四川移动3G战略研究 资料来源:mba论文范文四川移动3G战略研究论文题目:文):Research on 3G Strategy of Sichuan Mobile 作 者: 指导教师: 论文题目:(中文) (外文)Research on 3G Strategy of Sichuan Mobile所在院、系、所 : 独 创 性 声 明本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。尽我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写的研究成果,也不包含为获得中国人民大学或其他教育机构的学位或证书所使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献已在论文中作了明确地说明并表示了谢意。 签名: 日期: 关于论文使用授权的说明本人完全了解中国人民大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,即:学校有权保留送交论文的复印件,允许论文被查阅和借阅;学校可以公布论文的全部或部分内容,可以采用影印、缩印或其他复制手段保存论文。签名: 导师签名 日期: 论文题目: ( (英文) Research on 3G Strategy of Sichuan Mobile作摘要我国的移动通信业务从1987年在广州开通第一个蜂窝移动通信系统至今已近二十年,二十年来,移动通信在我国发展非常迅速,据信息产业部公布的统计数据,截止2005年12月,移动电话总数已达到39342.8万户,移动电话普及率达到33%。在业务发展迅猛的同时,移动通信技术也不断发展,以TCAS技术为代表的第一代移动通信技术在经历了14年后(19872001),在全国范围内被关闭,以GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications)和CDMA(Code Division Multiple Access)技术为代表的第二代移动通信技术从1996年起在我国被广泛采用,随着时间的推移,在第二代通信技术上又发展出了短消息、彩信、GPRS等新技术。随着技术的进一步发展,第三代移动通信技术(3G)在国际市场已开始大规模商用,根据我国的通信发展规划,3G已成为我国移动通信技术发展的重要路径。我国的通信营运实行许可证制度,我国第二代移动通信营运只发放了两张营运许可证,分别由中国移动和中国联通获得。根据发展趋势,由于中国由于政府已向国际奥委会承诺北京28届奥运会将提供3G移动通信服务,中国政府很可能在2006年或2007年发放3G牌照。3G牌照的发放和3G技术的应用将会对移动通信产业产生深远的影响,对已经营移动业务而且只经营移动业务的笔者所在的四川移动将产生重大影响,四川移动将面临严峻挑战,同时也面临发展的机遇。本文利用战略分析工具对四川移动的外部和内部环境进行了深入的分析,提出了四川移动在3G时代应该采取的战略建议,主要有以下结论:1、3G已被我国政府确定为我国移动通信发展的主要路径,3G业务将为客户提供速率更快,应用范围更广的业务,将从多层面满足客户需求,将进一步拓展市场空间,同时新技术的采用也将进一步降低营运商的成本。2、3G牌照发放后,市场竞争格局将发生根本性变化,主要表现为:营运商数量将增加,竞争将会更激烈,价值链更长、更复杂,营运商对价值链的掌控难度更大。3、四川移动目前的主要竞争对手是四川联通,潜在竞争对手是四川电信和四川网通,其中四川电信对四川移动的威胁最大,四川移动未来替代品的威胁来自于WIMAX和VOIP。在3G时代,供应商的议价能力将降低,有利于四川移动降低营销成本,但顾客议价能力将增强。4、四川移动的未来市场有着较好的发展前景。一是四川人口众多,人口总数有8700万人;二是移动电话普及率低,仅为22%,低于全国平均水平,更远低于发达国家水平;三是国家西部大开发战略对四川经济发展有明显的促进作用,四川近几年GDP增长高于全国平均水平。5、四川移动目前的内部条件优良。一是业务发展持续快速增长,公司赢利水平较高;二是市场份额高,处于市场主导地位;三是公司员工素质较高,能满足行业发展需要;四是公司有强劲的现金流,保证了未来发展的需要。6、四川移动目前的金牛业务是本地通话、长途和漫游,明星业务是短信和彩铃,客户对数据新业务的需求增长很快预示着3G业务将逐步成为明星业务甚至金牛业务。7、四川移动3G总体战略是基于目标领先的差异化战略,即:保持服务和业务领先,继续保持在通信市场的主导地位。8、四川移动3G网络建设战略是采取统一规划、分期实施,2G、3G协调发展,2G、3G自动切换,充分利用2G资源的战略,既可减少投资,也降低了公司的风险。9、为配合3G整体战略的有效实施,四川移动必须选择合适的3G市场战略:四川移动的3G品牌战略沿用现有品牌体系,不专为3G新设立品牌,可针对3G业务的特征打造1-2个数据业务品牌;四川移动3G的销售渠道仍可沿用现有销售渠道体系,但需要逐步加大自有销售渠道比例以承载3G新业务的销售;四川移动的3G价格宜采取初期定价应不高于2G,并随市场竞争的变化而随时调整的战略;四川移动的3G业务应涵盖所有的2G业务,3G标志性业务(可视电话、手机电视、手机游戏、手机上网、MP3下载)必须推出;四川移动3G手机终端战略应在2G的基础上进行适当调整,增大四川移动在手机价值链中的话语权,使四川移动处于手机终端价值链的核心地位,推出2G/3G双模手机终端和2G/3G双模SIM卡,通过手机终端补贴方式捆绑高价值客户;集团客户是3G时代各通信营运商竞争的焦点,四川移动应通过高速数据业务、信息化整体解决方案等措施捆绑现有集团客户,通过IP、VOIP、高速无线数据业务进攻固定通信业务。本文从四川移动的实际出发,分析了四川移动在3G牌照发放后可能面临的挑战和机遇,对四川移动的战略提出了建议,提出了“3G/2G网络自动切换”,“规划一步到位,建设分期实施”,“增加移动营运商在手机终端价值链中的话语权”等观点,本文中的资料是作者在实际工作中积累、整理、分析并总结得出的,数据真实可信,基于数据得出的相关结论具有较高的指导意义和较强的现实操作性。本文只是深入探讨了四川移动在3G来临时的营运战略问题,对于3G牌照发放可能存在的更多的变数如国家对通信营运商的重组、移动营运商的并购等没有做全面的论述,对外商进入、虚拟营运商的模式也未进行分析和探讨。