兵工自动化 摘要英译集 2005年第3期2005-3题录英译集*武器装备自动化 火炮射击稳定性的序列二次规划算法与虚拟样机融合优化李三群1, 刘海平1,郑智刚2,陶辰立1(1军械工程学院 火炮工程系,河北 石家庄 050003;2石家庄铁路职业技术学院 基础部,河北 石家庄 050041)摘要:火炮虚拟样机技术可对机械系统自动形成动力学方程并求解。序列二次规划(SQP)算法是在每迭代点构造二次规划子问题,以该子问题的解作为迭代搜索方向,逼近约束优化问题的解。该算法通过与虚拟样机融合,利用序列二次投影算法对火炮结构参数及稳定性进行了研究。此算法也可拓展到其他机械系统的设计和分析。关键词:火炮,虚拟样机,稳定性,优化设计,序列二次规划Optimization of Firing Stability for Gun System Based on Combination of SQP and Virtual PrototypingLI San-qun, LIU Hai-ping, ZHENG Zhi-gang, TAO Chen-li (1. Dept. of Guns Engineering, Ordnance Engineering College, Shijiazhuang 050003, China;2. Dept. of Basic Courses, Shijiazhuang Railway College of Professional Technology, Shijiazhuang 050041, China)Abstract: Dynamic equation is created and solved automatically by virtual prototyping technology for mechanical system. The sub-problem of quadratic programming was constructed at an iterative point using SQP (Sequential Quadratic Programming) method. The solution of sub-problem was used as searching direction to approximate the solution of constrained optimization problem. By combination of SQP and virtual prototyping, structural parameters of the gun system were optimized. The method is applicable for design and analysis of other mechanical systems.Keywords: Gun; Virtual prototyping; Stability; Optimal design; SQP (Sequential Quadratic Programming)*作战方案效能分析系统研究肖鹏坤,吴裕树(北京理工大学 计算机科学与工程系,北京 100081)摘要:作战方案效能分析系统由作战方案数据库、数字化地图库、武器性能库、编制库、作战能力影响因素库和效能分析软件组成。其作战能力分析模型仅考虑给定编制和武器装备的作战能力。并用改进兰彻斯特方程求解敌我兵力损耗,以推进率方程求解到达目的地的时间,继而求出完成任务的成功率。从而评价作战方案效能。关键词:作战方案;效能分析;兵力损耗;成功概率Research on System of Battle Strategy EvaluationXIAO Peng-kun, WU Yu-shu(Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China)Abstract: The evaluation system of battle strategy is composed of Battle Strategy Database, Digital map database, weapon performance database, force organization database, the impact index database and efficiency analysis software. For battle efficiency analysis module, only given organization and weapon equipment are considered. The loss of enemy and our forces were computed with modified Lanchester equation, and the time reached a destination was computed by using the advance rate equation, and based on above two results, the probability of success is given. According to three indexes of force losses, time reached a destination and probability of success, the efficiency evaluation of Battle strategy was realized.Key words: Battle strategy; Efficiency analysis; Force losses; Probability of success*信息化防空兵部队作战能力评估郝海燕,李勇,梁宇,尤志锋(防空兵指挥学院 研究生队,河南 郑州 450052)摘要:信息化防空兵部队作战能力评估包括信息、火力、机动、防护和指挥等5个战斗能力要素。基于群组决策的评估法依据群组中各专家给出的判断矩阵及对指标的打分,建立判断矩阵中的直接和间接判断信息间的关系,得到一致的专家意见,以确定专家判断的相对客观可信度及各指标的权值,计算其作战能力。关键词:作战能力;群组决策;评估;信息化防空兵部队Evaluation of Combat Capability for Informatization-Antiaircraft ForcesHAO Hai-yan, LIANG Yu, YOU Zhi-feng(Brigade of graduate, Air Defense Forces Command Academy, Zhengzhou 450052, China)Abstract: The evaluation of the combat capability of the information-air defence forces includes 5 factors, such as information, firepower, mobility, protection capability and command. For the evaluation method based on the group decision, according to the judgment matrix in the group and the index value gave by each expert, the relationship between the direct and indirect information from the matrix was set up to get the consistency of expert idea, and the relative reliability of each expert and the weigh vector of index was confirmed, and then combat capability of the information-air defence forces was calculated.Keywords: Combat capability; Group decision; Evaluation; Informatization-air defence forces*装备战备完好性的模型预测研究刘冰,朱小冬,王小魏(军械工程学院 装备指挥与管理系,河北 石家庄,050003)摘要:用简单概率分布建立装备战备完好性预测模型,通过对有关参数调整和战备完好性计算,能详细体现与装备相关的维修性、测试性及保障性。