雅思口语5分到7分究竟有啥区别 雅思口语5分到7分究竟有啥区别?今天给大家带来雅思口语5分到7分究的区别,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思口语5分到7分究竟有啥区别dreamy house考官:Whats your dreamy house?5分不要问我为什么,这样的模版考官都会背:My dreamy house is a villa which (is located/situated) on the seaside. It should be big and comfortable.从前,一个小伙伴考口语,背模版卡到一半,考官帮他把剩下的内容背完了背完了背完了 6分大概长这样,落到5.5的这半分差距可能视你的流畅度、准确度和考官的心情而定:Ive been thinking about building a dreamy house, a villa by myself since I was young.It should beat the edge of tropical beaches surrounded by palm trees and blue oceans.In the front, there could be an open-air swimming pool, and at the backyard, some well-equipped barbecue facilities are also a requisite in case we throw a party.6.5分的同学请在此加上一些细节,比如:When it comes to the villa itself, my chief aim was to create somewhere that as environmentally-friendly as possible, so everything, from the furniture to the dcor, is designed to be made of recycled woods and materials.有没有发现秘诀?就是稍高级的短语和句式。OK,如何就以上版本再加强呢?还是短语+句式7+ 的同学看过来:It should be at the edge of some tropical beaches surrounded by palm trees and idyllic blue oceans.In the front, there could be a big salt-water pool with retractable glass roof that I may enjoy the open-air experience even on cold days. Well-equipped barbecue facilities at the backyard are also a requisite in case we throw a party.When it comes to the villa itself, my chief aim was to有没有发现,如果能精准的补充一些句子细节,结合一点高级的词汇,你的口语答案就可以很棒呢以下是雅思口语复习攻略勇敢的少年啊,要向7分奔跑!KEEP TALKING如何练习雅思口语技能01:语言素材的输入Speaking 是一项妥妥的输出技能,而输出技能的前提,就是大量合适的语言材料输入。所谓合适的语言材料就是 comprehensible input,就是练习时输入的材料的水平自己一定要看的懂啊。大概一篇材料的生词量要控制在20%以下,如果你看一页200个单词要手动查120个左右,那就失去了输入自己可用素材的意义啊.这种语言素材的输入,很重要的是积累。一开始的时候要积攒一定的量,就是先泛读,泛听,不要太纠结某一个词没听懂,或者某一个单词不认识。慢慢见得多了,根据语境也能认个大概,这也是为什么材料中的生词量要控制在20%左右。之后再精读精听,这时候要有意识地去关注“这个词是怎么用的”、“这个句型的精妙在哪”、“作者是如何表达想法的”等等,这个过程中把这些记录下来,时常复习巩固,直到它成为你脑子里的一个 natural response。例如“smile from ear to ear”形容人笑得很灿烂”、“arm myself from teeth to toes”形容全副武装”这些表达都不是天上掉下来本来就会的呀,都是要一点点量的积累加运用。雅思口语技能02:复述/表述第一,可以练习把一个单词或者一句话用其它的意思表述出来。比如原句是 “I can only see the arms waving in the air”,你可以练习着表述为“The people were angry and they were waving their arms to protest”。这样的话,这个过程可逆,下次再想表达很生气就可以使用“arms were waving in the air”。第二,看一篇英语(精品课)*,试着去记忆*内容,之后用自己的话去吧整篇*的内容复述出来,但是千万不要被原句,可以像给别人讲故事一样讲出来。从简单的*开始练习,慢慢再过渡到比较难一点的材料复述*的方法可以有:先说开头后说结尾、先说中间后说两头,长话短说、短话长说?总之,为了防止枯燥无聊,烤鸭们也可以自己发明一些雅思口语技能03:自言自语这个方法说白了就是叨逼叨,走在路上自己和自己聊天,像精分一样,但是这个方法还是提高挺快。比如你可以把自己分裂成两个人,假装两个人在对话聊天,可以聊天气、最近发生的事儿、电影、八卦等等。随着话题宽度的扩展,可以模拟很多很多不同的情景,在这个过程中可以模拟到很多雅思口语考试会涉及到的 topic。其中一个关键点就是不要停下来,逼着自己持续思考一直 bibi,不要冷场。KEEP TALKING说的技巧雅思口语技能04:be more specific要在说话的时候做到不卡壳,主要是你得有的说,也就是能把一句话说成一段话,那么如何把一句话扩充为一段话呢?自然就是要说的更具体更有细节,在你说完一句话之后,可以多补充几句来形容或描述或补充这句话,这样你说的内容就以下充实了起来。分享一个知乎大神的例子:请描述一个你最喜欢的城市:普通版: The city is beautiful."Keep talking"版:This is a captivating holiday destination. There are gorgeous beaches, coastal villages, unspoilt coves and bays, clear turquoise waters, breathtaking scenery, mountains that appear to rise out of the sea, cities that sparkle with life, and of course the brilliant sunshine.雅思口语技能05:发散思维/灵活转化在雅思考试的时候,最重要的就是要发散思维,灵活运用自己准备过得材料,不要太死板,很多材料都是可以万能套的,就像我们高考(精品课)时候的语文作文一样,一篇*可以套进n个题目下面来写。这里和大家分享一个烤鸭的亲身经历,给大家一些启发我上一次考雅思是我在英国呆了一年的 boarding school 之后在广州考的。口语的问题是,讲一件你做过的感兴趣的事情,我就想起了在英国学校做的实验,大概就是研究海藻的光合作用速率跟光照的关系。反正我也写了实验报告,就照着实验报告给他把所有的步骤、原理、注意事项都讲了一遍,各种专业名词.什么叶绿体啊、叶绿素啊.最后那考官看着我一副不明觉厉的眼神,口语8.5分轻易到手我就是永远一个原则,讲我知道的,说我会说的。这个话题可以轻易来对付其他的话题:你最喜欢的植物:海藻,我拿它做实验.你最喜欢的一个旧物:海藻实验用的烧杯,有几十年的历史,有谁谁谁用过.你做过的最有意义的事情:海藻实验,帮助控制海藻泛滥.