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    雅思口语part2这些雷区千万别踩 雅思口语考试中的 Part 2 为话题描述,被认为是雅思口语考试中最难的部分,也成为考生最容易失分的部分。下面就和大家分享雅思口语part2这些雷区千万别踩,来欣赏一下吧。说还是不说?雅思口语part2这些雷区千万别踩Dos你要这么干1. take notes / write keywords(做笔记 / 记录关键词)当你审题的时候,你有一分钟的时间准备。记住,一定抓住这一分钟的时间,做笔记!很多考生都对做笔记持有怀疑态度,觉得太浪费时间,我能记得我要说什么。但是,当他们真正开始陈述的时候,他们往往会忘记某些关键点,加之紧张的心情,通常就开始“胡言乱语”,也就是我们所说的跑题。所以,笔记是非常重要的,因为它可以保持你的陈述一直切题,并且思路清晰。还有一点要提醒大家的就是,笔记的内容一定是“关键词”,因为你只有一分钟,你不可能写下你所说的所有句子。2. cover every point(涉及卡片上所有的问题)举个“栗子”:当你被要求描述一个你去过的博物馆,并且列举了以下几个问题:1. 博物馆位于哪里? 2. 对于这个博物馆,你印象最深的是什么? 3. 你去这个博物馆的原因是什么?当你拿到这三个问题的时候,一定要保证你 cover 到每一个问题,怎么样才能保证每个问题都不落呢?就是我下面要说的这一点。3. point to point as you talk(依次陈述)当你陈述第一个问题的时候,就用手指或者用笔点着这个问题,说完第一个问题,再顺移到第二个问题,以此类推。虽然听起来,这样有点傻,但在考试的时候,这不失是一个好的方法。4. use personal experience or lie(陈述亲身经历 OR “撒谎”)当你被问到自己的亲身经历时,例如:描述一个你最喜欢的老师。当然,如果你能清楚的记得你的某位老师固然很好。也就是说,不管被问到什么问题,只要能联系到自己的亲身经历都是极好的!但是,如果你从来没有去听过音乐会,没有观看过现场的体育赛事,但卡片上就是这样的问题,你别无选择。怎么办?这种情况下,你就只能“撒谎”了,捏造一个属于你的故事,你可以 copy 你朋友曾告诉你的她的经历。在雅思考试中,没有人会在意这个故事是否是真实的,它所考察的是你驾驭语言的能力,你是否能将故事说的精彩。5. expand use senses(扩展答案调动感官)直接举例来说,当你被问到:博物馆位于哪里?你的回答:博物馆在多伦多。这未免有点太短了,你需要扩展你的答案:博物馆位于多伦多的市中心,临近大学城,附近还有许多著名的餐厅不知道,大家有没有看懂,其实很简单,就是类似这样的“废话”,这就能体现出你驾驭语言的能力。说到这里,我想要说的就是,其实,你的口语水平比你想象中的要好很多,你不是不会说,只是没有人告诉你怎么去说。要扩展答案,还有一个非常重要的方法就是调动感官。当你要描述一个事物的时候,你脑海中浮现了该事物,然后使用你的感官去描述它:它看起来是什么样子的?闻起来是什么样子的?听起来是什么样子的?甚至,尝起来是什么样子的?6. organize speech intro, body, conclusion(组织语言开头、主体、结尾)大家都知道,雅思考试 是一个标准化考试,它所考察的是考生运用语言的能力。所以,如果你所陈述的内容条理清晰、结构完整,不得高分是不可能的。与写作文同理,一个拥有开头、主体和结尾的口语答案,必然会让考官耳目一新。7. imagine the object, person, place(想象事物、人物、地点)这一点前面也有提到,意思就是要想象你所要陈述的对象,这样你就更能清晰的知道你想要说什么,同时也可以让你忘记紧张,更好的应对考试。8. use introductoy phrases(使用引导性短语)当你想要引入你所要陈述的主题的时候,你可以使用如下短语:I want to talk about Id like to talk about Im going to talk about 9. use transitions(使用承接词)承接词在口语和写作中都起到了非常关键的作用。它可以使你所要表达的内容更具有条理性。例如:First of all, secondly, thirdly, finallyFirst, then, next, after that, finally10. speak loudly(声音洪亮)在口语考试的过程中,你不会想要考官感觉你谦虚、害羞,你肯定想要考官觉得你很自信。所以,为了避免紧张过度,尽量大声一点说话,这样可以减少紧张的程度。Donts千万别这么干1. memorize answers(回忆事先准备的答案)很多考生在备考的阶段,都会利用“机经”,列举出很多可能会考到的问题,然后写下他们想说的话,并且花很多时间去背写下的段子。不得不说,这真的不是一个好的方法,不是说大家不能去写,在备考的前期,如果你真的什么都说不出来,可以先采用这个方法。但是,慢慢的,你要学会记录关键词,而不是去背之前写下的段子。而且,考官很容易就会察觉你是现场发挥还是在背书。一旦,考官发现你是在背诵,你的分数立马就会被判定的非常低。备考阶段,你要做的不是背口语段子,而是大量的记单词,并且学会熟练运用这些单词,尤其是形容词、副词。词汇量有了,就不用担心没话说了。2. write too much(记录过多)要知道,你只有一分钟的时间来准备。在这短短的一分钟里,你不但需要考虑清楚你要怎么说,还要做笔记。所以,你没有时间写很多东西,每个点你只需要记录 1-2 个单词就可以了。3. panic(紧张、害怕)雅思考试相对于国内考试来说,可能更会使考生紧张,原因有很多种:费用高、难度大、机会难得等等,很多时候,考生都有背水一战的感觉。这就更会造成内心的恐慌。有一个非常简单的方法就是深呼吸这会减轻你紧张的程度。或者,在口语考试之前,你可以到外面走一走,这同样会分散你的注意力,减轻紧张。4. focus on one point(只专注陈述一个点)在 Part 2 的考试中,你至少要 cover 到 3 个点。所以,不要把时间都花费在一个问题上。因为,考试是有时间限制的,时间到了,考官就会叫停。当然,你没有说到的问题就会没有分数,所以,一定要把握好时间。5. use boring words(使用“无趣”词汇)这里要提到的就是词汇的问题。不要张口闭口就是 good, bad 这样的词汇。要学会丰富自己的语言,很多非常好的形容词 excellent, fantastic, amazing, tremendous, extremely 都可以运用到你的段子里。6. give short answers(回答过短)前文有提到要扩充你的答案,意思就是答案不能过短。如果,每个点你都两句话带过,连半分钟都用不到。那么接下来的一分半钟,你和考官都是沉默的,你想想,那会是一种什么感觉。7. go off topic(跑题)不论是口语还是写作,这都是非常严重的失误。跑题,一定是绝对不可以容忍的。怎样避免跑题,前面已经说过,这里就不赘述了。8. worry about your accent(过于担心口音问题)口音问题是很多考生非常头疼的事情,有时就是因为感觉自己发音不好,就不愿意张口说英语。但这样只会恶性循环,每个人都会有口音,只要能让人听清楚你要表达的内容,并且所用表达的语法正确,就可以了。当然,雅思口语考试 7 分,甚至 8 分都是允许出现少量错误的。大家不要过于担心。最后,非常重要的一点就是,一定要多加练习,怎么练习呢?