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    ,Welcome to the Harry Potters world.,Maybe only looking at the picture ,you are not familiar with her. But,You must know Them.,赫敏,罗恩,邓布利多,小天狼星布莱克,斯内普,伏地魔,1 Hermione Granger 2 Ron Weasley 3 Albus Dumbledore 4 Sirius Black 5Professor Severus Snape 6 Voldemort,金妮,秋张,马尔福,卢平,海格,麦格,1 Ginny Weasley 2Cho Chang 3Scorpio Malfoy 4Remus John Lupin 5 Rubeus Hagrid Minerva Mcgonagall,贝拉特里克斯,纳威隆巴顿,Neville Longbottom,Bellatrix Lestrange,It started when Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall placed the young Harry onto the doorstep of his aunt and uncle. On his 11th birthday, Harry learned that he was a wizard and that hell be attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry made friends, Hermione and Ron, together they accidentally went into a room that was guard by a Three-Headed Dog that was guarding something very important. Something, that Voldemont, killer of Harrys parents wanted desperately, and everything began.,哈利从小失去双亲,一直寄宿在姑姑姑父家并且备受欺负。命运在他十一岁那年改变,他收到一封来自霍格沃茨魔法学校的入学通知,并且得知自己和父母都是巫师。历尽艰险,哈利来到了霍格沃茨,认识了赫敏和罗恩,在开学典礼上被分院帽分到了格莱芬多学院,并和同样是新生的斯莱克林学院的马尔福结下了误会。哈利第一次知道了伏地魔,在校长邓布利多那里知道了自己父母死的真相,在夺回魔法石的过程中第一次和伏地魔较量。,On holidays will soon end, a man named dobby elf suddenly appeared in harrys in the bedroom, it warned that harry and return to hogwarts there will be terrible things to come, even can have life risk. But harry insisted that return to hogwarts to, in order to prevent harry, dobby intercept all hermione and RON and harry reply that harry delayed the use of magic to return to hogwarts setout, as harry worried, good friend RON driving a car the enchanted coasters to save him, expend setbacks to, they finally in the final hour back to school. After the start of the new semester, harry really in trouble, first new the new professor Lockhart, followed by and for his bearing a vicious strength against him and his friend, isnt the elf than words are really more? Harry to how to face?,就在假期马上要结束的时候,一个名叫多比的小精灵突然出现在哈利的卧室中,它警告哈利,回到霍格沃茨将会有可怕的事情降临,甚至会有生命危险。可是哈利坚持要回到霍格沃茨去,多比千方百计阻止哈利,并使用魔法使哈利耽误了返回霍格沃茨的专列,就在哈利心急如焚的时候,好朋友罗恩驾着一辆施了魔法的飞车来救他,费尽周折,他们终于在最后时刻赶回了学校。新学期开始后,哈利果然遇到了麻烦,先是新来的新来的教授洛哈特百般刁难他,紧接着又有一股邪恶力量攻击他和他的朋友,在哈利一步步揭开密室谜团的时候,发现一切与伏地魔又有着联系,一场较量再次开始。,Approaching(接近) his third year at Hogwarts, Harry Potter has had enough of his muggle relatives. He runs away from them (finally) and enters his third term facing trouble from more than one side: for using magic outside the school and from the news that a notorious(声名狼籍的)criminal(罪犯), serial killer Sirius Black, has escaped the wizards prison at Azkaban and apparently(显然地)is headed for Harry. The school calls in supernatural help against Black in the form of Dementors, but unusual things continue to put Harry in peril(危险). He is thrown into a confusing(搞乱)panoply of shifting alliegences and shifting shapes where nobody is who or what they seem. Who is the real criminal(罪犯)? What is the real crime? Who is telling or knows the truth?,哈利自己也从姨妈家里逃了出来,他正孤单地在午夜的街上走着时,看见了一条可怕的黑狗。幸好这时一辆魔法世界的骑士巴士及时赶到,救起了哈利,并把哈利带到了伦敦。在伦敦,哈利度过了一段逍遥快乐的日子,他不仅见到了许多希奇的魔法物品,还完成了自己的论文,奇怪的是,他也遇见了一本名为死亡预兆的书,封面就是他离开姨妈家的那天晚上看到的黑狗,一种不祥的预感使哈利感到会有可怕的事情发生哈利在这一部里与他的教父小天狼星相见,了解到更多他父母和伏地魔的真相,并且首次接触了摄神怪。,In his fourth year at Hogwarts, Harry faces his greatest challenges and dangers yet. When he is selected under mysterious circumstances as a contestant in the Triwizard Tournament, Harry must compete against the best young wizards from schools all over Europe. But as he prepares, signs begin to point to the return of Lord Voldemort. Before long, Harry is playing not just for the Cup, but for his life,哈利波特在霍格活茨魔法学校经过三年的学习和磨炼,逐渐成长为一个出色的巫师。