美国,我们的故事第九集:萧条-01第十集:二战-18第十一集:超级大国-36第十二集:黄金时代-56美国曾经繁荣 然而此刻却满眼萧条 America boom. But now, it's bust.大萧条席卷全国 The Great Depression explodes across America.社会动荡 民生凋敝 旱情四起 Social upheaval, poverty, drought.考验美国的时刻到了 It's time for America.to fight back.美国精神 也正是在 The American spirit is forged大萧条的烈火中铸就 in the fires of Great Depression.我们是前锋 也是先驱 We are pioneers.and trailblazers.我们为自由而战 We fight for freedom.我们将梦想付诸现实 We transform our dreams into the truth.我们的奋斗将换来一个国家的新生 Our struggles will become a nation. 美国: 我们的故事 第九集 萧条20世纪20年代是美国的繁荣时期 The 1920s is boom time in America.金钱如潮涌来 油井不断开采 Money flows and oil wells explode.农民们挣扎求生 城市却飞速扩张 Though farmers are struggling, cities expand.摩天大楼擎天之势让高攀的股指也望尘莫及 Skyscrapers go higher than the stock market.对汽车和类似好莱坞的 Aspirations run wild for cars近郊豪宅的渴望 急剧膨胀 and suburban housing projects like Hollywoodland.到1929年 By 1929,广告业产值超过了国民教育支出 more money is spent on advertising than on education.所谓消费至上和资本主义 让我们有点飘飘然了 We got a little carried away with consumerism and capitalism珍妮特·沃尔斯 著名作家到头来反受其害 and it bite us in the butt.繁荣的根基 是银行信用体系 The boom is built on credit.1929年 In 1929,美国人用信用卡买了60亿美元的商品 $6 billion of goods are bought on credit,与此同时 80%的美国人却没有丝毫积蓄 but 80% of Americans have no savings at all.有的股票市值高达 Some stocks are valued at其实际价值的50倍 50 times what they're really worth.一个巨大的泡沫即将破灭 A giant bubble just ready to burst.1929年10月 该来的还是来了 By October 1929, the inevitable happens.股票市场3个星期内 The stock market loses 12 times蒸发掉的市值 more money in three weeks,相当于美国政府一年财政开支的12倍还多 than the US government uses in a year.整个国家很可能就此一蹶不振 The entire country could've gone down- 汤姆·布罗考 原NBC新闻主播从经济角度来看 也确实几乎如此 and almost did, from an economic point of view.股市崩溃后整整一年 For a year after the stock-market crash,美国经济徘徊在深渊的边缘 America's economy teeters on the edge of the abyss.1930年12月 December 1930.纽约街头非常平静 The streets of New York are quiet.离1929年股市崩溃已经一年多了 It's been a year since the stock-market crash of 1929,不过只有2%的人口是股民 but only 2% of the population own stocks.其他98%的人生活依旧如常 The other 98% get on with their lives.直到这一天 Until today.这个人即将从根本上 This man is about to shake动摇美国人对银行体系的信心 America's confidence in its banks to its very core.他在一间本地银行存了钱 He's put his money in his local bank.合众国银行 The Bank of United States,几小时后 这家银行将面临倒闭的命运 a bank that has only hours left to exist.他从报上读到了一则质疑该银行稳定性的消息 But a newspaper article questions his bank's stability.4家银行并购提案取消正是从这一刻起 一石激起千层浪 This is the moment that begins a chain reaction整个国家的经济体系变得岌岌可危. that will shake the whole country's economy.我们并不清楚这人姓甚名谁 yet we don't even know the man's name.只知道纽约时报刊载了他的故事 But his story was recorded by "The New York Times."一名布朗克斯区的小商贩 A small merchant in the Bronx来到合众国银行的一家支行 went to a branch of the Bank of United States要求银行职员 and asked bank officials to把他的股票抛售掉 dispose of his stock in the institution.您好 先生 有什么可以为您效劳的 Good day, sir, how may I help you?好的 我想卖掉我在这家银行的股份 Yes, I'd like to withdraw my shares from the bank.再说一遍好吗 先生 I beg your pardon, sir?银行的规章制度此时已是一纸空文 Bank regulations are virtually nonexistent at the time.由于房地产投资失败 Bad real-estate investments mean这家银行只能靠做假帐来勉强维持 the bank has only kept itself afloat by cooking the books.您好 先生 需要我帮忙吗 Good day, sir, how may I be of assistance?我要卖掉我的股份 I'd like to sell my shares.先生 这投资很不错 Well, the stock is a good investment, sir.我建议您不要卖 I would advise against the sale.我要拿回我的钱 I want my money.这家银行最怕的就是客户大规模提现 The last thing the bank needs is to hand out all its cash.