1,英语名词性从句主要包括主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。汉语不存在类似结构,在翻译此类从句时,可以基本按照英语语序处理。,名词性从句的翻译,翻译技巧名词性从句的翻译,2,一、 主语从句 1.1 以what、whatever、whoever 等代词引导的主 语从句翻译时按原文顺序翻译。例如: 1) Whatever he saw and heard on his trip gave him a very deep impression. 他此行所见所闻都给他留下了深刻的印象。,翻译技巧1. 主语从句的翻译,3,2) How and when human language developed and whether animals such as chimpanzees and gorillas can develop a more elaborate system of communication are issues at present being researched. 人类的语言是什么时候以及以何 种方式发展起来的,诸如黑猩猩和大 猩猩一类的动物是否会形成一种更加 复杂的交流系统,都是现阶段人们研 究的课题。,翻译技巧1. 主语从句的翻译,4,3) What accounts for others success is some special secret or a lucky break. But rarely is success so mysterious. 别人的成功是源于某种特殊的奥秘或者某种机遇。但成功是很少如此神秘的。,翻译技巧1. 主语从句的翻译,5,1.2 代词“it”引导的主语从句的翻译方法 这类主语从句翻译时可前可后。 例如, 按照主语在前的顺序翻译: 1) It doesnt make much difference whether he attends the meeting or not. 他参不参加会议没有多大关系。,翻译技巧1. 主语从句的翻译,6,2) It is good news that our team has won the championship. 我们队得了冠军是好消息。 3) It seemed inconceivable that the pilot could have survived the crash. 驾驶员在飞机失事之后还能活着,真是不可思议。 4) It is a matter of common experience that bodies are lighter in water than they are in air. 物体在水中比在空气中轻,这是一种常识。,翻译技巧1. 主语从句的翻译,7,也可以变换顺序,翻译时主语从句置于句后: 1) It is obvious that such uncomfortable feelings must affect people adversely. 显然,这种不安的感觉会对人们产生不利的影响。 2) It is certain that technology, especially computer technology, will rule our lives to a greater and greater degree. 可以肯定,技术将越来越多地主宰我们的生活,特别是计算机技术。,翻译技巧1. 主语从句的翻译,8,3) It was evident that to answer the letter he needed something more than goodwill, ink, and paper. 很显然,要回复这封信,他需要的不只是好意、墨水和纸张。,翻译技巧1. 主语从句的翻译,9,也可以在翻译时用人称做主语: 1) It never occurred to me that she was so dishonest. 我从未想到她这么不诚实。 2) It was observed by professors and women students alike that the boys were taking over the classroom discussions. 教授们和女生都发现,男孩子正在逐渐“接管”课堂讨论。,翻译技巧1. 主语从句的翻译,10,3) It is imagined by many that the operations of the common mind can by no means be compared with these processes. 许多人认为普通人的思维活动根本无法与这些过程相比。 4) It was thought that this drug was blown into the bedroom through a tube in the form of a fine powder which the sleeper breathed in. 人们认为,这种药是被人通过一根管子以细粉的形式吹 入卧室,然后被睡着的人吸入的。,翻译技巧1. 主语从句的翻译,11,二、 宾语从句 2.1 以that, what, how等引导的宾语从句译成汉语时一般不需要改变原文顺序。例如: 1) The groups charge that the Navys plan violates federal laws that protect animals from being mistreated. 这些组织指控海军的计划违背了保护动物不受虐待的联邦法律。,翻译技巧2. 宾语从句的翻译,12,2) But critics wonder if dolphins can be trusted to guard nuclear weapons. 但是批评家们怀疑海豚是否能担负起守卫核武器的重任。 3) Scientists have reason to think that a man can put up with far more radiation than 0.1 REM without being damaged. 科学家有理由认为一个人能够忍受远远超过0.1雷姆的辐射而不受伤害。,翻译技巧2. 宾语从句的翻译,13,2.2 用“it”作形式宾语 译成汉语时按原文顺序翻译,但“it”不必译出。例如: 1) I made it clear to them that they must hand in their papers before 10 oclock in the morning. 我向他们讲清楚了,他们必须在上午10时前交论文。 2) You have all heard it repeated that men of science work by means of induction and deduction. 你们都多次听说过, 科学家采用归纳法和演绎法进行工作。 3) He just took it for granted that he would pass the exam. 他想当然地认为自己能通过考试。,翻译技巧2. 宾语从句的翻译,14,英语表语从句翻译成汉语时可以按照原文顺序翻译。,三、 表语从句,1) And all I know is that my baby doesnt hear a thing. 我只知道我的宝宝什么也听不见。2) A more serious criticism is that the apes are responding to unconscious cues from their trainers. 更严厉的批评认为,猿猴其实是在对他们的训练员们不自觉的 暗示作出反应。,翻译技巧3. 表语从句的翻译,15,3) One of the reasons that therapy often takes so long is that, once you leave the safety and support of a session, you reenter the world where familiar people elicit the familiar reactions. 治疗往往需要很长时间,原因之一是,一旦给予你安全保护 和帮助的一个疗程结束后,你重新又回到了原来的世界,那 儿你的熟人会诱惑你重蹈覆辙。4) The most important part of any therapy is not what you understand or what you talk about, but what you do. 一种疗法的关键不在于你领悟到什么或谈论了什么,而在于你做 了什么。,翻译技巧3. 表语从句的翻译,16,2. 