A,1,如何写四级高分作文?,王松昌 2016.03.30,A,2,一、四级高分作文的要求和对策,A,3,(一)高分作文写作条件,1熟悉校园生活话题和社会热点话题的主 题词汇 2熟悉各类文体写作特征 3 . 积极使用一些高分词汇和短语 4积极使用连接词 5. 积极使用程度副词和评论性副词,A,4,(二)尽量避免易犯错误,拼写错误多,字迹混乱,书写潦草审题马虎,文不对题,语无伦次没有文采,缺乏写作技巧用中文思维逐字翻译,句子不通,语法错误多格式不规范标题标点,大小写时态字数篇幅,A,5,(三)对策,内容要切题;层次要清楚,结构要合理;写好段首句,每段的第一句话要体现本段的中心思想,一般顺序为主题句扩展句结尾句,每一段一个主题,要开门见山;要保证思路清晰流畅,善用连接词;语法,拼写要准确;三段式论述;先从最简单的句子着手,保证没有语言和语法错误。,A,6,二、段落写作,What is a complete paragraph?a complete paragraph=A topic sentence2. Supporting sentences3. A concluding sentence,A,7,A,8,A,9,A,10,A,11,A,12,A,13,A,14,A,15,A,16,A,17,A,18,A,19,A,20,A,21,A,22,A,23,A,24,A,25,A,26,A,27,A,28,A,29,A,30,A,31,A,32,A,33,A,34,A,35,A,36,A,37,A,38,A,39,A,40,A,41,A,42,A,43,A,44,A,45,A,46,A,47,A,48,A,49,A,50,A,51,A,52,A,53,A,54,A,55,A,56,A,57,A,58,A,59,A,60,A,61,A,62,A,63,应试技巧五步骤,1) 审题:定三点 主题人称时态及语态2) 写关键词,草拟提纲 从提示句中的关键词出发,围绕关键词开拓思路,发挥联想,记录下所联想到的东西:可以是句子,也可以是词组;可以是英语,也可以是汉语,A,64,五个步骤,1) 审题:定三点 主题人称时态及语态2) 写关键词,草拟提纲 从提示句中的关键词出发,围绕关键词开拓思路,发挥联想,记录下所联想到的东西:可以是句子,也可以是词组;可以是英语,也可以是汉语,A,65,五个步骤,3) 写主题句 位置:段首(主体和结尾)原则:开门见山(结构清晰,说服力强)句式:多用祈使句;结构简单的单句,A,66,五个步骤,4) 写扩展句,基本完成段落 写扩展句,基本完成段落 :三段式(开头,主体,结尾):引问题,讲问题,表决心(1)开头:引出现象+观点或对主体内容的概括,可包括对谈论问题或现象的简单陈述及明确的观点(3-4句话,约30-40字)(2)主体:主题句+扩展句(2条最佳,约80字)主题句:开门见山;句首(条理词+总括句)扩展句:支持主题句;过程:设问-回答;常见扩展句类型:进一步说明,举例(非个人的,大家公认的),假设相反情形,列数据等,A,67,五个步骤,(3)结尾 (3-4句话,约30-40字) :水到渠成,切忌草率(只写一句或用几句重复同一意思,如So, we should be against it.),可包括重复中心思想,自己的观点,在该问题上对未来的展望及希望等(表决心)重复中心思想:对第一段换一种说法提出展望或期望 表示对将来的展望或期待读者投入行动应用引语 用格言、谚语或习语总结全文,既言简意赅又有更强的说服力。,A,68,五个步骤,5) 检查 主要检查及修改:1.拼写正确,看文章中是否有汉字、多余符号、糊乱涂改、划线、和错别字;2.搭配正确;3.语法正确,特别是人称、时态、和单复数的三一致,A,69,时间分配,审题、拟题纲10分钟,拟主题句、完成段落15分钟,检查5分钟。,A,70,Model Test IPart I Writing (30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief account of the importance of good teachers and then explain how schools can attract and retain good teachers. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.,A,71,A,72,写作指南 这是一篇图画类作文。中国有“良禽择木而栖”的古语,也有“孟母三迁”“程门立雪”等故事,可见人人都希望追随好老师,接受良好的教育和熏陶。如今社会竞争越来越激烈,家长们纷纷将孩子送往名师云集的学校,因而,吸引和留住名师就成为学校立足的关键。本篇要求考生先写好老师的重要性,即作用,然后就how to attract and retain good teachers给出建议,行文方向已经很明确。注意,在提出建议时,可提宽泛的建议,也可提具体的建议。具体建议可从待遇、环境氛围等方面人手。,A,73,范文 The Importance of Good Teachers As is known to all, teachers are the engineers of human souls. Nowadays, with the fierce competition of society, schools spare no effort to attract and retain good teachers. Some even employ methods which are as extreme as what is shown in the picture. And there are reasons why schools are eager to attract renowned teachers.,A,74,For one thing, good teachers tend to employ various means to make their classes more lively in order that students can learn and digest the knowledge quickly. For another thing, good teachers also pay much attention to the growth of students and are always ready to help students with their difficulties in life. In this way, they act not only as the teachers but also as the friends of students.,A,75,Therefore, schools should try their best to attract and retain good teachers. On the one hand, better material and economic conditions make teachers happy. On the other hand, a positive learning environment attracts and keeps the best teachers. May more good teachers forge more outstanding human souls for our future!,A,76,点评:第一段:主题句As is known to all, teachers are the engineers of human souls基于图示采取了开门见山的形式,从而简述名师在今天竞争激烈的社会中所具有的重要性,而学校设法吸引并留住名师则是一普遍现象。 . Nowadays运用恰当,是一亮点词。第二段:从几个方面论述了the reasons why schools are eager to attract renowned teachers。 “For one thing, For another thing”表示列举。第三段: 主题句Therefore, schools should try their best to attract and retain good teachers表达准确.并从On the one hand, On the other hand两个方面给学校为吸引留住好教师提出具体建议。