Barack Hussein Obama Junior贝拉克侯赛因奥巴马,By Tianna日语1202吴珍华南昌商学院,Contents,Basic Information,Obamas Family,Political Career,Obamas Book,American Dream,Basic Information,Barack Hussein Obama II Birthplace: Honolulu, Hawaii, America Birthdate: Aug 4th,1961 Education:entered Harvard Law School in 1988 Belief: ProtestantsAchievements: chosen as a senator of Illinois in 1996 elected as the 44th President of the United States in 2009; won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009,Obamas Family,Barack Hussein Obama Senior 贝拉克侯赛因奥巴马 Kenya, economist 1936-1982(46),Stanley Ann Dunham斯坦利安邓纳姆Kansas , America 1942-1995 (52)Teacher anthropologist,Mark Obama Desanjo,Ruth 鲁斯,third wifeJewess,马克奥巴马狄善九,George Obama乔治奥巴马,罗罗素托罗,And so on,Lolo Soetoro,the Indonesian stepfather,Obamas Family,First Lady: Michelle Obama,Obamas Family,Michelle La Vaughn Robinson Obama米歇尔拉范恩罗宾森奥巴马,American lawyer and writer,the first African-American First Lady,Chicago, Illinois, U.S.,born January 17, 1964,Met at their law firm, Sidley Austin 1989,first date was to the Spike Lee movie Do the Right Thing.,two daughters, Malia Ann (born 1998) Natasha (known as Sasha, 2001),married in October 1992,Obamas Family,Obamas Family,Natasha Obama娜塔莎奥巴马born 2001,Malia Ann Obama玛丽亚安奥巴马born 1998,Political Career,elected to the Illinois Senate in 1996(参议员),In January 2003, became chairman of the Illinois Senates Health and Human Services Committee(公共卫生服务委员会主席),resigned from the Illinois Senate in November 2004 following his election to the US Senate(联邦参议员),Presidential campaign began in February 2007On November 4,2008, won the presidency to become the first African American to be elected president,Political Career,奥巴马是总统,Obamas Book,Dreams From My Father A Story of Race and Inheritance The Audacity of Hope Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream Of Thee I Sing: A letter to my Daughters,Dreams From My Father,A Story of Race and Inheritance,Memoir biography,First published in 1995,Reissued in 2004,A struggle to understand the forces that shaped him as the son of a black African father and white American motherA struggle that takes him from the American heartland to the ancestral home of his great-aunt in the tiny African village of Alego.,总统奥巴马的身世、成长与梦想,美国政坛有史以来最好看的回忆录Times,我的身世,芝加哥起飞,梦回肯尼亚,父亲留下来的梦想:种族与传统的故事,The Audacity of Hope,keynote address 基调演说,无畏的希望:重申美国梦,A story failures and successes, discrimination and luck, origin and love story, the growth with the struggle, the political passageKeystone to change the peoples livelihood political of America.,Dark horse 黑马,27,7,2004,Democrat 民主党人,Political star 政治明星,Policy 政策,Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream,2006,Of Thee I Sing: A letter to my Daughters,Have you heard of DreamI have ,I haveBut ,No whiten skins,American Dream,to work through their own hard work, courage, creativity and determination to move towards prosperity, rather than rely on specific social classes and other assistance.,belief,as long as the USA after a hard struggle will be able to achieve the ideal of a better life,Thanks for Ur listening,美国本土,Contiguous United States,