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HACMP Oracle Rac安装设置手册版本 v1.0二零一二年十月北京华胜天成科技股份有限公司北京华胜天城科技股份有限公司第 58 页 共 58 页文档控制更改记录版本创建/修改时间编制/修改者 文件/修改内容审批人V1.02012.10审阅姓名职位发布姓名职位目录目录3第1章 HACMP v5.4安装配置41.1、 IP规划41.2、 安装HACMP软件41.2.1、 操作系统版本41.2.2、 安装依赖的软件包51.2.3、 安装HACMP v5.461.3、 HACMP配置规划81.3.1、 配置IP和网络81.3.2、 编辑/etc/hosts文件91.3.3、 创建共享卷组和文件系统91.4、 HACMP Standard配置101.4.1、 添加 cluster和节点111.4.2、 创建并配置资源组111.4.3、 同步HACMP的配置131.5、 HACMP启动131.5.1、 启动HACMP13第2章 Oracle RAC安装配置132.1、 规划132.2、 安装检查152.3、 安装前配置172.4、 安装CRS202.5、 安装数据库412.6、 创建数据库472.7、 数据测试59第1章 HACMP v5.4安装配置1.1、 IP规划NodeInterface NameTypeIP AddressRegistered Inibm03ibm03Public192.168.1.48Hosts fileibm03ibm03-vipVirtual192.168.1.210Hosts fileibm03ibm03-privPrivate172.16.1.48Hosts fileibm04ibm04Public192.168.1.49Hosts fileibm04ibm04-vipVirtual192.168.1.211Hosts fileibm04ibm04-privPrivate172.16.1.49Hosts file1.2、 安装HACMP软件完成HACMP安装配置规划后,可以开始安装HACMP软件,安装版本为HACMP v5.4。1.2.1、 操作系统版本# oslevel -r5300-061.2.2、 安装依赖的软件包检查系统的软件安装包,请参照IBM红皮书中High Availability Cluster Multi-Processing for AIX 5L Installation Guide。这里我们建议安装软件束APP-DEV和SERVER,其中包括的红皮书要求的大部分软件包。安装rsct软件包:rsct.basicpat.basicpat.clientsrsct.opt.storagerm(可选)安装其它软件包:bos.clvm(使用并行资源组时需要,RAC下必须安装此包)bos.data#smitty install_latestInstall SoftwareType or select values in entry fields.Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.Entry FieldsINPUT device / directory for software /dev/cd0SOFTWARE to install _all_latestPREVIEW only? (install operation will NOT occur) noCOMMIT software updates? yesSAVE replaced files? noAUTOMATICALLY install requisite software? yesEXTEND file systems if space needed? yesOVERWRITE same or newer versions? noVERIFY install and check file sizes? noInclude corresponding LANGUAGE filesets? yesDETAILED output? noProcess multiple volumes? yesACCEPT new license agreements? yesPREVIEW new LICENSE agreements? no在“SOFTWARE to install”一栏中选择要安装的软件包,“ACCEPT new license agreements”中接受许可协议,即完成安装软件包。或参考以下脚本命令:#安装软件包/usr/lib/instl/sm_inst installp_cmd -a -Q -d '/dev/cd0' -f 'bos.clvm ALL I:bos.clvm _all_filesets,bos.data ALL I:bos.data _all_filesets,rsct.basic ALL I:rsct.basic _all_filesets,pat.basic ALL I:pat.basic _all_filesets,pat.clients ALL I:pat.clients _all_filesets,rsct.opt.storagerm ALL I:rsct.opt.storagerm _all_filesets' '-c' '-N' '-g' '-X' '-G' '-Y' #1.2.3、 安装HACMP v5.4除了haview ,netwiew ( Tivoli),的 包以外,所有的HACMP的软件包都要安装,rsct.opt.storagerm为可选安装包,对于基本包在安装光盘或Expansion光盘上可以查找到。#smitty install_latestInstall SoftwareType or select values in entry fields.Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.Entry FieldsINPUT device / directory for software /dev/cd0SOFTWARE to install _all_latestPREVIEW only? (install operation will NOT occur) noCOMMIT software updates? yesSAVE replaced files? noAUTOMATICALLY install requisite software? yesEXTEND file systems if space needed? yesOVERWRITE same or newer versions? noVERIFY install and check file sizes? noInclude corresponding LANGUAGE filesets? yesDETAILED output? noProcess multiple volumes? yesACCEPT new license agreements? yesPREVIEW new LICENSE agreements? no在“SOFTWARE to install”一栏中选择要安装的软件包,“ACCEPT new license agreements”中接受许可协议,即完成安装软件包,安装过程大约在1030分钟完成。