最近我们面临的又一次金融危机 We almost witnessed that fairly recently历史惊人地相似 悲剧重演了 and I've seen what can go on, and I've seen travesty.唐纳德·J·特朗普 美国地产大亨显然 他走后散布了一个谣言 He departed and apparently spread a false report,说这家银行拒绝兑现他的股份 that the bank had refused to sell his stock.中午时分 By mid-afternoon,一大批人聚集在银行外面 a considerable crowd had gathered outside the bank,人数估计有两万到两万五 estimated at between 20,000 and 25,000 persons.就在这一天 担忧化为了恐慌 This is the day worry turns to panic.银行会走上股市的老路吗 Would the banks go the same way as the stock market?歇斯底里的情绪像野火一样蔓延着 Hysteria spreads like wildfire.仅这一家支行就被提走了两百万美元 $2 million are withdrawn from this branch alone.即便在银行关门前 Even though all the anxious depositors who所有情绪激动的提款人都顺利领到了钱 asked for their money before closing time were given it.他们还是焦躁不安 the crowd became restless.一小队警察出面控制局势 A squad of police were sent in to control them. 翻译:小坏 remembertoi Jose ww艾 取子小Q 校对:安小七 精校:小坏 Joanna 时间轴:马小样 顾问:小跳 后期:鱼骨头 总监:小坏风波也殃及了其他支行 The trouble spreads to other branches.第二天早上 By the next morning,合众国银行倒闭 the Bank of United States has collapsed.民众对美国银行体系的信心土崩瓦解 Confidence in US banks disintegrates.1930年最后两个月 600家银行倒闭 In the last 60 days of 1930, 600 banks shut.一波又一波银行倒闭狂潮席卷全国 Banks close in wave after wave across the country.1933年 全美有28个州没一家银行营业 By 1933, there are 28 states without a single bank open.与如今不同 Unlike today,当时联邦政府并不为银行担保 the federal government does not bail out the banks.失业人数从1930年的400万 Unemployment goes from 4 million in 1930飙升至1932年的1200万 to 12 million in 1932.每天有1000个家庭流离失所 Every day, 1,000 homes are repossessed.20万名流浪儿无家可归 200,000 vagrant children wander the country.3400万美国人丧失经济来源 34 million Americans have no source of income.大萧条是美国的悲剧 It was an American tragedy, the Depression was, 布莱恩·威廉斯 NBC晚间新闻主播只有美国人自己的智慧才能拯救自己 and it took American ingenuity to lift America out of it.复兴之路从这里开始 The fight back starts here.由政府出资 私人承建的大型工程项目 Vast building projects, publicly funded.privately built.这就是人称"快手"的弗兰克·克罗 This is Frank "Hurry Up" Crowe.他已成功承建6座水坝 按时完工且不超预算 He's already built six dams on time and under budget.现在他把目光投向了更大的目标 And now he has his eye on something even bigger:科罗拉多河 the Colorado River.我十分渴望修建这个大坝 I was wild to build this dam,使之成为最宏伟 无与伦比的大坝 the biggest dam ever built by anyone, anywhere.科罗拉多河是世上 The Colorado River is one of the水流最湍急的河之一 most powerful rivers in the world.从这些峡谷里 每秒钟奔腾而下的水量 Every second, twice as much water相当于尼亚加拉大瀑布水流量的两倍 tears through these canyons than goes over Niagara Falls.弗兰克·克罗的计划是 驾驭这条河 Frank Crowe's plan is to harness it.这条河所蕴含的水和水力发电 The water and hydroelectricity将改变整个西南部 will transform the whole of the Southwest.1931年3月4日 March 4, 1931.联邦政府一声令下 The government gives the go-ahead开始修建胡佛水坝 to build the Hoover Dam.胡佛水坝尚未动工之时 The Hoover Dam, even before they started building it,就被视为一种象征 it became a metaphor,人们视之为美国精神的象征 不屈不挠 people saw it as a statement of the American's fortitude, 詹姆斯·梅格斯 大众机械杂志总编独具匠心 迎难而上 of our ingenuity, of our talent for hard work勇往直前 and for our willingness to改造世界 transform the environment around us.这座水坝的造价 The Hoover Dam will cost相当于今天的10亿美元 nearly $1 billion in today's money.弗兰克·克罗如果能迅速完工 Frank Crowe is offered a 2.5% cut of the dam's profits便可得到水坝盈利的2.5%作为报酬 if he gets the job done quickly.预计要花6年才能建成水坝 It should take 6 years to build,但弗兰克说他只需4年即可完工 but Frank says it can be done in 4.全国各地共有四万两千人 42,000 men come from across the country来这个美国最大的工地找工作 looking for jobs on the biggest construction site in America.弗兰克·克罗收了五千名 Frank Crowe takes 5,000 men最能吃苦耐劳 且干活麻利的 willing to work harder and faster than anyone else.