帮助康复的病人护理英语,帮助康复的病人护理英语,Discussing a patients progress Helping a patient with meals Explaining safe swallowing Reassuring a patient before an unpleasant procedure Using a Food Chart Telephone skills: making a referral,2,帮助康复的病人护理英语,Discussing a patients progre,1 .What is a stroke?2 .Why is it important to start rehabilitation as soon as possible after a stroke or an injury?3 .What kind of rehabilitation is available in your country for people who have had a stroke?Answers1 .A sudden change in the blood supply to a part of the brain, which can cause a loss of the ability to move particular parts of the body.2 .Because patients can relearn activities of daily living and regain independence, so muscles do not atrophy /trfi/ (be reduced in size and become weaker) and patients do not have contracture /kntrkt/ shortening of the muscle tissue).,Discussing a patients progress,3,帮助康复的病人护理英语,1 .What is a stroke?Discussing,1a Students discuss the questions in pairs.,Answer1. Helping a patient feed herself using modified utensils2 .Occupational Therapist,4,帮助康复的病人护理英语,1a Students discuss the ques,b. Students match the therapists to the definitions.,5,帮助康复的病人护理英语,b. Students match the therapis,c .Students listen to the conversation and answer the questions.,6,帮助康复的病人护理英语,c .Students listen to the conv,帮助康复的病人护理英语培训课件,2 a Students discuss the questions in pairs.,Helping a patient with meals,8,帮助康复的病人护理英语,2 a Students discuss the que,b Students label the pictures.,9,帮助康复的病人护理英语,b Students label the pictures.,c .Students match the beginnings and endings.,e .Students listen to the conversation answer the questions.,10,帮助康复的病人护理英语,c .Students match the beginnin,f.Students listen again and complete the extracts using the phrases in the box.,11,帮助康复的病人护理英语,f.Students listen again and co,Medical focus: safe swallowing,12,帮助康复的病人护理英语,Medical focus: safe swallowing,b.Students listen to the conversation and answer the questions.,13,帮助康复的病人护理英语,b.Students listen to the conve,f .Students listen to the conversation and answer the questions.,14,帮助康复的病人护理英语,f .Students listen to the conv,g.Students complete the extracts using the phrases in the box. They then listen again to check.,15,帮助康复的病人护理英语,g.Students complete the extra,Communication focus: reassuring a patient before an unpleasant procedure,4a Students discuss the questions in pairs.,16,帮助康复的病人护理英语,Communication focus: reassuri,b.Students listen to the conversation and answer the questions.,17,帮助康复的病人护理英语,b.Students listen to the conve,c .Students listen again and circle the correct answers.,18,帮助康复的病人护理英语,c .Students listen again and c,Charting and documentation: Food Chart,19,帮助康复的病人护理英语,Charting and documentation: Fo,b.Students listen to the conversation and complete the questions.,20,帮助康复的病人护理英语,b.Students listen to the conve,Telephone skills: making a referral,21,帮助康复的病人护理英语,Telephone skills: making a ref,b.Students listen to the conversation and answer the questions.,22,帮助康复的病人护理英语,b.Students listen to the conve,c .Students complete the extracts and then listen and check.,23,帮助康复的病人护理英语,c .Students complete the extra,d .Students complete the table using the phrases in the box.,24,帮助康复的病人护理英语,d .Students complete the table,