考虑到系统的工作、停机、和维修时间,战备完好性模型分为非工作状态和连续工作预测模型。前者战备完好率等于非工作时的可用度。后者与装备固有可靠性、维修性及保障资源有关。关键词:装备;战备完好性;预测模型;工作/非工作状态Study on Predictive Model for Sufficient Readiness of Combat EquipmentLIU Bing ZHU Xiao-dong WANG Xiao-Wei(Dept. of Equipment Command & Management, Ordnance Engineering College, Shijiazhuang 050003, China)Abstract: The predictive model for combat readiness is constructed according to the simple probability distributing. The maintainability, testability and supportability correlated with equipment is represented with the model by adjusting those correlated parameters in the calculation formulas of readiness sufficiency ratio. In view of the time of work, intermission and maintenance for system, the predictive model is divided into two kinds of the state of non-working and consecutive working. The former, readiness sufficiency ratio is equal to the ratio of usable while not working. The latter correlates with inherent reliability, maintainability and supportability resource of weapon.Keywords: Equipment; Combat readiness; Predictive model; Working/non-working state*武器维修器材供应策略研究李双阁,姜秀萍(大连理工大学 机械学院,辽宁 大连 116023)摘要:基于网络化管理的武器维修器材供应模型含库存、部队申请量、单价和单位运输成本等关系,其部队与仓库位置器材可再分配。其数学模型以费用最低为目标函数,约束条件含需求数量符合申请并小于库存、仓库不能提供时不再次分配,及单位运输成本与运输数量间的部分线性关系。关键词:维修器材;武器;供应模型Research on Material Supply Strategy for Weapon MaintenanceLI Shuang-ge, JIANG Xiu-ping(College of Machine, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116023, China)Abstract: The material supply model weapon maintenance based on administration of networks contains stockpile of material, quantity of application, unit price, transportation cost, and redistributing relation of material between depot and army etc. The lowest expense is used as objective function in mathematical model, and constraint condition includes quantity demanded accorded with quantity of application, quantity of application less than quantity of stockpile, stop to distribute when non-material in the depot, partial linear relation between transportation cost of unit and transportation quantity.Keywords: Maintenance material; Weapon; Supply model*可修部件的面向任务备件优化配置技术高大化1,马月娜1,郭波2(1. 空军工程大学 理学院,陕西 西安 710051;2. 国防科技大学 信息系统与管理学院,湖南 长沙 410073)摘要:面向任务的备件优化配置是在给定任务条件下,通过预测维修保障系统计算备件需求,得到最优备件携行量。针对可修部件,使用排队论相关法分别建立单阶段和多阶段任务的相应面向任务的备件携行量优化模型。用该模型计算其面向任务期间的最优备件携行量。关键词:优化配置;面向任务;备件携行量;单阶段任务;多阶段任务Configuration Optimizing of Repairable Spare Parts for Mission-OrientedGAO Da-Hua1, MA Yue-na, GUO Bo2(1. Engineering University of PLA Air Force, Xian 710051, China; 2. College of Information System & Management, National University of Defence Technology, Changsha 410073, China)Abstract: The configuration optimizing of repairable spare parts for mission-oriented of repairable spare parts is that under the given circumstances of training or combat missions, the quantity demanded of spare parts are computed to gain most optimized quantity of carried spare parts according to the demands of forecasting maintenance support system. Aiming at repairable spare parts, the models of optimization for amount of carried spare parts for mission-oriented related to the single-phase mission and multi-phases mission were established respectively. And carried quantity of optimized spare parts wwas computed with the models.Keywords: Configuration optimized; Mission-oriented; Quantity of carried spare parts; Single-phase mission; Multi-phase mission*基于TMS320F2812的水下自主航行器CAN总线通信万伟安,吴旭光,王欢(西北工业大学 航海学院,陕西 西安 710072)摘要:基于TMS320F2812的水下自主航行器CAN总线通信,其DSP节点可处理数字信号和控制电机,采用CPLD设计TMS320F2812外存接口。