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    专升本语法专题五,形容词和副词,一、形容词,(一)定义:用来说明或修饰名词、代词,表示人或事物的性质、状态和特征的词,称为形容词。(二)句法作用:形容词在句子中主要作名词的定语、句子的表语以及宾语补足语。(三)形容词在句子中的位置1、作定语时放在名词的前面,且音节少的词放在音节多的词之前。a big yellow wooden wheel 一个黄色的大木轮,一、形容词,2、作表语时放在连系动词之后。The price sounds reasonable. 这个价格听起来算是合理。3、作宾语补足语时放在宾语之后。We must try our best to keep our environment clean. 我们必须尽力保持我们的环境清洁。,一、形容词,4、后置的情况1)修饰复合不定代词时放在代词之后。Something serious has happened to him. 他发生了严重的事故。2)与表示“长、宽、高、重、老、远离”的词连用时形容词后置。Hes 1.8 meters tall. 他身高1.8米。The moon is about 380,000 kilometers away from the earth. 月球离地38万公里。,一、形容词,1. These oranges taste _.A. good B. wellC. to be good D. to be well【分析】系动词taste(尝起来)后要接形容词作表语。,一、形容词,2. John was so sleepy that he could hardly keep his eyes _.A. open B. to be openedC. to open D. opening【分析】形容词open(开着的)作宾补,表示状态。注意:不要选答案D,因为open是短暂性动词,不能表状态。,一、形容词,(四)表语形容词:有的形容词一般只作表语,如:表示健康状况的well、unwell、ill、faint;表示情感反应的glad、sorry、fond、worth、able;以a开头的afraid、alone、asleep、alive、awake、alike、ashamed等。但有的可作后置定语或补语。,一、形容词,(五)定语形容词:通常只作定语的形容词,如:起强调作用的only 唯一的、single 唯一的、certain 某一、certain 真正的、true 真正的、very 正是、live 活的、exact 准确的、present 在场的;由名词等转化而来的wooden 木制的、woolen 羊毛制的、drunken 醉的、medical、daily、weekly、electric、former 前任的、some、any、little、many;及one-eyed之类的复合形容词等。This is a medical school.,一、形容词,(六)形容词作定语的后置规律:形容词作定语,一般位于所修饰的名词前,但是在下列情况下,作定语的形容词却要位于所修饰的名词之后。1、形容词短语作定语时要后置,一、形容词,_ to take this adventure course will certainly learn a lot of useful skills.A. Brave enough studentsB. Enough brave studentsC. Students brave enoughD. Students enough brave【分析】enough修饰形容词时要位于形容词之后,排除B和修饰形容词时要位于形容词之后,排除D。brave enough to是形容词短语作定语,修饰students,要置于名词students之后。,一、形容词,2、表语形容词作定语要后置All the people _ at the party were his supporters.A. present B. thankfulC. interested D. important【分析】表语形容词present(出席的、在场的)作定语,要放在所修饰的名词后。C. 形容词修饰不定代词something、anything、nothing等时,要位于后面。如:Is there anything important in the paper? 报纸上有什么重要新闻吗?,一、形容词,(七)多个形容词作定语修饰名词时,其排序规律是:(限定词+程度副词+)描绘性形容词+表示大小(长短、高低)、形状、年龄(新旧)的形容词+表颜色的形容词+表国籍或产地的形容词+表物质材料的形容词+表类别或用途的形容词+名词。,一、形容词,1. John Smith, a successful businessman, has a _ car.A. large German whiteB. large white GermanC. white large GermanD. German large white【分析】按“大小+颜色+产地”的顺序排列。,一、形容词,2. _ students are required to take part in the boat race.A. Ten strong young ChineseB. Ten Chinese strong youngC. Chinese ten young strongD. Young strong ten Chinese【分析】数词是限定词,应排在形容词前,排除C和D;又因strong是描绘性形容词,young表示年龄,Chinese表示国籍,其先后应为“描绘年龄国籍”。