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    111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,Module 1,WY 六年级下册,Unit 1 I want a hot dog, please,111111111111111111111111111111,外研版六年级英语下册教学课件全套Module-1,1. Look,listen and say.,I want a hamburger.,I want a hot dog.,Oh,here comes a “hot” dog.,1. Look,listen and say.I want,I want a hamburger. 我想要一个汉堡包。,知识点 1,讲解来自点拨,这句话在这里用于点餐,句子中的want 意为“想要”。,用法:,I want a/an/some + 食物或饮料.,句型结构:,I want some milk. 我想要一些牛奶。,例句:,拓展,want + to + 动词原形,表示“想要做某事”。例句:I want to go shopping. 我想去购物。,I want a hamburger. 我想要一个汉堡包。,2. Listen,read and act out.,Simon: What do you want,Daming?Daming: I dont know. Whats a hot dog? Is it really a dog?Simon: No, Daming. Thats a hot dog.Daming: It looks good!Cashier:Can I help you?Daming: I want a hot dog, please.Simon: And I want a hamburger.Simons dad: A hamburger for me too.Cashier: And to drink?Simon: I want a cola. Daming: A cola for me too.Simons dad: Three colas, please.,2. Listen,read and act out.Sim,2. Listen,read and act out.,Cashier: Thats two hamburgers, a hot dog and three colas.Simons dad: How much is it?Cashier: Its thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.Simons dad: Here you are.Cashier:Thank you. Enjoy your meal!Daming: Let me take them.Simons dad: Be careful!Daming: Oh no! Im sorry!Simon: Oh no! My new shorts and shoes!,2. Listen,read and act out.Cas,look /lk/ v.(动词)看上去 四会,知识点 2,讲解来自点拨,This old lady looks very kind.这位老夫人看起来很和蔼。,例句:,book 书,形近词:,look like 看来好像,短语:,将具有相同规律或用法的单词归为一类进行记忆的方法。如:look(看起来),sound(听起来),smell (闻起来)等。,归类记忆法:,look /lk/ v.(动词)看上去 四会知识点 2,Can I help you? 你们要点什么?,知识点 3,讲解来自点拨,这是在商店、书店、图书馆、餐馆等公共场所服务员招呼顾客的用语,答语通常用I/We want.根据不同的场合有不同的翻译,例如:(1) 在商店:Can I help you? 您想买点什么?I want a pair of shoes.我想买一双鞋。(2) 在图书馆:Can I help you? 您想借什么书?I want to borrow Harry Potter.我想借哈利波特。,用法:,Can I help you? 你们要点什么?知识点 3讲解,How much is it? 多少钱?Its thirteen dollars and twenty five cents.一共十三美元二十五美分。,知识点 4,讲解来自点拨,此对话是用来询问物品的价格及其答语,“How much”在此表示“多少钱”。,用法:,How much + is + 可数名词单数或不可数名词?或:How much + are + 可数名词复数?,句型结构:,Its/ Theyre + 数量词+ 货币单位.或:数量词+ 货币单位.,答语:,How much is it? 多少钱?知识点 4讲解来,讲解来自点拨,How much is the bread? 这块面包多少钱?Its three yuan. 3 元。,例句:,拓展,“how much”还可用来询问不可数名词的量。意为“多少”。例句:How much water do you want? 你想要多少水?Two bottles, please. 两瓶。,典例,根据句意,填入所缺的短语。 _ is the skirt?Ten dollars.,How much,讲解来自点拨How much is the bread,dollar / dl(r)/ n.(名词)美元,讲解来自点拨,This book is seven dollars. 这本书7 美元。,例句:,doll(玩具娃娃)+ar=dollar(美元),加法记忆法:,This notebook is 80 cents.这个笔记本80美分。,例句:,cent /sent/ n.(名词)美分,cents,复数:,dollar / dl(r)/ n.(名词)美元讲解来自,讲解来自点拨,将读音相同但拼写不同的单词归纳在一起记忆的方法。如:cent(美分)sent(send 的过去式发送等。),同音异形词记忆法:,易错点提示,dollar 和cent 的复数都是在词尾加s;而中国货币中的yuan 是单复数同形的。如:ten yuan ( 十元)。