托福综合口语TASK5考点及评分标准介绍 托福口语分为独立口语和综合口语,前者自由度较高有很大发挥空间,今天给大家带来托福综合口语TASK5考点及评分标准介绍,希望可以帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福综合口语TASK5考点及评分标准介绍托福综合口语TASK5考点分析从某种程度上来说,Task 5是综合型题目里比较好拿分数的一个部分。新托福口语考试第五题属于校园场景,要求考生就大学生遇到的问题提出解决方法。在这个部分中,考生将听到一段发生于两名学生,或者学生与教授,或学生与在校职工之间的对话,时长约为60-90秒,没有阅读内容。在对话中,通常涉及其中一位学生遇到的问题,两人会就此问题进行讨论,进而得出两个解决方法,但是有问题的那一方没有办法确定哪一种解决方案比较有效。和第三题一样,对话双方为一男一女。考生要准确把握男女双方究竟谁遇到了麻烦。有时,遇到麻烦的学生会倾听另一名学生提出的两种解决办法。也有些时候,遇到问题的学生会自己想出两种解决办法,另一人给出反馈。但是不管是哪种情形,考生都将听到两种解决问题的办法及其各自的利弊。对话结束后,考生将听到一个问题,该问题同时也会出现在电脑屏幕上。题目通常会要求考生简要总结问题并快速列举出两种解决办法。而不同于综合型题目中的其他三个完全复述的题目,第五题口语题是唯一一道需要考生提供自己观点的部分,因此,题目要求中还需要考生选择自己认为比较好的一种解决方法并就自己的选择给出原因。由于从第五题开始考题中没有了阅读部分,考生的准备时间从前面的30秒减少到20秒,答题时间依旧为60秒。而第五题的提问形式也是大同小异的,常见问法如下:1. The students discuss two possible solutions to the womans problem. Describe the problem. Then state which of the two solutions you prefer and explain why.2. Briefly summarize the problem the speakers are discussing. Then say which solution you would recommend. Explain the reasons for your recommendation不难看出,所有问题模式的目的都是一致的:要求考生总结听力里的问题及解决方案,但是都需要考生做出自己的选择并给出做此选择的原因。考生需时刻谨记,口语的第五题是需要有自己的选择的,不要在总结完听力内容后就此打住。托福综合口语TASK5评分标准介绍和第三题一样,第五题会按照综合型题目评分准则评分。评分时主要考虑考生的语言表达能力、语言运用能力和话题展开能力三个方面。考生回答时必须“涵盖题目要求提供的相关信息”。如果给出的信息不完整或有错误,那么,即使语言流利、语法正确,也会被扣分。第五题讨论的话题也很好理解,话题背景也都是校园生活。要拿到高分,考生仅需要理解对话内容,然后对该内容进行简要总结,选出自己觉得最好的解决方法并给出一个清晰易懂、有理有据的解释。托福口语:寓教于乐,看美剧练口语1.录取通知书(Accepted)2.Van Wilder(留级之王)1,23.Mean Girls(贱女孩)4.律政俏佳人(Leagally Blonde)5.国际交换生(Foreign Exchange6.重返十七岁(17 Again)7.超完美夺分(The Perfect Score)8. 高校天后(Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen)9.窈窕美眉(Shes All That)10.校园风云(Election)11.益智风云(Cheats)12.大学新生(Sydney White)-20XX13.大学新生(College)-20XX14.纽约时刻(New York Minute)15. 初恋的回忆(A Walk to Remember)-Nicholas Sparks作品之一16.美丽坏宝贝(Pretty Persuasion)17.几乎正常(Almost Normal)18.朋友一场(Just Friends)19.我的朋友是明星(Pop Star)20.毕业生生存指南(Post Grad)21.实习大叔(The Internship)-GOOGLE实习经历22.牛仔裤的夏天(The Sisterhood of Travelling Pants)校园谈资上的储备,托福口语三五类型题和听力的对话很贴近海外校园生活,都是绝佳的练习材料。美剧Gossip Girl 里是上东区的生活用语,Gilmore Girls,One Tree Hill,Vampires Dairies也都是以校园为大背景,如果想了解东西方文化差异,我强烈推荐大家看Greys Anotomy。托福口语参考答案:政府该把钱花在市民健康生活方式Intelligibility是托福口语评分标准里面反复出现一个单词,译为清晰性;其实我们在评分标准里面还能看到对这个词的解释:easy to follow,回答者的逻辑一定要非常清晰并且不能出现任何造成别人理解困难的跳跃,站在rater(评分人员)的角度去考虑的话应该非常容易的就能跟上回答者的思路。当然在托福口语题目里面经常出details这个词。笔者就结合以上两个要求(清晰性和细节)对下面托福口语独立题目进行解析,并提供参考答案。Should the government spend money on projects which can encourage its citizens to lead a healthier lifestyle?I would say government should spend money on projects to help citizens to lead a healthier lifestyle, and I have the following reasons for support.(第一句话就亮出自己的观点,并给考官一个信号-下面是我的理由) Firstly, the governments supposed to take care of the health of its citizens. As a citizen, we pay a large sum of our income as tax to the government, tax money should be used to fund projects to improve peoples health, like renovate local recreation center, hold free lecture for community members.