练习讲 2 分钟英语,2 分钟将一件事说清楚。对于很多人来说,独自说 2 分钟的话是很困难的。所以,首先可以从 30s 开始,然后增加到 1 min,最后增加到 2 min。这会是一个漫长的过程。但是,对于这方面能力较差的考生,一定要坚持练习,语速也要适中。以上就是今天的所有内容,该做的不该做的,能做的不能做的,都告诉大家了。强加练习,相信每个人都能获得自己理想的分数。雅思口语Part3范文:someone/sth that made you laugh1. Is laughing the same as feeling happy?版本1:Its not exactly the same because you can be happy without laughing, and sometimes we laugh when something bad has happened; a sense of humour can help us to cope with difficult situations.版本2:No, I dont think it is the same. Im happy most days, but I dont go around laughing all the time. Maybe you show that youre happy when you are laughing, but I think you can feel perfectly happy without laughing. Its like if you have a good your job and things are going well in your life, then youre naturally going to feel happy, but it doesnt necessarily mean that you have to go around laughing in front of everyone. Happiness and laughter are quite different, although the two are often combined.2.What kinds of things make you laugh?Funny things! I suppose there are many different kinds of things that make me laugh: something silly, something stupid, or jokes if theyre good, and sometimes just ridiculous things that you see happen in everyday life. The last time I had a good laugh was just yesterday when I watched a video of George Carlin, an American comedian, who was talking about saving the planet. Hes a really funny guy, but you never know when something funny will happen sometimes when you least expect it.3.Do you like making other people laugh? Why?/Why not?Ive never really thought about it. I used to make people laugh a lot with some of my comments, but Im not sure if making people laugh is something really important to me, so I dont think I would say that I like to or dont like to make people laugh its not that important to me. I guess its more a case of, if I say something and someone laughs because they think its funny, then fine, thats great and Im happy that they thought it was funny and theyre laughing about it, but I dont go around trying to make people laugh on purpose or trying to be funny all the time.4.Do you think its important for people to laugh? Why?/Why not?personally I think its quite a good thing to laugh, it relaxes you. Someone once said that laughing is like internal jogging its good for you. But you can only laugh if you find something funny, right, and there are some people who just dont laugh much naturally, but I dont think thats a problem because everybodys different. Some people seem to laugh at almost anything and others are generally more serious and rarely laugh.5.Why do children tend to be happier than adults?版本1:Teen ages are the ages of dream, freedom and recklessness. This is the period when most of the teenager do not have greater responsibilities like adult people and they enjoys lives full of joys, dream, vision. Less complexity of life touches the teenagers and the struggles they face often get redeemed with time. The harsh cruelty and complexity of life rarely touch the teenagers and they live a life which is often better than the adult people around them.