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    Project Management,Donya He June, 2002,Lecture Objective,Gain fast-track approach to project management (PM).Learn why Achievement-driven PM is important.Learn essential steps in setting up projects; scheduling work; monitoring progress; exercising control to achieve desired project results.Learn Best Practices by Experts to meet critical performance, cost, and schedule targets.Case study,Project Management Overview,Why need PM?Competition is rapidly becoming time-based and cost based.To gain competitive edge need “faster”, “cheaper” and “better”.,Project Failures,Per Standish Group, only 17% of all software projects in U.S. meet targets.50% of the projects need to change targets (late, over spent)The rest 33% have to be canceled.83% of all SW projects get into trouble.In U.S., $250 billion spent on SW development per year, $80 billion lost on canceled projects.,PM Definition,“The planning, monitoring and control of all aspects of a project and the motivation of all those involved in it to achieve the project objectives on time and to the specified cost, quality and performance.”,Making the Vision Work with Project Management,Project Management The key to excellent Project Performance Team Work The key to successful Project Management,PCST: Performance, Cost, Scope, Time,C = f (P, T, S),C,P,S,T,You Cant Have It All,A Very Practical Rule of PM:The sponsor can assign values to any 3 variables but not all 4.The Project Manager must determine the 4th variable.,Appropriate Project Life Cycle,Definition,Planning,Execution,Closeout,Concept,Effort Expended in Planning,Problem Statement,The way defines a problem determines how youll solve it!Do not want the “Right solution to the Wrong problem”.Lessons Learned Spent the effort and time in defining the problem, developing vision and writing mission statement.,Three Components to Planning,StrategyTacticsLogistics,The Steps in Managing a Project,Define the Problem,Plan the Project,Develop SolutionOptions,Monitor & ControlProgress,Execute the Plan,Close ProjectLessons Learned,The Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK),Integration ManagementScope ManagementTime ManagementCost ManagementQuality ManagementHuman Resource ManagementCommunications ManagementRisk ManagementProcurement Management,Plan Ingredients,Problem StatementProject Mission StatementProject ObjectivesWork Requirement, include a list of deliverables.Exit CriteriaEnd-Item SpecificationsWork Breakdown Structure (WBS)SchedulesRequired ResourcesControl SystemMajor ContributorsRisk Assessment,Rule of Planning,People who will work on the project must participate in developing the plan.Be prepared to re-plan.Identify project risks and develop contingency plans.Always revisit the “purpose” of doing what is to be done.Use the work breakdown structure to divide the work into small chunks.,Developing a Mission, Vision, Goals, and Objectives,Objectives need to be SMART,SpecificMeasurableAttainableRealisticTime-Limited,Mission Statement,To answer two questions:What are we going to do?For whom are we going to do it.Talk to customers to verify the mission statement.,Work Breakdown Structure (WBS),Subdivide a complicated task into smaller tasks.With smaller tasks, its easier to estimate the time and cost.Using WBS to plan for what is vital.Typical WBS has 3 6 levels.Sequence is not concerned.Need to capture all the tasks.WBS is a good way to portray the scope of a project.,Estimating Time, Costs and Resources,Parkinsons law: Work expands to fill the time allowed.Be careful not to penalize workers who perform better than expected by loading them down w/ excessive work.One of the primary causes of project failures is that ballpark estimates become targets.Use consensual estimating.,Scheduling Project Work,CPM & PERT,CPM- Critical Path MethodPERT Program Evaluation and Review Techniques.PERT calculate the probability that an activity will be completed by certain time.Network diagrams allow an easier assessment of the impact of a slip on a project than is possible with Gantt charts.,Rules of Scheduling a Project,Dont schedule in more detail than you can manage.No task should have a duration much greater than 4 6 weeks.Schedules should be developed according to what is logically possible, and resource allocation should be done later. This will yield the optimum schedule.Keep all times in the same increment.,Project Control and Evaluation,Key Points to Remember,Compare progress to plan - action can be taken to correct for deviations.Project is in control is only when all team members are in control.The effort used to control a project should be worthwhile.Record project working time daily.Project evaluation is done to determine whether a project should continue or be canceled.,Project Control Using Earned Value Analysis or Variance Analysis,Cost variance, Schedule varianceBCWS (Budgeted cost of work scheduled)BCWP (Budgeted cost of work performed) earned valueACWP (Actual cost of work performed)Cost Variance = BCWP ACWPSchedule Variance = BCWP BCWSVariance = any deviation from plan,Variance Analysis Using Spending Curves,Time,Cumulative Spending,Earned Value Report,Key Points to Project Control,Control is exercised by analyzing variances from the plan.Well-defined projects can achieve tighter control over variations.There is a tendency to sacrifice quality when deadlines are difficult to meet.Recognize a variance and find the cause.Acceptable variance can be determined only through experience.,Key Points to Team Management,Teams dont just happen they must be built!Deal with goals, roles, responsibilities, procedures and relationships. In that order.Personality conflicts are caused by poor interpersonal skills.Stage and styleTeam forming stage DirectiveIn storming InfluenceNormal stage participativePerforming stage - delegate,Achievement-driven Project Management (AdPM),Control projects at a strategic level with measured business value The portfolio of projects target organizational goals and strategies rather than squander resourcesTools and data for effective project prioritization and resource allocation Portfolio optimization to maximize the yield of project portfolios Track project against unambiguous & verifiable business outcomes,Achievement-driven Project Management (AdPM),Consistent, scalable methodology for all projects Early problem identification and solutionHold team members accountable for measured outcomes, not frenzied technical activityTeam Members need to have Skills for effective project performance, estimating, and tracking Manage multiple project assignments,Project Success,Efficiency - Internal Project Objectives such as meeting time and budget goals. Impact on the Customer - Immediate and long-term benefit