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    人教PEP版六年级上册英语全册优质课件,1,第一课时,Unit 1 How can I get there?,人教版 (三年级起点) 六年级上册,3,课前热身,Lets sing!,Twinkle twinkle little starTwinkle, twinkle, little star.How I wonder what you are.Up above the world so high.Like a diamond in the sky.Twinkle, twinkle, little star.How I wonder what you are.,一闪一闪小星星,我想知道你是什么?在整个世界之上,如此的高,像在天空中的钻石,一闪一闪小星星,我想知道你是什么?,4,课前热身,Lets review!,Phrases: a talking robot next to want toSentences: Excuse me. Is there a? Where is?,话题导入,factory,各种各样的地方,library,话题导入,bank,hotel,science museum /sans / /mjuzm/(名词)科学博物馆,ost office /pust fis/ (名词)邮局,1,2,新词展示,bookstore /bkst/ (名词)书店,cinema /snm / (名词)电影院,3,4,新词展示,新词展示,5,hospital /hspt()l/ (名词)医院,点击“新词展示”,跟我一起学词汇吧!,新词展示,新词展示,Lets play a game!,新词展示,science museum post officebookstorecinemahospital,点击“Lets learn”,跟我一起学词汇吧!,Lets learn,课文朗读,Where is the cinema?,课文原文,电影院在哪儿?它紧挨着书店。,Its next to the bookstore.,课文原文,Remember,Where is ?,课文原文,(地点名词)在哪儿?它紧挨着/附近/后面(地点名词)。,Its next to/near/behind,Practice,science /sans / (名词)科学,短语,重难点探究,the science book科学书,例句,延伸,Science is very interesting. 科学非常的有趣。,scientific 科学的,museum /mjuzm/(名词)博物馆,短语,重难点探究,the history museum历史博物馆,例句,The museum is near the store. 博物馆在商店附近。,重难点探究,ost office /pust fis/ (名词)邮局,例句,延伸,The post office is behind the bank. 邮局在银行的后面。,oster 海报 office 办公室 officer 公务员,bookstore /bkst/ (名词)书店,重难点探究,复数形式,bookstores,例句,Where is the bookstore?书店在哪儿?,重难点探究,cinema /snm / (名词)电影院,复数形式,cinemas,例句,The cinema is next to park. 电影院紧挨着公园。,重难点探究,hospital /hspt()l/ (名词)医院,短语,例句,in hospital 住院 in the hospital 在医院里,Is there a pet hospital here? 附近有一个宠物医院吗?,详解, Where is the cinema? 电影院在哪儿? Its next to the bookstore. 它紧挨着书店。,Where is ? 询问地点句式 Its 直接回答地点在哪儿next to 表示方位:紧挨着、旁边,重难点探究,例句, Where is the school? 学校在哪儿? Its next to the library. 它紧挨着图书馆。,重难点探究,重难点探究,拓展,一些其他表示介绍地点的句式,There is a 有一个Its near 它在附近。,如:There is a bank. 这儿有一家银行。 Its near the hotel. 它在宾馆附近。,指路用语,重难点探究,Turn left at the bookstore.到书店左拐。Turn right at the hospital .到医院右拐。,注意:,除了学习一些问路的话语,还要学习一些指路的语言。,其他句式,重难点探究,感叹句:What an interesting film! 多么有趣的一个电影!,例句,What a beautiful flower! 多么美丽的一朵花。,Groups work,请同学们讨论并制作地图,然后分角色表演 Make a map and talk。,课堂互动,课堂互动,课堂互动,There is a bookstore in my city. 有一个书店在我们城市里。Where is it?它在哪儿?Its near the cinema.它在电影院附近。,一、翻译句子。1.电影院在哪儿?_2. There is a pet hospital. _3.书店在公园的旁边。_4. Its near the park._,巩固练习,Where is the cinema?这儿有一个宠物医院。The bookshop is next to the park.它在公园附近。,二、选择正确的答案。()1. The science museum is the park. A. nextB. at C. near()2. If you want to see a movie, you can go to the . A. hospital B. museum C. cinema ()3. Excuse me, where is the bookstore? Its the school. A. next B. next to C. at ()4. I want some books. A. buy B. buys C. to buy,巩固练习,C B B C,巩固练习,三、按要求写句子。1.Is there a school near here? (作肯定回答) _2.bookstore where is the (连词成句)_3.There is a hospital . (改为一般疑问句) _4.Where is the post office? (near the cinema用所给短语进行回答)_,Yes, there is. Where is the bookstore?Is there a hospital?Its near the cinema.,一、本课时学的重点词汇如下:,二、本课时学习的重点句子如下:,回顾小结, Where is the cinema? 电影院在哪儿? Its next to the bookstore. 它紧挨着书店。