同位语从句的翻译,同位语从句翻译成汉语时,可按照原文顺序翻译,适当增添某些动词,以使语言流畅。,1) But, until now, there has been no evidence that any bird could make the big leap to associating one sound exclusively with one object or quality. 然而到目前为止,还没有证据显示任何一种鸟已经实现了这 一飞跃:把某一个声音只与某种物体或特征联系起来。,翻译技巧4. 同位语从句的翻译,17,2) There are occasional hints that he has grasped even more advanced concepts but Dr. Pepperberg is cautious. 偶尔有一些迹象表明它已掌握了更高级的概念,但佩珀伯 格博士对此很谨慎。3) A year later, the father received a letter that one of his lost ships had been found and had arrived filled with merchandise for him. 一年后,父亲收到了一封信,信上说找到了他失踪的一条船, 船上满载货物,已经到港。4) The scientists have been looking for evidence that Alex understands more complicated ideas. 科学家们一直在寻找证据来证明亚历克斯懂得更复杂的概念。,翻译技巧4. 同位语从句的翻译,18,但在有些情况下,翻译时,同位语从句可以提前。,1) The fact that they are doing more shopping may result in their spending more money in stores they go to. 青少年现在购物更多了,这就会使他们在光顾的商店里花钱多。2) That aspect has to be weighed against the fact that they might not help your career plans. 但这些工作可能无助于你的择业规划,你必须在这两个方面权 衡一下。3) Your abilities count, but the belief that you can succeed affects whether or not you will. 你的能力固然很重要,但是相信自己会成功的信念将影响你能 否获得成功。,翻译技巧4. 同位语从句的翻译,19,增加“即”或“那就是”,或用冒号、破折号分开。,1) This reinforced the idea that anything was possible, that I could do anything I wanted. 这进一步增强了我的想法:世上无难事,只要我想要做的事, 我都能够做到。2) And he stands by his claim that we need dolphins to protect the country. 他坚持自己的主张,那就是:我们需要海豚来保护国家。3) Most often this advice includes suggestions that we should eat right, exercise, take vitamins and get a pet. 这种忠告经常包括这样的内容:饮食得当,锻炼身体,服用维 他命以及养宠物。,翻译技巧4. 同位语从句的翻译,20,翻译练习,It was regrettable that our appeal remains a dead letter.2) It is well-known that lung cancer is caused at least in part by smoking too much.3) The old lady then explained that what she was looking for was a pair of gloves for a girl.,遗憾的是,我们的呼吁没有得到响应。,众所周知,肺癌至少部分是由于吸烟过多引起的。,那位老太太解释说她在为一个女孩找一幅手套。,Directions: Translate the following sentences into Chinese.,翻译技巧翻译练习,Section A,21,4) He would remind people again that it was decided not only by himself but by lots of others.,他想再次提醒大家,决定这件事的不止他一个人,还有其他许多人。,5) They want to explain why we possess certain characteristics and exhibit certain behavior.,他们想要说明,为什么我们有某些性格特征并表现出某些行为。,翻译技巧翻译练习,22,伽利略最光辉的业绩在于他在1609年第一个把新发明的望远镜对准天空,证实了行星是围绕太阳而不是围绕地球旋转。,6) Galileos greatest glory was that in 1609 he was the first person to turn the newly invented telescope on the heavens to prove that the planets revolve around the sun rather than around the Earth.,翻译技巧翻译练习,23,7) The defining characteristic of pessimists is that they tend to believe bad events will last a long time, will undermine everything they do, and are their own fault.,悲观主义者的典型特征是他们往往认为坏事会持续很久,会损害他们所做的每一件事情,而且都是自己的过错。,8) Monkeys reply was that he knew with certainty that he was powerful enough to rule Heaven.,猴子回答说他确信自己有足够的力量统治天庭。,翻译技巧翻译练习,24,9) The good news is that not all aspects of Type A behavior are equally toxic.,好消息是并非A型行为的各个方面都同样有害。,10) Another aspect Larson studied was the observation that people get more fed up if they are not told what is going on.,有观察表明,如果人们不被告知正在发生的事情,他们会变得更不耐烦。这是Larson研究的另一个课题。,11) Sometimes all a sick person needs is some reassurance that all will be well.,有时病人所需的只是一种安慰:一切都会好的。,翻译技巧翻译练习,25,Section B,Translate the following sentences into English.,1) 问题不是要不要去旅行,而是去哪儿旅行。,The question to ask is not whether we should travel but where we should travel.,2) 小岛的独特之处在于它是由粉红色的珊瑚组成的。,The distinctive feature of the island is that it is made of pink coral.,翻译技巧翻译练习,26,3) 必胜的信念使他走出了荒漠。,The belief that he would win helped him go out of the desert.,4) 小镇风景优美,消费低廉,这让我们喜出望外。,The fact that the town had beautiful scenery and low expenses made us overjoyed.,5) 他想找到这家饭店多收费的证据。,He wanted to find some evidence that the restaurant overcharged him.,翻译技巧翻译练习,