关键词:四川移动;3G;战略AbstractThe mobile communication service in China has developed for nearly twenty years ever since the first mobile telephone system came into operation in Guangzhou in 1987. During the past twenty years, mobile communication in China witnessed rapid development. According to the statistics promulgated by the Ministry of Information Industry, up till December 2005, mobile telephone users have amounted to 393.428 million, and the diffusion rate has reached 33%. The rapid development of mobile communication in china has attracted worldwide attention. In pace with the rapid development of the service, mobile communication technology has been improving constantly. The first generation mobile communication technology, which is represented by TCAS, ended its operation after serving for 14 years (1987-2001). The second generation mobile communication technology, represented by GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications)and CDMA(Code Division Multiple Access)has come into wide use in China since 1996. With the passage of time, new technologies such as short message, multimedia message and GPRS have come into service, based on the second-generation communication technology.With the further development of technologies, the third generation mobile communication technology (3G) has been put into commercial use on a large scale in the international market. And Chinas mobile communication technology development plan has also attached great importance to the development of 3G. License system is applied in Chinas communication operation. So far only two operation licenses have been issued for the second-generation mobile communication service in China: one to China Mobile and the other to China Unicom. Considering the fact that the Chinese government has promised to provide the 3G service for the 28th Olympic Games in 2008, it is very likely that the 3G license will be granted in 2006 or 2007. The grant of 3G license and the application of the 3G technology will produce far-reaching impact on the mobile communication industry, and will exert a significant influence on the Sichuan Mobile, in which the writer is working. As a company which has engaged itself only in the mobile operation, Sichuan Mobile is in face of great challenges as well as more opportunities.By applying the strategy-analyzing tools, this thesis analyzes Sichuan Mobiles the interior and exterior environment, and proposes the strategies it should take in the 3G age. The main ideas are:1.As Chinas mobile communication technology development plan has attached great importance to the development of 3G, services with higher speed and wider application scope will be provided; the clients needs at various levels