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    Unit 8 Section B ReadingA Country Music Changed Her Life Foreverby Zhaorui from Zhulinqiao Middle School,What kind of music do you like?,ROCK,COUNTRY,Warming-up,pop music,rock music,country music,classic music,I like pop music because its exciting .I feel happy when I listen to it.,Talk about music,What kind of music do you like ?,Lets go to the Music World!,Lead-in,Take me home ,country road,2. Is this song about life in the city or in the countryside?,Take me home, country road -by John Denver,What kind of instrument does he play?,Garth Brooks,John Denver,two famous American country music singers,Do you believe that a country music song can change peoples lives?,Prediction(预测),Title,Picture,GUESS,A Country Music Song Changed Her Life Forever,(学习策略)Tip 1:Read the title and look at the picture can help to predictwhat well read,What is the text about?,It is about the country music and the girl Sarah.,While-reading,Skimming(略读),Get the main idea of each paragraphy,Para 1,Para 2,Para 3,Sarahs dream,Sarahs change,American country music,Country Music Fact SheetWhere it is from: _What kind of music it is: _A famous country music place in Nashville: _A famous country music singer: _The number of records he has sold: _,the southern states of America,country music,Read the passage and complete the fact sheet.,Fast reading,2b,Tennessee,Garth Brooks,More than 120 million,Tip3: Cicle the key words(关键词),read the passage with questions,Who is Sarah? Where is she from?What does she like?,Read for details(细节),Read para 1 carefully and answer the question,When Sarah was a teenager, she used to fight over almost everything with her family. But five years ago, while she was studying abroad in England, she heard a song full of feelings about returning home on the radio. It made Sarah think about her family and friends back in the US. She came to realize how much she actually missed all of them. Ever since then, she has been a fan of American country music.,Who,where,What kind of music she likes,Fill in the blanks:Sara used to _ but now she _ because of a country music song.,fight over almost everything with her family,misses her family and friends,Tip 4 : While reading(读中),take notes (做笔记)and underline main ideas(划出大意).,How does country music change her life?,Careful reading,1.Country music is a traditional kind of music from the western states of America. ( )2. Country music is about modern life ,such as money and success. ( ) 3.Many songs these days are about belonging to a group . ( ),F,F,F,southern,Country music,Many songs these days,A.现代的 B.古代的,Read Para2 ,judge T or F and correct the mistakes.,4. Country music brings us back to the “ good old days ”. ( ) _.5. Country music reminds us that the best things in life are free . ( )_,when people were kind to each other and trusted one another.,laughter、friends、family and the beauty of nature and the countryside.,T,T,“ good old days” refer(指)to,The best things are,Sarah hasnt been to Nashville yet, but it is her dream to go there one day. She has already read a lot about the place and some research on it. She knows that there is a Country Music Hall of Fame Museum in Nashville. There are also always a lot of great country music concerts with famous musicians and singers, like Garth Brooks. Sarah has already listened to most of his songs. “Garth is one of the most successful musicians in American history. Hes sold more than 120 million records. I hope to see him sing live one day.,Q: What are Sarahs two dreams?,Para 3,Q: Who is Garth Brooks?,Sarahs dream is to _. and she hopes to_.,Read and underline the answers.(划出答案),go to Nashville one day,see Garth sing live one day,Complete some information about the passage.,Garth Brooks is one of the most_ (成功)musicians in American music.Hes sold more than 120 million _.When Sarah was studying _(in other countries),a country music she heard changed her life _(all her life).It brings her back to “_”, and she can also enjoy the_(beautiful) of nature and countryside.Ever since then, she has become a _ (粉丝)of Garth and country music.She dreams to go to_(某个地方) and hopes to see Garth _(现场演唱) one day.,successful,records,abroad,forever,good old days,fan,Nashville,sing live,beauty,Retelling,Make a short summary of the passage .(no more than 100words),Sarah is from .and she likesvery much.She used to fight over.,but now she misses. Country music is a .kind of music. Its from the.of America. It reminds us of. Sarahs dream is., she hopes to.,(复述),Show Time,Sarah is an American girl who used to fight over almost everything with her family. While she was studying in England, she heard a country music song which made her think of her family and friends. She became a fan of country music. Country music is a traditional kind of music from the southern states of America. It is about belonging to a group and reminds us of a time when people were kind to each other and trusted one another. Sarahs dream is to visit Nashville, and she hopes to see Garth Brooks sing live one day.,Summary,Music is the medicine of the breaking heart. -Leigh Hunt (李亨特,1784-1859.英国诗人),Love music, enjoy our life.,Reading skills(阅读技巧), Prediction(预测), Skim for main ideas.(略读找大意), Scan for specific information (扫读查信息), Read carefully (细读)and underline main ideas, Summarizing(总结)can help you better understand the text.,Homework,1.Surf the Internet to find more information about country music and write the facts you have known about American country music then have a report next class.,Thank You!,Letsenjoythemusic,


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