,希望英语 (第二版) 综合教程 1,Unit 4 Advertising,希望英语 (第二版) 综合教程 2,外语教学与研究出版社,希望英语(第二版)综合教程 2 Unit 4 Advertising,Speaking,Task 1,Task 2,Task 3,Look at the pictures on Page 50 and list words or phrases about them. Then share your work with others.,Speaking Task 1,Suggested Words:commercialpersuade various shopping decisioneffect poster influence attractive advertisement,Use the following sentence patterns and the words or phrases from Task 1 to talk about the pictures on page 50.A. Of all, I likebest.B. The reason is that,Speaking Task 2,Sample Sentences:Of all these advertisements, I like the one on BMW the best.The reason is that it is simple and easy to remember.,Work in pairs. Take turns asking your partner the following questions and make notes. Organize your notes and report to the class using the given paragraph as a model.What types of advertisements do you often see or hear?What do you feel about TV advertisements that cut your favorite movie into pieces?How do you view the relationship between advertising and your life?,Speaking Task 3,Model ReportTina is fond of all kinds of advertisements, particularly TV commercials. For well-made ads, she enjoys the clever use of words, pictures and music. For those that usually make people change channels, she makes fun of them and then points out how to improve them. Her great interest in advertisements makes people believe that she is going to take up advertising as her future job. But she says she is simply trying to accept advertising as something that we cannot escape from in our life.,Reading A,Task 2,Task 3,Task 1,Text,New Words and Expressions,Task 4,Task 6,Task 7,Task 8,Task 5,Reading A Task 1,Give brief answers to the following questions. Then ask your partner about his/her answers and take notes.1.What are some of the popular media of advertising today?,Suggested Answers:Some of the popular media of advertising today include television, newspapers, radio, the Internet, an outdoor display, handouts, catalogues, etc.,Reading A Task 1,2.Can you list some widely advertised products and brand names ?,Suggested Answers:Products:medicines, household appliances, cosmetics, automobiles, food, wines, body-building gadgets, personal hygiene products, etc.Brand names: Chinese: Haier, TCL, Konka, Dynasty, etc.Foreign: Colgate, Wrigley, Coca Cola, Pepsi, Sony, Panasonic, KFC, Kodak, etc.,Reading A Task 2 Text,AdvertisingOne of the first known methods of advertising was an outdoor display, usually an eye-catching sign painted on the wall of a building. Researchers have discovered many such signs, for example, in the ruins of ancient Rome and Pompeii. An outdoor advertisement found in Rome offers property for rent, and one found painted on a wall in Pompeii calls the attention of travelers to a hotel in another town.,1,Reading A Task 2 Text,In the Middle Ages a simple but effective form of advertising was very popular. Tradespeople paid so-called “town criers” who shouted the praises of the merchants goods. Printed advertising played no big role until the invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg in 1445. Now the printers and later the merchants used little handouts to advertise their products. These handouts often contained special symbols of the tradespeople and were also used as posters on walls. This form of advertisement lasted for a very long time.,2,Reading A Task 2 Text,In terms of volume and technique, advertising made its greatest early advances in the United States of America. In the early times, the nation was underdeveloped and lacked long-distance transportation and communication systems. Thats why advertising across the country was not practical. But clever manufacturers had the idea of reaching the consumer directly through catalogs. So the first American mail-order houses appeared in the early 1870s.,3,Reading A Task 2 Text,In the 1880s a new age of advertising began. New methods of manufacturing led to greatly increased output and decreased the costs for the producers of consumer goods. The products now could be packaged at the plant. Moreover, the telegraph network was in place and the continent had been crisscrossed by a network of railroads.,4,Reading A Task 2 Text,The most widely advertised consumer products at this time had been patent medicines. In 1893 more than half of over a hundred firms spending more than fifty thousand dollars annually on advertising were patent medicine manufacturers.,5,Reading A Task 2 Text,But only 20 years later, most of these firms were not patent medicine manufacturers any more but manufacturers of food, soap, cosmetics and automobiles. These firms began to market their packaged goods under brand names. Some of the first brands were Colgate, Wrigley and Coca Cola. Previously such everyday household products like milk, sugar, soap, rice and candles had been sold in neighborhood shops from bulk packages.,6,Reading A Task 2 Text,In the 1920s advertisers and their agents had come to realize the radios possibilities. With its appealing programs, radio could convey their message directly to the consumer who would not need to buy a newspaper or even need to be able to read.,7,Reading A Task 2 Text,In the 1950s came television which developed fast to be one of the most popular advertising media. Now advertisers could show the use of their products and present well-known people to praise them.,8,Reading A Task 2 Text,Today advertisers spend millions of dollars for their campaigns, although they dont always know how effective their advertising dollars really are. Frank Woolworth once said: “I know that half of my advertising budget is wasted. The problem is that I dont know which half.”,9,Reading A Task 2 Text,广 告 最早为人所知的广告方式之一是户外展示,通常是绘在建筑物墙上引人注目的广告标识。