或参考以下脚本命令:#安装HACMP/usr/lib/instl/sm_inst installp_cmd -a -Q -d '/dev/cd0' -f 'cluster.adt.es ALL I:cluster.adt.es _all_filesets,cluster.doc.en_US.es ALL I:cluster.doc.en_US.es _all_filesets,cluster.es ALL I:cluster.es _all_filesets,cluster.es.cfs ALL I:cluster.es.cfs _all_filesets,cluster.es.cspoc ALL I:cluster.es.cspoc _all_filesets,cluster.es.nfs ALL I:cluster.es.nfs _all_filesets,cluster.es.plugins ALL I:cluster.es.plugins _all_filesets,cluster.es.worksheets ALL I:cluster.es.worksheets _all_filesets,cluster.license ALL I:cluster.license _all_filesets,cluster.man.en_US.es ALL I:cluster.man.en_US.es _all_filesets' '-c' '-N' '-g' '-X' '-G' '-Y'系统提示成功后,完成HACMP补丁升级,将HACMP补丁上传至系统目录下,我们假设上传目录为/tmp/hav54,本地目录为d:hav54,上传命令如下:Windows:“开始”->“运行”,输入“cmd”,根据以下提示完成补丁上传:Microsoft Windows XP 版本 5.1.2600(C) 版权所有 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.C:Documents and SettingsAdministrator>ftp remote-host-ip-address输入用户名和密码(此处需要给用户设置密码,如果为空,AIX拒绝登录),成功登录后:ftp>cd /tmp/hav54ftp>lcd d:hav54ftp>promptftp>binftp>mput *.bff上传完成后退出ftp程序ftp>quit升级HACMP v5.4补丁#smitty update_all Update Installed Software to Latest Level (Update All)Type or select values in entry fields.Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.Entry FieldsINPUT device / directory for software /tmp/hav54SOFTWARE to update _update_allPREVIEW only? (update operation will NOT occur) noCOMMIT software updates? yesSAVE replaced files? noAUTOMATICALLY install requisite software? yesEXTEND file systems if space needed? yesVERIFY install and check file sizes? noDETAILED output? noProcess multiple volumes? yesACCEPT new license agreements? yesPREVIEW new LICENSE agreements? no回车确认以上命令,即可完成升级工作。注意:如果安装程序提示“没有找到相关的fileset”等类似的提示,可在/tmp/hav54目录下执行命令“#inutoc .”,重新生成软件包安装列表。重新启动AIX安装完成HACMP后,为避免各种问题,要求将AIX系统重新启动,至此我们完成了所有的安装工作,可以开始配置HACMP双机集群了。#shutdown Fr1.3、 HACMP配置规划1.3.1、 配置IP和网络AIX网卡IP地址配置:#smiitty mktcpip Available Network InterfacesMove cursor to desired item and press Enter.en0 08-08 Standard Ethernet Network Interfaceen1 08-09 Standard Ethernet Network Interface en2 0A-08 Standard Ethernet Network Interface en3 0J-08 Standard Ethernet Network Interface选择想要配置IP地址的网卡,选择“en0”,回车确认,进入下一步配置:Minimum Configuration & StartupTo Delete existing configuration data, please use Further Configuration menusType or select values in entry fields.Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.Entry FieldsHOSTNAME ora01Internet ADDRESS (dotted decimal) MASK (dotted decimal) INTERFACE en0NAMESERVERInternet ADDRESS (dotted decimal) DOMAIN Name Default GatewayAddress (dotted decimal or symbolic name) Cost 0Do Active Dead Gateway Detection? noYour CABLE Type N/ASTART TCP/IP daemons Now no使用同样的方法配置完成网卡的IP地址。1.3.2、 编辑/etc/hosts文件对于两个节点ibm03和ibm04要配置相同的/etc/hosts文件,使用vi配置hosts文件,建议首先对原有的hosts文件进行备份,配置如下:#cp /etc/hosts /etc/hosts.bak#vi /etc/hosts192.168.1.48 ibm03192.168.1.49 ibm04172.16.1.48 ibm03-priv172.16.1.49 ibm04-priv192.168.1.210 ibm03-vip192.168.1.211 ibm04-vip1.3.3、 创建共享卷组和文件系统创建卷组#smitty _mkbvgAdd a Big Volume GroupType or select values in entry fields.Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.Entry FieldsVOLUME GROUP name vgdataPhysical partition SIZE in megabytesPHYSICAL VOLUME names hdisk2FORCE the creation of volume group? yesActivate volume group AUTOMATICALLY noat system restart?Volume group MAJOR NUMBER 100Create VG Concurrent Capable? no我们在建立HACMP共享卷组时,要注意的参数 “Activate volume group AUTOMATICALLY at system restart? ”该项,设置为“no”,是使用HACMP的方式将卷组varyon,而不是系统启动时由操作系统varyon。Major NUMBER是指该设备(orvg)的主设备号,此处设置为系统唯一即可,可通过命令查询可用的major number:# lvlstmajor43.59,62.或可通过ls l /dev/命令查看当前所有设备的主设备号,第五列即是。创建逻辑卷和文件系统在ibm03节点上按照以下操作:#varyoffvg vgdata需将vgdata varyoff下来,在ora02节点上才能正确的导入。在ibm04节点上按照一下操作:#lspv hdisk0 00c2ef1fa38df28a rootvg activehdisk1 00c2ef1f38b81fac rootvg activehdisk2 00c2ecef3846c20e None 查看hdisk2是否为物理卷,否则需要使用命令将其属性更改:#chdev l hdisk2 a pv=yes导入卷组和文件系统的定义#smitty importvgImport a Volume GroupType or select values in entry fields.Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.Entry FieldsVOLUME GROUP name vgdata* PHYSICAL VOLUME name hdisk2Volume group MAJOR NUMBER 100#varyonvg vgdata#varyoffvg vgdata1.4、 HACMP Standard配置HACMP配置可采用Standard和Extended两种方式,其中Standard配置可以配置Cluter名称,节点,基本网络,应用服务器,各种资源和资源组等基本的内容,如果要配置永久IP,串口心跳,对资源组进行详细的配置等工作则需要在Extended中完成,可以说Standard菜单是Extended菜单的一个子集,可以在Extended菜单中完成HACMP的所有配置工作。下面我们以Standard菜单完成HACMP的基本配置工作:ü 添加cluster和节点ü 配置cluster资源ü 创建并配置资源组ü 同步HACMP的配置HACMP配置菜单如下:#smitty hacmp HACMP for AIXMove cursor to desired item and press Enter. Initialization and Standard Configuration Extended Configuration System Management (C-SPOC) Problem Determination Tools选择“Initialization and Standard Configuration”,如下菜单:Initialization and Standard ConfigurationMove cursor to desired item and press Enter.Configuration AssistantsConfigure an HACMP Cluster and NodesConfigure Resources to Make Highly AvailableConfigure HACMP Resource GroupsVerify and Synchronize HACMP ConfigurationDisplay HACMP ConfigurationHACMP Cluster Test Tool1.4.1、 添加 cluster和节点#smitty hacmp->Initialization and Standard ConfigurationConfigure an HACMP Cluster and NodesConfigure Nodes to an HACMP Cluster (standard)Type or select values in entry fields.Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.Entry Fields* Cluster Name ora_clusterNew Nodes (via selected communication paths) ibm03 ibm04Currently Configured Node(s)1.4.2、 创建并配置资源组#smitty hacmp-> Initialization and Standard ConfigurationConfigure HACMP Resource Groups Configure HACMP Resource GroupsMove cursor to desired item and press Enter. Add a Resource Group Change/Show a Resource Group Remove a Resource Group Change/Show Resources for a Resource Group (standard)Add a Resource GroupType or select values in entry fields.Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.Entry Fields* Resource Group Name ora_rg* Participating Nodes (Default Node Priority) ibm03 ibm04Startup Policy Online On All AvailabFallover Policy Bring Offline (On Err>Fallback Policy Never Fallback添加资源至资源组中#smitty hacmp-> Initialization and Standard ConfigurationConfigure HACMP Resource Groups Configure HACMP Resource GroupsMove cursor to desired item and press Enter. Add a Resource Group Change/Show a Resource Group Remove a Resource Group Change/Show Resources for a Resource Group (standard)Change/Show All Resources and Attributes for a Resource GroupType or select values in entry fields.Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.Entry FieldsResource Group Name ora_rgParticipating Nodes (Default Node Priority) ibm03 ibm04Startup Policy Online On Home Node OnlyFallover Policy Fallover To Next Priority Node In The ListFallback Policy Fallback To Higher Priority Node In The ListConcurrent Volume Groups vgdata +Use forced varyon of volume groups, if necessary false +Automatically Import Volume Groups false +Application Servers +Tape Resources + 至此,我们完成了资源和资源组的关联。1.4.3、 同步HACMP的配置#smitty hacmp-> Initialization and Standard ConfigurationVerify and Synchronize HACMP Configuration回车确认该操作,这样HACMP的配置已经同步到两个节点中了,也就是ibm03和ibm04拥有同样的配置了。1.5、 HACMP启动1.5.1、 启动HACMP在节点ibm03上执行smitty clstart,回车确认即可启动HACMP* Start now, on system restart or both now + Start Cluster Services on these nodes ibm03 + BROADCAST message at startup? true + Startup Cluster Information Daemon? false + Reacquire resources after forced down ? false +第2章 Oracle RAC安装配置2.1、 规划数据库配置规划ORACLE_BASE/dataCRS_HOME/data/product /10.2.0/crsORACLE_HOME /data/product /10.2.0/dbDB_NAMEorclORACLE_SIDorcl1,orcl2TNS_ADMIN$ORACLE_HOME/network/adminOracle管理帐户的口令 sys Systemoracleoracle数据库存放位置