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    北京大望京规划设计方案规划汇报 SOMppt课件.ppt

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    北京大望京规划设计方案规划汇报 SOMppt课件.ppt

    12 OCTOBER 2009,区域定位,REGIONAL POSITION,大望京距离北京首都国际机场仅11公里, 具重要战略性位置。大望京将作为北京的一个独特的地标区域,向每一位抵达北京新机场的访客,展示一个世界级的城市。,Dawangjing is strategically positioned, located just over 11 km from Beijing Capital International Airport. Dawangjing is a unique gateway location. A landmark district that announces this world class city to all who arrive at the new Beijing Airport.,区域联系,REGIONAL CONNECTIVITY,机场快轨站到达,并将乘客与先进的轨道运输系统迅速地连接在一起,也将容纳M15号线新车站,Dawangjing will be easily accessible from a suggested new transit station along the Airport Express LRT, connecting passengers quickly along an advanced rail system. It will also accommodate a new station on the M15 line.,区域可达性,REGIONAL ACCESS,大望京距离北京首都国际机场车程仅约15-20分钟。只需花费3个半小时的飞行时间,国际机场就能连接超过1/3的全球人口,这一地理优势将帮助大望京项目成为东北亚的商业枢纽。,Just a 15-20 minute drive from Dawangjing, the international airport is a gateway to more than 1/3 of the worlds population in just 3.5 hours flying time, making Dawangjing a convenient business hub for all of Northeast Asia.,望京的一部分,Part of the Wangjing District,大望京的发展将提升望京与周边地区的价值。每一幢新建筑和每一个新发展工程都将为望京地区、望京周边地区以及北京市的生态、经济和社区进步提供支持。,The development of Dawangjing will raise the value of the Wangjing District and surrounding areas.Every new building and development in Dawangjing will support the ecology, economy and the community of Wangjing, the surrounding neighborhoods, and the city of Beijing.,Sec1:,机遇,THE OPPORTUNITY,全球最引人注目的可持续发展的城市范例之一,DAWANGJING, THE GATEWAY TO BEIJING, WILL BECOME ONE OF THE HIGHEST PROFILE EXAMPLES OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT,远景,THE VISION,北京的一个极具创意的门户区,A DISTRICT THAT SERVES AS AN INNOVATIVE GATEWAY TO THE CITY OF BEIJING,大望京作为,DAWANGJING IS ENVISIONED AS .,进入北京的新门户,A NEW GATEWAY TO BEIJING,一个商业活动的枢纽,A HUB OF COMMERCIAL ACTIVITY,一个拥有现代运河与全新公园的场所,A PLACE OF NEW PARKS AND GARDENS AND STREAMS,一个将水回收至土壤,比北京其他地区更加珍惜水资源的区域,A PLACE THAT RETURNS WATER TO THE SOIL, USING LESS WATER THAN ANY OTHER URBAN DISTRICT OF THIS DENSITY IN BEIJING,一个自然与城市以全新方式相融合的地方,A PLACE WHERE THE NATURAL AND THE URBAN COME TOGETHER IN A NEW WAY,一个注重文化的场所,A PLACE THAT CELEBRATES CULTURE AND THE ARTS,一个实现能源高效使用生活切合自然的区域,A PLACE OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND A WAY OF LIVING IN SYNC WITH NATURE,一个体现北京工作和生活新概念的地方,A PLACE THAT REFLECTS A NEW CONCEPT FOR WORKING AND LIVING IN BEIJING,中心公园,THE CENTRAL PARK,中心公园为周边的每一个地块提供了个性和地址。延续的中心公园以绿荫和微风为夏天提供了凉爽的微气候。中心公园创造了休闲和健康生活的场所。中心公园还将在节能和利用地热为周边建筑物供热和制冷方面扮演重要角色。,The Central Park provides identity and address to every development block. A continuous Central Park provides cooler summer microclimates with shade and breezes. The Central Park creates areas for recreation and healthy living. The Central Park also plays a significant role in energy savings by utilizing geothermal heating and cooling for adjacent buildings.,如同公园般的绿化街道,STREETS AS GREEN AS THE PARKS,绿化街道将穿越社区把现有的居住和新的区域公园、零售、学校和工作地连接在一起。,Green and shaded streets will run continuously throughout the community, linking existing residential to the new regional park, retail schools and jobs.,庭院与穿越地块的小路,COURTYARDS AND MID BLOCK PATHS,庭院和花园在每个地块为提供了私密的空间。穿越地块的小路和步行道将为人们提供安全便捷的联系通道。