1.DEFENITION,Dental caries, also known as tooth decay, cavities, or caries, is a breakdown of teeth due to activities of bacteria.,1.DEFENITIONDental caries, al,Dental caries,An chronic infectious disease with progressive destruction of tooth.,Dental caries,2.CAUSE:【four factors】,1889, Miller: chemocoparasitic theory,2.CAUSE:【four factors】1889, Mi,口腔龋病示教英文版课件,Tooth loss is common health problem.,Dental caries is the main reason !,Tooth loss is common health pr,Prevalence and incidence,Almost everyone is affected by dental caries.,Prevalence and incidence,Clinical classification of caries,According to three basic factors : 1、severity and rate of progression 2、anatomical site(involving site) 3、age patterns at which lesions predominate,Clinical classification of car,Acute caries,Chronic caries,Arrested caries,Rampant caries,Classification according to the developing speed,Acute caries Chronic cariesArr,Classification according to the involving site,Occlusal caries Root cariesSmooth surface caries Linear enamel caries,Classification according to th,Clinical Manifestation and Symptoms,Visible pits or holes in the tooth Colour changing Soften Pain,changes in tissue color, texture, and structure,Clinical Manifestation and Sym,A,B,C,D,A Early caries may have no symptoms B be sensitive to sweet foods or to hot and cold temperatures C very sensitive to stimulatorD the acute pain,ABCDA Early caries may have,Examination,Clinical observations (Visual change)Probing,The explorer tip can easily damage white spot lesions,ExaminationClinical observatio,Examination,Temperature testX-rayTransillumination,ExaminationTemperature test,Diagnosis,Clinical signs visual color, texture, shape, location, cavitation, Clinical symptomsDiagnostic test-examination,Diagnosis Clinical signs,Treatment,Non-surgical - remineralization,Surgical - restoration,The different ways of treatment depend on the size and depth of the cavity, and how much structure has been lost.,Calcium hydroxide,pulp-capping material,lining material,filling material,TreatmentNon-surgical,Prevention is the most important for dental caries.,Prevention is the most imp,Problem for review,What is the etiology of dental caries? Be familiar with the definitions of dental caries and classification.Simply describe clinical manifestation and symptoms of dental caries.,Problem for reviewWhat is the,