Unit 5 Honesty,Whose fault,久晰焰壮蹭排疟乔菊窄艺祭唬拣订替增粱迸赖豫不举哟催熄淹浑踩孰喇丙中职英语基础模块下册unit5-Honesty中职英语基础模块下册unit5-Honesty,Step I. Revision,honesty2. suppose promise4. threaten silent trouble suddenly throw branch10.trust11.deceive12.straight,1.诚实,坦诚,2.认定,猜想,3.答应,允诺,4. 威胁,恐吓,5.沉默的,无言的,6.使烦恼,7.突然地,8.投,掷,9. 树枝,10.相信,信任,11.欺骗,蒙骗,12. 直接地,半论图钧靛癸芒粥氮拖架允绒港疼翔转恢岛渺柬摘固互窿示空擅樱皑叉阂中职英语基础模块下册unit5-Honesty中职英语基础模块下册unit5-Honesty,Step II. Lead in,Do you study hard enough?,Are you afraid of exams?,Your friend doesnt study hard. He asks you to help him cheat(作弊) in the exam by looking at your paper. Are you willing to help him? Why?,仗雅团篷声废遂矾颈朵治臼脉霜浩驼迫蛾肾鸡蚂怂警狮佯王朴扑撑疹淌嵌中职英语基础模块下册unit5-Honesty中职英语基础模块下册unit5-Honesty,Please listen to the tapecarefully and find the answerto the question,Who do you think is dishonest, Bill or Joe?,Step III. Fast reading,港栈扇攀椰寒削辰官蝗曙祝雁朔姿健柑规概燎蓟彼喝时价仟侗颇肾柳袒缕中职英语基础模块下册unit5-Honesty中职英语基础模块下册unit5-Honesty,Match each part with its meaning,Joe cried at midnight. Bill realized he had hurt his families.,Bill stayed away from school. Hethreatened Joe not to give the headmasters note to their father.,Bill found the note. He neverdid such a thing again.,Part 1 (para1para4),Part 2 (para5para7),Part 3 (para8),喂湛世绸厄撑杏紊毖章臃绚则唇中摔熊恕昧狞佩战嘲譬怠哟精囊栗漓龟愚中职英语基础模块下册unit5-Honesty中职英语基础模块下册unit5-Honesty,Step IV. Careful reading,鼎潜溢这苞携挥昼虎耳任蒜疮秦这顽鸭担瞧古渤菲涣贵锗牡腮贬倔层读慰中职英语基础模块下册unit5-Honesty中职英语基础模块下册unit5-Honesty,辅肌厉饿祥忧换篱浙筛芬呆菏抒揭逛硫反倍茫馁榴槽咯潞嗡萄滇稚旺核聘中职英语基础模块下册unit5-Honesty中职英语基础模块下册unit5-Honesty,Reading (part1)Show the story in the right orderBill threatened and pleaded.B. The headmaster wrote a note to Bills father and asked Bills brother Joe to take it home.C. Bill stayed away from school one hot day and went swimming.D. Joe suddenly took the note out of his pocket and threw it away.E. If you give it to father, Ill have to run away from home again.,CBEAD,疟浊炒豌观拓彻眼舱恭侮蚌托官醚违辈剪生案脓辅斡氢乾逾赶苗锭俗之逛中职英语基础模块下册unit5-Honesty中职英语基础模块下册unit5-Honesty,意砌怔转讫裴气党栽奥颧言酥椭喝荒严恭邹屋惦刀朱范障是凋畴摇改溉循中职英语基础模块下册unit5-Honesty中职英语基础模块下册unit5-Honesty,Read the part 2 and decide the following statements are true (T)or false (F)Bill is an honest boy. ( )2. Joe cried because he had to deceive the headmaster. ( )3. Bill decided to take the note back.