例如,研究人员已经在罗马古城和庞培古城的废墟中发现了许多这样的标识。他们在罗马古城发现了一则房屋出租的户外广告;在庞培古城发现了画在墙上的一幅广告,向游客推荐另一小镇上的一家旅馆。,Text,Reading A Task 2 Text,在中世纪,一种简单而有效的广告形式十分流行。商人雇用所谓的“公告传报员”大声赞美他们的产品。直到1445年约翰尼斯谷登堡发明了印刷机,印刷广告才开始发挥重要作用。这时的印刷商和随后的商人开始使用小传单来宣传他们的产品。这些传单通常印有商人的特殊标记,并且也可以作为海报贴在墙上。这种广告形式延续了很长一段时间。,Text,Reading A Task 2 Text,就规模和技术而言,广告业是在美国取得了初期大发展的。早期的美国并不发达,缺乏长途运输和通信系统,因而在全国范围内做广告行不通。但聪明的生产商想出了通过产品目录册直接与消费者建立联系的方式。这样,在19世纪70年代初美国出现了第一批邮购商号。,Text,Reading A Task 2 Text,19世纪80年代,广告业的新时代开始了。新的生产方式使产量大幅增长并降低了消费品生产商的成本。现在产品可以在工厂里进行包装了。此外,电报网已经投入使用,铁路网也遍布北美大陆。,Text,Reading A Task 2 Text,在这个时期广告宣传最多的消费产品是成药。1893年,在年广告费用超过5万美元的一百余家企业中,有半数以上都是成药生产商。,Text,Reading A Task 2 Text,但仅过了20年,在广告大户中占多数的已不再是成药生产商,而是食品、肥皂、化妆品和汽车生产商。这些企业开始使用品牌来推销其带包装的产品。最早的品牌有高露洁、箭牌和可口可乐。此前牛奶、糖、肥皂、大米和蜡烛等家庭日用品只是以散装形式在居住区附近的商店零售。,Text,Reading A Task 2 Text,20世纪20年代,广告客户和他们的代理商逐渐意识到可以通过电台做广告。通过精彩的节目,电台可以将广告客户的产品信息直接传递给消费者。消费者不需要买报纸,甚至不需要识字。,Text,Reading A Task 2 Text,20世纪50年代出现了电视,它很快发展成为最受欢迎的广告媒体之一。广告客户可以展示如何使用他们的产品,还可以邀请名人来做宣传。,Text,Reading A Task 2 Text,现在广告客户花费成百上千万美元做宣传,尽管他们有时并不知道花这么多钱到底效果如何。弗兰克伍尔沃思曾经说过: “我知道一半的广告预算都被浪费了。 问题是我不知道是哪一半。”,Text,Reading A Task 2 Language Points,n. show or exhibite.g.The foods were on display in the shop window.Translation:她的绘画正在艺术画廊展出。 Her paintings are on display at the art gallery.,display,Text,Paragraph 1,Reading A Task 2 Language Points,a. striking and easily noticeable, esp. because it is pleasant to look ate.g. The old man is wearing an eye-catching suit.Translation:在大城市,你会看到许多引人注目的招贴广告。 In big cities you can see many eye-catching posters.,eye-catching,Text,Reading A Task 2 Language Points,n. remains (of a building or buildings)e.g.We picked our way through the ruins of the bombed building.Translation: 那座古堡现已成为一片瓦砾。 The old castle stands in ruins.,ruins,Text,Reading A Task 2 Language Points,The period in European history between about 1100 AD and 1500 AD (or sometimes, in a wider sense, between 500 AD and 1500 AD),the Middle Ages,Text,Paragraph 2,Reading A Task 2 Language Points,n. words that praise someone or somethinge.g.Tom is loud in his praises of his new car.Translation: 王婆卖瓜,自卖自夸。 Every peddler praises his own needles.,praises,Text,Reading A Task 2 Language Points,n. function or importance of somebody/ somethinge.g. The local priest played a leading role in settling the dispute.Translation: 在教学活动中,教师充当导演角色和演员的角色。In teaching activity, a teacher acts roles of director and actor.,role,Text,Reading A Task 2 Language Points,n. forward movement; progresse.g. Science had made great advances in the last fifty years.Translation: 他的学习成绩最近有很大的进步。 He has made great advances in his study lately.,advance,Text,Paragraph 3,Reading A Task 2 Language Points,A method of buying and selling in which the buyer chooses goods at home and orders them from a company which sends them by poste.g. The toys are available by mail order from Opi Toys. Translation: 在西方,人们常常邮购商品,这可以节省许多时间。In the West, people often buy goods by mail order, which can save a lot of time.,mail order,Text,Reading A Task 2 Language Points,business firms dealing in mail-order goods,mail-order houses,Text,Reading A Task 2 Language Points,in existence and ready to be usede.g. The new regulations are now in place.Translation: 你要将房间的东西各归其位。 You should put everything in your room in its place.,in place,Text,Paragraph 4,Reading A Task 2 Language Points,v. to mark with a pattern of crossing linese.g. Train tracks crisscross the country.Translation: 四线干道纵横交叉布于全国。 Four-lane highways crisscross the country.,crisscross,Text,Reading A Task 2 Language Points,v. to persuade people to buy, esp. by using skills of advertisinge.g. If the book is properly marketed, it should sell very well.Translation: 这个产品在每个欧洲国家都有销售。This product is being marketed in all European countries.,market,Text,Paragraph 6,Reading A Task 2 Language Points,n. person who acts for, or who manages the business affairs of otherse.g. Our agent in Rome deals with all our Italian business. Translation: 一般情况下,我们给代理商百分之一的佣金。 Usually a 1% commission is given to our agent.,agent,Text,Paragraph 7,Reading A Task 2 Language Points,to begin to do something as a result of time or experiencee.g. In time you may come to like it here.Translation: 细想一下,他的话有些道理。 