雅思口语Part3话题答案:decision1. What do you think are the most important decisions that people make in their lives?Well, off the top of my head, I guess it would be decisions like who you want to marry and spend your life with, how many children to have, and what kind of job to pursue, because these are things which will have a huge effect on your whole life.off the top of my head = 不经考虑的话2. What skills are necessary when making decisions?Im honestly not that sure, because I mean, when I make decisions, Im not really thinking about what skills Im using, I just kind of make them, if you know what I mean! But I suppose one skill thats sort of necessary in making decisions is analytical skills, because this will help you weigh up each choice you face, and therefore guide you in making a good decision. And as well as this, I think that having the ability to make decisions quickly without pondering too much is also necessary, because we often have to make decisions without full knowledge of something.Im honestly not that sure = 我实在不太清楚weigh up = assess 估量ponder =斟酌3. How can people improve their decision-making skills?If truth be told, Im not the best person to ask, because Im not that good at making decisions, but I suppose one thing people could do would be to trust their gut instinct more. And by that I mean attach more importance to how they are feeling deep down, because I think our mind has a kind of sixth sense in knowing what the right thing to do is.gut instinct = 直觉 (gut feeling, intuition)And by that I mean = in other words / so what I mean is, 也就是说attach more importance to = 更重视4. Do you think that parents should make important decisions for their children?On the whole, Id say they shouldnt, no, because what parents think is best for their children isnt always necessarily the best thing. So as far as Im concerned, I think wherever possible, parents should let their children make their own decisions, because after all, its their childs life, not theirs. And even if the child doesnt make a good decision, they will still end up learning from it.On the whole = 总的来说wherever possible = 在可能的情况下,只要有可能because after all = 因为毕竟end up = 最终5. How can older people help young people make their own decisions wisely?Thats a good question, and thinking about it, Id say probably the main thing they can do is to help younger people understand what the most important things to take into consideration are, before they make a decision. You know, older people have experienced more in life, and so theyre generally more aware of whats important and what things should be prioritized. So I think theres a lot that young people can learn from them.Prioritize - 按重要性排列雅思口语Part3话题答案:famous person youre interested in1. How do people become famous?Well I suppose people mainly become famous from being successful in what they do. For example, if you think of all the most famous film stars, pop stars and sports stars around the world, then I think its true to say that they are all incredibly good at what they do, and thats really the main thing that led to them becoming famous.I think its true to say that 我觉得可以说2. What types of people become famous in your country?Its really kind of hard to generalize, because Id say all kinds of people nowadays can become famous. For example, on one end of the scale, youve got people who are super talented and work extremely hard, and then on the other end of the scale, there are people who just do something unusual, you know, a bit out of the ordinary, and end up becoming famous because of it. And