新学年开始前,哈利和好朋友罗恩、赫敏一起去观看精彩的魁地奇世界杯赛,无意间发现了消失十三年的黑魔标记。哈利的心头笼上了一团浓重的阴云。他要做一个普普通通的四年级魔法学生,可不幸的是,哈利注定永远都不可能平平常常即使拿魔法界的标准来衡量。黑魔的阴影始终挥之不去,种种暗藏杀机的神秘事件将哈利一步步推向了伏地魔的魔爪。哈利渴望在百年不遇的三强争霸赛中战胜自我,完成三个惊险艰巨的魔法项目,谁知整个竞赛竟是一个天大的黑魔法阴谋,Harry Potter is due to start his fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.His best friends Ron and Hermione have been very secretive all summer and he is desperate to get back to school and find out what has been going on.However,what Harry discovers is far more devastating than he could ever have expected,漫长的暑假,哈利波特意外地遭到摄魂怪的袭击逃过一劫的哈利被护送到伦敦一个秘密的地方,在那里他见了自己的教父小天狼星布莱克、前任黑魔法防御术课教师卢平、疯眼汉穆迪以及他的朋友赫敏和罗恩。他只是知道邓布利多与凤凰社成员正在加紧秘密活动,以对抗日益强大的伏地魔。但是,所有的人都不愿向他透露更多的情况 更糟糕的是,哈利越来越频繁地在梦中看见一道长长的走廊,每当他快要走进长廊尽头的一扇门时,他都会头痛欲裂地从梦中惊醒,觉得自己身体里蠕动着一条大蛇。大蛇的影子在哈利的脑海里越来越清晰,伏地魔走近了哈利 这时,邓布利多告诉他一个天大的秘密。(小天狼星会在这一部里离去。) ),In the sixth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft, and in both wizard and muggle worlds Lord Voldemort and his henchmen are increasingly active. With vacancies to fill at Hogwarts, Professor Dumbledore persuades Horace Slughorn, back from retirement to become the potions teacher, while Professor Snape receives long awaited news. Harry Potter, together with Dumbledore, must face treacherous tasks to defeat his evil nemesis.,自从经历了第五集中魔法部的大战后,伏地魔回归的消息终于被魔法部承认。魔法部迅速改组,原本的魔法部部长福吉被扫地出门。而食死徒们也不再躲躲藏藏,而是开始明目张胆地制造恐怖。悲剧正伺机接近,霍格沃兹魔法学校的命运可能从此改观。通过各种技巧以及运气的帮忙,哈利和邓布利多终于明确了伏地魔不死的原因。可是此时,危机爆发了!在马尔福的帮助下,食死徒冲进了铜墙铁壁的霍格沃兹,而此时邓布利多却失去了法力,斯内普也开始倒戈.这一部里,哈利最敬爱的校长邓布利多在凤凰福布斯的挽歌中离去 ,哈利陷入巨大的痛苦中 。,The Durselys are forced to go into hiding so that Voldemorts Death Eaters will not torture them for information, and Harry sets off with Ron and Hermione on a difficult quest to find and destroy the last of Voldemorts Horcruxes. They manage to destroy another Horcrux with Gryffindors sword, and they become excited again as they begin to learn about a mysterious trio of magical objects called the Deathly Hallows. Whomever possesses the three objects will be a master of death, and to Harry, its his one chance to beat Voldemort and live to tell the tale.,凤凰社的成员精心谋划了秘密转移哈利的计划,以防哈利遭到伏地魔及其追随者食死徒的袭击。卷土重来的伏地魔已经染指霍格沃茨魔法学校,占领了魔法部,控制了半个魔法界,形势急转直下。为了完成校长邓布利多的遗命,一直在暗中寻机销毁伏地魔魂器的哈利,意外地获悉如果他们能够拥有传说中的三件死亡圣器,伏地魔将必死无疑。但是,伏地魔也早已开始了寻找长老魔杖的行动,并派出众多食死徒,布下天罗地网追捕哈利然而,伏地魔未能如愿以偿,魂器不可能战胜纯正的灵魂。哈利赢得了这场殊死较量的最终胜利,哈利波特虽然差点身亡,最后神奇地死而复生。19年后,一切又是幸福的开始。,Petrificus totalus统统石化,Reducto粉身碎骨,Expelliarmus除你武器,Let us learn some magics and join Dumbledores army .,咒語魔法,So let us come to the magical world,Hogwarts Express,Through the Platform 9 3/4,No1. Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone,Hogworts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry,Everything is so unbelievable and mystical that impressed Harry and his new friends.,No2. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets,No3. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban,No4. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire,No5. Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix,No6. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince,。“阿不思西弗勒斯,我用两任霍格沃茨校长的名字给你起了名。他们其中一个就是斯莱特林,而他是我这辈子见过的最勇敢的人.”(这是哈利19年后对自己的儿子说的话。)Everyone thought he is very bad, at last you must say; he is a great man.,No7. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 哈利波特与死亡圣器,No7. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 哈利波特与死亡圣器,Thank,You!,十年回顾,


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