,一、形容词,3. The _ house smells as if it hasnt been lived in for years.A. little white woodenB. little wooden whiteC. white wooden littleD. wooden white little【分析】little是限定词,应放在形容词前面,排除C和D;表示颜色的应放在表示物质材料的形容词的前面,排除B。按“大小+颜色+材料”的顺序排列。,一、形容词,注:限定词的排序:前位限定词(指量限定词all、both、half等;倍数词double、twice等;分数词one-third、two-fifths等)+中位限定词(冠词;指示代词;形容词性物主代词;名词所有格)+后位限定词(序数词及last、next等;基数词及few、several等)。,一、形容词,1. The husband gave his wife _ every month in order to please her.A. all half his incomeB. his half all incomeC. half his all incomeD. all his half income【分析】all和half都是前位限定词,his是中位限定词,所以his要位于all和half之后,只有A正确。,一、形容词,2. How was your recent visit to Qingdao?It was great. We visited some friends, and spent the _ days at the seaside.A. few last sunny B. last few sunnyC. last sunny few D. few sunny last【分析】last、few是限定词,sunny是描绘性形容词,根据“限定词+形容词”的原则,排除C和D。又根据“序数词(包括last、past、next、another等)+基数词(包括few、several等)”的原则,排除A。,一、形容词,(八)-ed形容词和-ing形容词的区别:-ed形容词通常说明人,意为“(某人)感到”;-ing形容词通常说明事物,意为“(某事物)令人”或“令人的(事物)”。这样成对的形容词有:interested / interesting;excited / exciting;frightened / frightening;surprised / surprising;pleased / pleasing;moved / moving;disappointed / disappointing等。,一、形容词,1. Laws that punish parents for their little childrens actions against the laws get parents _.A. worried B. to worriedC. worrying D. worry【分析】表示人“感到忧虑的”用-ed形容词。句意是:法律规定,行为触犯法律的儿童要由其父母接受法律的惩罚,这使得做父母的感到忧虑。,一、形容词,2. It is believed that if a book is _, it will surely _ the reader.A. interested; interestB. interesting; be interestedC. interested; be interestingD. interesting; interest【分析】指书“令人有趣”用interesting而不interested,排除A和C。interest是动词,“使有趣”。,一、形容词,注:即使-ed形容词用以说明事物,那也是指与该事物相关的人;即使-ing形容词用以说明人,也是指此人具有该性质或特征。He told me the news in an excited voice. 他告诉了那个消息,声音很激动。The man is interesting. 这个人很有趣。另外,glad、happy、sorry、angry、thankful、proud等的主语也只能是人;而pleasant、easy、difficult、important等则通常以事物或it作主语,因为它们是说明事物的。,一、形容词,Im very _ with my own cooking. It looks nice and smells delicious.Mm, it does have a _ smell.A. pleasant; pleasedB. pleased; pleasedC. pleasant; pleasantD. pleased; pleasant【分析】pleased指“(人)感到高兴”,pleasant指“令人愉快的(事物)”。,二、副词,(一)定义:副词,就是修饰动词、形容词、其它副词或全句,说明事情发生的时间、地点、程度、方式等概念的词。Its raining heavily. 雨下得很大。(副词heavily修饰谓语动词rain)Its a rather interesting job. 这是一份相当有趣的工作。(副词rather修饰形容词interesting)She speaks English very well. 她的英语说得很好。(副词very修饰副词)This is just what he said. 这正是他所说的。(副词just修饰what he said),二、副词,(二)分类:在意义上,副词可分为时间副词、地点副词、程度副词、频度副词、方式副词等。