,讲解来自点拨将读音相同但拼写不同的单词归纳在一起记忆的方,enjoy/nd/v.(动词)享用, 享受,知识点 5,讲解来自点拨,它后面可以加表示三餐类的名词或直接加表示食物、饮料的名词,表示“享用某顿饭或者某种食物、饮料”。,用法:,Enjoy your lunch, please. 请享用您的午餐。,例句:,拓展,其他词义:enjoy 喜欢。其近义词为“like,love(喜欢) ”。enjoy 后面跟动词的ing形式,表示“喜欢干”。,enjoy/nd/v.(动词)享用, 享受知识点,Be careful !当心!,知识点 6,讲解来自点拨,You must be careful when you cross the road.当你过马路时一定要当心。,例句:,care(照顾)+ ful = careful(小心的),加法记忆法:,careful / kefl/adj.(形容词)小心的,Be careful !当心!知识点 6讲解来自点拨Y,讲解来自点拨,be careful单独使用时,是一般的警告或劝告用语,提醒别人当心,小心。,用法:,Be careful!,上学路上防汽车be careful;在家用电防触电be careful;下雨天气防雷击be careful;暑假来临勿下河be careful。,魔法记忆:,讲解来自点拨be careful单独使用时,是一般的警告,3. Listen and say.,A: Can I help you?B: I want a hot dog, please.,A: How much is it?B: Its thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.,3. Listen and say.A: Can I hel,4. Practise.,Look and write. Then ask and answer.,A: Can I help you?B: I want a hamburger, please.How much is it?A: Its three dollars and seventy-five cents.,A: Can I help you?B: _How much is it?A: _,A: Can I help you?B: _How much is it?A: _,I want a cola, please.,Its one dollar and twenty-five cents.,I want a hot dog, please.,Its two dollars.,4. Practise.Look and write. Th,模拟点餐 西餐厅里来了三位客人,请根据表格和示例编新的对话。要运用到我们学过的点餐用语!快来和你的小伙伴一起说一说吧!,示例:A:Can I help you?B:I want a hamburger and some milk, please. How much is it?A: Its four dollars.,模拟点餐 示例:A:Can I help you?,一、单项选择。1. The hamburger _ good.Yes, its really good.A. look B. looks C. to look2. It _ a bird.A. looks B. look like C. looks like3. Be _ ! The bus is coming!A. care B. careful C. carefully,B,C,B,一、单项选择。BC习题来自点拨B,4.你是一位售货员,当有顾客来买东西时,你应该说()A. What do you think? B. Can I help you?C. How are you?,B,点拨:,Can I help you?是店员的常用语,可翻译成“您想要买什么?”故选B。,4.你是一位售货员,当有顾客来买东西时,你应该说()B点,5. _ is this pen?Its six yuan.A. How many B. How long C. How much,C,点拨:,根据回答可知是提问价钱,所以用How much 。,5. _ is this pen?C点拨,6. How much _ the apples?Ten dollars.A. is B. are C. be,B,点拨:,当How much后接be动词时,be动词是单数还是复数取决于be动词之后的名词或名词短语。apples为复数,故选B。,6. How much _ the apples,7. I enjoy _ and playing football after school.A. swimming B. to swim C. swim,A,点拨:,enjoy后要接动词的ing形式,表示“喜欢干”。,7. I enjoy _ and playing,二、根据图片内容,仿照示例写一写。示例:I want a hamburger.1. 2. _ _,I want some juice.,I want an apple.,二、根据图片内容,仿照示例写一写。I want some j,本节课我们学习了以下知识,请同学们一定加强巩固,以便能和同学们进行灵活交流哦!,重点词汇:look, dollar, cent, enjoy, careful重点句式:I want a hamburger.Can I help you?How much is it?Its thirteen dollars and twenty five cents.Be careful!,本节课我们学习了以下知识,请同学们一定加强巩固,1 熟记本节课所学的句型、短语和单词,必须会听、说、读、写。2 将Listen, read and act out的对话朗读流利。3 完成配套的课后作业,见典中点P1页或 课后作业课件。,1 熟记本节课所学的句型、短语和单词,必须会听、说、读、写,Thank you!,Thank you!,111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,Module 1,WY 六年级下册,Unit 1 I want a hot dog, please,111111111111111111111111111111,一、给图片选择合适的单词。