IQC来料品质控制 程序.docx
惠州德高科技工業有限公司Techco Technology Industry (Huizhou) Co.,Ltd程序文件文件名称: 來料品質控制程序版本:I文件编号:OP-QA-11页数:第 7 页 共 7页編 制:Tuny審 核:李生審 核:周生批 准:S. Wong職 位: 主管/經理職 位: 經理職 位:MR職 位 : GM文件編制/修訂記錄修訂日期修訂內容摘要版本實施日期2008.11.15全面修改H2008.12.012010.09.10修改 “不合格物料管理流程”I2010.09.13文件審批&分發App審批Dept部門Signature/Date簽署/日期App審批Dept部門Signature/Date簽署/日期App審批Dept部門Signature/Date簽署/日期VVVVVGM_VV VPMC_MR_QA_PJM_OD_PD_ST_HR_PE_SP_ADM_VPJ_VSA_AC_PUR_EDP_others_V備註: 文件分發範圍內“”表示未簽署及分發的部門“”表示要簽署及分發的部門。1.Purpose目的 This document provides the standard procedure for the quality control of incoming material.此程序為來料品質管理的一個標准程序。2.Scope范圍:This procedure is applicable to all incoming direct and some indirect production materials in our factory.此程序適用於我們工廠的所有直接物料和部分間接物料。3.Definition定義:3.1 RMT- Receiving Material Ticket收貨單3.2 IMDR-Incoming Material Discrepancy Report來料不合格報告3.3 RTV- Return To Vendor退回供應商3.4 MRB- Material Review Board物料評審會議3.5 UAI-Use As Its讓步接受3.6 SER-Sample Evaluation Report樣品評估報告3.7 RIT- Re-Inspection Ticket復檢標簽4.Reference參考文件:4.1 IQC Sampling Plan IQC抽樣計劃4.2 Non-conforming Control Procedure 不合格物料管控程序4.3 Corrective and Preventive Action Procedure 矯正預防措施程序5.Responsibility職責:5.1 ST 倉庫Responsible to receive the material, check the contents, storage, transfer, issue material and informing IQC to check.負責收貨點數,貯存,搬運,發放並通知IQC檢驗。5.2 IQC 5.2.1 According to IQC Sampling Plan, inspect the incoming material to ensure the material meets the specified standard & requirement as defined in SER and/or IQC Inspection Instruction. 根據IQC的抽樣計劃,檢查來料,確保物料滿足SER和IQC檢驗指導書的指定標准和要求。5.2.2 Call MRB meeting if necessary, and follow up the related actions. 必要的時候召開MRB會議,並跟蹤相關行動。5.3 PMC物管部: Plan material and follow up the status of material for each Job Order. 計劃物料並跟蹤物料狀況。 5.4 PUR:Purchase material and follow up the status of material for each Job Order.采購物料,並跟蹤物料狀況。5.5 SQEMake IQC inspection instruction. Requesting supplier to improve the quality, if necessary.IQC檢驗指導書的制作,必要的時候,反饋供應商改善品質。5.6 SAResponsible to request customer to submit the sample, specification, drawing, test tools and so on. 向客戶申請樣品,規格書,圖紙,治具等。5.7 Engineering工程部: 5.7.1 Prepare the specification and test tools for incoming material;為來料准備規格書,測試治具。 5.7.2 Prepare the guidance of “Rework/ Sort” if necessary.必要的時候提供“重工/挑選”指引。6.Procedure程序:6.1 Receiving Material Ticket收貨單6.1.1When the material arrives at TC, ST will check the contents, quantity and etc, if ok, ST will affix the identification label to the package and fill in RMT.當物料來到德高倉庫後,確認物料,檢查數量等。如果沒問題,倉庫將在包裝上附上相關標簽,並填寫在收貨單上。