1、时间副词:today, tomorrow, yesterday, now, then, early, late, once, soon, just, tonight, long, already, yet, before, ago, later, ever since, after, whenever, first, someday, sometime, last2、地点副词:here, there, home, below, anywhere, above, outside, in, inside, out, back, up, down, away, off, far, near, nearby, wherever, everywhere,二、副词,3、程度副词:very, too, enough, rather, quite, how, so, much, just, nearly, only, almost, hardly, as long as, even, all, a little, a bit4、频度副词:once, twice, always, usually, often, sometimes, never, seldom, ever5、方式副词:well, hard, alone, fast, together, suddenly, -ly结尾的副词,二、副词,6、疑问/连接副词:how, where, when, why, whether, however7、关系副词:when, where, why, how8、其他副词:too, also, nor, so, as, on, off, either, yes, no, not, neither, maybe, perhaps, certainly,二、副词,(三)副词在句子中的位置以及作用1、作状语1)时间副词:一般放在句首或句尾,注意early、late、before、later、yet等一般放在句尾,already、just一般放在动词的前面。We will visit the Great Wall tomorrow. 我们明天要去参观长城。They have already been to the UK twice. 他们去过英王国两次。Soon the lost boy found his way back home. 不久迷路的孩子找到了回家的路。,二、副词,2)地点副词:一般放在句尾,但here、there还可放在句首。There you can see thousands of bikes running in all directions. 在那里,你可以看到成千上万的自行车朝各个方向流动。The frightened wolf ran away. 受到惊吓的狼逃开了。He walked out quietly and turned back soon. 他悄悄地走了出去,很快又返回。,二、副词,3)程度副词:修饰动词时,放在动词之前;修饰形容词或副词时,放在形容词或副词之前。但注意,enough总是放在被修饰的形容词或动词的后面;only位置比较灵活,总是放在被修饰的词的前面。I nearly forgot all about it if he did not tell me again. 如果他不再次告诉我,我几乎把那事全忘了。It was so strange that I could hardly believe my ears. 它那么奇怪一直我都不能相信我的耳朵。She got to the station early enough to catch the first bus. 她早早地赶到车站赶上了首班车。,二、副词,4)频度副词:一般放在be动词之后或者助动词与主要动词之间,但sometimes、often等还可以放在句首或句尾,usually可放在句首,once可放在句尾,twice、three times等一般放在句尾。Sometimes I get up early. 我有时起得早。The workers usually have lunch at the factory. 工人们通常在厂里吃午饭。Take this medicine twice a day. 这种药一天吃两次。,二、副词,5)方式副词:一般放在行为动之后,suddenly可以放在句首、句尾或动词之前。Old people can hardly walk as quickly as young people. 老年人几乎不可能走得和年轻人一样快。Suddenly he saw a light in the dark cave. 突然,在黑黢黢的山洞里,他看见了一丝亮光。,二、副词,6)疑问副词:用于对句子的状语进行提问,位置总是在句首。When and where were you born? 你何时何地出生?Why did little Edison sit on some eggs? 小爱迪生为什么要坐在鸡蛋上?How do you do? 你好!,二、副词,7)连接副词:用来引导主语从句、宾语从句和表语从句,在从句中作状语。How I am going to kill the cat is still a question. 我打算怎样杀死那只猫还是个问题。That is why everyone is afraid of the tiger. 那就是人人都害怕老虎的原因。He wondered how he could do it the next day. 他不知道第二天怎样做那事。,二、副词,8)关系副词:用来引导定语从句,在从句中作状语。This is the place where Mr. Zhang once lived. 这就是张先生曾经住过的地方。Please tell me the way how you have learned English so well. 请告诉我你的英语是怎样学得这么好的方法。,二、副词,9)其它副词:too“也”,用在句尾;also放在动词前;either“也不”,放在句尾;nor“也不”,放在句首;so“如此、这样”,放在形容词、副词前;on / off“开/关”,放在动词之后;not放在be之后、助动词之后、不定式或动名词之前;maybe / perhaps放在句首;certainly放在句首或动词之前。