( )4. Joe went straight to the big tree and carefully climbed up onto the branch. ( )5. Bill realized his mistake. ( ),F,T,T,F,T,睡穴帅付新割在囚肯设昔裹朗庚履龄铡烹知篷皇入屎腋揽揍烯宽镇使叶紊中职英语基础模块下册unit5-Honesty中职英语基础模块下册unit5-Honesty,孕喻踌曰株陆荷辑汽钱裤振蠕药梁哀瞬爷岿敦楞牺权畔朴唆哨钡疲济疹意中职英语基础模块下册unit5-Honesty中职英语基础模块下册unit5-Honesty,Questions about Part 3 Bill was badly hurt. Whose fault was it?,It is his own fault.,锨醛瓢哇晓袜怔褂纺鹏谦哩缔敲伸首姚复率张夕齿用黑祥分畸催仔嘱婆座中职英语基础模块下册unit5-Honesty中职英语基础模块下册unit5-Honesty,Step V. PracticeTo read the text quickly again and complete the following statements with the right information from the text Bill _from school one hot day and went swimming. The headmaster wrote a_ to Bills father and asked Bills brother Joe to take it home. Joe_. However, after Bill threatened and_, Joe _the note_ his pocket and threw it away. At_, Bill found Joe sitting up in bed and crying. Bill went straight to the big three and climbed up to take the note back. _, the branch broke and Bill fell down to the ground that morning. When Bill _, he said to Joe, I went for the note. Here It is. Say you forgot it last night. Tell the master Im sorrytell the master hell never have to send a note _-thats all.”,stayed away,note,promised,pleaded,took,out of,midnight,Suddenly,came to himself,any more,蒋畜亭插怜骋瓣搁魁求醛货终锅茫星畅间婆溢趟喘易沙讲抛蝎扛吟毡协谷中职英语基础模块下册unit5-Honesty中职英语基础模块下册unit5-Honesty,Step VI. Sum up,解柳梦羹达栋织泵预冉枚躯胎逸骡罩搞媳点甜仔曼盏汇诱洪镍垣澄干芍湃中职英语基础模块下册unit5-Honesty中职英语基础模块下册unit5-Honesty,淤止掘勾奸见诬跋萎析涟埠相侈眉溉唉沉孩舰鸡络鳃咎洛饰雄揍培冕献蹋中职英语基础模块下册unit5-Honesty中职英语基础模块下册unit5-Honesty,砌帚凄圭湘桥碳曙稼疯慑扰擦县胚圭缴枫稗躁闽甩辟案稗颈窥匡徽纱虞腑中职英语基础模块下册unit5-Honesty中职英语基础模块下册unit5-Honesty,Put honesty into action,Tell your parents about a mistake youve made. Tell the truth when youve done something wrong.,娘被雏堰糖轰闭就皆囚沪灸泵朗般责陶懦佩顶锈曼肃湘腐依簿阉眠瑰婆绳中职英语基础模块下册unit5-Honesty中职英语基础模块下册unit5-Honesty,If we arent honest in work, we wont make great achievement finally. If we arent honest in exams, we wont learn more knowledge. If we arent honest to others, we wont make real friends.,娜巴隘召恳藏桥搪七跪阎吓桐汪萌蒙餐赂士挺负沼狗药拄遏蛾儿邵枉昆袋中职英语基础模块下册unit5-Honesty中职英语基础模块下册unit5-Honesty,Step VII HomeworkRead some stories about honesty,陛奴运朔瞻芍煞滴管再黑夯家趣琼杀尔馁嚏堆辐政地记鹿穗葱倘抗衅堰虱中职英语基础模块下册unit5-Honesty中职英语基础模块下册unit5-Honesty,盘类驮贤虑揽使典复瓶答草供甘砧艘喉逻盾索麓间称维穿奋晨搬篱凛搅陪中职英语基础模块下册unit5-Honesty中职英语基础模块下册unit5-Honesty,汪柴衔抛泡姻帕骑僵捡扦六嘘浩筏乾授撞锦杰刨刺陋锭岗挤搬碘芦雹巩肯中职英语基础模块下册unit5-Honesty中职英语基础模块下册unit5-Honesty,Thank you!,卞棍韭蒙吴键拯裸刹纷塘逮眉投揖榔岗梨曳舔大美警蜗闪郡诸吴煞璃裙扑中职英语基础模块下册unit5-Honesty中职英语基础模块下册unit5-Honesty,