欢乐好声音中英文台词100:01:29,920 -> 00:01:31,450各就各位Places, everyone.200:02:18,800 -> 00:02:20,430就这样This was it.300:02:20,440 -> 00:02:22,640故事从这里拉开序幕The moment it all began.400:02:22,640 -> 00:02:24,610一个平凡无奇的小不点The moment an ordinary little guy500:02:24,610 -> 00:02:27,110就此爱上了剧院fell in love with the theater.600:02:27,110 -> 00:02:28,910的一切Everything about it.700:02:28,910 -> 00:02:31,250闪烁的灯光 移动的布景The lights, the way the scenery moved,800:02:31,250 -> 00:02:32,950甚至是剧院里的味道even the smell.900:02:32,950 -> 00:02:35,580虽然他只有6岁 但他却盘算着成为He was only six years old, but his plans to become1000:02:35,580 -> 00:02:39,320史上第一只集万千宠爱于一身的考拉the first koala bear in space were suddenly toast.1100:02:39,650 -> 00:02:40,690大伙儿曾说- -Some folks may have said1200:02:40,710 -> 00:02:43,920他长大之后一定会在这座城市别有一番作为he grew up to be the greatest showman the city has ever seen.1300:02:43,930 -> 00:02:46,530有人称他为一潜力股 说他壮志凌云-Some called him a visionary, a Maverick. -1400:02:46,530 -> 00:02:50,300当然 还有些人说他固执得不可理喻sure, some folks said he was as crazy as he was stubborn,1500:02:50,300 -> 00:02:54,100但在我看来 立志欲坚不欲锐 成功在久不在速but I say wonder and magic don't come easy, pal.1600:02:54,100 -> 00:02:56,840再者说 毫无疑问的是And, oh, there would never be any doubt,1700:02:56,840 -> 00:02:59,340月伯乐的名字必将the name buster moon would go down1800:02:59,340 -> 00:03:01,280载入娱乐圈的史册in entertainment history.1900:03:01,280 -> 00:03:03,010而我心知肚明And I should know,2000:03:03,010 -> 00:03:06,150- 因为我 就是月伯 - 乐- because I am buster. - Moon!2100:03:06,150 -> 00:03:08,150开门呐- Open this door!2200:03:08,150 -> 00:03:10,280早上好啊 月先生- Good morning, Mr. Moon.2300:03:10,290 -> 00:03:13,050凯莉太太 出什么事了Miss crawly. What, uh. What's going on?2400:03:13,060 -> 00:03:16,320月先生 门外有一大群动物等着见你呢You got a lot of animals waiting to see you, Mr. Moon.2500:03:16,330 -> 00:03:18,130是吗I do?2600:03:18,130 -> 00:03:20,990我的天 真的啊Holy moly, I really do.2700:03:21,000 -> 00:03:23,830他们是你上一期表演的舞台工作人员Yeah, it's the stage crew from your last show.2800:03:23,830 -> 00:03:25,830他们说你拖欠人民工工资They say their paychecks bounced.2900:03:25,830 -> 00:03:27,630告诉他们我这就给银行打电话并且确保Tell 'em I'll call up the bank and make sure3000:03:27,640 -> 00:03:28,670他们会拿到应得的报酬they're paid tout de suite.3100:03:28,670 -> 00:03:30,540老板 2号机显示朱迪斯Oh, I got Judith from the bank3200:03:30,540 -> 00:03:32,570正从银行那边打电话过来呢holding on line two right now, sir.3300:03:32,580 -> 00:03:34,710- 事实上 我会给她回电话的 - 哦-Um, actually, I'm gonna have to call her back. -Oh.3400:03:34,710 -> 00:03:36,680我这次要用什么借口What should I tell her this time?3500:03:36,680 -> 00:03:39,380告诉她月伯乐吃午饭去了Tell her buster