will be satisfied; the market will be enlarged; meanwhile, the application of new technologies will lower the operation cost. 2. Fundamental changes will take place in the market of mobile communication service after the grant of 3G license. They are: a number of mobile communication operators will join in the competition for the market; the competition will be more vehement; the value chain will be longer and more complex so that it is more difficult for the operators to control the value chain.3. At present, Sichuan Unicom is the main rival to Sichuan Mobile, while Sichuan Telecom and Sichuan Netcom are potential rivals. Sichuan Telecom is the biggest challenger among them. The menace of the substitute for the technology of Sichuan Mobile is WiMAX and VoIP. In the 3G age, the providers ability of bargaining will recede, which is favorable for Sichuan Mobile to lower the operation cost. However, the clients ability of bargaining will be enhanced.4. There is a bright prospect for Sichuan Mobiles future market development. First, Sichuan has a large population of 87 million. Second, the diffusion rate of mobile phone is only 22%, which is lower than the average in China, let alone the developed countries. Third, Chinas Western Development strategy has been accelerating the economic development of Sichuan province, and the GDP growth of Sichuan province is higher than the countrys average rate in recent years.5. The interior condition of Sichuan Mobile is good. First, the business develops continuously and rapidly and the profit is great. Second, Sichuan Mobile is the market leader, and holds a large market share. Third, the staff in the company is qualified to meet the future development. Forth, Sichuan Mobile has a strong cash flow, which is good guarantee for the companys expansion.6. Sichuan Mobiles present Goldbull Service includes local call, long-distance call and roaming. The Star Service includes short message and multimedia rings. The uplift of clients demand for new data services foretells that gradually the 3G service will become Star Service, even Goldbull Service.7. The overall 3G strategy of Sichuan Mobile is to keep ahead in operation and service, and to keep the leadership in the communication market.8. Sichuan Mobiles 3G network construction strategy is unified planning and phased implementation. 