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    Beijing,1.Introduction2.Important scenic spots3.architectural culture4.Peking opera5.Food in Beijing6.Shopping in Beijing7.Beijing subway,北京 Beijing,Beijing is an ancient city with a long history. Back in 3000 years ago in Zhou dynasty, Beijing, which was called Ji at the moment, had been named capital of Yan. Beijing was famous for Capital of a thousand years. The long history leaves Beijing precious cultural treasure. Winding for several kilometers in Beijing area, the Great Wall is the only man-made structure that could been seen in the space. The Summer Palace is a classic composition of ancient royal gardens, and the Forbidden City is the largest royal palaces in the world.,Tiantan is where the emperor used to fete their ancestors, and also the soul of Chinese ancient constructions. The four sites above has been confirmed world cultural heritage by UNESCO. However, the best representatives for Beijing are the vanishing Hutongs and square courtyards. Through hundreds of years, they have become symbol of Beijings life. Tiananmen square being still brilliant today with cloverleaf junctions and skyscrapers everywhere, the old-timey scene and modern culture are combined to present a brand new visage of Beijing.,tin n mn 天安门,Tiananmen Square,flagraising ceremony,On visiting Beijing ,every tourist ,from other home or abroad ,cannot help being greatly impressed by the magnificence of Tiananmen Square and the imposing atmosphere of the entire square.每一位来北京观光的中外游客,都不禁会为天安门的雄伟,开阔所震撼,为整个天安门广场厚重的历史文化所感染。,The Forbidden City,The Forbidden City was the Chinese imperial palace from the Ming Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty. It is located in the middle of Beijing and now houses the Palace Museum. The palace has influenced cultural and architectural developments in East Asia and elsewhere. For almost five hundred years, it served as the home of emperors and their households, as well as the ceremonial and political center of Chinese government., n故宫,It has preserved the Forbidden City, the most complete palace complex.北京保存着世界上最完整的宫殿群故宫。,故宫紫禁城,bi hi n yun 北海公园Beihai Park,the Summer Palace,Situated in western outskirts of Beijing, the Summer Palace is 10 kilometers from the central city. It is Chinas leading classical garden which enjoys a worldwide reputation. The Summer Palace was opened to the public in 1924 and included in the UNESCO world heritage list in 1998. A whole day is needed to view it in detail.,y h yun 颐 和 园,The Temple of Heaven,The Temple of Heaven is located in the southeast of Beijing. It is the place of plentiful year of imprecation, purely during the reign of Qianlong changing to set up become today this brilliancy grand view of building. The Chinese ancient king claims to be “Emperor”, they respect adore very much to the world, historical and each emperor offer sacrifices to world to be a count for much political activity.,tin tn 天 坛,国家大剧院grand national theatre,The Birds Nest,The Beijing National Stadium, also known as the Birds Nest have been the main track and field stadium for the 2008 Summer Olympics and have been host to the Opening and Closing ceremonies. It has replaced the original intended venue of the Guangdong Olympic Stadium. In the new design, the roof of the stadium had been omitted from the design. Experts say that this will make the stadium safer, whilst reducing construction costs.,nio cho 鸟 巢,The Water Cube,The Water Cube is an aquatics center that was built alongside Beijing National Stadium in the Olympic Green for the swimming competitions of the 2008 Summer Olympics. Ground was broken on December 24, 2003, and the Center was completed and handed over for use on January 28, 2008. Swimmers at the Water Cube broke 25 world records during the 2008 Olympics. After the Olympics, the building underwent a 200 million Yuan revamp to turn half of its interior into a water park.,shu l fn 水 立 方,While the Palace Museum and the Great Wall, the two world-famous scenic spots, are known to all a must tourist destination for people visiting Beijing.,the Great Wall,People often say that “if you visit Beijing ,but havent been to the Great wall ,that will be a great pity in your life.”,The Great wall,h ton 胡 同,architectural culture,Hutong is a Mongolian word, meaning water well. It is a typical lane or small street in Beijing that originated during the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368). During that time, water well is the settlement around which people lived. There are tens of thousands of them surrounding the Forbidden City. In the past, Beijing was composed of countless courtyards. Hutongs