moon is out to lunch.3600:03:39,380 -> 00:03:41,920月伯乐 开门呐Moon! Open this door!3700:03:43,990 -> 00:03:45,350快开门Come on, moon!3800:03:45,350 -> 00:03:47,490别躲在里面不出声我知道你在家I know you're in there!3900:03:57,370 -> 00:04:00,370月伯乐 快开门Moon! Open this door!4000:04:02,900 -> 00:04:04,270啊Aah!4100:04:56,660 -> 00:04:59,630感觉我听到有人搁这唱歌Hmm, thought I heard someone singing there.4200:04:59,630 -> 00:05:01,660算了Ah, whatever.4300:05:03,270 -> 00:05:05,800兄弟们 咱先按兵不动Guys, listen. Stay where you are.4400:05:05,800 -> 00:05:07,100条子来了The cops are here in.4500:05:07,100 -> 00:05:08,600你们在.What are you.?4600:05:08,600 -> 00:05:10,500- 不许动 - 我来应付这一个-Hold it right there! -Yeah, I'll get him!4700:05:13,510 -> 00:05:15,380走 走 走- Go, go, go!4800:05:16,480 -> 00:05:18,080喔哦Whoa!4900:05:20,020 -> 00:05:21,950喔哦Whoa!5000:05:21,950 -> 00:05:24,950强尼 你望风望哪去了Johnny, you were supposed to be keeping a lookout!5100:05:24,950 -> 00:05:26,250抱歉 老爹Sorry, dad.5200:05:26,260 -> 00:05:27,550你的面具呢And where's your mask?5300:05:49,810 -> 00:05:52,180看我看我 我是妈咪Look at me. I'm mommy!5400:05:53,550 -> 00:05:55,550卡斯珀 快从桌子上下来Caspar, get off the table.5500:05:55,550 -> 00:05:59,450罗西塔 你见到我的车钥匙了吗Rosita, have you seen my car keys?5600:06:02,220 -> 00:06:03,690诺曼 麻烦你告诉一下他们Norman, would you please tell them5700:06:03,690 -> 00:06:05,160作为一个歌手 我有多棒what a good singer I am?5800:06:05,160 -> 00:06:07,290对 你很棒哦 亲爱的Oh, yeah, you were great, honey.5900:06:07,300 -> 00:06:09,730顺便一提 浴室的水池又堵了By the way, the bathroom sink is blocked again.6000:06:09,730 -> 00:06:11,530再见 亲爱的Bye, honey!6100:06:22,480 -> 00:06:25,010一 二 一 二 三 四One, two, one, two, three, four!6200:06:43,330 -> 00:06:45,370哦 我的天呐Oh, my gosh.6300:06:45,370 -> 00:06:47,930我还真信了你们是音乐家的邪I thought you guys said you were musicians.6400:06:49,170 -> 00:06:50,440艾希 宝贝Ash, babe,6500:06:50,440 -> 00:06:51,770我才是领唱 好吗I'm the lead singer, okay?6600:06:51,770 -> 00:06:53,210你只负责合音就好啦Just stick to the backing vocals.6700:06:53,210 -> 00:06:55,010抱歉 我有点得意忘形了Sorry, I. I get carried away.6800:06:55,010 -> 00:06:56,510可不是嘛Yeah, I know, right?6900:06:56,510 -> 00:06:59,180知道么 我的歌全被你毁了It just kind of ruins my song, you know?7000:07:25,110 -> 00:07:26,610哦呜Aw.7100:07:26,610 -> 00:07:27,970怎么了What?7200:07:27,980 -> 00:07:29,910来吧 许个愿吧- Come on, make your wish.7300:07:29,910 -> 00:07:32,280我希望你加入唱诗班I wish you'd join a choir.7400:07:32,280 -> 00:07:33,780或者当地乐队之类的也行啊A local band or something.7500:07:33,780 -> 00:07:35,550- 我试过了 - 呸-I tried. -Bah!7600:07:35,550 -> 00:07:37,550嘿 嘿 爸 这件事我们以前讨论过的Hey, hey, dad, we've been over this.7700:07:37,550 -> 