to the customer. Customer satisfaction is the measure of the projects success as reflected in the perception and acceptance of the end product.Direct and Business Success - Direct contribution to the organizationPreparing the Future - Future opportunity,Primary Success Categories and Measurable Success Indicators,Project Success Categories Vary with Time,Uncertainty versus Complexity Trend,Project Classification,Technological Content,Type A Low-tech. Existing, well-established base technologies; all players have equal access, can be large in scale. I.e. building construction, utility projects.Type B Medium-tech (mix of established incorporate exploratory development and non-existing technology development during project execution. I.e., Moon landing, star wars.,Program/Project Management Scope and Complexity,Level 1 Assembly (Simple Project), relates to a collection of components and modules combined into a single unit. Example - a computers display.Level 2 System (Complex Project), consists of a complex collection of interactive elements and subsystems within a single product, jointly perform a range of independent functions to meet a specific operational need. Examples - a computer work station, a radar system.Level 3 Array (Program). a series of related projects designed to accomplish broad goals and to which the individual projects contribute. Examples - a national communication network, a city.,Success Categories and Characteristics of Various Project Types,Efficiency,Critical,Important,Overruns acceptable,Overruns most likely,Impact on Customer,Standard product,Functional product with added value,Significantly improved capabilities,Quantum leap in effectiveness,DirectContribution,Reasonable profit,Profit.Return on investment,High profits.Market share,High, Market leader,FutureOpportunity,Almost none,Gain additionalcapabilities,New product line.New markets,Leadership,Project Management for the New Millennium,Project management excellence is vital for the future advancement and prosperity of a nation. It is essential to enhance program and project organizational effectiveness, efficiency and success.Management as a profession is starting gain recognition.No widely held standard of competency or standards with which practitioners really do comply.,General Personality Characteristics Suited to Successful Project Management Work,Four Project Leader Profiles,The Explorer - visionary; leader, constantly search for opportunities and improvements; good at networking and selling. The Driver - action-oriented; pragmatic; realistic, resourceful and resolute. Focus on mission well planned and self-disciplined.The Coordinator - ensure that team issues are discussed and resolved to mutual satisfaction.The Administrator - recognize the need for stability, optimize productivity through maximizing repetition to the extent possible.,Six Sigma,What is it? A highly disciplined process that helps us focus on developing and delivering near-perfect products & services. Why ”Sigma“? - The word is a statistical term that measures how far a given process deviates from perfection. The central idea behind Six Sigma is that if you can measure how many “defects” you have in a process, you can systematically figure out how to eliminate them and get as close to “zero defects” as possible.,GEs Evolution Towards Quality,Key Concepts of Six Sigma,Critical to Quality: Attributes most important to the customerDefect: Failing to deliver what the customer wantsProcess Capability: What your process can deliverVariation: What the customer sees and feelsStable Operations: Ensuring consistent, predictable processes to improve.what the customer sees and feelsDesign for Six Sigma: Designing to meet customer needs and process capability.,Quality Approaches and Models,DFSS (Design for Six Sigma) a systematic methodology utilizing tools, training and measurements to ensure products/ processes meet customer expectations and can be produced at Six Sigma quality levels.DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve andControl) a process for continued improvement. It is systematic, scientific and fact based; closed-loop process eliminates unproductive steps, often focuses on new measurements, and applies technology for improvement.Six Sigma A vision of quality which equates with only3.4 defects per million opportunities for each product orservice transaction. Strives for perfection.Tree Diagram Graphically shows any broad goal brokeninto different levels of detailed actions. It encouragesteam members to expand their thinking when creating solutions.,Case Study,The National Software Quality Experiment has been conducted every year since 1992 with the following observations that recur year after year.,Common Problems with “All” Software Projects,Principles of an Agile PM Method,Assume Simplicity find the simplest solution that is of valueEmbrace Change requirements evolve over timeEnabling The Next Effort control the scope Incremental Change Managing incremental changes requires discipline and resources. Without discipline and resources chaos will occur. Maximize Stakeholder Value stakeholders get to say what is of value in the next release. The PMs role is then to deliver that value. Manage With A Purpose by creating artifacts that have stakeholder value. Identify who needs the artifact. Identify a purpose for creating the artifact.Multiple Project Views there is need for a wide range of presentation formats in order to effectively communicate with the stakeholders, participants, and service providers. These multiple view go beyond PERT and GANTT charts. Rapid Feedback minimize the time between an action and the feedback.Working Software Is The Primary Goal not the production of extraneous documentationTravel Light Balance the effort in maintaining artifacts and their value.,Software Tools on PM,Enterprise Project-portfolio (EPM) Aligning people projects and organizational priorities. Reclaiming the wasted resource effort Management applied on work that adds no business value. Project selection and prioritization, with the ultimate goal of sustaining a steady flow of new project champions. By controlling how your business spends its capital and people resources, and identifying the projects in which to invest, EPM is the method by which you operationalize your businesss strategy.,The Seven Secrets of a Successful Project Office,Rein in the runaway projectsAssist project start-ups and establish an estimating and risk process Review and manage the project portfolio Conduct project reviews and audits Organize and manage the resource pool Identify and develop project managers Establish and enforce a project management process,Warning Signs of runaway projects,


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