A. cent B. cola C. hamburger D. cashier E. dollar1. 2. 3. ( ) ( ) ( )4. 5. ( ) ( ),习题源于典中点,D,E,A,B,C,一、给图片选择合适的单词。习题源于典中点DEABC,二、根据首字母提示完成单词。1. Can I help you?I want a h_ dog, please. 2. Amy wants a h_. 3. Let Lucy t_ them. 4. I like meat. It l_ good. 5. The bus is coming. B_ careful!,习题源于典中点,ot,amburger,ake,ooks,e,二、根据首字母提示完成单词。习题源于典中点otambur,三、单项选择。() 1. _ do you want?Noodles, please. A. What B. When C. Why() 2. Here_ a little boy. Hes cute. A. comes B. coming C. come,习题源于典中点,A,点拨:,此句为倒装句,主语为a little boy,是第三人称单数,所以动词用第三人称单数形式。,A,三、单项选择。习题源于典中点A点拨:此句为倒装句,主语为,() 3. What about you?Some rice_ me, please. A. in B. for C. to() 4. _ is it?Its 10. A. How manyB. How longC. How much() 5. Its one_ and fifty_. A. dollars; cent B. dollars; cents C. dollar; cents,习题源于典中点,B,C,C,() 3. What about you?习题源于典,习题源于典中点,四、选出合适的词汇完成句子。 1. What_ your sister want?2. The meat looks_. 3. Im hungry, Mum. Two_ for me, please. 4. Its five dollars_ fifteen cents. 5. _ two hot dogs and five hamburgers.,does,good,bananas,and,Thats,习题源于典中点四、选出合适的词汇完成句子。doesgoo,五、根据情景选择合适的句子。() 1. 当服务员见到顾客时会说:A. How are you? B. Can I help you?() 2. 当你想要询问所买东西的价格时,你会问:A. How much is it? B. How old are you?() 3. 在餐馆里开始用餐之前,服务员会说:A. Thank you. B. Enjoy your meal!,B,A,习题源于典中点,B,五、根据情景选择合适的句子。BA习题源于典中点B,() 4. 当别人有可能会遇到危险之前,你会说:A. Be careful. B. Dont worry. () 5. 当你做了对别人不好的事情,表示歉意时,你会说:A. Youre welcome. B. Im sorry.,A,B,习题源于典中点,() 4. 当别人有可能会遇到危险之前,你会说:AB习题,六、连词成句。1. asomeInoodlescolawantand (.)_2. anditsthirteendollarcentsone (.)_3. newtheseshortsmyareshoesand (.)_,I want some noodles and a cola.,Its one dollar and thirteen cents.,习题源于典中点,These are my new shorts and shoes.,六、连词成句。I want some noodles and,4. wantssomemilkLinglingandtwoapples (.)_5. Simonwhatyoudowant (, ?)_,Lingling wants some milk and two apples.,What do you want, Simon?,习题源于典中点,4. wantssomemilkLinglingan,Thank you!,Thank you!,111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,Module 1,WY 六年级下册,Unit 2 What do you want to eat,111111111111111111111111111111,What do you want to eat?,What do you want to eat?,1. Listen and chant.,What do you want to eat?I want to eat some meat. And I want a hot dog, please,with lots and lots of cheese.,1. Listen and chant.What do yo,What do you want to eat? 你想吃什么?I want to eat some meat. 我想吃一些肉。,知识点 1,讲解来自点拨,询问对方想要吃什么的句型及回答。,用法:,What do you want to eat?,句型结构:,I want( to eat )a/an/some + 食物(please).,回答:,What do you want to eat? 你想吃什么?I want to eat a banana. 我想吃一根香蕉。,例句:,What do you want to eat? 