托福口语考试4大特点解读 托福口语考试4大特点解读, 了解这些备考事半功倍。下面就和大家分享托福口语考试4大特点解读,希望能够帮助到大家,来学习一下吧。托福口语考试4大特点解读 了解这些备考事半功倍托福口语考试特点一 很强的情景感情境感指的是这些题万变不离其宗,分为教室内(学术场景)和教室外(校园场景)。考生会被问到诸如“有什么喜好”“有什么崇拜的人”之类的个人偏好问题,也会被要求针对某个具体问题表达自身的态度;考生会被要求给一个遇到了问题的学生出出主意,也会被要求给别人讲一讲今天听到的一段讲座。正是因为这样贴近考生日常生活的情景感,所以考生在回答问题时如果站在自身的角度来思考问题,就完全不会存在“老师,这道题我没有思路”的问题。托福口语考试特点二 校园场景居多设计感是指这些题是针对非常明确的目的而设计的,即考察学生是否已经具备了日后适应正常的校园生活所必须具备的各项沟通能力,比如总结能力、复述能力、评价能力、选择能力、笔记能力等等。换句话来说,考生只有向考官证明自己具备了这些沟通能力,才能够获得去国外和其他外国小伙伴们一同学习玩耍的资格。托福口语考试特点三 时间紧凑托福独立口语的思考时间仅有15秒,综合口语思考时间仅30秒。这么短的时间内组织出完整的答案非常困难。托福独立口语的答题时间为45秒,综合口语的答题时间为60秒,看似时间不长,但其实要45秒钟或60秒钟不停顿不磕巴地答完题并非易事。我们可以试着用中文回答托福考试中的问题,你会发现,即便是用中文,也会偶会停顿不连贯。所以不要小看45秒的答题时间,平时要做大量练习才能答好题目。托福口语考试特点四 融合听力与阅读托福口语考试中综合口语考题需要大家听懂听力材料并且能够记下要点。托福口语试题中不仅考察大家的口语表达能力,还要考察大家的英语听力能力和速记能力。这两点也是托福口语中的难点,大家只要把托福听力练好,做口语速记应该问题不大,归纳和复述能力则需要平时多加练习。另外,速记的时候一定要记下听力中的细节确保复述时不遗漏。托福口语考试的四大特点如上所述,其实大家在备考之前先了解口语考试特点是有助于提高备考效率的,因为口语考试特点决定了大家备考的范围和方向,在这个轮廓内备考会让口语提升更加明显和高效。托福口语范文:做大人比做孩子容易题目Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is easier to be an adult than to be a child.Sample ResponseI think that it is easier to be an adult than a child. Children have their basic needs taken care of, but adults have more freedom to live the way they want to.First, adults understand how to solve problems. Instead of relying on parents for explanations and solutions, they can search for their own answers. As a result, adults have less worry because they can solve their own problems.Second, adults can decide about many things that children must accept. For example, they can decide where to live or travel, how to spend money, and what to eat. It is more fun to make these decisions than rely on someone else.Since adults have the freedom to solve their own problems and make decisions, I think it is easier to be an adult than a child.托福口语范文:允许学生使用计算器题目Do you agree or disagree with the statement that young students should be allowed to use calculators when they are taking a math test?Sample ResponseI think that young students should not be allowed to use calculators on math tests because it is important to learn the concepts behind the math before advancing to time-saving tools.Young children are only just learning the relationship between numbers and the concepts of math equations. If kids just plug numbers into a calculator, they may not understand, for example, that adding means putting different groups of numbers together.Good math skills help solve other problems, too. If students understand how to break an equation into a series of steps, they can apply a similar process of simplifying problems in everyday situations.Young students are learning the relationship between numbers and the processes of solving problems. Therefore, they should be encouraged to develop those skills well before they use tools like calculators on tests.