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    Unit 2,Review Module,外研版 四年级下册,Unit 2Review Module外研版 四年级下册,A: Did you read a book?B: Yes, I did./ No, I didnt. I watched TV.,Choose, ask and answer.1A: Did,A: Did you go to London?B: Yes, I did./ No, I didnt. I went to Beijing.,A: Did you eat an apple?B: Yes, I did. / No, I didnt. I ate noodles.,go to London / go to Beijing,eat an apple/ eat noodles,A: Did you go to London?A: Did,A: Did you read a book?B: Yes, I did./ No, I didnt. I watched TV.,A: Did you play basketball?B: Yes, I did./ No, I didnt. I played football.,read a book / watch TV,play basketball/ play football,A: Did you read a book?A: Did,A: Did you buy balls?B: Yes, I did. / No, I didnt. I bought toy bears.,A: Did you drink milk?B: Yes, I did. / No, I didnt. I drank juice.,buy balls / buy toy bears,drink milk/ drink juice,A: Did you buy balls?A: Did yo,A: Did you see trees?B: Yes, I did. / No, I didnt. I saw lakes.,A: Did you help your mother?B: Yes, I did. / No, I didnt. I helped my teacher.,see trees /see lakes,help your mother/ help your teacher,A: Did you see trees?A: Did yo,A: Did you walk to the supermarket?B: Yes, I did. / No, I didnt. I walked to school.,A: Did you jump?B: Yes, I did./ No, I didnt. I ran.,walk to school/ walk to the supermarket,jump/ run,A: Did you walk to the superma,1) Yesterday Lingling and Amy went to the park.2) Then they played in the park.3) They were hungry and thirsty.4) So they bought some bread and some juice.5) They ate the bread and drank the juice.,Match the sentences to the pic,外研版四年级英语下册-Review-Module-Unit-2-教学课件,Yesterday Lingling and Amy went to the park.,Then they played in the park.,Yesterday Lingling and Amy,They were hungry and thirsty.,So they bought some bread and some juice.,They were hungry and thirsty.S,They ate the bread and drank the juice.,They ate the bread and drank t,Yesterday Lingling and Amy went to the park. Then they played in the park. They were hungry and thirsty. So they bought some bread and some juice. They ate the bread and drank the juice.,Now tell the story.3 Yest,昨天,玲玲和埃米去了公园。然后她们在公园里玩。她们又饿又渴。所以她们买了一些面包和一些果汁。她们吃了面包,喝了果汁。,根据中文复述故事。,昨天,玲玲和埃米去了公园。然后她们在公园里玩。她,Find a very very tall tree.,Find two chameleons. Go to the big chameleon.,Find two boats. Go to the old boat.,Find two tigers. Go to the big tigers.,Find two lakes. Go to the small lake.,Next find two birds in a tree.,It is in the box next to the big lake.,Now look at the sun.,There is a treasure map on this ship.,Read and point. Find the treasure.,4,Find a very very tall tree.Fin,Read ten thousands books, travel ten thousand miles!,读万卷书,行千里路,Read ten thousands books, trav,Thank you for listening,Thank you for listening,郑重申明,作品整理不易, 仅供下载者本人使用,禁止其他网站、 公司或个人未经本人同意转载、出售!,诚信赢天下,精品得人心!,郑重申明 作品整理不易, 仅供下载者本人使用,禁,


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