,Courtyards and gardens provide more intimate spaces within each blockMid block paths and walkways provide safe and convenient connection for pedestrians walking from place to place,水与运河系统,WATER SYSTEM,一系列生态蓄水池,人工湿地,与运河提供了一种控制暴雨雨水的自然方法。公园将为街道和地面停车区域的雨水径流提供生物过滤,保证雨水在流入周边河道之前得到清洁。,Stormwater is naturally controlled by series of connected bio-retention swales, wetlands and streams.The parks will allow for biofiltration of storm water run-off from streets and surface parking areas. This will allow for storm water to be naturally cleaned before returning to the surrounding canals.,越过机场高速的艺术桥,ARTS BRIDGE OVER THE EXPRESSWAY,艺术桥将连接邻近地区一起并穿越机场快速道路。此桥将成为新地标及本地区高品质的门户。,The Arts Bridge will link neighborhoods together across the Airport Expressway. The bridge will be a landmark and contribute to the gateway quality of the district.,公交示意图,TRANSIT DIAGRAM,将在新的地铁15号线沿线,设立一个全新的站点,以连接北京市与大望京地区。同时拟在机场轻轨沿线设置新站点,为往返于北京首都国际机场的商务人士提供便捷。,The community of Dawangjing will include a new transit station on the new M15 subway line connecting the district into the city. A suggested station along the Airport Express LRT will enable quick entry and exit to and from the Beijing Capital International Airport.,创造一个清楚的都市框架,A CLEAR URBAN FRAMEWORK,总体规划拥有独特的街道,开放空间, 和清晰的都市地块以容纳未来发展及实现成功的新社区。每个都市地块形塑了多样化的公园, 花园, 文化设施与学校。,The master plan identifies a framework of streets, open spaces and clear urban blocks that will shape the successful implementation of this new community. Each urban block contributes to framing a rich collection of parks, gardens, cultural amenities and schools.,一个未来发展的准则,A GUIDE FOR FUTURE DEVELOPMENT,功能总结,PROGRAM SUMMARY,功能总结表,PROGRAM SUMMARY CHART,住宅邻里与学校,RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOOD AND SCHOOLS,大望京将以其独特的环境成为北京的一个重要的商务区.地区提供的多样的商业和办公发展的机会将满足未来的商务和租户的需求.,Dawangjing Business District will be an important location for business with a setting that is unlike any other in Beijing.Future businesses and tenant needs are easily met by a wide range of commercial and office development opportunities.,商业核心,THE COMMERCIAL CORE,商业核心聚焦于在中心零售区与新的交通换乘站的便捷连接使这里成为便于到达的商业中心,The commercial core is focused around a central retail environmentEasy connections to a new transit hub make this an accessible center for business,标志性建筑群的轴线打开了通向机场高速路的视野,MAIN AXIS OF LANDMARK BUILDINGS ADJUSTED TO VIEW FROM AIRPORT EXPRESSWAY,三座标志性建筑塑造了商业中心的个性,THREE LANDMARK TOWERS ESTABLISH AN IDENTITY FOR THE COMMERCIAL CENTER,BUILDING DIVERSITY,建筑多样性,类型D都市地块建筑(25-50米)Type DUrban Block Building(25-50m),类型B办公楼(150-200米)Type BOffice Towers (150-200m),类型A地标塔楼(200-300米)Type ALandmark Towers (200-300m),类型C中层办公(50-150米)Type CMid-Rise Offices (50-150m),一个提供上千居民生活学习、工作玩乐的社区,A COMMUNITY FOR PEOPLE TO LIVE AND LEARN, WORK AND PLAY,可识别的区域,IDENTIFIABLE DISTRICTS,住宅邻里与学校,Residential Neighborhood and Schools,商业核心,The Commercial Core,文化与酒店区,Cultural and Hotel District,混合使用与会议区,Mixed Use and Convention District and Residential,一个混合使用充满活力的地区,A VIBRANT DISTRICT WITH A MIX OF USES,大望京商业区将提供各种发展机遇,包括办公楼、会议中心、酒店、住宅、服务式公寓、零售和娱乐设施、文化设施、学校以及一个新的文化艺术中心。