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    College Life,UNIT ONE,Objectives,In this unit, students are required to:1. learn to understand conversations about college life;2. learn to make greetings on campus and make brief self-introductions;3. understand the two reading passages and master important words and phrases in them;4. learn to pronounce English vowels correctly;5. complete the writing task: write a letter of congratulation.,College Life,UNIT ONE,Warm - up,PART 1,Listening & Speaking,PART 2,Reading A,PART 3,Reading B,PART 4,Skill Development,PART 5,Writing,PART 6,Mini project,PART 7,Warm - up,Part 1,Make yourself adapted to the college life,Warm - up,Part 1,Make yourself adapted to the college life,1,Become comfortable in your new environment by taking part in activities you like.,2,Get to know people, and have new experiences.,3,Find out what you like about your campus, and focus on that.,4,Keep in contact with your loved ones from home, but make sure youre not giving them most of your attention.,5,Decorate your dorm room in ways that remind you of home.,6,Seek out friendships.,Warm - up,Part 1,Make yourself know these people at college,校长 president,Warm - up,Part 1,Make yourself know these people at college,副校长 vice president,Warm - up,Part 1,Make yourself know these people at college,教务主任 director of teaching affairs depart,Warm - up,Part 1,Make yourself know these people at college,系主任 dean,Warm - up,Part 1,Make yourself know these people at college,辅导员 counselor,Warm - up,Part 1,Make yourself know these people at college,班主任head/homeroom teacher,Warm - up,Part 1,Make yourself know these people at college,教授 professor,Warm - up,Part 1,Make yourself know these people at college,副教授 associate professor,Warm - up,Part 1,Make yourself know these people at college,讲师 lecturer,Warm - up,Part 1,Make yourself know these people at college,大一新生 freshman,Warm - up,Part 1,Make yourself know these people at college,大三学生 junior,Warm - up,Part 1,Make yourself know these people at college,大四学生 senior,Warm - up,Part 1,Make yourself know these people at college,班长 monitor,Warm - up,Part 1,Make yourself know these people at college,团支部书记 League secretary,Warm - up,Part 1,Make yourself know these people at college,学生会主席 chairman of the Students Union,Warm - up,Part 1,Task 1I am a freshman.,Please fill in the following blanks with your information and then introduce yourself to your classmates.,Hello, everyone! My name is _(your name). I come from _ (your former middle school/city/province). Now I am a freshman in _ (name of your college). I am in _ (your department). I major in _ (your major). I am in Class _ (your class). My counselor is _ (his/her name). My head teacher is _ (his/her name). This is my first day at college. You know how happy I am, because my college life begins today and Ill have many good teachers and classmates.,Warm - up,Part 1,Task 2My study plan in the fresh semester.,Choose the proper answers (you may choose more than one).,1) My English learning in middle school was _.,A. excellent B. just so-soC. not so good,2)My English scores in the college entrance examination are _.,A. under 80 B. 80100C. 100120,Open,Open,Warm - up,Part 1,Task 2My study plan in the fresh semester.,Choose the proper answers (you may choose more than one).,3) I think my weakness in English learning lies in _.,A. listening and speaking B. reading and writingC. translation,4) In the fresh semester I am going to learn English _.,A. harder than before B. just as I did beforeC. less diligently than before,Open,Warm - up,Part 1,Task 2My study plan in the fresh semester.,Choose the proper answers (you may choose more than one).,5) I plan to spend _ on my English every day from now on.,A. a quarter B. half an