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    会展英语 第1单元 ppt课件.ppt

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    会展英语 第1单元 ppt课件.ppt

    English for Exhibition and Conference,Lecture 1,Questions to Think About,Why do we need to learn English for Exhibition and Conference?1. More and more international exhibitions and conferences are held in China.2. Better English is helpful for better communication.,Questions to Think About,What will we learn about English for Exhibition and Conference?Words and expressions of jobs of this industryRead, fill in, and design documentsKnowledge and skills of planning and management,What have U learned by now?,会展概论会展礼仪会展营销会展项目管理会展客户关系管理展览策划与管理会议组织与管理国际会议组织与策划大型活动策划与管理商务谈判与沟通,Introduction to ECEtiquette of ECMarketing of ECProject Management of EventsCustomer Relationship ManagementPlanning and Management of ECConvention Organization & Services Organization and Planning of Intl CPlanning and Management of Major EventBusiness Negotiation &Communication,Contents 目录,Introduction to the Exhibition and Convention Industry Preparations for exhibitionsExhibition Promotion and EnquiryBooth Sale and ApplicationBooth Design and Installation Exhibition Services and Booth Reception Dismantling and Follow-up Convention planning and enquiryConvention operation and attendance,Questions to Think About,How can we learn English for Exhibition and Conference?By proceduresThrough practice,Assessment,Attendance: Class performance: Homework :Final exam: Week 17,Exhibition and Convention,Do you know any international exhibitions?,Do you know any international conventions?,China Import and Export Fair (Canton Fair),China (Beijing) International Fair for Trade in Services,APEC Leaders Meeting,Group 20 Summit,Exhibitions and Conventions,Do you know any venues for exhibition or convention in Beijing?,Have you ever attended an exhibition?,What kinds of people are involved in an exhibition?,Unit 1 Preparations of Exhibitions,How to choose the time for an exhibitionHow to choose the venue for an exhibition,As an organizer,Why attend an exhibitionHow to prepare for an exhibition,As an exhibitor,1. Look and say,China International Exhibition Center,Messe Berlin Exhibition Grounds,China Pavilion,Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center,Union des Foires Internationales,Important international organizations of Exhibition and Conventions,国际展览与项目协会1928,Dallas 美国达拉斯,Bureau of International Exhibitions国际展览局,1928,巴黎,Review: Must be Mastered,展览 参展商 展品 展位会议 国家会议中心策划管理场馆 中国国际展览中心 主办方参展商 观众承包商,www.ufi.org,UFI History UFI was founded in Milan, Italy, on 15 April 1925, by 20 leading European international trade fairs, namely: Bordeaux, Brussels, Budapest, Cologne, Danzig, Frankfurt/Main, Leipzig, Ljubljana, Lvov, Lyon, Milan, Nizhny Novgorod, Padua, Paris, Prague, Reichenberg, Utrecht, Valencia, Vienna and Zagreb. UFI was established as a non-political international association in accordance with the French law of 1 July 1901 on associations. Initially, UFI was created under the name “Union des Foires Internationales” (UFI), or “Union of International Fairs” in English, or “Verband internationaler Messen” in German. The name change to “UFI”, accompanied by the tagline “The Global Association of the Exhibition Industry” was decided upon by the General Meeting in Cairo, Egypt, on 20 October 2003. Increasingly an abbreviated name, “UFI”, is used in contexts where the association is well known. UFI Development: From an organisation representing European interests to one representing those of the global exhibition industry*,2. Reading,The Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of All Nations,New Words,Milan(Italy) 米兰Cairo (Egypt)开罗Accompany 附着Tag line 标语Concept 概念Exposition 博览会Periodic 周期性的Permanent 永久的Commercial 商业的Retail outlet 零售商End user 终端用户,Fill in the diagram below with the information from the text,Fair,World Expo,Trade Show,Exposition,Earliest type of market, direct selling,General terms, interaction of buyers and sellers, displaying goods, products and services,International Exposition, special segment of an exhibition,B-2-C expositionGeneral public as visitors,Mixed show,Fair,World Expo,Trade Show,Trade Fair,Exposition,Earliest type of market, direct selling,General terms, interaction of buyers and sellers, displaying goods, products and services,International Exposition, special segment of an exhibition,B-2-B expositionTrade visitors,B-2-C expositionGeneral public as visitors,Open for trade and public visitors,Customer show/public show),Exhibition,Meeting,Convention: a large meeting of an organization or political group 侧重指某一政党或团体为某一特殊目的而召开的会议;也可指学术团体的年会Conference: a meeting, often lasting a few days, which is organized on a particular subject or to bring together people who have a common interest 正式用词,一般指大型会议,如政府工作会议、国际学术交流会议、各国之间的协商、会谈等,A Guide to Successful Exhibition Planning,Setting up a Planning Committee 成立策划委员会Planning a Budget 编制预算Selecting a Venue and Negotiating Contracts 选择场馆和洽谈合同Sourcing Exhibitors 招展Publicizing Your Exhibition 宣传推广展览,New Words,Assemble a teamAppoint an experienced coordinatorAnticipated expensesRevenueVenue Negotiate