天竺之国,印度,Tenjiku,Republic of India,India is one of the oldest civilizations palace in the world. India is a country full of oriental mystery. India is the first site that tested Gandhis non-violent struggle thoery. India was the jewel in the crown empire of the sun never setsthe empire on which the sun never sets. India is quietly emerging in the East Sea, and it is nearing China. India is one of modern China and with the same ordeal and the course of struggle of peoples-Cheng Jie Lin, A History of India,India Phantom,Location of Country,South Asia,Capital City,Population,New Delhi,1,210,193,422,India,印度,历史,History,Morden India当代印度,刹帝利,Vaisya,吠舍,Kshatriya,Sudra,首陀罗,Caste System,Kshatriya,Brahmin,The Brahmins are the priests nobles. They largely religious, divination, for better or worse, monopoly culture and reported season, is the highest status in society. In order to maintain the caste system, brahmin priests preached, people are divided into four castes is the will of God, is right and proper.,Kshatriya, from Kshatra (rule or authority), is one of the four varnas of the Hindu society. Traditionally, Kshatriya constitute the ruling and military elite. They were in charge of the protection of the society by fighting in wartime and governing in peacetime.,Vaihyas,Shudra,Shudra is the fourth Varna. According to this ancient text, the Shudra perform functions of serving the other three varna. The varna system became rigid in the later Vedic period. In modern Indian society, the government is taking steps to end the differences between various castes.,Hindu religious texts assigned Vaishyas to traditional roles in agriculture and cattle-rearing but over time they came to be landowners, traders and money-lenders. Indian traders were widely credited for the spread of Indian culture to regions as far as Southeast Asia.,Festival of Lights (Diwali)Holi Festival Festival of Ten (Dussehra),Traditional Festivals,Diwali is Indias most lively, one of the most important traditional festival.,Festival of Lights,The Holi festival of colors draws its roots from a Hindu legend involving the courtship of Radha and the religious figure Krishna.,Holi Festival,Festival of ten is celebrating the festival that Rama over ten devil king Rehoboam, is one of the three major Hindu festivals.,Festival of Ten,India is a country with Unity in Diversity. This diverseness in culture makes India a unique country in the world with a lot of different customs and traditions. Customs of India are a major attraction for the tourists coming here.,Religions and Customs in India,Religion in India is characterized by a diversity of religious beliefs and practices. India is the birthplace of four of the worlds major religions; namely Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. Throughout Indias history, religion has been an important part of the countrys culture. Religious diversity and religious tolerance are both established in the country by the law and custom. A vast majority of Indians, (over 93%), associate themselves with a religion.,Religion,Major Religions in India,Hinduism,Islan (Taj Mahal)The famous Islamic architecture in India.,Ceremony,Others,Before Parents and Elders,Traditional,India has the large population and rapid economic development.,Railway Network,India has the large population and rapid economic development. India has the good prospect of consumer market.,India scores high on this dimension, 77, indicating an appreciation for hierarchy and a Top Down Structure in society and Organizations.l,PDI Score,Compare with China,India, with a score of 48 is a society with clear collectivistic traits. This means that there is a high preference for belonging to a larger social framework in which individuals are expected to act in accordance to the greater good of ones defined in-group(s).,IDV Score,Compare with China,India scores 56 on this dimension and is thus considered a masculine society. Even though it is mildy above the mid range in score, India is actually very masculine in terms of visual display of success and power.,MAS Score,Compare with China,India scores 40 on this dimension and thus has a medium low preference for avoiding uncertainty. In India there is acceptance of imperfection; nothing has to be perfect nor has to go exactly as planned.,UAI Score,Compare with China,The Indians score 61, making it a long term, pragmatic culture. In India the concept of “karma” dominates religious and philosophical thought. Time is not linear, and thus not as important as to western societies which typically score low on this dimension.,LTO Score,Compare with China,Thank you!,India,Claire Lu, Lucy Lu, Emily Sun, Coral Pei.,