He went to the Palace Museum and I went there, too. 他去了故宫博物院,我也去了。Maybe your ticket is in your inside pocket. 也许你的票就在你的里边衣袋里。 Tom doesnt have a computer. Nor do I. 汤姆没有计算机,我也没有。,二、副词,2、作表语:地点副词一般可以作表语,放在be等连系动词之后,说明人物所处的位置。Im very sorry he isnt in at the moment. 很抱歉,他此刻不在家。I have been away from my hometown for nearly 20 years. 我离开家乡有将近20年了。Jim is over there. 吉姆就在那边。,二、副词,3、作定语:时间副词(如now、then)以及许多地点副词都可以作名词的定语,放在名词的后面。People now often have their festival dinners at restaurants. 现在的人们经常在餐馆里吃节日晚宴。Women there were living a terrible life in the 1920s. 在二十世纪20年代,那儿的女人过着可怕的日子。,二、副词,4、作宾语补足语:地点副词一般可以作宾语补足语。Put your dirty socks away, Jim! They are giving out bad smell! 吉姆,把你的脏袜子拿开!它们在散发着臭气。Father kept him in and doing his lessons. 父亲把他关在家里做作业。注:“动词+副词”的宾语如果是代词,则该副词应该放在代词之后。He wrote down the word. 他写下了那个词。He wrote it down. 他把它写了下来。,二、副词,1. Mum, I think Im _ to get back to school.Not really, my dear. Youd better stay at home for another day or two.A. so well B. so goodC. well enough D. good enough【分析】指“身体好”用形容词well(=healthy)而不用good;副词enough修饰形容词时,要位于形容词之后。,二、副词,2. If I had _, Id visit Europe, stopping at the small interesting places.A. a long enough holidayB. an enough long holidayC. a holiday enough longD. a long holiday enough【分析】enough要放在形容词long之后。,二、副词,3. _, some famous scientists have the qualities of being both careful and careless.A. Strangely enoughB. Enough strangelyC. Strange enoughD. Enough strange【分析】修饰整个句子,要用副词,排除C和D;副词enough应放在它所修饰的副词strangely的后面,所以选A。,二、副词,注:表示地点的副词常放在句末;表示确定时间的副词放在句首或句末;表示方式的副词通常放在“动词(+宾语)”之后,也可放在其它位置;同时有表示时间、地点和方式的副词时,其顺序一般为:方式地点时间。,二、副词,_ I went to the railway station to see my friend off.A. After eating quickly my dinnerB. After my quickly eating dinnerC. After eating my dinner quicklyD. After eating my quickly dinner【分析】方式副词一般位于“动词(+宾语)”之后。,三、形容词、副词的原级、比较级和最高级,(一)构成:形容词和副词有原级、比较级和最高级三种形式,用来表示事物的等级差别。原级即形容词/副词的原形,而比较级和最高级则有规则变化和不规则变化两种类型。1、规则变化:单音节词和少数双音节词,加词尾-er、-est来构成比较级和最高级;两个音节或两个以上音节的,在原级前加more / most构成比较级和最高级。,三、形容词、副词的原级、比较级和最高级,三、形容词、副词的原级、比较级和最高级,2、不规则变化,三、形容词、副词的原级、比较级和最高级,(二)用法1、讲述某人/物自身的情况时,用原级。1)基本句型是:主语(sb. / sth.) + 谓语动词 + (very / too / so / quite / rather ) + 形容词/副词原级 + He is very old now. 他现在很老了。They ran quite fast. 它们跑得相当快。The weather looks rather bad. 天气看上去相当糟。I am so happy! 我是如此的快乐!,三、形容词、副词的原级、比较级和最高级,2)表示两者之间没有差别时,使用句型:主语(第一个人物) + 谓语动词 + as + 形容词/副词原级 + as + 第二个人物 + He is as excited as his younger sister. 他和他妹妹一样兴奋。Lily rode her bike as slowly as an old lady. 莉莉骑车像老太太一样慢。They picked as many apples as the farmers (did). 