests forced some African countries to ask for foreign aid. The Fall of the Roman Empire was written in historical sequence.,Text A Writing for Myself15,Text A Writing for Myself,17. image: a picture formed in the mindMany pop stars try to improve their public image by participating in charity events.Through months of letter writing John formed an image of his pen pal.,18. vivid: able to produce sharp clear pictures in the mind; lifelikeIn the little girls vivid imagination the curtain wrapped her body became a princesss gown.The birds were painted in such a vivid way that a cat jumped up to catch them.,Text A Writing for Myself17,Text A Writing for Myself,19. put down: write downWhats the use of password to your computer if you put it down on a piece of paper stuck to the computer screen?The housekeeper put down the daily expenses in a little notebook.,20. violate: act againstSpeeding in downtown areas violates traffic regulations.A country isnt respected if it violates an international agreement.,Text A Writing for Myself19,Text A Writing for Myself,21. compose: write or create (music, poetry, etc.)The presidents speech is really brilliant. Dont you think it was composed by himself or by someone else?John Lennon composed the song Beautiful Boy for his son.,Text A Writing for Myself21,Text A Writing for Myself,22. command: 1) n. order The commander gave the command that all prisoners of war should be well treated. The rebellious army would not obey any command from the president 2) v. give an order to The captain commanded his men to leave the ship immediately. The king commanded that the victory day become a national holiday.(As with the verbs “suggest, order, demand, move, etc.” subjunctive mood is used in a that-clause after command.),Text A Writing for Myself22,Text A Writing for Myself,23. career: a job or profession for which one is trained and which one intends to follow for the whole of ones lifeMy farmer parents have never expected me to make novel writing my career.In her long career as a journalist, Barbara Walters has interviewed famous people from all over the world.,Text A Writing for Myself23,Text A Writing for Myself,Basic Writing Skill Introduction:,A paragraph is like a mini essay; it should be unified, coherent and well developed. A paragraph is unified when all the sentences in the paragraph are focused on one central thought or on a single topic; when the writer wishes it introduce a new thought or topic, he should begin a new paragraph. A paragraph is coherent when it develops naturally and smoothly, and one sentence leads logically to another. There are many ways to develop a paragraph, for example, by process, by cause and effect, by comparison and contrast, etc.,Text A Writing for MyselfBa,Text A Writing for Myself,Paragraphs vary in length. In a short expository essay of about 600 words, the average paragraph may be about 100 words, or between four and eight sentences. Ultimately, the length of the paragraph depends on its topic, its position in the essay and its role in the development of the thesis statement. Paragraphs in books are usually longer than those in newspapers. A long paragraph exposes a complex idea, and a short one makes a major transition, an emphatic statement, or a summary. An experienced writer varies the length of his paragraphs to avoid monotony.,Text A Writing for Myself,Text A Writing for Myself,Coherence of a paragraph is concerned with its form, or its organization. The sentence is a paragraph should be arranged in a clear, logical order, and the transitions should smooth and natural. As a result, the reader finds it easy to follow the writers train of thought and understand what he is talking about. In telling a story or recounting an event, the easiest and clearest way is to describe things in order of time: early things are mentioned before later things, the first thing first and the last thing last. This methodic also called chronological sequencing.,Text A Writing for MyselfCo,Text A Writing for Myself,The End,Text A Writing for MyselfTh,


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