小学英语An-old-red-hat优质教学课件,小学英语An-old-red-hat优质教学课件,Lets chant :,Lets chant :boyboya boygirlgi,小学英语An-old-red-hat优质教学课件,Read the pictures and answer questions:读图回答问题,Who can you see?Where are they?,Read the pictures and answer q,Read the pictures and answer :读图回答问题,1.Who can you see?,Ada,Read the pictures and answer :,小学英语An-old-red-hat优质教学课件,2. Wherearethey ?,at home,On the bus,at the market,On the bus,back at home,2. Wherearethey ?at homeOn t,Read p1p5carefully :(认真阅读 1-5 页),Ada had a _.There are_eggs,gong to _ the eggs at the _”,nest,three,in it . Mum said ,“ thats not a nest ,thatsmy _o_ld_r_e_d_h_a_t_ !Ada said, “I am,sell,market,巢,鸡窝,鸟窝,卖,Read p1p5carefully :(认真阅读 1-5,小学英语An-old-red-hat优质教学课件,小学英语An-old-red-hat优质教学课件,Mum: what have you got there?,Ada: onetwothree eggs in a nest.Mum: Thats not a nest. Thats my old redhat.,Ada: I am going to sell the eggs at the market.,卖,Mum: what have you got there?A,Read p6p24 carefully and choose(认真阅读 6-24 页, 然后做选择)The lady gave Adafor the eggs.A three yuan B.one penny C.three penniesAda bought with the pennies.A.an apple B an ice cream C. a red hatAmy bought it fromA. a manB. a ladyC.a girl,Read p6p24 carefully and choo,for the eggs.,1.The lady gave Ada Athree yuan,one pennythree pennies,c,for the eggs.1.The lady gave A,小学英语An-old-red-hat优质教学课件,with the,an ice creama new red hat,Ada boughCt pennies.A. an apple,with thean ice creamAda boughC,小学英语An-old-red-hat优质教学课件,3.Amy bought it from AA. a manB. a ladyC.a girl,3.Amy bought it from A,Amy bought it for _A.A. mumB. dadC.friend,Amy bought it for _A.,小学英语An-old-red-hat优质教学课件,Roleplay :,Mum: what have you got there?Ada : Its for you! It was a new red hat!Mum: Thank you!,Roleplay :Mum: what have you,Use your head and think : 动脑想一想Why did Amy buy a new red hat for mum?Because:,her mum very much.,Sheloves,Use your head and think : 动脑想,Roleplay :,Mum: what have you got there?Ada : Its for you! It was a new red hat!Mum: Thank you!,Roleplay :Mum: what have you,Lets retell:,.,Ada had a _n_e_s_t _. There are t_h_r_e_e_eggs init. Mum said , Its not a nest. Its myO_ld_re_d_.hat Ada is going to _s_e_l_l_at the_m_a_r_k_e_t_.,On the bus , a lady bought the eggs with three,pennies,Lets retell:.Ada had a _n_e,At the market, Ada bought a n_ew red hatfor,her _mum.sheher mum very,lo_ves,much. she is a _g_o_odgirl.,At the market, Ada bought a n_,Ada is a,girl.,filial,孝顺,的,Ada is agirl.filial孝顺的,Please remember :,Loveyour mum, love your family!爱妈妈 ,爱家人!,Please remember :Loveyour mum,Discuss: 讨论,What will you do if you have three pennies?如果你有三便士钱,你打算干什么 ? If I have three pennies, I will ,Discuss: 讨论What will you do if,thankyou,!,thankyou!,感谢聆听,感谢聆听,