,Dawangjing will be home to a range of development opportunities, offering office, conference centers, hotels, residential, service apartments, retail and entertainment experiences, cultural attractions, schools as well as and a new culture & art center.,商业核心与地标建筑,COMMERCIAL CORE AND LANDMARK BUILDINGS,零售, 餐饮, 娱乐,RETAIL, DINING AND ENTERTAINMENT,酒店临近办公,HOTELS IN PROXIMITY TO OFFICES,多样的居住机会,A VARIETY OF RESIDENTIAL OPPORTUNITIES,整合文化与艺术,INTEGRATE CULTURE AND THE ARTS,学校与市民用途,SCHOOLS AND CIVIC USES,文化艺术中心和酒店,CULTURE & ART CENTER AND HOTEL,艺术桥,ARTS BRIDGE,公园设施,AMENITIES IN THE PARK,户外公共空间,OUTDOOR PUBLIC SPACES,一个与自然和谐共存的社区,A COMMUNITY IN BALANCE WITH NATURE,区域可达性,DISTRICT ACCESS,区域道路,REGIONAL AND COLLECTOR STREETS,公园道路,PARK STREETS,公园道路,PARK STREETS,所有街道都拥有自行车道以提供安全零碳的交通运输。所有街道都为步行者设计;清晰的小径设置在连续的,提供遮荫的行道树下,以鼓励步行。,All streets are designed with bicycle lanes providing safe and carbon free transportation. Each street is designed for the pedestrian, set by clear paths under a continuous planting of street trees, providing needed shade and encouraging walking.,绿色街道连接公园,GREEN STREETS CONNECT PARKS,绿色街道,GREEN STREETS,支路分散交通,LOCAL STREETS DISTRIBUTE TRAFFIC,支路,LOCAL STREETS,停车,PARKING, 建议设置地下停车场 每个开发街区都将提 供地下停车空间 车辆从庭院进入地下 车库,有利于塑造对 步行更有利的街道环境, Parking is proposed in below ground structures Each development will provide parking within the urban blocks Access to parking levels are envisioned from interior courts away from the more public streets, allowing for a more pedestrian friendly street,街道强化都市框架,STREETS REINFORCE URBAN FRAMEWORK,街区的设置以满足不同的用途和建筑类型为基础。未来的建筑将强调连续的街道界面,并限定出建筑内部花园或庭院。至少80%的地块的临街面将设置具有活力的用途.,Development blocks have been established to accept a variety of uses and buildings types. Future buildings will reinforce a consistent street frontage, framing interior gardens or courtyards. At least 80% of the blocks street frontage will be lived by active uses.,公交示意图,TRANSIT DIAGRAM,将在新的地铁15号线沿线,设立一个全新的站点,以连接北京市与大望京地区。同时拟在机场轻轨沿线设置新站点,为往返于北京首都国际机场的商务人士提供便捷。,The community of Dawangjing will include a new transit station on the new M15 subway line connecting the district into the city. A suggested station along the Airport Express LRT will enable quick entry and exit to and from the Beijing Capital International Airport.,公交换乘枢纽站,TRANSIT HUB,一个全新的位于阜安路上的公交换乘枢纽站将地铁15号线站点与公共汽车和电车路线相连接。,A new multi-modal transit station will be provided on Fu An Road that will connect the M15 station with the bus service and street car line.,公交换乘枢纽设有天棚,创新的天棚设计将延伸至街道范围,使公共汽车、有轨电车和地铁都能得到遮雨防护。,This multi modal hub will be housed under a innovative canopy roof that spans the street and connects bus, street car and subway all under rain protection.,有轨电车,STREET CAR,地面有轨电车将往来于各主要交通站点和街区,连接主要住宅区和未来工作场所。所有开发设施都将设置在距离有轨电车站点5分钟的步行距离范围内,以提供方便快捷的非私家车出行模式。,A surface street car will link the major transit stations to each development block, linking major housing districts to future jobs. All development will be within a 5 minute walk of street car stations, providing easy and convenient access without the need for a personal car.,有轨电车的延伸,EXTENSION OF STREET CAR,有轨电车系统的规划的最终目标是向东扩展,连接大山子区;向西延伸连接望京地区以外的其他开发项目。,The street car network is envisioned to eventually extend west beyond Wangjing, connecting other developments to transit,巴士连接,BUS CONNECTION,综合公交系统,COMPREHENSIVE TRANSIT SYSTEM,综合交通系统将提供能取代私人汽车的高能效、高效率的出行模式。规划目标是80%的居民和工作人口的出行能通过公共交通、自行车或步行完成,进而大大减少交通影响和拥挤程度。,This comprehensive transit system will offer energy savings and attractive alternatives to the private automobile. The goal is for 80% of resident and worker journeys to be by public transit, bicycle or by walking, greatly reducing traffic impact and congestion.,A SUSTAINABLE APPROACH,一个可持续的方式,大望京是一个生态系统,是一个以水和太阳作为创新的基础设施框架的构筑的生态系统。