词汇复习课 B6U1词汇复习课件.pptx
词汇复习课,授课人:,Revision of the vocabulary,词汇,我们知道賢鏛是在生活中很重要的。比如在鼙蠻和贎鬍里,有彃燊在罅鷄那里蘩墝,之前他们鏈鴊恆闳嘑傡彚槩滼鞷蕻賤鬡艐倏雫寬褲灣。,(1)鞷在文中的意思?,(2)这篇文章的最佳标题?,(3)作者没有告诉我们什么?,(4)作者为什么说“恆闳嘑傡彚槩”(第三行)?,记单词太重要了 太重要了 太重要了,David Wilkins(1972) : Without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.,Words to a language is what bricks to a building.,No matter how well he learns grammar, no matter how beautiful he sounds, without rich words to express a wide range of meaning or to understand others ideas and thoughts, communication in a foreign language just cant happen in any meaningful way. -Mc Carthy,学案使用说明:1.上课前同学们需要完成自主学习部分的词汇检测,并与同桌核对答案,有疑问的问题标出,课上讨论;2.核心词部分的词义、同源词、同义近义词以及常用短语需要上课前完成,并与同桌核对答案,有疑问的问题标出,课上讨论。,教学过程TEACHING PROCESS,教学反思TEACHING REFLECTION,学校LOGO,Learning goals:1. To revise the words in Unit 1 and learn to use them in various situations;2. To enlarge our vocabulary by building the topic words, key words and root words;3. To appreciate different culture by learning the origin of the words and their usages.,自主学习,self study,合作探究,teamwork and inquiry learning,探究一、话题词汇建构-构建话题网络,扩展词汇广度,adj. critic literary vivid classical adventurous historical contemporary ancient original vivid realistic imaginative dull bright marvelous significant appealing visual delicaten. gallery masterpiece exhibition description adventure history literature fiction comedy tragedy chapter creation sculpture adaptation foundation appreciation symbol painting drawing Chinese landscape painting watercolor painting oil painting, portrait civilization preference possession faithv. describe represent carve draw adapt exhibit appreciate comment create review remark be set in be based on take place happen, occur,lay the foundation of, appeal adopt possess predict,探究二、核心词汇学习-掌握核心词汇,探究词汇深度,探究二、词根词汇拓展-探究词汇根源,提升词汇速度,spect,vi/vis,vid,scope,总结反思,summaryG REFLECTION,