hourC. one hour,6) I am determined _ in the fresh semester.,A. to listen carefully in English classB. never to skip English classesC. to do my assignments all by myself,Warm - up,Part 1,Task 2My study plan in the fresh semester.,Choose the proper answers (you may choose more than one).,7) I have made up my mind to make my English learning be _ in class.,A. top B. mediumC. backward,8) I hope my English teacher will be _.,A. patient B. strictC. helpful,Li: _, are you Jack Smith from America?Smith: Yes, I am.Li: How do you do, Mr. Smith. _ Li Ming, monitor of Class A.Smith: How do you do, Mr. Li. _ .Li: _ . Welcome to our class, Mr. Smith.Smith: _.,Listening & Speaking,Part 2,Task 1Are you Jack Smith from America?,Li Ming meets Jack Smith for the first time. Listen to their conversation and fill in the blanks.,Excuse me,Im,Nice to meet you,Me, too,Thank you very much,Listening & Speaking,Part 2,Task 2How are you these days?,Below is a conversation between John and Adam. Listen to it and tick ()the correct information.,Script,Listening & Speaking,Part 2,Task 2How are you these days?,Back,Adam: Hello, John. Glad to see you again on the campus.John: Me, too. How are you these days, Adam?Adam:Very well, thank you. How about you?John: Everything is going fine with me. My teacher says Im making progress with my studies.Adam:Great! Be sure to take care of yourself.John: Im sure I will. Thanks.,Listening & Speaking,Part 2,Task 3Would you like to have a look at my dorm?,Peter meets Jimmy on the campus. Listen to their conversation and complete the answers to the following questions.,Script,1) What does Peter invite Jimmy to do?Peter invites Jimmy to _ his dorm.2) How many students live with Peter in his dorm?_.3) What is Peters dorm like?It is _.4) Which floor is Peters dorm on?The _ floor.5) Is there a lift to Peters dorm?_.,have a look at,Three,small but bright,5th,No, there isnt,Listening & Speaking,Part 2,Task 3Would you like to have a look at my dorm?,Back,Peter: Jimmy, would you like to have a look at my dorm?Jimmy:Of course.Peter: This way, please. Its a small room, just for the four of us.Jimmy:What is in it?Peter: Only four beds and four writing desks, but it is bright.Jimmy: Which floor is it on?Peter: The 5th floor.Jimmy:Oh, you could climb the stairs for a workout.Peter: Yes, thats a good idea.,Listening & Speaking,Part 2,Task 4Sports club will take in new members.,Tom has got the news that the sports club will take in new members. Now he is telling the news to Mary. Listen to their conversation and put the following sentences in correct order.,Script,1) The club is going to accept a lot of new members this year.,2) Mary decides to sign up for the club.,3) The sports club of the college is going to take in new members.,4) Tom wishes Mary good luck.,5) Mary thinks she shouldnt let this good chance go.,()() () () (),3,1,5,2,4,Listening & Speaking,Part 2,Task 4Sports club will take in new members.,Back,Tom : Have you heard that our colleges sports club is going to take in new members?Mary : Really? I have heard that it hasnt done that for years.Tom : Yes, but it is said it will accept a lot this year.Mary : So, can we apply for it?Tom : Sure.Mary : Great! We shouldnt let this good chance go. Im going to sign up.Tom : Good luck!,Listening & Speaking,Part 2,Task 5Dont use the word “fail”.,Listen to a short passage twice and fill in the blanks with the missing words or phrases.,College students are usually afraid to hear the word “fail” after they have _. So a group of British teachers have proposed that the word “fail” should not be _ to be used in classrooms. They _ that the word “fail” should be replaced with other words. These teachers say if you use the word “fail”, it will make students _ and then _ in their