第八组,成员:刘静 (speaker) 仲润 魏美玲(speaker) 苏瑞霞,The Meaning of Color Differences Between China and West,红(red),CHINA In Chinese culture, red symbolizes good luck and celebrationFor example, in the festivals and the weddings, people often put on red antithetical couplet(对联),red lantern(灯笼),red word “fortune”(贴福字)and red word “happy “(贴喜字)Be in favor Get the upper hand Red flag Red armyRed political powerRed Women ArmyRed heatRed sky,WEST,红(red) In west, red represents blood and frie red revenge血腥复仇 a red battle血战 red for danger 表示残酷,狂热,灾祸,烦琐,血腥等意 red flag被喻为“令人愤怒的事物” red hands血腥的手 red-ruin战祸象征激进、暴力革命。 如:red hot political campaign激烈的政治运动 a red revolution 赤色革命 red activities左派激进活动 象征危险、紧张。 如:red alert空袭报警 a red adventure story一个令人紧张的冒险故事 a red flag危险信号旗 象征着放荡、淫秽 如:a red waste of his youth他那因放荡而浪费的,红(red),在英语中,红色还可以是表示经济色彩的颜色词,指“负债”或“亏损”,因为账本上净收入是负数时,人们用红色登记。 如:red figure赤字; in the red亏空,欠债 red balance赤字差额 red-ink entry赤字分录 get out of the red偿清债务,有盈余 red gold指纯金 red cent指一分钱,一便士,白(white),CHINAIn China, white has no real meaning. Plain boiled waterChinese cabbageWrongly written or mispronounced characterNo useAll in vainflour Remain a devoted couple to the end of their lives,WEST,White represents peace and honest. White soul纯洁的心灵 white wedding新娘表示胆小,怯懦的意思(timid) 例如:show the white feather 胆怯,胆小象征正直、诚实(honest)如:a white spirit正直的精神, white m en高尚、有教养的人 white hand廉洁、诚实;象征幸运、吉利(lucky)如:one of the white days of sbs life 某人生活中的吉日之一 White magic有天使相助的法术;它还有合法、无恶意的意思(legal) 如:white market合法市场 white list经过批准的合法明单 A white lie无害的谎言。 是权力和地位的象征(power) 例如:White House 指白宫,美国政府 Whitehall 白厅,指英国政府 White-collar 指白领阶层,脑力工作者, 表明在社会上有地位。,黑(black),CHINA Represents justice: facial makeupRepresents darkness: a black heart 、 Represents evil:black marketblack money,WEST如:Black Mass安灵弥撒 to wear black for her father为她父亲戴孝 black words不吉利的话 a black letter day凶日 black Friday黑色星期五象征邪恶、犯罪 如:Black Man恶魔 a black deed恶劣的行为 black guard恶棍、流氓 black mail敲榨、勒索 black art妖术象征耻辱、不光彩 如:a black mark污点 black sheep败家子 a black eye丢脸、坏名声 a black lie不可饶恕的谎言象征沮丧、愤怒 如:black dog沮丧情绪 The future looks black前途暗淡 He gave me a black look他怒 气冲冲地看着我 在表示经济色彩的时候,黑色表示“盈利”之意 如black figure盈利 in the black有盈余 black figure nation指国际收支顺差国,蓝(blue),CHINAIn China, blue represents further and eternal. The color blue is regarded as a symbol of fresh and pure.,WESTBlue represents bad things.象征沮丧、烦闷等不快的情绪。 如:feel blue不高兴 a blue out look悲观的人生 观 Things look blue事不称心 blue Monday不开心的星期一 in a blue mood 情绪低沉西方象征高贵、高远、深沉、严厉、身份、职务、地位 如:blue blood名门望族 blue ribbon最高荣誉的标志 blue nose严守教规的卫道士 blue laws严格的法规 blue-collar指蓝领阶层 blue-brick universities蓝砖大学,指牛津、剑桥等名牌大学象征忧郁 be (fall) in the blues 无精打采,闷闷不乐 black and blue 表示(被打得)青一块,紫一块 象征猥亵、下流 如: blue movie色情电影 blue talk下流言论有突然迅速的意思 如:out of the blue突爆冷门 have the blue晴天劈雳 blue streak一闪即逝的东西带有经济色彩的颜色词,可以表示法律,法规,股票之类 如:blue book 蓝皮书,是英国国会的出版物 blue law蓝色法规,指禁止在星期天从事商业交易的美国法律 blue-chip 值钱而热门的股票 blue-sky law蓝天法,绿(green),In China, green means a lot. Green is the color of most plants, but the Chinese do not favor it at all.A green lookWearing a green hat,WEST象征着青春、活力 如:in the green血气方刚 in the green wood在青春旺盛的时代 a green old age老当益壮表示新鲜 如:green recollection记忆犹新 keep the memory green永远不忘 a green wound新伤口表示幼稚、没有经验 如:a green hand生手 as green as grass幼稚 a green horn容易上当的糊涂虫象征妒忌 如:the green-eyed monster妒忌 green with envy充满妒嫉 a green eye妒嫉的眼睛在英语中green带有经济色彩,可以用来表示货币之类 例如:green pound指绿色英镑 green back美钞 green power 金钱的力量,因为美元的背面为绿色 green field project 指新上马的项目,指需要资金的新兴企业,黄(yellow),CHINAIn China, yellow represents exalted and upper class.,WEST“卑鄙的”,“懦弱的”,“胆小的”意思 例如:yellow dog卑鄙的家伙,胆小鬼 turn yellow表示胆怯起来,害怕起来 yellow streak胆怯 yellow-livered胆小的无淫秽的意思 如:yellow journalism不择手断吸引读者的报刊 yellow pages指美国人常用黄纸印刷的黄页电话薄 yellow book黄皮书,指法国政府报告书,以黄皮纸为封面。,