你想吃,讲解来自点拨,典例, What do you want to eat? I want to eat _.A. a cola B. some milk C. a hamburger,C,讲解来自点拨典例 What do you want t,2. Listen and read.,Cashier: Can I help you?Dad: I want noodles and a cola. What do you want to eat, Lingling?Lingling: I want a hamburger.Dad: And what do you want to drink?Lingling: Milk,please.Dad: So we want a hamburger, noodles, milk and a cola, please.Cashier: OK.,2. Listen and read.Cashier: Ca,.what do you want to drink? 你想喝点什么?Milk,please. 牛奶。,知识点 2,讲解来自点拨,询问对方想要喝什么的句型及回答。,用法:,What do you want to drink?,句型结构:,I want (to drink) a/an/some +饮料, please.或:饮料. Please.,回答:,What do you want to drink? 你想喝点什么?I want some juice, please. 我想来些果汁。,例句:,.what do you want to drink,讲解来自点拨,典例,What do you want to _ ?I want some tea, please.A. eat B. drink C. drank,B,点拨:,根据回答可知问想喝什么,want 后面跟to do ,所以选B。,讲解来自点拨典例What do you want to,3. Listen, choose and write.,What do you want to eat? $2.00/ $3.75 _and $1.50 / $1.50, _ please.And what do you want to drink?I want $1.25 / $1.00, _ please.How much is it?Its _.,a hot dog,an ice cream,milk,four dollars and fifty cents,3. Listen, choose and write.W,4. Listen and say. Then sing.,WHAT DO YOU WANT TO EAT?What do you want to eat? Meat, chicken or fish?Come in and have a seat, and have your favourite dish.What do you want to drink? Milk, juice or tea?All our food is very, very nice, as you can see.,4. Listen and say. Then sing.W,5. Follow and say.,What do you want?,I want a hot dog.,I want a hot dog too. And I want some noodles.,I want a hot dog and some noodles too. And I want some vegetables.,5. Follow and say.What do you,6. Do and say.,Make a restaurant menu and role play with your friend.,NSE Restaurant NSEFood DrinksHot dog- 4 Orange juice - 3Hamburger - 5 Mike - 3Noodles - 5 Cola - 3Rice- 1 Tea - 2Chicken - 10Fish - 15Vegetables - 8,What do you want to drink?,What do you want to eat?,I want chicken and rice, please.,I want a cola,please.,6. Do and say.Make a restauran,一、根据图片内容回答下列问题。1. What do you want to eat? _.2. What do you want to eat? _.,I want (to eat) an egg.,I want (to eat) a cake.,一、根据图片内容回答下列问题。I want (to eat),二、根据图片内容回答下列问题。1. What do you want to drink? _.2. What do you want to drink? _.,I want(to drink) some milk.,I want (to drink) some tea.,二、根据图片内容回答下列问题。I want(to drink,本节课我们学习了以下知识,请同学们一定加强巩固,以便能和同学们进行灵活交流哦!,重点句式:What do you want to eat?I want to eat some meat. .what do you want to drink?Milk,please.,本节课我们学习了以下知识,请同学们一定加强巩固,1 熟记本节课所学的句型、短语和单词,必须会听、说、读、写。2 将Listen and read的对话朗读流利。3 完成配套的课后作业,见典中点P3页或 课后作业课件。,1 熟记本节课所学的句型、短语和单词,必须会听、说、读、写,Thank you!,Thank you!,Module 1,WY 六年级下册,Unit 2 What do you want to eat,Module 1WY,一、假如你是商场的服务员,请你把下列商品放到相应的商品区域。A. hot dog B. coffee C. rice D. fish E. meat F. tomatoG. apple H. pear I. water J. milk K. Banana L. juice M. cola N. hamburger O. tea1. food_2. drinks_3. vegetable_4. fruit_,习题源于典中点,A C D E N,B I J L M O,F,G H K,一、假如你是商场的服务员,请你把下列商品放到相应的商品区域。