Unit 7Numbers and Omens,-吴洲 陈聪聪 汤文飞,Unit 7Numbers and Omens -,According to the passage, numbers play an important role in Chinese culture. The use of numbers is related to omens.,According to the passage, numb,To appeal for good luck.To chew people out.Numbers are intimately related to the daily life of Chinese.,To appeal for good luck.,Marking the beginning.The meaning of “independent” or “alone”.,ONE,Marking the beginning.ONE,TWO,The meaning of pairs.One plus one,living together.,TWOThe meaning of pairs.,THREE,Standing for “many”.Playing a critical role.,THREEStanding for “many”.,FOUR,A mysterious number.A symbol for the great earth.Not auspicious in Chinese culture.,FOURA mysterious number.,FIVE,Chinese sign little good or bad significance to “five”.Five fortunes: long life, wealth, health, an ethical life, and a peaceful death.Five elements:metal, wood, water, fire and earth.,FIVEChinese sign little good o,SSIX,The largest number on a die(骰子). “66 everything goes smoothly”.,SSIXThe largest number on a di,Seven,Not many people take seven to be a lucky number.“Doing the sevens”(做七).,SevenNot many people take seve,Eight,In Cantonese(广东人), eight and “success” are similar in sound.In Hong Kong, businessmen are especially fond of eight.Lucky in the number of hotel rooms and phone numbers.,EightIn Cantonese(广东人), eight,Nine,Generally referring to a great majority or a large number.Inauspicious to run across nine.,NineGenerally referring to a g,Book of changes(易经),One: tai-ji or great supremeTwo: two ritualsThree:three powersFour:four directionsFive:five pathways,Six :six realmsSeven :seven rules of governmentEight:eight trigramsNine:nine chainsTen:ten depictions,Book of changes(易经)One: tai-ji,Customs about numbers,At weddings, when chinese people give “red envelopes” with gifts of cash, they only send even amounts. If you give odd amounts, people will not be grateful and even criticize you behind your back for failing to understanding basic manners.,Customs about numbers,Some slangs about numbers and omens.,“If the moon has a halo, it will be windy, and a damp plinth foretells rain”. “Fortune comes in pairs”.,Some slangs about numbers and,“Gold bracelets becoming a pair”.“May the five fortunes approach your doors”.“If you want to succeed, dont stray from eight”.,“Gold bracelets becoming a pai,The 1st section: Origins of some omens and numbers in Books of Changes.The 2nd and 3rd sections:Why Chinese people dont like odd numbers but even numbers.,The 1st section: Origins of so,The 4th section:Some sayings and habits about “four” and “five”.The 5th section:People in China are fond of “six” and “eight” .The last section:Any number can be explained as to make it fit.,The 4th section:Some sayings a,Believe it or not, its up to you,Finding a lucky number is just like burning incense to the gods, it can not determine whether you will succeed or not .Number 8 and 6 can not help you with anything.If you want to be successful, you should work hard. You can believe in lucky numbers, but you can not be too serious.,Believe it or not, its up to,Answers,Text 1:BCADB DABCB ADBAD CABCB BADCA BFast reading:CABDB DBBDD DCCBDHome reading:BDADB DAC,AnswersText 1:,Thanks for your attention!,-吴洲 陈聪聪 汤文飞,Thanks for your attention!,