小学英语五年级上册(湘鲁版)-Unit-4-Whose-toy-is-this?课件,小学英语五年级上册(湘鲁版)-Unit-4-Whose-to,Warm-up,Free talk,Do you have a toy?Do you have a pen?Do you have ?,Warm-upFree talkDo you have,Presentation,plane,Presentationplane,Presentation,car,Presentationcar,Presentation,teddy bear,Presentationteddy bear,Presentation,ship,Presentationship,Presentation,shoes,dirty shoes,Presentationshoesdirty shoes,Practice,What s missing?,Game 1,PracticeWhat s missing?Gam,Practice,What s missing?,Game 1,ball,plane,ship,car,teddy bear,dirty shoes,PracticeWhat s missing?Gam,Practice,I say you do,Game 2,PracticeI say you doGame 2,Presentation,Its Wang Lis.,Whose fish is this?,Its hers.,= Its Wang Lis fish.,= Its her fish.,PresentationIts Wang Lis.,Presentation,Its Zhou Lins.,Whose turtle is this?,Its his.,= Its Zhou Lins turtle.,= Its his turtle.,PresentationIts Zhou Lins,Presentation,Its Amys.,Whose cat is this?,Its hers.,= Its Amys cat.,= Its her cat.,PresentationIts Amys. Who,Practice,Its _ s.,Whose toy _ is this?,Its his/ hers.,Tom,Lucy,Andy,Lucas,Amy,PracticeIts _ s. Whose,say,Practice,sayPractice,Presentation,1. Whose toy is this?,answer,2. Whose shoes are a little dirty?,3. Is the toy car Andys?,Its Amys. It s hers.,These are Andys. They re his.,Yes, it is.,Presentation1. Whose toy is,Practice,tick and talk.,Practice tick and talk.,Practice,Write and talk,Make a list of six things. Three things should be yours,three should not be yours. Take turns to ask each otherquestions.,PracticeWrite and talkMake a,Let s learn,Presentation,He lost my things yesterday.,lost,(lose的过去式),Let s learnPresentationHe,Let s learn,Presentation,He cant find his thing.,find,Let s learnPresentationHe,Presentation,write and tick,Read and tick the right answers. Write a note for Alice.,Presentation write and tick,Presentation,write and tick,答案,a. Whose eraser is it? (,Practice,Pair work,Write three more things. Take turns to ask each other questions.,PracticePair workWrite three,Practice,Group work,Work in groups of four. Do a survey about your different school things, then ask questions each other.,School things Owners,blue pen Sun Qiang,yellow ruler Liu Ying,PracticeGroup workWork in gr,Presentation,Read and find out their owners.,Wang Lis,Li Weis,Wang Lis,Wang Lis,Wang Lis,Li Weis,Andys,Andys,Whose is this?,PresentationRead and find o,Practice,Its Li Mings.Its his.,Whose pen is this?,失物招领,活动,PracticeIts Li Mings.Whos,Summary,如何询问和回答某物属于某人?, Whose is this?, Its _s.,Summary如何询问和回答某物属于某人? Whose,Thank You,Thank You,感谢聆听,感谢聆听,