,二、选择合适的词完成句子。1. What_ (do/does) you want?2. What does Lingling want to_ (eat/drink)?Milk. 3. I want a hot dog_ (too/to). 4. Lucy wants_ (a/an) ice cream. 5. Its three_ (dollars/dollar) and _(seventy five/seventy-five) cents.,do,drink,习题源于典中点,too,an,dollars,seventy-five,二、选择合适的词完成句子。dodrink习题源于典中点t,三、单项选择。() 1. I want to eat_ rice. A. someB. anyC. a lot() 2. What do you want to drink?_, please. A. VegetablesB. CheeseC. Orange juice,A,习题源于典中点,C,三、单项选择。A习题源于典中点C,() 3. I want a hot dog_ some cheese. A. with B. for C. to() 4. All_ food is very nice. A. we B. our C. us() 5. What do you want to eat? Meat, fish_ chicken?A. and B. or C. but,习题源于典中点,A,B,B,() 3. I want a hot dog_,四、判断下列句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符。() 1. I want two eggs. () 2. I dont like cakes. I like bread. () 3. My sister wants some bananas.,习题源于典中点,T,F,F,四、判断下列句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符。习题源于典中点,() 4. The cola is four dollars and fifty cents. () 5. What do you want to drink? Milk or orange juice?Some milk, please.,习题源于典中点,F,T,() 4. The cola is four dolla,五、选择合适的句子补全对话。(填标号)A:1. _B:I want some rice. A:2. _B:A box of milk for me, please. A:Thats some rice and a box of milk. B:3. _A:Its ten dollars. B:4. _A:Thank you. 5. _,习题源于典中点,C,B,D,E,A,A. Enjoy your meal! B. And to drink?C. Can I help you?D. How much is it? E. Here you are.,五、选择合适的句子补全对话。(填标号)习题源于典中点CB,六、阅读短文,选择正确答案。 (建议用时:4分钟)Sam likes to eat in McDonalds. He often eats a fish hamburger and French fries (炸薯条). Most people working in McDonalds know Sam very well. They often ask him,“How often (多长时间一次) do you eat fish hamburgers and French fries?” Sam will answer,“Twice (两次) a week. ” “Why do you like McDonalds better?” they ask. “Because every time I can get a small toy. ” People around him laugh and say,“Why dont you go to the toy shop?” “Because in the toy shop they dont have fish hamburgers and French fries. ”,习题源于典中点,六、阅读短文,选择正确答案。 (建议用时:4分钟)习题源于,() 1. Where does Sam like to eat?A. In McDonalds. B. In the toy shop. C. In the restaurant. () 2. What does Sam often eat?A. A fish hamburger. B. French fries. C. Both A and B. () 3. Do people working in McDonalds know him?A. No, they dont. B. Yes, they do C. There is no answer.,习题源于典中点,A,C,B,() 1. Where does Sam like to,() 4. How often does Sam eat fish hamburgers and French fries?A. Once a week. B. Every day. C. Twice a week. () 5. Why does Sam like McDonalds better?A. Because every time he can get a small toy. B. Because he likes to eat fish hamburgers and French fries. C. Because he likes the people there.,习题源于典中点,C,A,() 4. How often does Sam eat,Thank you!,Thank you!,


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