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    托福独立写作写作素材和语言方面注意事项讲解 托福独立写作考生比较关心的两个问题是写作素材和语言。很多同学特别担心自己会看到题目无话可说,或是不知道应该如何组织语言使用词汇句式才能满足考试评分标准达到高分要求。下面就和大家分享托福独立写作高分考生经验谈,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。托福独立写作高分考生经验谈 写作素材和语言方面注意事项讲解托福独立写作如何避免无话可说?关于素材,也就是*中写点什么内容,很多考生最头疼的就是无话可说。新托福写作考察的话题包括教育、就业、个人成功、社会、家庭、环境、媒体、旅游、科技等。话题种类繁多,考生想要做到有话可写,就需要在平时多做素材的积累,比如每天看两个话题的范文,搜集出*中的论点、论据,并用中文或者key words记录下来,形成自己的素材库,考前翻阅一下。即便是出现新题,考生也不用担心,因为平时积累的素材多了,思路就宽了,总能带来一些启发。托福写作语言运用注意事项讲解接下来是托福写作中的语言问题。其实托福写作中对语言并不是特别重视,因为虽然新托福是语言考试,但是在写作这一块,考官并不太在意考生使用的词汇有多高难度、句式有多复杂,这就是新托福写作和雅思写作的差异。美国人在意的是你写出来的*能不能让他看明白,逻辑通不通。当然,虽然不要求语言的复杂性,语言的多样性还是有要求的。词汇上来说,要注意不重复用词,那么考生平时需要积累常用的替换词。句型来说,更为简单,因为英文中的句式也就那么多种,考生只需要把每一种句子的形式整理一下,考试时有意识地安排进*即可。语言这一块对于英语功底还可以的学生来说绝对是没有问题的。关于托福独立写作中素材和语言的一些备考经验就为大家分享到这里,如果你也有类似*中考生的担心忧虑,那就不妨参考一下上述内容,相信会找到一些启发和灵感。托福考试作文范例:企业的目标是赚取利润托福考试作文题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Businesses should do anything they can to make a profit. Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.托福考试作文参考:任何企业团体作为社会的组成部分,有责任考虑到整个社会的利益,所以不能为所欲为,强调法制的必要性。托福考试作文范文:Nowadays, merchants tend to strive for remaining in existence by all means due to the extensive competition and burdensome pressures. However, I am always amazed when I hear that it is necessary for businessman to do anything possible to make a profit. It may be as highly laudable and exemplary a thing as it is held to be by those who are addicted to money.Apparently, I strongly object to it due to various factors that weigh heavily against the notion. The foremost reason is that merchants would be rewarded by nothing but distrust and even hatred from the customers if they hardly care about anything but money. It is widely known that nothing can be compared with the good reputation of a company, which attracts more upright and loyal customers. Suppose we are facing the dilemma of which brand of shampoo to purchase. It is of no surprise if you decide to take the one produced by PG or other reputable large companies. As a result, what assures the buyers most is the credit of the service suppliers?Another subtle explanation for my point of view rests on the fact that various appalling results would in some cases, be caused by the immoral and even illegal businesses. It is decent to make profits and receive the repayment of diligent work and continuous efforts. Nevertheless, producing unqualified or even deleterious commodities, which possibly lead to detriments of peoples health or security, is never the sensible method to operate a company. What impressed me most is the tragedy happened several months ago in some part of China. Hundreds of infants died because of the nonnutritive milk powders produced by some merchantmen without ethics. Therefore, it is never too rigid to denounce the immoral and irresponsible behavior. The third point I would like to mention is that the merchants themselves would not be reassured to enjoy the property acquired in improper ways.In most cases, it is the essential satisfaction of benefiting the public, rather than the material items, which inspires people profoundly. What a pleasant thing it would be to receive repayment of your diligent work and continuous efforts! On the contrary, few people would go into rapture even if they possess a mass of wealth earned through indecent ways. Thus, only by obeying commercial disciplines could a businessman obtain supreme success and maximum pleasure.Taking into all the reasons above into account, it is barely too arbitrary to conclude that only by descent and good Intentioned business activities could a company achieve respectable and decent success托福考试作文范例:不同类型电影的价值判断托福考试作文题目:Some movies are serious, designed to make the audience think. Other movies are designed primarily to amuse and entertain. Which type of movie do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.托福考试作文参考分析:分两个段落讨论两种电影,说明这两种电影都有他们的价值,都值得观赏。最后一段说在不同的心情下,有着不同的选择。托福考试作文范文:It makes me sensitively to think of Hollywood place where movies were first made before World War I. In those days, Hollywood movie was like a magnet, drawing ambitious young men and women from all over the world.Up till now, there is nothing that can substitute the position of movies that is the most efficient way to relax us. I prefer movies designed to make the audience think. As far as I know, most movies are supposed to be made from the source material that mirrors a part of the social events. That means there is another methods to force us to think about what we have done for our country, what is our responsibility in the society and so on. In fact what kind of information we need can be gain from different media including television, the Internet, radio, newspapers, especially from some movies.Tracing back to my childhood, I like watching the first work directed by Alfred Hitchcock, Rebecca. So young though I was, it did make me sunk into contemplation. Not only did the plot make me a little confused, but also it really told me the truth that whoever is right or wrong, no one can live in the shadowy place and everyone must live his or her own live, enjoy the sunshine belonging to their own.A movie worthy thinking about should conquer everything, including ones heart, which never fade with time going by, even be possible to change our lives. Here I cannot help siding with the other view; however it does not mean that we should totally ignore it, this is not a matter of making an "either-or" judgment. What we want to clarify here is what is primary and what is secondary.If permits, a movie primarily designed to make audience think add some amusement and entertainment, just like tasting a cup of cappuccino.


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