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    译林牛津版三年级上册英语全册教学课件,1,Unit 1,三年级,Hello!,morning,9:00,Good morning!,afternoon,14:30,Good afternoon!,Good morning.,Good evening.,正式客气的场合的打招呼语。,Hello! / Hi!,语气比较随便的打招呼语。,打电话时也可说“Hello!”。,Greetings,Lets talk.,Hello,_.,Lily,Lily,Henry,Hello,_.,Henry,Kate,Good morning,_.,Kate,Andy,Good morning,_.,Andy,Lets practice.,Good morning, Tom.,Good morning, _.,Amy,Tom,_, Blue.,Hi! Betty.,Talk together,Blue,Betty,Good morning, Tae.,_.,Jerry,Tae,Hello! Sam.,_.,Mike,Sam,Good afternoon, Karry.,_.,Cindy,Karry,Blackboard,Hello! Hi!Good morning.Good afternoon.,Unit 1,三年级,Hello!,Lets learn,写出下面字母相应的大写或小写形式 C _ b_ A _ c_ a_ B _ D_ d_,想一想,填一填,an apple,Sound and letters,an ant,a banana,balloons,carrots,a cat,a dog,a door,上午打招呼:,Good morning!,Good afternoon!,下午打招呼:,傍晚打招呼:,Good evening!,Homework,Think what we have learned today.Talk with your friends.,Unit 2,三年级,Im Liu Tao.,Introduce yourselves向新朋友介绍一下自己吧!,Hello/Hi, Im ,你好,我是,If we want to guess others names we can say:当我们想猜测别人的名字时我们可以说:,Are you?,你是吗?,Are you Su Hai?,Are you Wang Bing?,Greet our friends和我们的朋友打打招呼吧,Miss Li,Mike,Try to read 读一读,Meet our new friends认识新朋友,Liu Tao,Wang Bing,Meet our new friends认识新朋友,Yang Ling,Su Hai,Hi. Hi. Are you Liu Tao ?Yes. Yes. Yes, I am.,Chant time,Hi. Hi. Are you Mike ?No. No. No, Im not.,Chant time,1.你怎样和同学打招呼?,Summary总结:,2.你怎样猜别人的名字?,3. 怎么回答呢?,Hello/Hi!,Good morning /Good afternoon.,Are you?,Yes ,I am.,No ,Im not.,Homework(家庭作业),1 Listen to the tape and read it aloud for five times.听磁带,大声跟读5遍。2 Preview for Fun time and Rhyme time. 预习Fun time 和 Rhyme time,听磁带跟读3遍。,Unit 2,三年级,Im Liu Tao.,Lets learn,eggs,flower,girl,1.小朋友在见面时是怎样打招呼的?,Hello! / Hi! 你好!,2.他们是怎样介绍自己的?,Hello! / Hi! Im 你好,我是,Im Jane.,Im Ann.,Im Ken.,Hi, are you Mei Yangyang?,No, I am Xi Yang yang.,Mary,Xi Yangyang!,I amIm,你学会了么?,朋友见面打招呼:Hello! / Hi!,小结,自我介绍:Im如:Im Sarah.,小结,Homework(家庭作业)1.字母抄写5遍2.向朋友介绍自己,运用I am.,Unit 3,三年级,My friends.,Do you know who she/he is?,同学们,你们认识下面的人物吗?你们想认识吗,我们一起来看看吧。,Hes Monkey King.,Hes my friend.他是我的朋友。,Hes Xi Yang Yang.,Hes my friend.他是我的朋友。,HesHe is 他是,ShesShe is 她是,Whos he?他是谁?,He is Mike.他是迈克.,Whos she?她是谁?,She is Yang Ling.他是迈克.,找朋友,在教室里找找你新交的朋友,并将他或者她介绍给我们吧。,Shes . Shes my friend.,Hes . Hes my friend.,he,他,He is他是,she,她,She is她是,friend 朋友,my friends,friends,He s He s my friend.,She s She s my friend.,1.当你向别人介绍你自己时,你可以说:Im / I am,Summary,Summary,2.当你向别人介绍你的朋友时,你可以说:Hes Hes my friend.Shes Shes my friend.,在一张纸上画上自己的好朋友,让身边的同学猜猜看自己画的是谁。