,science museum (科学博物馆)post office(邮局) bookstore(书店)cinema(电影院) hospital(医院),34,Talk about the places in a map of your city with your friends and your classmates.,课后作业,Unit 1 How can I get there?,人教版 (三年级起点) 六年级上册,第二课时,36,课前热身,Lets sing!,If youre happy If youre happy and you know it,Clap your hands,If youre happy and you know it,Clap your hands,If youre happy and you know it,never be afraid to show it.,如果你愉快并且知道你愉快,就拍拍你的手。如果你愉快并且知道你愉快,就拍拍你的手。如果你愉快并且知道你愉快,那么你的确应该把你的愉快表示出来。,话题导入,各种各样的地方,school,shop,话题导入,park,zoo,science /sans / (名词)科学; 学科,museum /mjuzm/ (名词)博物馆,ost office /pust fis/ (名词)邮局,1,2,3,新词展示,bookstore /bkst/ (名词)书店,cinema /snm / (名词)电影院,4,5,新词展示,6,hospital /hspt()l/ (名词)医院,点击“新词展示”,跟我一起学词汇吧!,新词展示,新词展示,1.Where is the science museum?,课文原文,科学博物馆在哪儿?它在图书馆附近。,Its near the library.,2.How can I get there?,课文原文,我怎样才能到达那儿?在学校向右拐,然后直着走。,Turn right at the school. Then go straight,3.Excuse me. Can you help me?,课文原文,打扰了,你能帮我吗?当然可以。,Sure.,点击“Lets try”,跟我一起练听力吧!,Lets try,课文朗读,Listening,课文原文,点击“Lets talk”,跟我一起读课文吧!,Lets talk,课文朗读,Conversation,课文原文,science /sans / (名词)科学; 学科,短语,重难点探究,the science museum科学博物馆,例句,延伸,Science is a hard subject.科学是一门难学的科目。,scientist 科学家,museum /mjuzm/ (名词)博物馆,短语,重难点探究,the art museum 美术博物馆 the museum shop博物馆商店,重难点探究,ost office /pust fis/ (名词)邮局,This is a post office. 这是一个邮局。,例句,bookstore /bkst/ (名词)书店,拓展,构成,重难点探究,book 和 store 组合而成,书店还可以是 bookshop,重难点探究,cinema /snm / (名词)电影院,短语,拓展,go to the cinema 去看电影,movie theater 电影院,重难点探究,复数形式,hospital /hspt()l/ (名词)医院,短语,例句,hospitals,in hospital 住院 in the hospital 在医院里,She is in hospital . 她住院了。She works in the hospital. 她在医院工作。,详解, Where is the post office? 邮局在哪儿? Its next to the museum. 它紧挨着博物馆。,Where is ? 询问地点句式 Its 直接回答地点在哪儿next to 表示方位:紧挨着、旁边,重难点探究,例句, Where is the zoo? 动物园在哪儿? Its next to the park. 它紧挨着公园。,重难点探究,重难点探究,拓展,一些其他表示询问地点的句式及答语,Is there a ? Where is it?有一个吗?它在哪儿?Its near /behind它在附近/后面。,如:Is there a shop? Where is it?有商店吗?它在哪儿? Its near the school. 它在学校附近。,交际用语,重难点探究,Excuse me. 打扰一下。Can you help me? 你能帮我一下吗?Thanks. 谢谢!,注意:,一般交际用语使用起来,使得句子更加的委婉客气,有礼貌。,重难点探究,例句, Excuse me. Can you help me? 打扰了,你能帮我一下吗 ? Sure. 当然可以。 Thanks.谢谢 Youre welcome. 不用客气。,其他句式,重难点探究,感叹句:A talking robot! 一个会说话的机器人!What a great museum! 多么棒的一个博物馆!,例句,What a good day! 多么好的一天啊!,Groups work,请同学们分角色表演Lets talk。,课堂互动,课堂互动,课堂互动,Lets do it!,课文原文,一、翻译句子。1.邮局在哪儿?_2.一个会说话的机器人。_3.邮局在博物馆的旁边。_4.多么棒的博物馆啊!_,巩固练习,Where is the post office?A talking robot.The post office is next to the museum.What a great museum!,巩固练习,二、选词填空。what where to buy next near1. _ is the shop? Its near the park.2.I want _ some books. Lets go to the bookstore.3. _ a clever girl!4. Is there a post office near here? Yes. Its _the zoo.5.Lily is _ to Bob on the sofa.,Where to buy What near next,巩固练习,三、按要求写句子。1.The post office is next to the park. (对画线部分提问)_ 2. near, its, library, the (.)(连词成句)_3.is, where, the, shop, museum(?)(连词成句)_4.Is there a zoo near here? (作否定回答)_5.Excuse me.(翻译)_,Where is the post office?Its near the library.Where is the museum shop?No, there isnt.打扰一下。,一、本课时学的重点词汇如下:,二、本课时学习的重点句子如下:,回顾小结, Where is the post office? 邮局在哪儿? Its next to the museum. 它紧挨着博物馆。