studies. They say that telling students they have failed can put them off learning for life. They _ that students do not necessarily achieve _ for the first time. But that doesnt mean people can _ the word out of dictionary.,examinations,allowed,suggest,unhappy,lose heart,believe,success,take,Listening & Speaking,Part 2,Task 6My study at college.,Wendy, a student in a polytechnic college meets Bob on the campus. They were classmates in high school. Now they are in different departments of the college. Wendy is asking Bob about his studies. Have a conversation.,Sample,Student A (Wendy),Student B (Bob),Ask Bob how everything is going on with him.,Tell Wendy you like the college, teachers and classmates.,Ask Bob if he likes his courses and what he majors in.,Tell Wendy you major in computer science and are learning how to program.,Ask Bob about his learning of classes.,Say you feel a little difficult in doing your courses well.,Ask Bob more about his studies at college.,Say you havent received any test results but you are quite confident of yourself.,Listening & Speaking,Part 2,Task 6My study at college.,Back,Wendy: Hi, Bob! Nice to see you again on the campus. How is everything going on with you?Bob: Fine, thank you. I like this college. I like my new teachers and classmates.Wendy: How about your courses? Do you like them?Bob: Yes, I like them very much.Wendy: What do you major in now?Bob: I major in computer science. At the moment I am learning how to program.Wendy: That sounds really interesting.Bob: Yes, but I feel that it is a little difficult.Wendy: Are you doing well in your classes?Bob: I dont know because I havent received any test results yet. However, I have confidence in myself.,Listening & Speaking,Part 2,Task 6My study at college.,Useful Expressions:,Hi, sb! Nice to see you again on the campus.How is everything going on with you/your studies?How are you these days?How about your courses/classes/English learning, etc.?Whats your major?/What do you major in?I major in I like my major but I feel a little difficult in learning my courses well.Though there are difficulties in , I have confidence in myself.,Reading A,Part 3,Reading A So Little Time, so Much to See and Do.,Reading A,Part 3,Background Information,Tips for how to get along well with roommates:,1,Learn to respect. Learn to forgive. Learn to understand. Learn to love.,2,Be sincere and considerate.,3,Try to be active to participate in the topic when their roommates are chatting.,4,Give roommates a hand as much as possible.,5,Learn to tolerate with each other.,6,Be more patient and considerate.,Reading A,Part 3,Background Information,Learn the names of the following:,高低床 bunk bed,衣橱wardrobe,书架 bookshelf,台灯 table lamp,电源插座power socket,网络接口 network port,Reading A,Part 3,Background Information,Learn the names of the following:,吊扇 ceiling fan,洗漱间 washroom,洗漱间 washroom,水龙头water faucet,抽水马桶flush toilet,空调 air conditioner,Reading A,Part 3,Background Information,Learn the names of the following:,阳台balcony,写字台 writing desk,Reading A,Part 3,Getting on Well with New Roommates,Chinese,Are you ready for your fresh start on a new campus when you leave your parents and hometown behind and enter college? Your first challenge in college wont be in a classroomit will be the moment you meet your roommates for the first time. Get ready, because those people could make some of your greatest or worst memories of college.When living with new roommates, its often helpful to understand their background and where they come from to get a sense of who they are. You can try to find your roommates Renren or Weibo pages to get to know them a little better. There you can find out their likes and dislikes, and you can also share yours with them.Conflicts are sure to arise when living with new roommates. The key is to set expectations as soon as you meet. When will you be studying and sleeping, when can friends come over, and who will be responsible for taking out the trash? These are just some of the topics you should discuss. If you cant solve these conflicts, ask the class counselor for help.,Reading A,Part 3,和室友和睦相处,English,当你离开父母和家乡进入大学,将要在新的校园里开始新的生活,你准备好了吗?