版本2:Happiness depends on you and what do to achieve it. A childs idea of being happy is playing in the mud, drawing, and splashing in rain puddles. They dont know anything else and usually only know the world through school and their yard. Adults, through experience and cynicalism , have a more specific and often harder to reach path to happiness. Adults get their happiness through money and superficial stuff, not least because adults actually need money for their personal needs whereas children live simply through the best of what they have.6. What do you do when you feel unhappy?If I feel unhappy,I sing a little bit, I go for a walk, I go out to get some groceries. I smile at people and wish them a good day. I entertain myself. Its especially nice if I can help someone or be kind.If nothing helps, not even talking to friends, then I wait. If nothing is "really" wrong I accept that I have a bad moment/hour/day. That happens. It will pass. And in the evening I write down 5 things I liked about the day. Not more and not less. It is incredible, but Ive had bad days where I had to leave things out because, you know, only five.7. How would you definite happiness?There are moments of joy and happiness for getting any materialistic possession or emotional one, birth of a child, a new job, getting married, finding love, helping a person in need. the list goes on.But I feel for me the happiness would be :The moment when I dont have a single thought plaguing my mind, but just a sense of calmness and peace within me and I could feel it inside my soulthat "Life is beautiful and worth living for"雅思口语Part3范文:outdoor activity1.Describe an outdoor activity you like to do?Swimming,an individual or team sport and activity,emerged as a competitive recreational activity in the 19th century.Nowadays,as we can see many high schools and colleges have their own competitive swim teams,more and more people are keen on this activity,resulting in swimming becoming mainstream of exercise activity in the world.I am also a crazy fan of swimming.2.Would you say people spend more time outdoors today than they did,say,20 years ago?Yes,certainly.Take the woman for example;you know,due to the feudal society at that time,woman is forbidden to apper in public in ancient times of China,let alone go outside.But,now modern women are more open-minded and liberal,the outdoor activities are necesary.3.What are the benefits of doing things outdoors?From my own perspective,doing outdoor activities are regarded as some kind of exercise,so ,its definitely wholesome for peoples body.Whats more,many office workers who have a sedentary lifestyle and not do much exercise.In that case,doing things outdoors can stretch their bodies and help them recover from stress.4.What are the most popular outdoor activities in China?At present,in China ,people ,regardless of age and gender,especially love playing in Water Park in this hot summer;because people can both beat the heat and spend joyful time with family.5.Do boys and girls like to do the same kinds of things outdoors?Well,not exactly,I personally suppose it depends on individual interst.Generally,boys are always like to do some strenuous exercise,and they enjoy sweating.on the contrary,girls may feel like outdoor things comfortable,like go shopping,lol.


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