(第一个理由,出现了一些细节如recreation center, lecture) secondly, spending money to help citizen live a healthier lifestyle actually saves money in the long run. Many health problems like heart attack, high blood pressure and obesity can be prevented by governmental projects. So, for these reasons and more, I agree with this statement. (第二个理由又出现了好多关于病症的细节如heart attack, high blood pressure and obesity)(共计123个单词)托福独立口语之市民健康与政府开销关系托福口语资料之关于国外节日风俗,希望对你的托福考试备考有所帮助!托福口语素材整理主要传统节日: carnival狂欢节(狂欢节是一个大斋节前的节日,人们狂欢作乐并宴饮。狂欢节的日期根据复活节的日期推定,但必须是2月的星期 一);Christmas圣诞节(纪念耶稣基du诞生的节日, 12月25日);Easter Sunday (耶稣)复活节 (3月21日或其后月满之后的第一个星期天);Fathers Day父亲节(每年6月的第三个星期日);Mothers Day 母亲节(在美国为五月的第二个星期日);Thanksgiving Day (基du教) 感恩节(11月的最后一个星期四);Valentines Day情人节(2月14日);Lantern Festival元宵节;Mid-AutumnFestival中秋节;New Years day元旦;Spring Festival春节;etc.其它托福口语话题词汇:Christmas cake / card / present / pudding / stocking / tree, Christmas Eve / time,colored lights, compliments, customs, fireplace, gifts, goodwill, habits, ham, privacy, ribbons(缎带,丝带), rose, Santa Claus, shocking, tradition, Turkey, wreaths(花环,花冠),etc.常用短语:appropriate dress, break (follow, keep up) a custom 破坏、(遵从,遵守)习俗;celebrate Christmas, cultural differences, culture shock, Eastern and Western societies, go“Dutch”, manners and customs风俗习惯; proper behavior, religious customs, social customs, theThanksgiving feast, etc.常用句型:1. Custom required our dressing for dinner. 礼俗要求我们参加宴会穿礼服。2. It is an old custom that men tip their hats when greeting somebody.3. It is the custom for the Chinese to take off their shoes when they get into a hall.4. It is the custom to dye eggs at Easter.5. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.6. So many countries, so many customs. 有多少国家,就有多少习俗;百里不同风。7. Social custom vary greatly from country to country.aIntelligibility是托福口语评分标准里面反复出现一个单词,译为清晰性;其实我们在评分标准里面还能看到对这个词的解释:easy to follow,回答者的逻辑一定要非常清晰并且不能出现任何造成别人理解困难的跳跃,站在rater(评分人员)的角度去考虑的话应该非常容易的就能跟上回答者的思路。当然在托福口语题目里面经常出details这个词。笔者就结合以上两个要求(清晰性和细节)对下面托福口语独立题目进行解析,并提供参考答案。Should the government spend money on projects which can encourage its citizens to lead a healthier lifestyle?I would say government should spend money on projects to help citizens to lead a healthier lifestyle, and I have the following reasons for support.(第一句话就亮出自己的观点,并给考官一个信号-下面是我的理由) Firstly, the governments supposed to take care of the health of its citizens. As a citizen, we pay a large sum of our income as tax to the government, tax money should be used to fund projects to improve peoples health, like renovate local recreation center, hold free lecture for community members.(第一个理由,出现了一些细节如recreation center, lecture) secondly, spending money to help citizen live a healthier lifestyle actually saves money in the long run. Many health problems like heart attack, high blood pressure and obesity can be prevented by governmental projects. So, for these reasons and more, I agree with this statement. (第二个理由又出现了好多关于病症的细节如heart attack, high blood pressure and obesity)(共计123个单词)8. The celebration of Christmas is a custom.9. Turkey and ham are traditional dishes for Christmas.10. When in Rome do as the Romans.托福综合口语TASK5考点及评分标准介绍