,Homework,Unit 3,三年级,My friends.,Lets learn the new letters,H,h,3,1,hat,2,1,I,i,3,1,insect,2,1,2,J,j,1,jeep,1,2,K,k,kite,1,1,See youBye bye,Whats your name ?,Im zhuBa jie My names ZhuBa jie.,She is Cathy.,Shes my friend.,Cathy,He is Tommy.,He is my friend too.,Tommy,He is Allan. He is my friend.,Allan,Talk together,Whos this?,Andy,Whos that?,Han Xiao,Homework:,1.听写单词。,2.向同学介绍自己的朋友。,Unit 4,三年级,My family,Whos he/she?,Hes Shes ,Tina,Bobby,Whos he/she?,Hes Shes ,Bobby,whos she?,Tina.,sister.,Tina,Bobby,sister,姐妹,Tina, whos he?,This is Bobby.,Hes my brother.,Tina,Bobby,brother,兄弟,Mike has a brother and a sister. Who are they?迈克有一个弟弟和一个妹妹。他们是谁?,Try to choose:,A.,B.,Helen,Tim,Mikes brother,Mikes sister,Listen and repeat,This is Tim. Hes my brother.,This is my father.,This is my mother.,father,爸爸,mother,妈妈,brother,father,mother,Read the new words,sister,Lets read and act.,Ask yourself 询问自己:1. Is every word clear?每个单词都发清楚了吗?2.Can you speak loudly? 声音够响亮吗?,Homework,Try to spell the words we have learned. 试着拼读今天所学的家庭成员称呼的单词。,Unit 4,三年级,My family,My family,我是怎么介绍自己的?,This is me.,我的家庭里还有谁?,My family,This is my grandfather. 爷爷,This is my grandmother. 奶奶,Father, father, this is my father.Mother, mother,this is my mother.Sister, sister, this is my sister.Brother, brother, this is my brother.We love each other.,Chant,This is my family.,This is my father.,This is my mother.,This is Helen.Shes my sister.,This is me.,This is Tim.Hes my brother.,Lets remember,向他人介绍自己的家庭,我们可以说:,This is my family.,This is my father.This is my mother.This is my brother.This is my sister.This is me.,Father and mother, I love you!,爸爸妈妈,我爱你们!,f,a,m,i,l,y,f,a,m,i,l,y,Lets learn new letters!,leopard,L,l,1,1,money,M,m,1,1,2,nine,N,n,1,1,2,3,听写生词,并介绍自己的爸爸妈妈。,Homework:,Unit 5,三年级,Look at me!,Game: Look and guess,a skirt,Game: Look and guess,a cap,Game: Look and guess,a jacket,Game: Look and guess,a T-shirt,Guess?,Guess?,Look at me!,My friend,A Fashion Show,Lets learn,great,好极了;太酷了,nice,好看的;好的,你能圈出Yang Ling试穿的服饰吗?,A,B,C,D,Watch and circle,Play a game,Play a game,1.单词听写5遍 2.练习对话,Homework,Unit 5,三年级,Look at me!,Sound and letters,oranges,O,o,1,1,pears,P,p,1,1,2,2,Q,q,1,1,2,quilt,New Words,T-shirt,Cap,Nice,New Words,Jacket,Skirt,Look and Say,Look at my T-shirt.,Its great.,Look at my jacket.,Its nice.,Think and Say,Look at my T-shirt.,Look at me.,Look at my skirt.,Its nice.,用学到的句型与家人、朋友谈论。,Homework,Unit 6 Colours,三年级(上),Well, can someone here tell me what your understanding of “colour” is?,积极举手奖,Well done, boys and girls!,Today, lets talk about some colours.,What colour is this?,Its yellow.,What colour is this?,Its blue.,What colour is this?,Its black.,Lets practice.,What _ is this?,Its _.,What colour is this?,Its _.,.,.,Ask colours about something around you with your partner.,Homework,Unit 6 Colours,三年级(上),Lets learn the letters.,rabbits,school,strawberry,taxi,R像门板要倒下,找根小棍支撑它。