2G and 3G should develop harmoniously and switch automatically. The 2G resources should be made full use of so that the investment can be more efficient and the risk can be reduced.9. In order to execute the overall 3G strategy effectively,Sichuan Mobile should choose the right 3G market strategy. In line with its overall strategy, Sichuan Mobile should continue to use the existing brand rather than make any new one specially for 3G, but one or two brands of data business suitable to the characteristics of 3G services can be created and built. In terms of marketing channel strategy, the present market channels can be carried on, but the proportion of self-owned market channel should be enlarged gradually in order to bear the new 3G services. In terms of price strategy, the initial pricing of 3G should not be higher than that of 2G, and price should be adjusted flexibly according to the market situation. Sichuan Mobiles 3G operations should cover all the 2G business areas, and the representative services (videophone, TV on mobile phone, game on mobile phone, surfing on mobile phone and MP3 download) must be launched. Sichuan Mobiles mobile phone terminal strategy should be modified on the 2G basis, so that Sichuan Mobile should have more say in the mobile phone value chain. Sichuan Mobile should occupy the core position in the mobile phone terminal value chain. The 2G/3G double-mode phone terminal and 2G/3G double-mode SIM card should be launched. Those high-value clients should be won by way of mobile phone terminal allowance. As group clients are the focus of competition in the 3G age, Sichuan Mobile should secure its group patrons by providing them with high-speed data operation and informationalized integral plan, and acquire breakthrough in regular business by way of IP, VOIP and high-speed wireless data operation. This thesis, based on the present situation of Sichuan Mobile, analyzes the possible challenges and opportunities incurred by the grant of 3G license, and makes suggestions for the strategy adjustment. The main ideas include “automatic switch of 3G/2G network”, “planning for once and construction by stages”, “enhancing the mobile operators decision-making power in the mobile phone terminal value chain”, etc. Data in this thesis are gathered, classified, analyzed, and summarized by the author from the daily work, so they are authentic, and the conclusions based on the data are hopefully instructional and practical.It should be noted that this thesis mainly discusses Sichuan Mobiles operation strategies in the age of 3G. Other possible changes brought by the grant of 3G license, such as the reform of communication operators by the government and the mergence of the mobile operators, are not discussed comprehensively. The ingress of foreign business and dummy operators mode are not covered either.Key Words: Sichuan Mobile; 3G; strategy目 录第1章 概论1 1.1选题背景1 1.2研究的意义2 1.3研究方法与框架2第2章 四川移动外部环境分析5 2.1中国电信营运业发展简况5 2.2四川移动竞争环境分析7第3章 四川移动内部条件分析14 3.1移动通信的产业价值链分析14 3.2四川移动发展历程及现状15 3.3四川移动的经营情况18 3.4四川移动的成长矩阵分析20第4章3G移动通信网络的主要特性22 4.1移动通信网络简介22 4.2第三代数字蜂窝移动通信业务(3G)25 