内置eCAN模块可置为标准CAN控制模式,并可通过SCB位选择SCC/eCAN模式。软件流程含eCAN初始化、主节点接收外部节点信息、主节点和其它节点向另外CAN节点发送信息。关键词:总线通信;CAN;水下自主航行器;TMS320F2812Application of CAN Bus Communication in AUV Based on TMS320F2812WAN Wei-an, WU Xu-guang, WANG Huan(College of Marine, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xian 710072, China)Abstract: The CAN bus communication is applied in autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV), the external storage interface of TMS320F2812 is designed with CPLD, and digital signals is processed and motor is controlled by using DSP node. The built-in eCAN module of TMS320F2812 was set into control mode of criterion CAN bus, and SCC/eCAN mode was selected through SCB digit. The software flow chart includes initialization with eCAN, received message of external node by host node, transmitted message to CAN the CAN bus node by host nodes and other ones.Keywords: Bus communication; CAN Bus; Autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV); TMS320F2812*带模糊目标的地空导弹系统可靠性分配模型尤志锋,赵书文,李勇(防空兵指挥学院 研究生队,河南 郑州 450052)摘要:带模糊目标的地空导弹系统可靠性分配模型以遗传算法求解为基础。先采用实数编码,即以染色体的基因座表示导弹系统各子系统编号并初始化。再结合旋转轮盘赌和最优化选择新一代染色体。并以算术杂交算子选择两个父代配对,均匀变异产生子代。最后通过适应值函数评价染色体。关键词:遗传算法;模糊目标;导弹武器系统;可靠性分配中图分类号: 文献标识码:AReliability-Assignment Optimization Model of Surface-to-Air Missile System with Fuzzy TargetsYOU Zhi-feng, ZHAO Shu-wen, LI Yong(Brigade of Graduatet, Air Defense Forces Command Academy, Zhengzhou 450052, China)Abstract: The reliability-assignment optimization model of the surface to air missile system with fuzzy goals is based on genetic algorithm. Firstly, chromosomes were initialized utilizing real-number encoding by numbering them with the subsystem numbers of missile system. After doing that, the new generation was selected by synthesizing roulette wheel and optimization selecting. And then, mate of two father generation chromosomes were selected by arithmetical crossover to generate sub-generation. In the end, evaluate the chromosome by fitness function.Keywords: Genetic algorithm; Fuzzy goals; Missile weapon system; Reliability-assignment*小口径高炮光电火控系统模拟训练软件设计杨华冰,程红熙,何清华(防空兵指挥学院 研究生队,河南 郑州 450052)摘要:小口径高炮光电火控系统模拟训练软件基于DOS环境,使用C高级语言编程。以现成控制面板和LCD显示器,以工控机为总处理单元。系统模拟训练软件采用层次化、模块化设计,模块间相互独立,包括目标生成、模拟目标行路、跟踪瞄准线角量实时采集、跟踪误差求取/记录,及训练成绩评定等模块。关键词:小口径高炮;光电火控系统;模拟训练软件Simulation Training Software of Photoelectric Fire Control System for Small Calibre AA-GunsYANG Hua-bing, CHENG Hong-xi, HE Qing-hua(Brigade of Graduate, Air Defense Forces Command Academy, Zhengzhou 450052,China)Abstract: Simulation and training software of photoelectric fire control system for small caliber AA-Guns is based on environment DOS, the program was compiled with C programming language. Based on existing control panel and LCD display, and embedded microcomputer is mainly used as processing unit. The hiberarchy and modularization is adopted in design of simulation and training software, and modules are independent one another. The software includes: forming target, simulation of target course, collection of tracking line of sight, getting/recording track error, and assessing results of training modules etc.Keywords: Small calibre AA-Guns; Photoelectric fire control system; Simulation training software*雷达改善因子测试仪的设计胡文华,王志云,双爱琼(军械工程学院 光学与电子工程系,河北 石家庄 050003)摘要:基于回波模拟器原理的便携式雷达改善因子测试仪采用嵌入式Linux操作,由PC/104总线CPU、回波信号模拟器虚拟仪器卡和测试软件构成。