00:07:39,790她有点害羞又怎么样呢So she's a little shy. So what?7800:07:39,790 -> 00:07:44,620如果我有一副像米娜那样的歌喉 我早就是个天王巨星了If I had a voice like meena's, I'd be a superstar by now!7900:07:44,700 -> 00:07:45,770唱起来就好像just singing8000:07:47,410 -> 00:07:49,040好啦我信啦,外公Sure he would,grandpa.8100:07:49,260 -> 00:07:51,770- 蜡烛吧- Now blow out your candles.8200:08:07,580 -> 00:08:08,620一块钱A penny?8300:08:08,620 -> 00:08:10,180你敢瞧不起我How dare you!8400:08:10,190 -> 00:08:12,520我可是在林肯音乐学院进修过的I happen to have studied at the Lincoln school of music.8500:08:12,520 -> 00:08:14,450对不起 我就剩下这点了Sorry, it's-it's all I got right now.8600:08:14,460 -> 00:08:16,520是吗-Oh, is that so?8700:08:18,430 -> 00:08:20,260- 好吧 那就向我证明一下 兄弟 - 什么-All right, prove it, pal. -What?8800:08:20,260 -> 00:08:22,630- 马上掏空你的口袋 - 好吧我找找- Empty your pockets right now. -Trying to find.8900:08:22,630 -> 00:08:24,460- 你都藏了些啥好东西 - 只是想找找-Wh-what is this you got here? -Just trying to find.9000:08:24,470 -> 00:08:25,830你吸的这是什么What do you smoke out of this?9100:08:25,830 -> 00:08:27,770那我的吸入器That's my inhaler.9200:08:27,770 -> 00:08:30,700啊哈 我就知道Aha! I knew it!9300:08:30,710 -> 00:08:31,940大伙都看见了You all saw it.9400:08:31,940 -> 00:08:33,270在场的都是目击者You all saw it right here.9500:08:33,280 -> 00:08:34,770老猴子撒谎了- The monkey lied.9600:08:34,780 -> 00:08:36,280我忘了I forgot I had that.9700:08:36,280 -> 00:08:37,840再有下回 可不能以大欺小And next time, pick on someone your own size!9800:08:39,150 -> 00:08:40,180恃强凌弱Bully!9900:08:50,190 -> 00:08:52,490帮看好她 行吗Take care of her, will you?10000:08:52,490 -> 00:08:55,860她虽然看上去锈迹斑斑 但她可是个典藏版She may look old and rusty, but she is a classic.10100:09:01,200 -> 00:09:02,800好的 听着Okay, listen.10200:09:02,800 -> 00:09:04,840你我都知道我的剧院最近正经历着We both know that my theater has been going through10300:09:04,840 -> 00:09:07,740困难时期 但俗话说的好呀some pretty rough times lately, but as the saying goes,10400:09:07,740 -> 00:09:09,340山穷水尽疑无路 柳暗花明又一村"For every cloud, a silver lining."10500:09:09,340 -> 00:09:10,640- 停-停-停-停-停 - 我们有-Hup-hup-hup-hup-hup-hup. -We've got.10600:09:10,650 -> 00:09:12,050先停一下好吧 伯乐Hold on right there, buster.10700:09:12,050 -> 00:09:14,050我老爸 他听说我今天要来见你My dad, he heard I was gonna see you today,10800:09:14,050 -> 00:09:16,150然后他当时是这样表现的"艾迪 你去告诉那只考拉and he was all like, "Eddie, you tell that koala10900:09:16,150 -> 00:09:17,750我再也不会给他的那些演出投一分钱"I'm not funding any more of those shows,11000:09:17,750 -> 00:09:19,320这事儿没得商量"这是他的原话and that's final." Those were his words.11100:09:19,320 -> 00:09:20,520好吧 你老爹是对的Well, your dad's right.11200:09:20,520 -> 00:09:22,090那些演出才是问题的所在Those shows were