县卫生局长在县人大常委会述职评议会上的表态讲话尊敬的人大常委会主任、各位副主任、各位委员:这次人大常委会对我履行卫生局局长职责进行了客观、公正的述职评议,提出了一些有益的意见和具体的要求,对我再接再厉谋发展、务实苦干创佳绩将起到十分重要的指导和促进作用。我将真诚接受,并在今后的工作切实做到“五个坚持不懈”:一是坚持不懈地勤奋学习,牢固树立终身学习的思想,不断追求新知识、树立新观念、适应新发展,通过学习开阔视野、增长才干,增强工作的洞察力和远见性。二是坚持不懈地求真务实,在工作不怕吃苦,不怕风险,不怕得罪人,不怕碰硬,不搞虚假,不搞形式主义,努力做到讲实话、办实事、重实效。三是坚持不懈地改进工作,用科学的发展观谋划卫生工作,以全新的思路民主决策工作,防止工作的盲目性、随意性和主观性,推动全县卫生事业向前发展。四是坚持不懈地严于律己,坚决做到不失职、渎职,不以权谋私,不贪图享受,不奢侈浪费,坚决地贯彻县委和政府的各项廉政规定,遵守党的纪律,警钟长鸣,约束自己。坚持奉行持重、谨慎、公正、朴实的为人原则,做一个堂堂正正、清清白白的人。五是坚持不懈地接受人大及其常委会的监督,提高依法,Unit2 If you ever go to London, make sure you visit the Science Museum.,县卫生局长在县人大常委会述职评议会上的表态讲话Unit2 I,What kind of museum is it? What are the rules in it?,A natural museum,1. No photos. 2. Please keep quiet in the museum.3. Stay a safe distance from the works of art.4. Move carefully and slowly in the museum.5. Dont touch. Touching can spoil the exhibitions .,What kind of museum is it? A n,science museum,natural museum,Talk about the differences in the two museums,science museum natural museum,Enjoy a vido and tell us what you can learn from it.,science museum,the Science Museum,Enjoy a vido and tell us what,The Science Museum in London,The title,P 2,P3&P4,P 1,Beginning(special features of the ScienceMuseum),Ending(more details about the museum),Body( rooms on different floors ),P 5,The Science Museum in LondonTh,How is the Science Museum different from other museums?,In most museums, there is no shouting and no running, and people mustnt touch anything. But in the Science Museum, its noisy and people touch things and do experiments.,Beginning,How is the Science Museum,The Science Museum is different.,In most museums, there is, and people mustnt . But in the Science Museum, its and people talk about. If you , this is ,Beginning,The Science Museum is dif,What can you learn about in the rooms on the second and third floors?2. Can you give an example about physics and chemistry?3.What allows you to see inside your body?,We can learn about communications and the environment, as well as maths, physics and chemistry.,X-rays .,BodyP1,We can find out how people dig coal from the ground and use it to create energy .,What can you learn about in th,4. Which is the most popular room for visitors? Why?5. What kind of physics experiments can you do at the Launchpad?,The Launchpad . Because people can do physics experiments and find out how people travel into space and back again.,BodyP2,We can fill a bag with sand by controlling a kind of truck on wheels and moving it into the correct place.,4. Which is the most popular r,What can you learn about on the fourth and fifth floors?How will you feel if you compare the medicine of the past with the medicine of today?,We can learn about what medicine was like in the past.,BodyP3,We will feel lucky next time we visit a doctor.,What can you learn about on th,8. What are the business hours for the Science Museum in London?9. How much does it cost to visit the museum?10.What does Tony think of the museum?,Its open daily from 10 am to 6 pm.,Its interesting for people of all ages. People can always find something new and have a wonderful time there. Its his favourite museum in the whole world .,Ending,Its free to enter.,8. What are the business hours,Whats the writers purpose in writing the passage?,To introduce the Science Museum in London and advise people to visit it.,Where does the passage most probably come from?,Perhaps a magazine or a newspaper.,Whats the writers purpose in,Practice reading correctly, loudly and beautifully,Practice reading correctly, lo,The Science Museum in London,Beginning,Body,Ending,welcome to In most museums , but ,1. On the second and third floors, learn about , find out, explain ,My favourite room is , because If fill with , control move Also, find out,3. On the fourth and fifth floors, learn about If compare with,interesting , free , openSo if , make sure ,The Science Museum in London B,museum/ ,Beginning,Body,Ending,2. Which part is your favourite? And why?,1. What can we see or do in it?,3. ,1. What do you think of it?2. ,Whats your favourite?Whats special?,(simple introduction),museum Beginning Body Endi,There are a lot of museums in London, and one of the most popular is the BritishMuseum. Thousands of people visit (1)_ every year. (2)_ they can see lots of interesting things from different times and places. The British Museum is very traditional.Visitors must not make a noise, and (3)_ must not touch anything or take photos.Entry to the museum is free, so people can visit (4)_ as often as they like.,Complete the passage with it , they or there .,it,There,they,it,There are a lot of museums,Learning to learn,When you write, you can usepronouns such as it, he, her, this, there. to avoid repetition. But remember to check whether the reference is clear or not.,Learning to learnWhen you writ,Write a passage about your favourite museum. Pay attention to the words it ,they and there., Complete the Your favourite museum columnin the table in Activity 3. Write a passage. Use the table and Activities 2and 6 to help you. Say: 1. Are there many museums in your town? 2. Which one is your favourite? 3. What is special? 4. What can you see or do there?,Write a passage about your,