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    雅思口语话题Part2范文精选分享 今天和大家分享一下雅思口语话题Part2范文,范文仅作参考,唯一的王道在于你的开口练习,攒足了勇气值,攒足了训练量,口语必高分。,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思口语话题Part2范文: a time you saw lots of people were smilingYou should say:When did you see theWhere did you see themWho you were withWhy people were smiling参考范文:This topic reminds me of the time we took class pictures on graduation day.Actually, we all had mixed feelings,on the one hand, we were pretty psyched about graduating from university and getting a diploma.on the other hand, we also felt a little bit sad cause we had to say goodbye to all the classmates who have spent the last four years with each other.However, when we took the picture, we still didnt forget to be funny. I mean, we made faces and posed hilariously to the camera despite the photographers objection. He was so pissed off.In the end, he couldnt stand us anymore, and shouted, couldnt you guys act like normal people and just smile to the camera?After we were done having fun, we thought, maybe we should listen to the photographer and take a decent picture together.So we stood still, and said cheese when he clicked the shutter.After we got the picture, we were surprised to see that everybody looked great in the picture, I mean, we all had a sweet smile on our face, looking energetic and hopeful.I framed the picture and put it on my bookshelf. It would bring back memories from my college years.Every time I saw those smiling faces I would recall all the precious moments we had together during those four years, and I just couldnt help cracking a smile.Part3相关问题? Why do people smile? Is it true that women smile more than men? Why? Should everyone express their true feeling? Why do people smile when they take photos? Will you smile to strangers? When do people smile? What s the difference between fake smile and true smile? Do you think people should control their moods?雅思口语话题Part2范文: an interesting conversation with a strangerYou should say:Who the person isWhat you talked aboutWhat kind of person he/she isWhy the conversation was interesting参考范文:Id like to talk about an interesting conversation I had with a stranger while I was on a flight from Dallas to Buenos Aires, Argentina, about two years ago.If I remember correctly, he was an American backpacker and wanted to travel around Argentina on his own. Since I had lived in Argentina for more than 10 years, I guess I was the ideal person to give him suggestions for his trip.At the beginning of the conversation, he thought I was also a tourist (because of my Asian looks) so he wanted to share and exchange trip ideas with me. But once I told him who I really was, I was the one making most of the talking. I remember he was a really nice guy and very very adventurous. He basically wanted to try everything and make the most of his trip, thats why he was very willing to listen to me and take notes of my suggestions on some secret spots around the city as well as popular tourist attractions in different provinces. I also wrote down for him the names of some traditional foods that he must try as part of the experience.I found the conversation really interesting because it was hard for me to believe that a person could have such courage to travel by himself to a country he had never been to. It was also quite difficult to imagine how he could survive with his broken Spanish! But well, I guess that is what a backpacker is supposed to be.All in all, although we havent kept in touch since that conversation, I really hope he had a good time in Argentina!Part3相关问题What are the advantages and disadvantages of communicating face to face and via internet?Why some people like to communicate via internet?Why do people like talking with others?Do you think women are more likely to talk about others?雅思口语库话题Part2范文:An activity you do to keep fitYou should say:What the activity isWhen and where you usually do ithow you do itand explain why it can keep you fit示例范文:单车骑行Im an outgoing person so that I like keeping myself busy even if Im not working. Riding my bicycle in my spare time is my favorite activity. Last year, I moved to Xiamen. It is a city famous for cycling friendly. So I bought the bike, and from then on I formed the habit of cycling. At first, I cycled to work everyday, gradually, I started cycling for fungoing through some parks and down by the riverside. Not until I joined the Cycling Club did I have the different experience of cycling. It is a club gathering a group of people who have common interests in cycling. They often get about on the weekends. So I joined in and became a member of them. Sometime we planned a long journey. Normally, we just go on a short trip about 20 miles to enjoy the day. Cycling does enrich my life. Most importantly, it is an efficient way to keep fit. Now, there is no need for me to do the exercise in the gym regularly. Cycling can help me shape the body. Now, I am healthy physically and mentally.What do people usually talk about?Do you think it s important to share your problems with others? Why? Which do your think its better for communication, face to face or make a phone call?雅思口语库话题Part2范文:good decision made by the people around youDescribe a good decision made by the people around you1. Who made it?2. Why did she/he made this decision?3. What happened after this decision?4. Why you think it is a good decision.雅思口语话题Part2范文精选分享


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