4.3 3G与2G移动通信网络的对比26 4.4 3G网络建设投资成本分析26 4.5 国外3G发展情况27第5章 四川移动3G总体战略30 5.1四川移动的SWOT分析30 5.2四川移动的核心理念: 33 5.3四川移动的3G战略34第6章 四川移动3G投资建设战略36 6.1建设总原则36 6.2四川移动3G建设规模分析36 6.3四川移动3G网络覆盖区域分析37 6.4四川移动3G初期建设战略38 6.5 3G、2G网络协调发展39第7章 四川移动3G市场战略40 7.1品牌战略40 7.2价格战略41 7.3业务战略43 7.4 客户发展战略43 7.5 销售渠道战略45 7.6 手机终端战略47 7.7 集团客户战略50第8章 结论52 8.1 全文总结52 8.2 论文创新及不足52参考文献54致 谢5556第一章 概论11选题背景改革开放以来,我国的电信产业发展十分迅速,据信息产业部公布的官方数据,我国电信营运业务收入从1978年到2005年的27年间增长了100倍,电话总数增长了127倍,移动通信更是从无到有,到2005年移动电话的普及率达到了33%,移动通信技术从模拟到了数字。随着移动技术的发展,以3G(3rd Generation)为代表的新一代移动通信技术日臻成熟,截止2005年,3G已在41个国家和地区商用。我国信息产业部在十一五规划中明确指出:“信息产业,要根据数字化、网络化、智能化总体趋势,大力发展集成电路、软件等核心产业,重点培育数字化音视频、新一代移动通信、高性能计算机及网络设备等信息产业群,加强信息资源开发和共享,推进信息技术普及和应用。”规划中所指的“新一代移动通信”即3G已成为我国移动通信技术发展的重要路径,根据电信条例规定,我国的通信营运实行许可证制度,我国第二代移动通信营运只发放了两张营运许可证,即中国移动和中国联通获准经营移动移动通信业务。根据发展趋势,由于中国政府已向国际奥委会承诺北京28届奥运会将提供3G服务,中国政府很可能在2006年或2007年发放3G牌照,中国移动通信集团公司作为国内唯一一家专业经营移动通信的国有通信企业应能得到一张牌照,3G牌照发放后,必将出现多家企业经营移动通信业务的情况,市场竞争格局将发生根本性变化,主要表现为:1、竞争将会更激烈。信息产业部2006年工作会议中指出:“中国3G技术的主要目的,一是解决频率资源短缺,二是降低建设成本,三是优化竞争格局”。因此,中国政府发放3G牌照的其中一个出发点是进一步优化竞争格局,虽然还无法确定3G究竟发几张牌照?发给谁?但肯定会增加移动通信的营运商数量,由目前的中国移动和中国联通两家之间的竞争发展成为多家移动通信营运商的竞争。2、业务范围更宽。3G除了具有2G所有业务功能外,还具备高速数据业务,3G的HSDPA技术,可以使手机的数据通信速率达到2Mb/S,高速数据通信能力给3G手机提供了更加广阔的应用空间:手机上网、手机电视、手机电影、手机游戏、可视电话将成为3G的标志性业务。3、营运成本更低。由于3G采用了最新的CDMA技术,使得频率利用率比2G更高,系统容量比2G更大,因此营运成本会降低。4、价值链更长、更复杂。由于3G移动通信业务的大幅增加,移动通信的价值链将扩展,媒体、广播、电视等将成为移动价值链中的重要环节,虚拟营运商、代理营运商将浮出水面。综合以上因素,3G牌照的发放和3G技术的应用将会对移动通信产业产生深远的影响,对已经营移动业务而且只经营移动业务的笔者所在的四川移动将产生重大影响,四川移动面临严峻的挑战,同时也面临发展的机遇,竞争环境的变化对四川移动提出了新的要求。四川移动是继续沿用2G的战略以不变应万变,还是部署新战略迎接挑战?本文的研究正是基于上述背景展开的。论文以四川移动通信有限责任公司现状为基础,根据战略管理的相关理论以及作者调查研究、收集整理分析的资料,希望对上述问题给出理论和操作上的回答。希望本文的观点能够为四川移动迎接3G挑战提供一些启发,在严峻而现实的挑战面前打造出自己独特的竞争优势。资料来源:1.2研究的意义1、研究的理论意义美国哈佛大学教授迈克尔·波特在其竞争论 迈克尔·波特,高登第、李明轩译,竞争论第4页,北京:中信出版社 2003年版。一书中采用五种力量模型对一个产业的竞争能力进行分析。根据这一理论可以发现, 我国的移动通信企业属于服务型企业, 其基本经营模式是投资建设一个通信网络,通过发展客户使用通信工具而获得收益,它所创造的价值为在有限的市场范围内尽可能抢夺客户,提升市场份额,降低营运成本,提高网络的使用效率从而获取利润。移动通信的营运需要完整的无线通信网络,一个完善的、质量良好的移动通信网络需要覆盖有人活动的所有地方(中国移动的网络甚至覆盖了珠峰),因此移动通信行业是一个高投入的行业,同时又是一个高技术行业,它融合了有线和无线通信技术、计算机技术和信息处理技术。由于移动通信技术更新快,行业也是一个高利润、高风险的行业。移动通信经营几乎在所有的国家都实行许可证制度,在我国,由于历史原因导致真正经营移动通信的只有中国移动和中国联通两家公司,其中中国移动在竞争中处于绝对优势,2005年中国移动营运收入超过2500亿元,利润达到527亿元,中国移动名列世界500强的242位,成为亚洲最大、世界第二的移动通信公司 中国移动有限公司2005年年报。3G牌照即将发放,根据信息产业部关于中国3G的意见,“中国3G技术的主要目的,一是解决频率资源短缺,二是降低建设成本,三是优化竞争格局”,因此伴随着3G牌照的发放,必然增加移动通信营运商数量,多则5家,少则3家,中国移动、四川移动将面临严峻的挑战。本文通过对四川移动内外环境的分析,根据相关理论,提出优势企业面对技术变革、竞争变化应该采取的战略,对传统的应对技术变革的结构理论作了一些有益的补充。2研究的现实意义随着通信技术与计算机技术、信息处理技术的融合,通信技术的发展日新月异,面对技术革命给企业带来的冲击和机遇,既有GSM成功替代TACS的成功案例,也有中国联通CDMA及铱星失败的教训,在很多人看来,3G充满机遇,充满诱惑,是一块大得不能再大的蛋糕,但也有学者认为3G是鸡肋,有技术无市场,中国的3G必死无疑。本文立足于国内及四川通信行业现状,针对技术变革的突出问题进行认真的思考,在案例研究的基础上,通过细致、系统的分析,试图提出传统通信企业面对技术变革带来的冲击时探索和应对变革的措施和办法。13研究方法及框架1、研究方法本文运用公司战略管理理论和分析工具,通过比较研究和案例分析