6.1.2 ST (IQC, SP, if necessary) check the Model, P/N, description/ specification, box number, check the contents, vendor and banner and so on. Make sure the material match the Receipt number. And take the material to the area for inspection.ST(必要時由IQC、船務部協同) 驗証物料所屬机种、物料編號 (P/N)、物料名稱/規格、箱號、數量、供方和標簽等,确保物料与上料單有關資料一致,并將點收合格的物料放置待檢區.6.1.3 ST need to dispart RoHS and no-RoHS material specially, management the chemical by marking.尤其要區分開RoHS, no-RoHS物料,對化學品物料要進行化學品標示管理6.1.4 ST take thematerial discrepancy reportto PMC/SA /PUR/SQE,PMC/SA/PUR contact the customer or vendor to deal with the material when the material not match the Receipt number.當物料与上料單有關資料不相符時,貨倉作成 顧客提供物料差异報告 報PMC/SA/PUR,PMC/SA与顧客聯絡作出處理;當采購物料与送貨單不相符時,由PUR与供方聯絡處理。6.1.5 ST will notify IQC by RMT.倉庫將用物料接收單通知IQC.6.2 Take sample and inspection抽樣和檢查:6.2.1 IQC according related request (according the customer request if customer request specially) to sample and inspect after receiving the RMT or RIT. The material should store at the area wait to inspect at ST Pb or No Pb area. If ST not mark the Pb or No Pb IQC can not to sample and inspect. IQC sample the material to the related area to inspect. IQC接到貨倉部的物料接收單或是重檢單后,組織檢驗員按有關規定進行抽樣(有客戶特殊要求的,按客戶要求執行)。這些物料暫放于貨倉有鉛/無鉛待檢區,由貨倉貼上相應有鉛/無鉛標示后IQC才可抽取樣品檢驗.IQC 抽取樣品到相關區檢驗。6.2.2 Inspector inspect the material according the sample, BOM, drawing, work instruction and so on. Inspect and mark the RoHS dispart from no-RoHS. Check the chemical at special area in store.Use it for try if necessary.檢驗員將抽取的樣品按相關的樣板、BOM、圖紙、作業指導書、環境要求等相關資料進行檢驗; 對RoHS,no-RoHS物料分開檢查, 分別標示; 化學品物料在倉庫化學品專管區進行驗證, 必要時進行試用驗證.6.2.3 Sample size and accept level: AQL 0.4 C=0. Sees attachment.抽樣水准和判定水准:AQL 0.4 C=0. 如附件。6.2.4 Samples should be randomly selected from the lot, and should be inspected according to SER and/or IQC Inspection Instruction. 樣品應該是隨機抽取,並且根據SER和IQC檢查指導書檢查。6.3Inspecton Result Record記錄檢查結果 6.3.1 The inspection result must be checked by IQC leader or superior. If the result is NG, it must be checked by superior. 檢驗完成后,報IQC組長或主管人員确認.不合格物料要經IQC主管人員确認。6.3.2 The inspection result should be recorded in the “IQC Inspection Report”, and register it in “Incoming Material Inspection Summary”. 檢查結果應該記錄在“IQC檢驗報表”,並記錄到“來料檢查總表”中。6.3.3 IQC management the incoming material inspection result well. IQC妥善保存來料檢驗相關記錄. 6.4 Disposition執行:6.4.1 If the lot is accepted, “IQC PASSED” stamp should be stamped on each box /package of the material. 如果該批次被接收,每個箱子或是包裝上都應該蓋上“IQC PASSED”印章。6.4.2 If the lot is rejected, “NG” flag/ banner should be affixed on each box / package of the material. 如果拒收,每個箱子或是包裝上都應該貼上“不良”標簽6.4.3 If the lot is disposed through MRB, relative MRB label should be used. 如果通過MRB討論可有條件接受,相關的MRB標簽應該貼上。6.4.4 For the problematic lot which is rejected by IQC, IQC should inform SQE/PMC/PUR/SA by IMDR. Then, PMC evaluation the plan and sent the result to SQE/ST/IQC/PUR/SA. 如果不良批被IQC拒收,IQC應該以IMDR通知SQE/ST/PMC/PUR/SA。然後PMC評估計劃後,再通知到SQE/ST/IQC/PUR/SA。