优胜劣汰 The survival of the fittest.人们为了得到工作 不惜一切代价 Men are ready to do anything for work.美国有着一种人定胜天的精神 There's a large cando attitude in the United States鲍勃·鲁兹 前通用汽车公司副总裁几个世纪以来的事实也表明 and it come soon the fact that over the centuries,尽管前路有着许多艰难险阻 there has been a lot of adversity,我们终能凯旋而归 and we have usually triumphed.首先是 成功开发了 First was the triumph of这片辽阔的大陆 developing this whole vast continent,然后又在大平原上铺设了铁路 putting in railroad lines,还建成了所有这些宏大的工程 putting in all the civil engineering to support it,建设胡佛水坝 putting in Hoover Dam.全都是不可思议的巨大挑战 These were all incredible challenges.建成水坝需要两个步骤 There are two stages to building the dam.第一步 让河水改道 绕过工地周围 First, divert the river around the worksite.第二步 建起这座巨堤 Second, build the colossal wall.为了让水流湍急的科罗拉多河改道 To divert the raging Colorado,需要钻透长达3英里的岩石 four massive tunnels are建成4条巨大的隧道 drilled through 3 miles of solid rock.每条隧道的宽度堪比四车道高速公路 Each tunnel is as wide as a four lane highway高度则有5层楼 and is tall as a 5-story building.每秒钟有150万加仑的水 A million and a half gallons of water从这些隧道中奔腾而过 flow through here every second.胡佛水坝是 The Hoover Dam was a statement美国最好的写照 about what America is all about.不惜一切代价 Nothing is too big to take on.我们必将改变这个国家 We are going to change this country.弗兰克·克罗本就分秒必争 If Frank Crow was in a hurry before,现在更是压力倍增 now the pressure is double.无论时间还是资金 Time and money.隧道只能在枯水季节挖掘 The tunnels can only be dug when the river is low.而枯水期每年只有四个月 That's only four months in a year.资金也是个问题 And the money.工程每延期一天 There is a $3,000 fine for every day就要罚款3000美元 the project falls behind the schedule.时间不等人 The clock is ticking.弗兰克的解决之道 一如既往地大胆 Frank's answer is as bold as he is.巨大的移动钻孔机 Gigantic mobile drilling rigs.4层脚手架搭在卡车上面 4 stories of scaffolding mounted on the backs of trucks.多达30名工人 Up to 30 men drill into一天24小时不停地钻 the rock around the clock, 24 hours a day.比通常的钻孔进度快上10倍 They move ten times faster than normal drilling.隧道内温度高至华氏140度60摄氏度 Temperatures hit 140 degrees in the tunnels.弗兰克还是催得更急 Frank just pushes harder.他要求钻孔工人们相互竞争 The drilling crews compete against each other.哪队每天能钻更多 Which will drill the furthest every day?正如钻孔工人马里昂·艾伦所言 As drill man Marion Allen puts it:其实干多干少并不会怎么样 It didn't make any difference what you did,但你必须要比其他人多干 but you had to beat that other crew.卡车排放出致命废气 Deadly fumes pump out of the trucks.这些气体在隧道里聚集 They build up in the tunnel.进入工人们的肺部和血液中 They get into the men's lungs, into their blood.你派几个人把他弄出去 You men, get him out of here.一氧化碳毒倒了数百人 Carbon monoxide poisoning claims hundreds of men.有天晚上我在那干活 I went to work down there one night,队里本来有17个人 and there was 17 men in my crew.第二天早上 The next morning,只剩下我和另外3个了 myself and three others was all that was left.其他的都病倒了 条件非常艰苦 All the rest was taken out sick. It was rough.克罗对工作只有一个要求 Crowe has only one working rule.别给我借口 我要结果 To hell with excuses- get results.但这样急于求成 But the drive to get results quickly将导致致命后果 will have deadly consequences.竭力保住工作的工人 不免忙中出错 Men desperate to keep their jobs make mistakes诸如爆破还没完成 就试图去清理碎石 like trying to clear rubble before the blasting is finished.爆破之后 还需要挖掘清理 You are having to dynamite areas and you have to dig out.埃尔·卡玛里罗 斯坦福大学教授虽然有机器 There's machinery,但仍然要用锄头和铲子去挖 but you're still using a lot of pick and shovel.危险重重 Treacherous work.一名矿工的妻子还记得 A miner's wife remembers有位竭力想保住工作的工人 one worker, desperate to keep his job.每个人都想进隧道里工作 Everybody was trying to work in the tunnels.这个人太急于表现 This man was so anxious to work太快就冲进了隧道中 that he just went into the tunnel too quick.