contractsLast minute nightmare Target audience Potential exhibitors Publicize your exhibition PublicityA sure-fire waySeminars and interactive workshops,IV. Situational Dialogues,sales manager 销售经理colleague 同事a spectrum of 一系列feature 以为主time slot 时间段supplier 供应商prospectus 招展说明书,Dialogue 1: Discussing the exhibition time,Questions to Answer,What exhibition will they hold?When will they hold the exhibition finally?Why?,Situational Dialogues,Discussing the exhibition time,1. which features a wide spectrum of light-industry products2. We will choose a suitable time for the show.3. Its the best time slot before the launch of major trade fairs.4. the suppliers can accommodate the buyers needs.5. which gather a large number of buyers in the region for sourcing products.6. As the consumer products cycle shortens, international buyers are now sourcing more frequently.,Situational Dialogues,Productive and effective:富有成果的和有效的discuss the venue 讨论场馆two options: 选择;选项 The former is better. A top priority: 首要的事情A magnificent and multi-use venue 一座宏伟的多功能boast an in-venue MTR stationadjacent:毗邻的 facilities: 设备infrastructural capability 基础设施的功能Availability 可用性,Dialogue 2: Choosing the exhibition venue,Questions to Answer,Where are they going to hold the exhibition?What venue can they choose? What advantages of each venue?Which venue do they finally decide on?What should you consider when choosing a venue?,Sentences,1. Location, of course, is a top priority.2. It is a magnificent, multi-use venue located right in the heart of Hong Kong.3. The closer the venue is to such places, the easier it will be for people to come to the exhibition. 4. Adjacent and linked to the HKCEC there are two world-class hotel. 5. As far as facilities and infrastructural capabilities are concerned, I think both of them are great.,Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center,AsiaWorld-Expo Hong Kong,AsiaWorld-Expo Hong Kong,An aerial shot of AsiaWorld-Expo Hong Kong,AsiaWorld-Expo Hong Kong,Websites of HKCEC & AsiaWorld-Expo, www.asiaworld-,找展馆常用句子 Useful Sentences,To find out the most suitable venue is not an easy task. So before choosing a venue, youd better make a checklist about the particular requirements of your exhibition.How convenient is the transportation?Are there any suitable hotels near the venue?How about the cost?What exhibition facilities can you use in the venue?And then its also important to have an on-site inspection.Choosing a venue with an appropriate size is one of the crucial factors to success.If the venue is too compact, it may leave the participants feeling congested and uncomfortable.If the venue is too big, it may leave the participants an impression that the exhibition is not as popular as they expect.,Review 回顾,Organizers work,Part II Exhibitors Diary,Lead-in Practice: 5 minutes,1. What are the purpose of attending trade shows?2. What should be considered before attending a show?,Questions to think about,What are the purposes of attending trade show?What should be considered before attending a show?,Part II Exhibitors Diary,Reading (10 minutes),Why Exhibit at Trade Shows?,New Words and Expressions,Showcase the latest productsNetworkExpand business/customer awareness of your product/serviceBuild a databaseKeep abreast of current trendsUnderstand the ebb and flow of your industryKeep an eye on what is old, new and on the horizonState of the artA part of marketing mixScope out the competitionCompetitorAdvantageous Equivalent Reinforce your market position and brand messageRumorsIt can become a self-fulfilling prophecy.,Task 1: Fill in the form with the info.,Task 2: Search the Internet and find out more reasons for attending trade shows,www. www. .auwww. www. www. intl-,Situational Dialogues,Discussing attending a show,Stella Li: the Marketing Manager of Desheng Toys Co., Ltd.Lisa Su and Martin Zhao: Stellas colleagues in the Sales and Marketing Department,Listen to the discussion,New Words,Promote our productsA major segment/part of a companys marketing mix Compare our products with those of our competitorsLaunch new productsResearching the marketIncrease brand awarenessReinforce our companys image Do some research on sth.Submit a reportCalculateEarly-bird discountsPrepare equipmentBook a boothBook travel tickets and accommodationInvite clients, customers and suppliers,Questions,What are their major purposes of attending the trade show?What will Martin do after the meeting?What else do they discuss at the meeting besides their purposes?,Translate,Trade shows are recognized as a major segment of a companys marketing mix.They are incredibly effective promotion and sales tool.We not only sell products but also compare our products with those of our competitors.We have chances to meet our customers and competitors in one place at the same time. There are many objectives of exhibiting, like selling products, launching new products, researching the market.We can make use of the chance to increase brand awareness and reinforce our companys image. Once we choose a particular trade show, we will plan our budget.Wed better take advantage of early-bird discounts.,


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