1,被动语态passive voice,语 法,2,Passive voice,Voice(语态): 表示主语与谓语动词之主客关系的动词形式称为语态(Voice)。若是主语为动作动词的行为主体,那么表达这种关系的动词形式叫做主动语态(Active Voice)。反之,若主语为动作动词的客体,那么表达这种关系的动词形式就叫做被动语态(Passive Voice)。E.g.:,Jim was invited to attend an international conference on computer networking.The pilot was told that his plane had to return to Paris.The pilot told the news to the passengers.,被动语态,主动语态,3,英语动词被动语态的构成,构成:be + 过去分词 (P.P.)“be”动词包括哪些词呢?be-being-been am, is wasare were共有 8 个be动词,4,被动语态 1: 一般现在时 Simple Present,人人都喜欢她。她受人人喜欢。,Everyone likes her.She _ _ by everyone.,is,liked,5,他经常嘲笑我。我经常被他嘲笑。,He often laughs at me.I _ often _by him.,am,laughed at,被动语态 1: 一般现在时 Simple Present,6,被动语态 2: 一般过去时 Simple Past,警察抓到一个小偷。一个小偷被警察抓到了。,The police caught a thief.A thief _ by the police.,was caught,7,被动语态 2: 一般过去时 Simple past,狗咬了他。他被狗咬了。,A dog bit him.He _by a dog.,was bitten,8,Practice: Turn the active voice into passive voice,The police stopped the car.Tom didnt break the window. People speak English in many countries.People use chopsticks in China.,The car was stopped by the police.The window wasnt broken by Tom.English is spoken (by people) in many countries.Chopsticks are used (by people) in China.,9,被动语态 3: 一般将来时,地铁将在明年完成。,The subway _ next year.,will,be,finished,10,河上将建一座桥。如果你违反法律,你就会受到惩罚。,A bridge _ over the river.If you break the law, you _.,will,will be punished,be,built,11,被动语态 4: 现在完成时 Present Perfect,BP机已经被手机所取代。这件事已经被遗忘了。,Beepers _by mobile phones.This matter _.,have,has,been,replaced,been,forgotten,12,Grammar 5:,5. 现在进行时的被动语态,13,Examples:,1. A stranger is following the girl.,The girl _ _ _ by a stranger.,is,being,followed,14,Examples:,2. A policeman is searching his bag.,His bag _ _ _ by a policeman.,is,being,searched,15,Examples:,3. They are building a bridge over the river.,A bridge _ _ _ over the river (by them).,is,being,built,16,Exercises:,The reporter is interviewing the movie star.The teacher is scolding the students.Daisy is mopping the floor.They are building a gymnasium in the school. The fierce dog was watching me.The cruel father is beating his little son.,17,Exercises,18,People use chopsticks in China.Washington chopped down a cherry tree.People will use the money to build a new school.,Exercises:,Chopsticks are used in China.A cherry tree was chopped down by Washington.The money will be used to build a new school.,19,If they catch the thief, they will put him in prison.People have used computers for many years.He has made two model planes.,If the thief is caught, he will be put in prison.Computers have been used for many years.Two model planes have been made by him.,20,Grammar focus: 被动语态 Passive Voice,A lot of people visit the museum.She wrote a letter last night .They have finished their work.You must finish the work this week.They will build a bridge.They are building a bridge.,The museum is visited by a lot of people.A letter was written by her last night.Their work has been finished by them.The work must be finished (by you)this week.A bridge will be built (by them).A bridge is being built (by them).,21,把下列句子变成主动语态:,Rice is grown in Asia. The books were given to the children.The work will be finished soon.He is being interviewed now.The whole building has been searched.The work must be finished in a week.,People grow rice in Asia. They gave the books to the children.They will finish the work soon.A reporter is interviewing him now.They have searched the whole building.You must finish the work in a week.,22,练习,这笔钱将用来建一所新学校。如果小偷被抓住,就会被关进监狱。电脑已被使用多年。,