6.4 5 IQC pass the OK material report to ST receiving team, receiving team transfer the OK material to store.IQC 將合格物料的檢驗單的相關聯交貨倉部收料組,收料組辦理合格物料入庫。 6.4.6 Feedback the incoming material NG information來料不合格的信息反饋 Customer consign material, SQE inform SA, SA contact with customer and get the customer approve to return the material or rework/sorting/UAI (If no function defect and urgent input,defect will be full eliminated by easy sort/rework). For open source, PUR contact to supplier to return the material in time. SQE issue 8D to customer or supplier, and request them to take action to improve, if necessary.對于客供料,由SQE通知SA,SA反饋客戶,得到客戶承認是退貨或是經客人同意加工挑選或特采(沒有功能不良,生產急需使用, 經簡單加工/挑選即可完全消除不良缺陷)對于公司采購的物料,采購部及時反饋供方取得退貨處理方法。必要的時候SQE發放8D要求供方改善。 6.5Re-inspection of Overdue Material: 過期物料的重檢:6.5.1 For materials that have been stored for over 6 months after the initial incoming inspection, re-inspection is required. 如果來料儲存超過6個月,必需重檢。6.5.2 This is to avoid using those materials which have been oxidized, corroded, contaminated or discolored during their storage period. 這是為了避免使用這些在儲存期間有氧化,腐蝕,污染或是褪色的物料。6.5.3 Store should notify IQC of re-inspecting the materials by Re-inspection Ticket (RIT), IQC conduct sampling check again. 倉庫應該以RIT通知IQC重檢物料,IQC按抽樣要求重檢。6.5.4 PMC/PUR/SA should well plan & schedule material so that the material will be stored for less than 12 months. PMC/PUR/SA的物料排程應使物料的儲存不超過12個月。6.5.5 The effect time of the IQC PASSED is 6 months . PD should not accept material which has been stored for over the effect time(over 6 months).IQC PASSED 的有效期為6個月,生產不接受超過IQC檢驗有效期(超過6個月)的物料。 6.6 Incoming quality monitoring:來料品質監控: 6.6.1 IQC(SQE) should complete “Supplier Performance Record” every month basing on the incoming quality; refer to “Supplier Evaluation Procedure”. IQC(SQE)應該根據來料品質,每月完成“供應商表現記錄”,參考“供應商評比程序”。 6.6.2 IQC(SQE) should complete “Incoming Material Inspection Record” every day, and prepare the monthly summary of incoming material inspection. IQC(SQE)每天應該完成“來料檢查記錄”,並且准備來料檢查的月度總結。 6.6.3 SQE should issue SCAR supplier if there is any significant quality issue, refer to “Corrective and Preventive Action Procedure”如果有重大品質問題,SQE應該根據“糾正預防措施程序”發SCAR。7. Record記錄:7.1 F-QA-036-01 IQC Inspection Report IQC檢驗報告7.2 F-QA-013-01 Incoming Material Discrepancy Report 來料不合格報告7.3 F-QA-037-01 Incoming Material Inspection Summary 來料檢查總結8. Appendix附件:來料品質管理如何做?(指導書、程序、方法)關鍵準則是什么?(績效/指標)使用哪些方法管制流程?l 不合格品控制程序l 糾正和預防措施控制程序l 進料檢驗方案與檢驗規則用哪些指標進行效率評价?l 產線退料率l SCAR/8D回復及時性l SCAR/8D改善有效性透過誰?(訓練、知識、技能)來料品質的處理者是誰?l 品管部l 生產部l PMC部l 採購部l PE部l 相關部門用什麼方法?(設備/裝置)來料品質控制輸出我們將交付什么?來料品質的有效管制要求要求透過什么方法進行來料品質管制?l 不合格標簽l 不合格品區域l 不合格品容器l 倉庫輸入我們將接收什么?進料的不合格物料制程的不合格物料過期庫存品、可疑物料等此文件屬德高科技工業(惠州)有限公司受控文件,任何人非經許可,嚴禁私自影印及用於非工作用途.