剖面图和立面图Sections and Elevations,剖面图Sections,显示楼盖、框架、地基平面图的垂直剖面Show vertical cuts called for on the floor, framing and foundation plans全剖图是沿着建筑的全宽或全长做的剖面图Full sections cut across the width or through the length of the building半剖图显示建筑物一部分中构件的垂直关系Partial sections show the vertical relationship of the parts of a small portion of the building,注释框Reading Sections,包括的信息有测量值、材料类型、紧固说明、不同建筑材料的位置和尺寸Section views include information such as measurements, material types, fastening instructions and location and size of various building materials,立面图Elevations,显示在100英尺外观察时,建筑物每一面的正投影图An orthographic drawing showing each side of the building as viewed from a distance of about 100 feet or,符号Symbols,与楼板平面图符号不同,尽可能近地表示出视野中的东西Different than floor plan symbols but representing, as closely as possible, what they would appear to the eye,尺寸Dimensions,立面图尺寸标注较少,但通常会标注楼板到楼板间的高度、窗的类型、屋顶坡度、挂板类型和屋顶装饰材料Elevations have few dimensions but usually include floor to floor heights, types of windows, roof slope, type of siding, and finished roof material.,结论Conclusions,剖面图提供更清晰的楼盖、框架和地基竖直方向的信息Sections are vertical cuts used to give clearer information of the floor, framing and foundation plans立面图是建筑物各个面的正投影图Elevations are orthographic drawings of each side of the building,