,A,77,Model Test IIPart I Writing (30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then express your views on the importance of finance management. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Write your essay on Answer Sheet 1.,A,78,A,79,写作指南 这是一篇看图作文。要求考生先简单描述图片内容,继而就“理财的重要性”这个话题发表自己的看法。根据题目要求,可将文章内容安排如下: 第一段:简明扼要地描述图片内容,引出下文讨论的重点。 第二段:分点概述理财的重要性。第三段:结合大学生的情况,说明大学生该如何理财。,A,80,范文The Importance of Finance Management As we can see from the cartoon, a girl is digging around in her purse but is depressed by the fact that there is only one coin left. The girl is among a large group of people who live paycheck to paycheck and have no money left over for savings.,A,81,It is time that these people realized the importance of finance management and changed their spending habits. Apparently, finance management helps to spend less and earn more, which will lead to more savings and thus a secure future. Furthermore, its believed that the power to manage ones money properly is a vital part in self-discipline which contributes much to ones SUCCESS.,A,82,As college students, we should also pay enough attention to finance management. If possible, always make a note of the money you spend and be ready to make adjustments by constantly analyzing your spending habits.,A,83,点评: 第一段:简明扼要地描述图片内容,引出下文讨论的重点。基于图片,主题句As we can see from the cartoon, a girl 简单明了。 第二段:分点概述理财的重要性。Apparently和 Furthermore的运用给行文增添了色彩。 第三段:结合大学生的情况,说明大学生该如何理财。,A,84,译文 如图所示,图片中的女孩正将钱包翻个底朝天,但却很失望地发现,钱包里只剩下1枚硬币。这个女孩是月光族大军中的一员,这类人指着每月的薪水过日子,而没能剩下钱来做储蓄。 月光族是时候意识到理财的重要性并且改变自己的消费方式了。显然,通过理财人们能减少花销,增加收入,从而增加存款以及给自己一个安稳的未来。其次,据信,适当掌管资金的能力是自律的重要组成部分,对一个人未来的成功有帮助。作为大学生,我们也应该给予理财足够的重视。如有可能,尽量将自己的开销记录下来,并且经常分析自己的消费习惯,以便随时做出调整。,A,85,Test IIIPart I Writing (30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Be a Civic-minded Tourist. You should include in your essay tourists uncivil behaviors in the scenic spots and the corresponding solutions. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Write your essay on Answer Sheet 1.,A,86,写作指南 这是一篇论说文,要求就“做个文明的游客”这个论题发表见解。根据题目要求,全文可以安排如下: 第一段提出现象,引出话题:出游人数增加,不文明行为也随之而来,其中包括在景区吸烟、大声喧哗、乱扔垃圾,甚至在文化古迹上乱涂乱画。 第二段就第一段提及的现象,发表个人见解:政府应该采取措施应对这一问题。方法有二个,其一,应建立不良记录备案体系,把破坏环境的游客列入黑名单。其二,有关当局可以对破坏景区环境的游客予以罚款,以防止某些游客恣意妄为。 第三段总结全文。,A,87,【范文】 Be a Civic-minded Tourist In recent years, there has been a sharp increase in the number of Chinese tourists traveling both home and abroad. However, along with this surge are some uncivil behaviors, which have received fierce criticism. For example, some tourists may smoke, talk loudly, throw trash around, or even scrawl on cultural relics in the scenic spots.,A,88,Personally, I hate such misbehaviors and believe that the government should take some measures to tackle this problem. First, we should set up a system to keep track of those who misbehave in scenic spots. If they are spotted three times, we could blacklist them and reject their admission in their subsequent visits. Second, the authorities concerned could impose a fine on those who damage the environment in the scenic spots. For instance, for every item littered, a 50 RMB fine is imposed.,A,89,In short, some severe measures like blacklist and financial penalty should be adopted to prevent tourists from behaving inappropriately.,A,90,点评:第一段::主题句In recent years, there has been a sharp increase in 开门见山,提出现象,引出话题,并简述了旅游中存在的不文明现象。第二段:就第一段提及的现象,发表个人见解:政府应该采取措施应对这一问题。 First.Second.For instance .表示列举。第三段: In short引出全文总结。,A,91,【译文】 近年来,中国国内游及出境游的人数剧增。然而随之而来的是一些游客的不文明行为,这些不文明行为已受到各方猛烈批评。比如,有些游客会在景区吸烟、大声喧哗、乱扔垃圾,或者甚至在文物上乱涂乱画。,A,92,就我个人而言,我讨厌这些行为,我认为政府应该采取一些措施来应对这一问题。首先,我们应该建立一个追踪体系,跟踪记录那些在景区胡作非为的人。如果发现他们违规三次,就将其列入黑名单,拒绝他们再次进入景区。其次,有关当局可以对破坏景区环境的游客予以罚款。例如,每乱扔一样东西,就罚款50元; 总之,我们应该采取一些严厉措施,比如建立黑名单和罚款来防止游客的不恰当行为。,A,93,Thank you!,