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    Poems,选修六Unit one Words Study,重点词汇梳理,1. _ n. 毕业文凭2. _vt. 传达;运送3. _v. 取消;戏弄4. _n. & v. 交换;交流;调换5. _n. 赞助人 vt. 赞助;发起,diploma(注意:diplomat意为: “外交官”),convey,tease,exchange,sponsor,一、重点单词,8. _n. 黑暗;漆黑_adj. 黑暗的,6. _adj. 咸的_n. 盐,salty,salt,pianist,piano,darkness,dark,7. _n. 钢琴家_n. 钢琴,9. _adj. 具体的_ adv. 具体地;详细地,concrete,concretely,10. _adv. 最后;终于(同义词) _ adv. 最后11. _ n. 悲伤;悲痛_adj. 悲伤的;伤心的12. _n. 温暖;暖和_adj. 暖和的;温暖的,eventually,finally,sorrow,sorrowful,warmth,warm,13. _n. 翻译_vt. 翻译_n. 翻译家14. _adj. 灵活的_adv. 灵活地_n. 灵活性15. _ n. 情感;情绪_ adj. 情绪的;情感的;易情绪化的,translation,translate,translator,flexible,flexibly,flexibility,emotion,emotional,16. _ adj. 无穷的;没完没了的_ adv. 不断地;没完没了地,endless,endlessly,17. _v. 转化;转换;改造;变幻_ n. 转化;转换;改革,18. _adj. 矛盾的_ vt. 与矛盾/抵触_ n. 矛盾,transform,transformation,contradictory,contradict,contradiction,19. _adj. 适当的_adv. 适当地(反义词) _adj. 不适当的20. _n. 最低限度;最少量;最小数 adj. 最小的;最低的(反义词) _n. 最大限度;最大量 adj. 最高的;最多的,appropriate,appropriately,inappropriate,minimum,maximum,高频单词思忆1.I like that cotton dress with the flowery (式样). 2.The dog may bite you if you keep (招惹) him. 3.Her writings include (诗歌) and a novel.4.How she wearies me with her (无休止 的) complaints!,pattern,teasing,poetry,endless,5.Her (译文) sticks closely to the original.6.By collective activity,the orphans found friendship and (温暖).7.Her youngest child is at n now.8.The trucks waited at the warehouse to pick up their l . 9.The sun had m the snow. 10.He expressed his s at the news of her death.,translation,warmth,ursery,oads,elted,orrow,11.Its easier to think in c terms rather than in the abstract.12.The book was written in a style a to the age of the children. 13.If it doesnt fit,take it back and the store will e it. 14.It was an event that would t my life. 15.Is there anything in p in todays newspaper?,oncrete,ppropriate,xchange,ransform,articular,16.She found a company to (资助) her through college.17.Colours like red (表达) a sense of energy and strength.18.Dont get upsetI was only (开玩 笑). 19.She hopes to get a job on the national newspaper and (最终) work for The Times.20.You need to be more (灵活) and imaginative in your approach.,sponsor,convey,teasing,eventually,flexible,1. 轻松;不紧张;从容_ 2. 用完_3. 由构成_ 4. 特别;尤其_5. 测试;试验_ 6. 发生;放走_7. 把翻译成 _,take it easy,run out of(=use up),be made up of (=consist of),in particular,try out,let out,translateinto,二、重点短语,8. 融掉;逐渐消失_9. 令我伤心的是_ 10. 作为的交换_11. 把兑换成 _ 12. 大量;许多_13. 童谣_ 14. 有意义;讲得通_,melt away,to my sorrow,in exchange for,exchangefor,a load of,nursery rhymes,make sense,15. 着火;起火_ 16. 在的顶部_17. 在的底部_ 18. 去远足_19. 与分道扬镳/分开_20. 梳理_,on fire,on the top of,at the bottom of,go for a hike,part ways with,comb through,.短语运用1.I have been working so hard for several weeks that I decided to for a few days.2.Little boys often their sisters and make them cry.3.They anxiously the result of the exam.,be awaiting,take it easy,in rhyme,convey to,tease sb.,utter,to ones sorrow,load.with.,be brimful of,be appropriate for,take it easy,tease,were,awaiting,4.Jeans are not a formal party.5.The picture will you some idea of the beauty of the scenery.6.The truck goods broke down on the way.7.She was so moved that her eyes tears.8.The poem should be written .9. ,he wasnt chosen to take part in the sports meet. 10.The first sound a child is usually “ma”.,appropriate for,convey to,loaded with,were brimful,of,in rhyme,To his sorrow,utters,6.We should look at every (aspect) of the problem.7.I can feel the (rhythm) of her pulse beating.8.Most students in Grade Three of senior middle school complain the (end) exams in the second semester.9.After her pet dog died,the little girl was in deep (sorrow). 10.She did not wish to (convey) that they were all at fault.,aspect,rhythm,endless,sorrow,convey,1.Mr.Smith prefers going out for a walk after supper to (stay) at home. 2.Which would you rather (have),tea or coffee?3.The young man would rather lose the job than (help) his boss cheat their customers. 4.If you (be) an artist,what kinds of pictures would you paint?5.Look at the pictures in this unit (include) those in the workbook.,staying,have,help,were,including,三、用所给词的适当形式填空,6.We should look at every (aspect) of the problem.7.I can feel the (rhythm) of her pulse beating.8.Most students in Grade Three of senior middle school complain the (end) exams in the second semester.9.After her pet dog died,the little girl was in deep (sorrow). 10.She did not wish to (convey) that they were all at fault.,aspect,rhythm,endless,sorrow,convey,1. There are various reasons _ people write poetry. 人们写诗是有各种原因的。2. _ strange, they were all true. 虽然奇怪,但它们都是真的。,why,Though,四、优美句子,3. Some poems tell _ story or describe something in a way _ will give the reader a strong _ (impress). _ try to convey certain emotions. 有些诗歌以一种令读者印象深刻的方式讲述故事或描述时间,其他的就试图传达某些情感。,a,that,impression,Others,4. We lay in bed, _ the windows open. 我们躺在床上,窗开着。5. I think you can test that _ asking the question: _ you could educate a six-year-old child. 你们可以通过。问这个问题来验证:你能否教育六岁的孩子。,with,by,if,翻译句子1.不要因为他年轻而戏弄他。(tease)2.年龄改变了她的容貌。(transform)3.我看不懂这封电报的意思。(make sense)4.这道题确实很难做,我们不得不放弃。(work out),Dont tease him because he is young.,Age has transformed her face.,I dont make sense of the telegram.,The problem is really difficult to work out so we have to give it up.,5.大地震后有些大楼仍屹立着。(stay up)6.这位流行歌手很受青年人的喜爱。(be popular with)7.这项训练项目涵盖这份工作的每个方面。 (aspect),Certain buildings stayed up after theterrible earthquake.,The pop singer is popular with the young.,The training programme covers every aspectof the job.,Thank U,


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