刚把铲子伸进去 一个炸弹延时爆炸了 Just as he put his shovel in, there was a delayed blast.公司称96人在事故中身亡 The company says 96 men died.工人们说其实有好几百人 The workers claim it's hundreds.隧道提前11个月完工 The tunnels are finished 11 months ahead of time.但对于胡佛水坝来说 这只能算是开了个头 But that's just the beginning of the Hoover Dam.最大的困难还在前面 The hardest job is yet to come:建起地球上最大的混凝土建筑 building the biggest concrete structure on earth.弗兰克·克罗大力推进 Frank Crowe is driving ahead the胡佛水坝的建设 building of the Hoover Dam,这是美国前所未有的最大工程项目 the biggest engineering project America has ever seen.他要求快马加鞭 He's driving his men hard.工人们夜以继日地工作 The crews work day and night.一片混凝土的海洋在峡谷中拔地而起 A sea of concrete rises in the canyon,厚度相当于两个足球场并排的长度 as thick as two football fields laid end to end.五千工人 五万台机器和工具 5,000 men, 50,000 machines and tools,当世最杰出的工程师 the best engineers alive,所用原材料足以装满一列1000英里长的火车 enough materials to fill a train 1,000 miles long.这座大坝可谓 This is the 1930s' equivalent20世纪30年代的"登月"计划 of putting a man on the moon.建造大坝要倾倒660万吨混凝土 6.6 million tons of concrete have to be poured.足以铺设一条四英尺宽的人行道 环绕地球一圈 That's enough to lay a 4-foot-wide sidewalk around the earth.如何将如此大量的混凝土 How to pour that much concrete倾倒在特定的地点呢 and get it where it's needed?弗兰克·克罗设计了历史上 Frank Crowe designs the most最为复杂的缆索系统 sophisticated cable system ever built.开底式巨桶 Giant bottom-opening buckets.能将混凝土准确地倒入 They pour the concrete into molds指定地点的模具中 exactly where it is wanted.罗马人早在2000年前就发明了混凝土 Concrete was invented by the Romans 2,000 years ago,但胡佛水坝却是历史上 but the Hoover Dam is the第一座由混凝土建成的大坝 first large concrete dam in history.现如今 几乎所有的水坝均由混凝土建成 Today virtually all dams are made of concrete.混凝土易成形又很坚固 It's malleable and it's strong.是建筑中使用最广泛的材料 It's the world's favorite building material for any structure.时间紧迫 弗兰克需要解决一个重大问题 Frank is up against the clock, and he has a big problem.混凝土凝固过程中会释放热量 The curing concrete generates heat.若这些混凝土一次性持续倾倒 If the dam were constructed in a single, continuous pour,产生的热量足以 it would put out enough heat to bake连续三年每天烘烤50万片面包 half a million loaves of bread every day for three years.更糟的是 这让大坝要过125年才能完全硬化 But worse, the dam would take 125 years to harden.弗兰克·克罗可等不起 Frank Crowe's got no time for that. 布莱恩·威廉斯 NBC晚间新闻主播无路可退 我们终于真正认清自己 Backs against the wall, we figured out who we were.拼尽全力 安然度过了大萧条时期 We worked our way out of that Depression.让混凝土冷却下来的法宝 The secret of cooling the concrete就藏于大坝之内 lies within the dam itself.直径1英寸总长582英里的水管 582 miles of 1-inch pipes自大坝所要制服的科罗拉多河 引来冰冷的河水 carry ice-cold water from the very river the dam is taming. 詹姆斯·梅格斯 大众机械杂志总编那是一次创举 No one had ever thought of this before,这些水管如今依然留在胡佛大坝中 and those pipes are still in the Hoover Dam today.弗兰克·克罗 未辜负其快手之名 Frank "Hurry Up" Crowe lives up to his name.胡佛大坝于1935年9月30日竣工 The Hoover Dam is completed on September 30,1935,提前两年完工 two years ahead of schedule.弗兰克获得了一笔 Frank receives a bonus worth相当于如今400多万美元的巨额奖金 over $4 million in today's money. 汤姆·布罗考 原NBC新闻主播对于那些工人来说 建造了胡佛水坝 For those workers to have built something as monumental如此富有挑战又意义深远的建筑物 and as challenging as Hoover Dam was,实在是建筑史上一次惊人的壮举 it was an astonishing feat of construction让我们相信一切皆有可能 and I think it gave us all a sense of the possible.1936年 胡佛大坝 1936. The Hoover Dam成为世界上最大的 is the largest hydroelectric水力发电设施 power-producing facility in the world.这里共17座发电机 Each of the 17 generators weighs每座的重量都超过4架巨型飞机 more than four jumbo jets.这些发电机可以给像洛杉矶这样 Together, they can supply power to 750,000 people迅速发展的城市里75万人口提供电力 in booming cities like Los Angeles.这座大坝造就了密德湖 The dam creates Lake Mead