,Dawangjing is an ecosystem . a construction ecosystem where the water and the sun, provide the framework for an innovative infrastructure.,ENERGY,能源,大望京的基础设施系统将融入最新的技术,使用太阳能进行热水供热,以降低能源峰期需求。,An infrastructure the embraces new technologies and the ability to use the sun to heat hot water and greatly reduce peak energy demands.,住宅区能源策略Residential District Energy Strategies,公园下方的地源热交换系统,用于住宅制冷供暖Ground source heat exchange system below park for residential cooling and heating住宅楼都连接到中央散热源Residential buildings are linked to a central source for heat rejection屋顶整合太阳能技术,比如热水器和光伏设备Roofs integrate solar technologies such as hot water collectors and photovoltaics绿化屋顶增强了建筑隔热能力,有助于雨水管理Green roofs increase building insulation capacity and help in rain water management,WATER,水,基础设施系统将对雨水实施然管理,改善基地周围现有河道的水质,以减少基地内管道铺设的需求。,An infrastructure that reduces the need for pipes by natural managing stormwater and improving the quality of the existing canals around the site,商业区水策略Commercial District Water Strategies,回收并存储屋顶的雨水进行再利用Rain water from roofs is collected and stored for reuse雨水和中水在建筑内进行再利用。废水在地区污水处理厂进行处理Rain water and gray water is reused in buildings. Black water will be treated in a regional waste water treatment plant减少冷却塔数量将大幅减少耗水量Fewer number of cooling towers will reduce the water consumption significantly多余的雨水将送往生物过滤带Excess rain water is sent to bio-filtration strips绿化屋顶有助于夏季和冬季建筑隔热,还有助于雨水管理过程Green roofs help insulate buildings during winter and summer and help in rain water management process运河及生态沼泽的整合生物过滤工艺清洁地表径流Integrated biofiltration process in canals and bioswales clean surface runoff水过滤进入地面有助于补给含水土层并增加地源散热的潜能Water filtration into the ground help recharge the aquifers and increase the potential of ground source heat rejection,CONSERVING WATER,节约用水,大望京地区有机会拥有领先的标准,地区内的水将被回收至土壤,耗水量也将低于北京市内同一密度的其他城区。,Dawangjing is a community that demonstrates the unique opportunity to design a trend-setting place that returns water to the soil, and will use less water than any other urban district of this density in Beijing.,AN INTEGRATED APPROACH,一个整合的方式,地热交换系统取代了冷却塔,大幅度地减少了传统冷却系统的用水需求。通过建筑物屋顶收集雨水,经过过滤后在建筑物内使用。生物过滤区能消除雨水中的污染物,并补充蓄水层。处理后的水可在建筑中再次利用。中水经由过滤,清洁,处理在建筑物内循环使用。,Cooling towers are replaced by ground heat exchange system, dramatically reducing the need for offsite water used in traditional cooling systems.Storm water is harvested from roof tops, filtered and reused in the buildings. Biofiltration areas remove pollutants carried by storm water and recharge aquifers. Gray water is filtered, cleansed, treated and reused in the buildings.,CONSERVE 500,000,000 LITERS OF WATER EACH YEAR,一年节省5亿升的用水,大望京地区将利用地热能来为建筑物提供供热和制冷,通过总体规划以及作为重要基础设施的中心公园,大幅降低冷却水塔的设置需求,以及这些系统原本所需的耗水量。大望京地区的建设目标是将水耗减少至传统开发模式下的50%。,Through integrated planning and utilizing the central park as a critical part of the infrastructure, the need for cooling towers can be greatly reduced as well as the significant amount of water these systems demand, by using the earth as a way to heat and cool the buildings within Dawangjing. The goal is to reduce water consumption by up to 50% of traditional development approaches,8 GUIDING THEMES - PLANNING PRINCIPLES TO GUIDE THE FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF DAWANGJING BUSINESS DISTRICT,个指导原则 - 大望京商务区未来发展的规划原则,


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