设计思维训练 - workshop 教学 “Design-Thought Training” in the teaching of workshop,1荒岛求生设计项目 - workshop 教学 “Survival in Wild-island project” in the teaching of workshop,感觉feeling,荒岛Wild-island,器具product,如果你独自到一个荒岛上,你最想带上什么器具?但所“设计的对象不必具备求生功能”的限制。所选材料为荒岛上可能出现的材料蔬果。 目的是找到一种感觉,时刻发现新的元素、材料、气味、质感。在特殊的情境下,利用现有的物品做出无限的可能,所作之物改变了原来的材质、颜色。 德国专家的解释,荒岛求生设计的基本概念 The basic concept of “Survival in Wild-island Design”,可順應生存需求的情感設計Design that meet survival need,本能层次basic function,行为层次advance function,軟层次 soft (post) function,荒岛求生设计的基本概念 The basic concept of “Survival in Wild-island Design”,思考的層次The level of design thought,基本功能basic function,適當功能advance function,軟功能 soft (post) function,可用usable,有用useful,適用desirable,荒岛求生设计的基本概念 The basic concept of “Survival in Wild-island Design”,荒岛求生设计Survival in Wild-island Design,情感思考emotional design thought,需求者的情感End-user affective,用use,梦想feel & dream,有求生者的梦dream like an survivor,成为求生者be an survivor,如求生者般行为act like an survivor,荒岛求生设计的基本概念 The basic concept of “Survival in Wild-island Design”, 荒岛求生设计的知识点The knowledge point of Survival in Wild-island Design,过程主导process led,经历主导experience led,合用性usability,满意满足pleasure,过程体验process,情境设计condition,整体考虑intergrate,情感导向emotional,荒岛求生设计的基本概念 The basic concept of “Survival in Wild-island Design”, 荒岛求生设计的能力点The ability point of Survival in Wild-island Design,荒岛求生设计的基本概念 The basic concept of “Survival in Wild-island Design”,团队What they are,设计When they do,制作What they make,观察能力和设计构思能力Observe and thought,合作co,制作模型的能力mold,荒岛求生设计的评价标准The general perception of Survival in Wild-island Design,怎样才对设计满足Perceived “pleasure” from the experience of design,好的主线功能 容易用的Reliability / Performance / Feature Usability美的外观 巧妙运用材料 Aesthetics play good in material selecting and using,令设计具有满足感的基本价值The core “basic value” that contribute to the feeling of pleasure from the design,1) 诱出好的回忆2)可靠 Elicit good memories Enable a good performance - Reliable3) 受控制的感觉 Sense of control - e.g. revive/ repair,荒岛求生设计的基本概念 The basic concept of “Survival in Wild-island Design”,材料What they use,时间When they do,形式What they make,三天时间Three days,蔬果fruit,团队成员每个人完成一个或几个设计,制作模型并拍照,要求团队每个成员的设计是相互关联在一起,形成一个共同的主题,荒岛求生设计要求Survival in Wild-island Design Request,团队team,个体personal,荒岛求生设计的基本过程 The basic process of “Survival in Wild-island Design”,评估讨论evaluation,模型制作molding,事态/情况营造scenarios making,选材讨论Material discuss,构思制作Do design,完善发表Final presention,第一天First day,第二天Second day,第三天Third day,搜集材料Material collection,节选及演绎sifting & interoperation,整理总结consolidation,荒岛求生设计的基本过程 The basic process of “Survival in Wild-island Design”,团队team,个体personal,小组讨论 group discussions经历记录 self-documentation材料分析 artifact analysis情境模拟 condition simulation集体展示 group discussions布置情境 lay the condition情态图示 scenario maps等等. etc.,材料搜集 material collection观察 observation交流 Interviews材料分析artifact analysis情境分析condition analysis草图构思 sketch制作模型 molding结构分析 construct analysis制作图板 make board展示模型 demo mold讲解设计亮点 explain point等等.,荒岛求生设计的基本过程 The basic process of “Survival in Wild-island Design”,材料搜集 materials collection,荒岛求生设计的基本过程 The basic process of “Survival in Wild-island Design”,荒岛求生设计的基本过程 The basic process of “Survival in Wild-island Design”,观察交流 materials collection,材料分析 materials analy,荒岛求生设计的基本过程 The basic process of “Survival in Wild-island Design”,情境分析condition analysis,荒岛求生设计的基本过程 The basic process of “Survival in Wild-island Design”,草图构思 sketch,荒岛求生设计的基本过程 The basic process of “Survival in Wild-island Design”,制作模型 molding,荒岛求生设计的基本过程 The basic process of “Survival in Wild-island Design”,展示模型 demo mold,荒岛求生设计的基本过程 The basic process of “Survival in Wild-island Design”,小组讨论 group discussions,荒岛求生设计的基本过程 The basic process of “Survival in Wild-island Design”,经历记录 self-documentation,荒岛求生设计的基本过程 The basic process of “Survival in Wild-island Design”,荒岛求生设计的发表内容The content of presentation of User-Centred Design,荒岛求生设计的结果发表 The presentation of “Survival in Wild-island Design”,用者user,个体模型展示Personal mold,团队集体情境展示Team presention,荒岛求生设计的发表评分标准The content of presentation of User-Centred Design,過程完整process led20%,发表激情experience led20%,独特巧妙40%,模型准确Pleasure20%,完整度linear,精彩度non-linear,创意 logical,完成度illogical,荒岛求生设计的结果发表 The presentation of “Survival in Wild-island Design”,团队集体情境展示Team presention,荒岛求生设计的结果发表 The presentation of “Survival in Wild-island Design”,完the end,