the problem.11300:09:22,090 -> 00:09:24,020这是场消耗战 罗茜深鞠一躬War of attrition. Rosie takes a bow.11400:09:24,030 -> 00:09:25,930我是说 没人想再看那破玩意儿了I mean, nobody wants to see that stuff anymore.11500:09:25,930 -> 00:09:27,490所以我该怎么做So, what do I do?11600:09:27,500 -> 00:09:29,400- 放弃 - 不-Quit? -No.11700:09:29,400 -> 00:09:33,100我要为他们展现出一场不可抗拒的演出I give 'em a show they cannot resist, which is gonna be.11800:09:33,540 -> 00:09:35,240再给我一分钟 好吗J-just one more minute, s'il vous pla.11900:09:35,240 -> 00:09:37,400多谢- -Merci.12000:09:37,410 -> 00:09:39,670别说法语 这里英语场所Don't speak French. They speak English here.12100:09:39,680 -> 00:09:43,010我的下一场演出-音响师 鼓声起Now, my next show is gonna be- drumroll, please.12200:09:44,610 -> 00:09:46,710.好声音比赛.A singing competition.12300:09:46,720 -> 00:09:48,750好声音比赛A singing competition?12400:09:48,750 -> 00:09:50,580谁还想看这种垃圾选秀节目Who wants to see another one of those?12500:09:50,590 -> 00:09:52,290每个人 想想看Everyone! J-j-just think.12600:09:52,290 -> 00:09:54,620你的邻居 杂 杂货店经理Your neighbor, the-the-the grocery store manager,12700:09:54,620 -> 00:09:56,520那 那 那只鸡- 就在那that-that-that chicken- right there!12800:09:56,530 -> 00:09:58,690在我的舞台上城里的每一个人Everyone in this city gets a shot12900:09:58,690 -> 00:10:01,360都有一炮而红的机会at being a star live on my stage.13000:10:01,360 -> 00:10:03,600伯乐 这个主意糟透了Buster, this is a terrible idea.13100:10:03,600 -> 00:10:04,860才不呢Oh, no, it's not.13200:10:04,870 -> 00:10:07,030现实世界中的真实才能Real talent from real life.13300:10:07,040 -> 00:10:10,400那才是观众们梦寐以求的 我会借此展现给他们That's what audiences want, and I'm gonna give it to 'em!13400:10:10,410 -> 00:10:12,410好吧All right, well.13500:10:12,410 -> 00:10:14,040我 我们能先离开这个地方吗C-can we please just get out of here?13600:10:14,040 -> 00:10:15,480你不想吃了吗Don't you want to eat?13700:10:15,480 -> 00:10:17,110想啊 可这儿的食物我们一样也买不起Yeah, but we can't afford any of this.13800:10:17,110 -> 00:10:18,750没错 我知道 所以我特意准备了Yes, I know, and that's why.13900:10:18,750 -> 00:10:20,710三明治来着I brought sandwiches.14000:10:20,720 -> 00:10:22,050呃Uh.14100:10:22,050 -> 00:10:24,280这是不允许的That's not allowed. Ugh.14200:10:24,290 -> 00:10:25,950什么 你不喜欢花生酱和果冻吗What, you don't like peanut butter and jelly?14300:10:26,020 -> 00:10:27,590- 恕我无礼 先生 - 好吧 快看- Excuse me, sir. - Okay, look.14400:10:27,590 -> 00:10:29,720我还有奶油奶酪 还有香蕉.I got cream cheese, I got banana.14500:10:34,930 -> 00:10:37,560- 你还好吧 - 当然 再好不过-You okay? -Yep. Never better.14600:10:39,800 -> 00:10:42,400凯莉太太Miss crawly?14700:10:42,400 -> 00:10:44,070您好Hello?14800:10:44,070 -> 00:10:46,440谁呀Uh, who is it?14900:10:46,440 -> 00:10:47,740是我It's