PC/104 CPU主模块控制管理系统、产生控制目标回波及改善因子测试自动引导。该测试仪通过回波模拟器在雷达动目标显示系统改善因子测试应用中得以验证。关键词:测试仪;改善因子;回波模拟器;嵌入式系统;虚拟仪器Design of Measuring Instrument for Radar Improvement FactorHU Wen-hua,WANG Zhi-yun,SHUANG Ai-qiong(Dept. of Optics & Electron Engineering, Ordance Engineering College, Shijiazhuang 050003 China)Abstract: The embedded Linux was adopted in portable measuring instrument for radar improvement factor based on the principle of echo simulator. The measuring instrument for radar improvement factor is composed of PC/104 CPU, virtual-instrument card of echo simulator and testing software. The management system was controlled, the echo of controlled target was generated with PC/104 CPU, and it led automatically to measure improvement factor. The application of the instrument in measuring of improvement factor for radar moving-target indicator system was validated through echo simulator.Keywords: Measuring instrument; Improvement factor; Echo simulator; Embedded system; Virtual-instrument*弹道修正弹丸的脉冲控制参数设计林德福,徐劲祥,宋锦武(北京理工大学 机电工程学院,北京 100081)摘要:弹道修正弹丸的脉冲控制参数设计包括建立脉冲修正模型及弹道仿真分析。采用末修迫弹六自由度弹道仿真程序对模型进行弹道仿真,并根据相应脉冲发动机修正原则进行弹道仿真计算。仿真结果表明脉冲力大小和作用于质心位置直接影响脱靶量。关键词:脉冲修正;脉冲控制;弹道仿真;脱靶量中图分类号: 文献标识码:Design of Pulse Control Parameter for Projectile with Ballistic CorrectionLIN De-fu, XU Jin-xiang, SONG Jin-wu(College of Electromechanical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China)Abstract: The design of pulse control parameter for projectile with ballistic correction includes setting up pulse correction model and analyzing ballistic simulation. The ballistic pulse correction model was simulated with ballistic simulation program of six degrees of freedom for mortar projectiles, and ballistic simulation was analyzed and calculated according to the correction rule of relevant pulse engine. The result of simulation shows that big and small of impulsive force and its actting on centroid position is influence on target-missing quantity directly.Keywords: Pulse correction; Pulse control; Ballistic simulation; Target-missing quantity; Ballistic trajectory*装药燃面分析的组件化技术王合久1,白江南2,杜红星1(1. 中国航天科工集团 第二研究院206所,北京 100854;2. 南京理工大学 机械工程学院,江苏 南京 210094)摘要:基于组件技术的装药燃面分析软件采用三层结构。其交互层定制用户界面;中间层处理用户请求及实现内部联接;主程序中调用图形、药柱、数据处理等组件功能接口,实现系统集成。药柱组件使用IDL定义接口及其属性方法,编译后添加接口代码生成组件。图形组件以OpenGL函数为图形绘制支撑。数据处理组件处理计算产生的数据。存取数据选用SQL作为数据库。关键词:装药燃面;药柱组件及接口;组件技术Component Technology for Analyzing Grain Burning AreaWANG He-jiu1, BAI Jiang-nan2, DU Hong-xing1(1. No.206 Institute, Second Academy of CASIC, Beijing 100854, China)2. College of Mechanical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science & Technology, Nanjing 210094, China)Abstract: The component-based software for analyzing burning area of grain was developed with COM (Component Object Model) technology, and it was designed with three layers architecture. User interface is customized in alternating layer, the request of user is processed and internal connection is implemented in interface layer. And in main program, the system integration is realized through transferring graphics component, grain component, data processing etc. Interfac