上大学的首要挑战不在教室,而是在你第一次遇见宿舍室友的时候。这些室友将会给你留下大学生活最美好或最糟糕的记忆,所以必须做好准备。和新室友一起生活时,了解他们的背景,了解他们来自哪里,他们是怎么样的人等等,对你来说是非常有帮助的。你可以通过人人网页或微博网页更好地了解他们,获知他们喜欢什么,不喜欢什么。你也可以把你的网页和他们分享。和新室友共同生活肯定会产生矛盾。关键是见面时就要做好预期准备。何时学习和就寝,朋友何时可来串门,谁负责清理垃圾,这些都是有待讨论的问题。如果你无法解决这些问题,可向辅导员寻求帮助。,Reading A,Part 3,Getting on Well with New Roommates,Chinese,If you have a friend from home who is going to live in the same room with you, you might find it comforting. Youll often spend time together. But dont feel pressured to have him or her involved in everything. Set aside time to meet new people, make friends with other roommates, or join new clubs on your own.The room is equally yours, so make sure your roommates dont start putting their things onto your table or into your closet unless you have agreed to this beforehand.Also, make clear which things you feel comfortable about sharing. Snacks may be OK, but your shampoo may not be. To avoid fighting later, let your roommates know. Be polite, but firm. Any problem with sharing will only get worse if you allow the behavior to continue.If talking it out doesnt work, you can still find ways to keep your belongings safe. Remember: getting on well with your new roommates is very important for your college life.,Reading A,Part 3,和室友和睦相处,English,如果你有同乡和你住在一起,你会感到很舒心。你们会经常在一起。但是不要因为事事都要和他或她在一起而感到有压力。留出时间和新同学交往,和别的宿舍的人交朋友,或加入新的俱乐部。宿舍是大家一起使用的,所以务必不要让你室友的东西放到你的桌上或柜子里,除非你事先同意他这样做。要明确哪些东西可共用。零食可分享,但洗发液不能分享。为了避免今后打架,你要和室友明说,态度礼貌,语气坚定。如果你允许别人用你东西的行为继续发展,那么问题就会越来越严重。如果交谈无用,你可以用其他方法保证你的物品的安全。切记:和室友和睦相处对你的大学生活来说是非常重要的。,Reading A,Part 3,Passage Learning,Back,Are you ready for your fresh start on a new campus when you leave your parents and hometown behind and enter college? 当你离开父母和家乡进入大学,将要在新的校园里开始新的生活,你准备好了吗?,Be ready for/get ready for 为做好准备;准备好做例如:It took him a long time to be ready for the exam. 他花了很长时间做好了考试的准备。We are ready for helping others at any time. 我们准备好随时帮助别人。,Reading A,Part 3,Passage Learning,Back,Get ready, because those people could make some of your greatest or worst memories of college.这些室友将会给你留下大学生活最美好或最糟糕的记忆,所以必须做好准备。,memory n. 记忆,记忆力;回忆,往事 memorize recite memorial 纪念碑,纪念馆例如:All the details of their relationship are still fresh in LUHANs memory.鹿晗对恋爱的所有细节依然记忆犹新。Her illness caused him to lose her memory.疾病使她失忆了。,in memory of 纪念例如:This museum was built in memory of the great writer - Lu Xun.这个博物馆是为了纪念伟大作家鲁迅而建造的。She was called Yangxue in memory of the circumstances of her birth.因为她出生时候下着大雪,所以起名杨雪。,Reading A,Part 3,Passage Learning,Back,When living with new roommates, its often helpful to understand their background and where they come from to get a sense of who they are.和新室友一起生活时,了解他们的背景,了解他们来自哪里,是怎么样的人等等,对你来说是非常有帮助的。,sense n. 感觉,知觉例如:a sense of humor/responsibility/belonging/achievement 幽默感/ 责任感/ 归属感/ 成就感He has a good sense of smell. 他嗅觉非常灵敏。,此句中,when living with new roommates 是分词短语,相当于when you are living with new roommates, 在句子中做时间状语。,in a sense 在某种意义上例如:This plan is practical in a sense. 在某种意义上,这个计划是实用的。In a sense, Guangdong Information & Engineering Institute provides us with a good learning environment.从某种意义上说,广信还是给我们提供了一个良好的学习环境的。,sensible a. 明智的;切合实际的例如:It is sensible of you to do it. 你这样做很明智。We think the plan sensible. 我们觉得这个计划很切合实际。,sensitive a. 敏感的;容易感受的;灵敏的 (sensitive nipples)例如:My skin is sensitive to sunlight. 我的皮肤对阳光敏感。The instrument is sensitive to the e


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