there are plenty of examples of such people here in China!Its hard to generalize 很难概括On one end of the scale,and on the other end of the scale = 在一边, 然后在另一边End up becoming = 最终成为、最终变得3. Are there any differences between the people who were famous in the past, and the people who are famous today?Thats an interesting question, and to tell the truth, Im not really all that sure. But thinking about it, I guess there might be a few differences. I mean, nowadays its relatively easier to become famous because of the Internet, which gives everyone the possibility of gaining exposure to a large number of people. So because of this, Id say that nowadays there are a lot of people with normal backgrounds who have been able to become famous, whereas in the past, I imagine this wasnt so much the case, and that most people who became famous several decades ago probably received more professional training.exposure (here refers to publicity 宣传)In the past this wasnt so much the case = it wasnt really like this 以前不太这样子4. What are the good points about being famous?Well first of all, I imagine if youre famous, youre probably welcomed by people everywhere you go, which Im sure must be nice to experience! So thats one thing, and I guess another advantage of being famous is that you get a lot of companies sending you free stuff, like clothes and bags, in the hope that other people will see you with their product and then go and buy it themselves. And I remember once reading an interview with Will Smith, the actor, who said that he hardly needs to buy anything nowadays, because he gets most things for free!5. Are there any disadvantages to being famous?Yeah Id say there are. And the most obvious one would be a lack of privacy. Because as Im sure you know, most celebrities get followed around everywhere by the paparazzi, even on holiday, which Im sure they must get sick and tired of.So this would be one disadvantage, and I guess another would be that it might be quite difficult to tell who your real friends are, because its very likely that a lot of people might want to be your friend purely because of your fame. And I guess thats the reason why most celebrities mainly hang out and mingle with other celebrities.The paparazzi = 狗仔队Get sick and tired of = 对感到十分厌烦Difficult to tell = 很难看得出Mingle = 交际6. Do you think famous people have much influence on young people?Yeah I suppose they do. Because I mean, young people tend to look up to the celebrities they admire, and find inspiration from them. For example, when I listen to sports players being interviewed, a lot them will talk about a past champion who was their hero and gave them the inspiration to succeed. And I think this is also the case with other famous people, like pop stars and film stars.this is also the case with = 也是这样的雅思口语part1范文:Handwriting1.Do you like handwriting or typewriting?I prefer handwriting coz its much more personal and it feels a lot nicer receiving a handwritten letter than it does getting an email.2.What are the advantages of handwriting?Well,typewriting is quite popular nowadays,so it seems that handwriting is more valuable.Besides,handwriting can help us remember the spelling of words as well.3.Do you think typewriting will replace hand writing in the future ?Yes.I think computers will cause the art of handwriting,letter writing,etc.to become a thing of the past. People are too lazy to pick up a pen these days,it seems like a lot of kiddies can type faster than they can write.雅思口语5分到7分究竟有啥区别