他们摘的苹果和农民一样多。,三、形容词、副词的原级、比较级和最高级,3)表示第一个人比不上第二个人时,使用句型:主语(第一个人物) + 谓语动词(否定式) + as / so + 形容词/副词原级 + as + 第二个人物 + He is not so / as excited as his younger sister. 他没他妹妹那么兴奋。Lily did not ride her bike so / as slowly as an old lady. 莉莉骑车不像老太太那样慢。They didnt pick so / as many apples as the farmers (did). 他们摘的苹果不如农民多。,三、形容词、副词的原级、比较级和最高级,2、讲述两者有差异,第一个人物超过第二个人物时,用比较级。1)基本句型:主语(A) + 谓语动词 + (much / a little / even / still) + 形容词/副词比较级 + than + 第二个人物(B) + A modern train is much faster than a car. 现代的火车比轿车快多了。This book didnt cost me more than that one. 这本书花费我的钱不比那本多。,三、形容词、副词的原级、比较级和最高级,2)讲述两者有差异,第一个人物不及第二个人物时,用比较级。句型是:主语(A) + 谓语动词 + less + (多音节形/副)比较级 + than + 第二个人物(B) + I think English is less difficult than maths. 我认为英语不比数学难。Do you think it less important to learn a foreign language? 你认为学外语不那么重要吗?,三、形容词、副词的原级、比较级和最高级,3、讲述某人/物是一群之中最突出的一个时,用最高级。句型是:主语(sb. / sth.) + 谓语动词 + (the) + 形容词/副词最高级 + in / of The Changjiang River is the longest in China. 长江是中国最长的河流。He jumped (the) highest of the three (boys). 三个男生中他跳得最高。,三、形容词、副词的原级、比较级和最高级,(三)关于比较等级的重要注释1、以上六个句型中,如果动词是及物或不及物动词,则后面用副词;如果动词是连系动词,则后面用形容词。This car is the fastest of the four. (形容词)这辆汽车是四辆之中最快的。This car runs (the) fastest of the four. (副词)这辆汽车是四辆之中跑得最快的。,三、形容词、副词的原级、比较级和最高级,2、“比较级 + and + 比较级”表示“越来越”。The weather is getting warmer and warmer. 天越来越温暖了。3、“the + 比较级 , the + 比较级 ”表示“越就越”。The more trees we plant, the better it will be. 我们栽的树越多,情况就会越好。The harder you try, the greater your progress is. 你越是努力,进步就越大。,三、形容词、副词的原级、比较级和最高级,4、一般的形容词或副词的比较级前面可以加much / a little / even / still,而表示数量的more之前还可以加some / any / no / one / two / many / several / a lot等词。It is much colder today than yesterday. 今天比昨天冷多了。Would you like some more coffee? 你还要些咖啡吗?He did not eat any more. 他没有再吃。,三、形容词、副词的原级、比较级和最高级,5、more than / less than分别可以理解为“多于/少于”,相当于副词,more than = over;less than = under。I lived in New York for more than four months. 我在纽约生活了四个多月。6、“one of the + 最高级 + 名词(复数)”整个短语为单数含义,谓语要用单数形式。One of the oldest houses has been burnt in a fire. 最古老的一幢房子在一场大火中被烧毁了。,三、形容词、副词的原级、比较级和最高级,7、“Which/Who + 动词 + 形/副, A, B or C?”句型中,如果有两个选项,形/副用比较级,如果有三个选项,形/副用最高级。Who has more books, Lin Tao or Han Mei? 林涛和韩梅谁的书最多?Which is the heaviest, a pig, a horse or an elephant? 猪、马、象哪个最重?,三、形容词、副词的原级、比较级和最高级,8、上下文中含有both / either / neither / two / twins等表示两个事物的词时,用比较级,而且往往还要加the;含有all / none / no one / every等表示三个或三个以上事物时,用最高级。 Do you like the smaller one? Neither. 小一点的那个你喜欢吗?一个都不喜欢。 Which do you like best? All of them! 你最喜欢哪个?全部。,


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