r像春天一棵草,才吐两片嫩嫩芽。,rabbit,一起学字母,S像长蛇在爬行s像小蛇学妈妈,sun,T像十字不伸头t像鱼钩头尖尖,taxi,Whats missing?,Lets say.,What colour is this cap?,It is red.,What colour is this?,It is yellow.,blue,yellow,red,green,1,2,3,4,用学到的句型与家人、朋友谈论。,Homework.,Unit 7 Would you like a pie?,三年级(上),学 单 词,an egg,Would you like ?,an egg,a hot dog,Would you like a hot dog?,No, thank you.,a cake,Would you like ?,a cake,a sweet,Would you like ?,a sweet,an ice cream,Would you like an ice cream?,Yes, please.,Learn to say,a pie,Would you like ?,a pie,an ice cream,a pie,an egg,a sweet,a cake,a hot dog,Tip:Try to imitate the pronunciation and the tone(注意模仿录音的语音语调),Lets read after the cartoon,Task 3Act out the dialogue(表演对话),Copy the new words for four times.2. Listen to the tape, and learn the dialogue by heart. (听录音,背诵对话。),Homework:,Unit 7Would you like a pie?,三年级(上),Lets learn the new letters.,U像一个大水槽u 是一只小水杯,umbrella,V/v是剪刀没把手也是胜利的手势,violin,W是两个V牵手w比W矮一截,watermelon,water,询问对方是否喜欢某物,小朋友们猜一猜,Minnie会回答什么?,Yes, please!,No, thank you.,小朋友们,即使不喜欢某物,也要说“Thank you.”,而且别忘了保持微笑哦!,表示某物怎么样,What about a pie ?一个馅饼怎么样?,a hot dog一个热狗,Would you like a hot dog?,What about a hot dog?,a sweet,Would you like a sweet?,What about a sweet?,A cake, a cake?Would you like a cake?No, no, no, thank you.A pie, a pie?What about a pie?Yes, yes, yes, please.,Lets chant.,The more we share, the more we have. 我们分享得越多,我们拥有得也越多。,Enjoy share.,1. Use the new words and sentence structures we learn today to make dialogues with your deskmate. 和你同桌一起运用今天学的新单词和句子结构来编对话。2.At your birthday party, try to offer your friends some food.试着在你的生日派对上给你的朋友提供食物。,Homework.,Unit 8 Happy New Year!,三年级(上),Happy New Year,Sing a song,ball,CD,robot,doll,toy,doll 洋娃娃car 汽车ball 球robot 机器人toy 玩具,Vocabulary.,Its,Work in pairs.(两人一组进行对话,注意this和that距离的区别哦。),Lets practise.,Uncle John 叔叔,Happy New Year!,This is for you, Mike.,Thank you.,Read in roles.(分角色读。),Read after one.(跟一个学生读。),Read together.(齐读。),Lets read.,以小组为单位,选择一种喜欢的方式读一读课文。,a car,a ball,a doll,a robot,This is for you.,Happy New Year!,Uncle John,Quick response,听录音,指读Unit8课文。2.续编对话。3.抄写Unit8单词,中文一遍,英文4遍,并默写。,Homework.,Unit 8 Happy New Year!,三年级(上),Lets learn the new letters!,X像老师画叉叉x像一把小剪刀,X-ray,box,Y像一个小树丫y像小人在倒立,yo-yo,yellow,大写Z领着小写z像是鸭子水中游,zebra,zoo,This is a CD and this is for you.,Lets talk,Thank you.,Happy New Year, Uncle John.,This is a robot and this is for you.,Thank you, Uncle John.,1. Talk with your friends about Chinese New Year in English.2. Review the new words.,Homework.,


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