Come to think of it, there is some truth in what he said.,come to (do something),Text,Reading A Task 2 Language Points,to make (ideas, feelings, etc.) known to another persone.g. I want to convey to children that reading is one of lifes greatest treats. Translation: 请转达我对你家人的慰问。 Please convey my sympathy to your family.,convey something to (to somebody),Text,Reading A Task 3,Read the passage again and fill in the following table.,Outdoor displays were used,“Town criers” were paid to shout the praises of the merchants goods.,Printed advertising started to play a big role. Handouts were used.,Reading A Task 3,The first American mail-order houses appeared so that manufacturers could reach the consumer directly through catalogs.,many manufacturers began to advertise their products.,Firms began to market their packaged goods under brand names.,Reading A Task 3,Films began to market their packaged goods under brand names.,Radio was used for advertising.,Television appeared and developed fast to be one of the most popular advertising media.,Reading A Task 4,Fill in the blanks with words or phrases from the reading on Page 53 according to the meaning in the column on the right. The first letters are already given. Then compare with your partner.,belonging to times long agohave or hold something within itselfoffer something for saletake or carry from one place to another very noticeable, attractivecause something to become smaller or fewerwrap up something in paper or put in a boxproducing the desired resultkept and used in a houseworking or able to be used,a_ c_m_c_e_d_p_e_h_i_ p_,ncient ontain arket onvey ye-catching ecrease ackage ffective ouseholdn lace,Reading A Task 5,Complete the following sentences with words or phrases from Task 4. Change word forms if necessary.1. Their products are always attractively _ and, as a result, sell very well.2. Nowadays many people believe that _ Rome and Greece are important sources of learning. 3. His efforts to improve the living conditions of the local people have been very _. 4. This sheet _ a list of questions a patient might ask a doctor. 5. During the economic crisis, the company had to _ the number of its workers.,packaged,decrease,contains,effective,ancient,6. Every member should do some _ duties to help the family. 7. The railway company extended a branch line in order to _ more goods.8. At present, we need someone to_ our products in Japan.9. Similar laws have been _ in many countries to prevent such a crime. 10. She went to the party in an _ dress, which made her more beautiful.,Reading A Task 5,household,convey,market,in place,eye-catching,Reading A Task 6,Complete the following sentences using the following words or phrases plus some words of your own.,decrease come to (do) in place in terms of make advances,1.After several times of failure to pass the exam, Jim _ realize how _.2.You will surely _ in your studies if_.3.Their sales _ from $10,000 to $ 6,000 a day because _.4._ economic development, East Timor (东帝汶) has a long way to go for _.5.All the equipment has been _ so _.,came to,important it was to review his lessons regularly,make advances,you make good use of your spare time,decreased,they didnt offer satisfactory after-sale service,In terms of,it was founded only several years ago,in place,we can start the production very soon,Reading A Task 7,1. He came to make trouble, not to help us. 2.They went to New York for business affairs, not for pleasure.,Rewrite the following sentences after the models.,He did not come to help us but to make trouble.,They did not go to New York for pleasure but for business affairs.,Reading A Task 7,3.Australia is the largest country in Oceania, not the only country in it.4.The most important thing for us to do now is to increase production, not to increase our salary.5.What we care about is what youre doing, not what youre saying.,What we care about is not what youre saying but what youre doing.,Australia is not the only country in Oceania but the largest country in it.,The most important thing for us to do now is not to increase our salary but to increase production.,Reading A Task 7,1. They decided to rest after walking for such a long distance. 2.The Smiths planned to ride to the countryside for the coming weekend.,They decided to take a rest after walking for such a long distance.,The Smiths planned to take a ride to the countryside for the coming weekend.,Reading A Task 7,3.Some students in our class will visit Hawaii this summer. 4.The Trade Union discussed the question of improving working conditions with the management this morning. 5.All the members of the committee returned home after the meeting ended.,Some students in our class will pay a visit to Hawaii this summer.,The Trade Union had a discussion with the management this morning about the question of improving working conditions.,All the members of the committee returned home after the meeting came to an end.,Reading A Task 8,Translate the following sentences into English paying attention to the highlighted par