were formed when people left a passageway between two courtyards to make entering them more convenient.,What is Hutong?,As the symbol of Beijing City, a hutong has its own layout and structure, which makes it a wonder in the world. When taking a birds eye view of Beijing, you will find the combination of hutongs and courtyards just like an orderly chessboard with delicate gardens, fine rockeries, and ancient ruins. They have witnessed the development of Beijing. Where there is such a small lane, there is a story.,s h yun 四 合 院 Courtyard house,Model of 四合院,A standard siheyuan usually consists of houses on its four sides with a yard in the center. The gates are usually painted red and have large copper door rings. Usually, a whole family lives in compound. The elder generation lives in the main house standing at the north end, the younger generations live in the side houses, and the south house is usually the family sitting room or study.Hutong joins hutong, and siheyuan meets siheyuan to form a block. Blocks join with blocks to form the whole residential constructions.,Beijing opera,jn j 京 剧,Beijing opera,Beijing Peking Opera Theatre,The Peking Opera is Chinas national opera.京剧是中国的民族歌剧。,There are four major cooking styles in China: Sichuan, Cantonese, Shandong and Huaiyang, with each having dozens of branches. All styles are represented in Beijing with thousands of restaurants. In addition, recent years have seen the emergence of restaurants offering French, Russian and Italian foods as well as American fast food,EAT IN BEIJING,EAT IN BEIJING,驴打滚 Fried Chop Rice Cake艾窝窝 Aiwowo (Steamed Rice Cakes with Sweet Stuffing)炒肝Fried Liver豌豆黄 PeaCake炸麻球 Deep-Fried Glutinous Rice Balls with Sesame 糖醋排骨 sweet and sour spareribs 糖耳朵 Fried sugar cake炸酱面Noodles with Bean Paste爆肚Quick-Fried Tripe豆汁Mung Bean Milk,烤鸭:Beijing roast duck with colour and lustre, fleshy delicate, taste segong is colourful full-bodied, fat but not greasy characteristic, is known as world famous and delicious.,Beijing Duck,bi jn ko y 北 京 烤 鸭,冰糖葫芦:Ice-sugar gourd is among the most primitive and most traditional candy. And then shop in polythene sheet of retail ShuiGuoTang tinfoil packaging or exist essential difference.,茯苓饼:Poria cocos burger, alias FuLingBing, is a tonic sex in Beijing, and the traditional name some bread when pushed the fragrance drifting village is the best.,Fried Chop Rice Cake 驴打滚,Steamed Rice Cakes with Sweet Stuffing艾窝窝,PeaCake豌豆黄,Noodles with Bean Paste炸酱面,Quick-Fried Tripe爆肚,Mung Bean Milk 豆汁,Fried sugar cake糖耳朵,Deep-Fried Glutinous Rice Balls with Sesame炸麻球,Fried Liver 炒肝,Shopping,Xidan shopping center,Beijing Duck,paper-cut,types of facial make-up in Beijing opera,Poria cocos burger,cloth shoes,Shopping for souvenirs,modernARTS,If you are interested in contemporary Chinese art, theres a place you must go: 798 Art Zone. Located in the northeast suburb of Beijing, the previous factory plant has become a haven for artists from home and even abroad. Artists gather here to open galleries, art studios and cafes, and hold all kinds of art events, making the area the most resounding name in the artistic circle.,Take pictures,We take so many pictures as follows,Explore more,http:/,北京欢迎你,Welcome to Beijing,北京欢迎你,北京欢迎你,yn ji ln y chn x qun xn kn q 迎 接 另 一 个 晨 曦 全 新 空 气 q x i bin qn wi ch xin pio mn 气 息 改 变 情 味 茶 香 飘 满 qn y ki fn hui bo yn bo m q 情 谊 开 放 怀 抱 拥 抱 默 契 yun jn k rn b yn k qi 远 近 客 人 不 用 客 气,sentiment interest,tacit understa-nding,北京欢迎你,北京欢迎你,北京欢迎你,北京欢迎你,北京欢迎你,yn ji ln y chn x ,di li qun xn kn q 迎 接 另 一 个 晨 曦, 带 来 全 新 空 气 q x i bin qn wi b bin , ch xin pio mn qn y 气 息 改 变 情 味 不 变 , 茶 香 飘 满 情 谊 w ji d mn chn d ki ,ki fn hui bo dn n 我 家 大 门 常 打 开 , 开 放 怀 抱 等 你,北京欢迎你,yn bo u ji yu le m q , n hu i shn zh l 拥 抱 过 就 有 了 默 契, 你 会 爱 上 这 里 b un yun jn du sh k rn ,qn b yn k qi 不 管 远 近 都 是 客 人 , 请 不 用 客 气 xin yu ho le zi y q , w men hun yn n 相 约 好 了 在 一 起, 我 们 欢 迎 你,zhn wn nin qn dun chun q 种 万 年 青 段 传 奇 chun tn t rn b zhn li xi hu y 传 统 土 壤 播 种 留 下 回 忆 m shn sh x j l hu t 陌 生 熟 悉 拘 礼 话 题种花 一段传奇 一段回忆 传统节日 春天播种 秋天收获陌生的城市 熟悉的话题,北京欢迎你,ki tin p d li dn mi l 开 天 辟 地 流 动 魅 力 chn mn zho q fn xin h x 充 满 朝 气 分 享 呼 吸 shu xn chn j rn n su yu 刷 新 成 绩 容 纳 岁 月 zhn fn r q hu y sh qn yn yu 绽 放 日 期 画 意 诗 情 音 乐 n dn cho yu yn q q j 感 动 超 越 勇 气 奇 迹,w ji zhn zhe wn nin qn ki fn mi dun chun q 我 家 种 着 万 年 青 , 开 放 每 段 传 奇 wi chun tn de t rn b zhn wi n li xi hu y 为 传 统 的 土 壤 播 种 , 为 你 留 下 回 忆 m shn sh x du sh k rn qn b yn j l 陌 生 熟 悉 都 是 客 人 ,请 不 用 拘 礼 d j c li mi un xi yu ti du hu t 第 几 次 来 没 关 系 , 有 太 多 话 题,北京欢迎你,w z q 五 子 棋 five stones chess,five stones in a line win,Have a try,五子棋,


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