me.15000:10:47,740 -> 00:10:49,510你老板 月先生Your boss, Mr. Moon.15100:10:49,510 -> 00:10:51,480- 哦 您好啊 月老板 - 让我们开始吧-Oh, hello, Mr. Moon. -There we go.15200:10:51,480 -> 00:10:53,980现在 我需要你在我们的传单里Now, I need you to add the following information15300:10:53,980 -> 00:10:56,080- 敲上以下信息 - 收到-to our publicity flyers. -Yes, sir.15400:10:56,080 -> 00:10:57,820好声音比赛冠军选手的The winner of the singing contest15500:10:57,820 -> 00:11:00,820获奖金额为will receive a grand prize of.15600:11:00,820 -> 00:11:03,820935美元$935.15700:11:03,830 -> 00:11:05,660啊 奖金还要更高点Hmm. Gonna need more than that.15800:11:05,660 -> 00:11:06,760只需一刻Just a second.15900:11:09,930 -> 00:11:11,030放这There.16000:11:11,030 -> 00:11:12,630放这There!16100:11:12,630 -> 00:11:14,430一千美金$1,000.16200:11:14,440 -> 00:11:18,300- 你听见了吗 - 嗯 一千美金- You got that? - -Uh, $1,000.16300:11:18,310 -> 00:11:20,940哦 哦Oh! Oh!16400:11:25,650 -> 00:11:27,310能把它们打印到我们剩下的每一张传单上Print 'em up on every single sheet16500:11:27,320 -> 00:11:29,180然后把这消息广布天下of paper we have left and let's spread the word16600:11:29,180 -> 00:11:30,280可以吧right away, okay?16700:11:30,290 -> 00:11:31,850可以 是的 老板Yes, uh, yes, sir.16800:11:35,220 -> 00:11:38,120乖宝贝儿 快点从那出来Oh, okay. Come on out of there.16900:11:45,070 -> 00:11:48,200啊 就要时来运转了Ah, the winds of change.17000:11:48,200 -> 00:11:50,200当表演大举成功时Yep, when this show's a hit,17100:11:50,210 -> 00:11:52,840我再给你重新刷一层“新衣裳”I'm gonna get you a fresh coat of paint.17200:11:52,840 -> 00:11:55,180宣传单做的怎么样了 凯莉太太How are we doing with those flyers, miss crawly?17300:11:55,180 -> 00:11:57,840啊 都完事了 老板 都准备好了Oh, yes, sir. We're all good to go here.17400:11:59,510 -> 00:12:02,320凯莉太太 别 别 别 千万别Miss crawly, no! No, no, no, no, no, no!17500:12:02,320 -> 00:12:04,050坏事了Oopsie-Daisy.17600:12:04,050 -> 00:12:07,390好吧 我猜这也算是广布天下了Oh, well, I guess that's one way to spread the word.17700:12:21,770 -> 00:12:23,870嗨 兰斯 快看Hey, Lance, look at this.17800:12:23,870 -> 00:12:25,670艾希 宝贝儿 嘿Ash, babe, hey!17900:12:35,120 -> 00:12:37,280- 你搞到了钱 - 是诶-You make a withdrawal! -Yeah.18000:12:38,920 -> 00:12:40,420米娜Meena!18100:12:46,760 -> 00:12:48,190- 嘿 嘿 嘿-Hey, hey, hey!18200:12:48,200 -> 00:12:49,660你以为你What do you think you.?18300:12:50,800 -> 00:12:52,770嗯 嗯 对Uh-huh. Yeah.18400:13:19,830 -> 00:13:21,490起床开工Let's go to work.18500:13:24,000 -> 00:13:26,100顺便提醒那个蜥蜴疯老太太And cue the crazy old lizard.18600:13:26,100 -> 00:13:27,930早上好 月老板Good morning, Mr. Moon.18700:13:27,940 -> 00:13:29,270确实很好 凯莉太太Indeed it is, miss crawly.18800:13:29,270 -> 00:13:30,770恭请颐安Top of the morning to you.18900:13:30,770 -> 00:13:32,340我给你磨了点咖啡