,science(科学; 学科 ) museum (博物馆)post office(邮局) bookstore(书店)cinema(电影院) hospital(医院),69,Talk about the places in your hometown(家乡) with your friends and your family.,课后作业,第三课时,Unit 1 How can I get there?,人教版 (三年级起点) 六年级上册,71,课前热身,Lets review!,Words: interesting pizza Italian restaurant street get Sentences: How can we get the? Turn left/right at,话题导入,Im hungry.,话题导入,the Italian restaurant,话题导入,Where is ?,crossing /krs / (名词)十字路口,turn/tn/ (动词)转弯,left /left/ (名词)左,1,2,3,新词展示,straight /stret/ (副词)笔直地,right /rat / (名词)右,4,5,新词展示,点击“新词展示”,跟我一起学词汇吧!,新词展示,新词展示,Lets play a game!,新词展示,rightturn crossingleftstraight,点击“Lets learn”,跟我一起学词汇吧!,Lets learn,课文朗读,Conversation,课文原文,课文原文,Remember,crossing /krs / (名词)十字路口,复数,重难点探究,crossings,例句,延伸,There is a crossing here.这儿有一个十字路口。,cross (动词 )穿过,across (副词 )穿过,turn/tn/ (动词)转弯,短语,重难点探究,turn left 向左转 turn right向右转,延伸,turning 拐弯处,重难点探究,left /left/ (名词)左,on the left 在左边,短语,例句,She is on my left. 她在我的左边。,straight /stret/ (副词)笔直地,延伸,短语,重难点探究,go straight 直走,walk straight 直走,造句,Go straight and you can see the school.直走,你就会看到学校。,重难点探究,right /rat / (名词)右,短语,拓展,on your right 在你右边,right (形容词 ) 正确的 、合适的,详解, Where is the Italian restaurant? Turn right here? 意大利餐馆在哪儿?从这儿向右拐吗? No, turn left. 不,向左拐。,Where is ? 询问地点句式Turn left/ right. 表示方向:向左或向右拐,重难点探究, Where is the bookstore? Turn left here? 书店在哪儿?从这儿向左拐吗? No, turn right. 不,向右拐。,重难点探究,Now we are in front of Tiananmen Square.现在我们在天安门广场的前面。Go straight and you can see the Palace Museum.直走,你就会看见故宫博物馆。,重难点探究,重难点探究,拓展,一些其他表示询问地点的句式,Where is ?在哪儿?How can we get?我们怎么到达,如:Where is the hotel? 宾馆在哪儿? How can we get to the school? 我们怎么到达学校?,交际用语,重难点探究,Can you help her? 你能帮她一下吗?,注意:,一般交际用语使用起来,使得句子更加的委婉客气,有礼貌。,其他句式,重难点探究,祈使句: Turn left! 向左拐! Go straight! 直走!,例句,Lets go! 让我们走吧!,Groups work,请同学们两人一组表演Lets learn。然后分角色表演Be a tour guide。,课堂互动,课堂互动,课堂互动,二、选词填空。 where turn go in front of1._ left here.2. _ is the bookstore?3. _ straight!4. There is a zoo_ the park.,一、英汉互译。1.十字路口_ 2.向左转_3.向右拐_ 4.直走 _5. the Italian restaurant_ 6. Palace Museum _,巩固练习,crossing turn left turn right go straight 意大利餐馆 故宫博物院,Turn WhereGo in front of,巩固练习,三、找出错误之处,加以改正。( )1.Where are the bookstore? _ A B C( )2. There is a bank on front of the school. _ A B C( )3.Can you help she? _ A B C( )4.Go left and you can see the Beihai Park. _ A B C,B is B in front ofC herA Turn,一、本课时学的重点词汇如下:,二、本课时学习的重点句子如下:,回顾小结, Where is the Italian restaurant? Turn right here? 意大利餐馆在哪儿?从这儿向右拐吗? No, turn left. 不,向左拐。,crossing (十字路口) turn(转弯)left (左) straight(笔直地) right (右),99,Talk about the streets in your town or city with your friends and your family.,课后作业,第四课时,Unit 1 How can I get there?,人教版 (三年级起点) 六年级上册,101,课前热身,Lets sing!,Ten little Indian boys One (一) little, two (二) little, three (三) little Indians,four (四) little, five (五) little, six (六) little Indians, seven (七) little, eight (八) little, nine (九) little Indians, ten (十) little Indian boys .,十个小印第安人 一个小,两个小,三个小印第安人, 四个小,五个小,六个小印第安人, 七个小,八个小,九个小印第安人, 十个小印第安男孩子。,话题导入,cinema,话题导入,film,interesting /ntrst / (形容词)有趣的,Italian /itlin/ (形容词)意大利的,restaurant /restrnt/ (名词) 餐馆,1,2,3,新词展示,izza /pits/ (名词) 比萨饼,street / strit/ (名词)街道,4,5,新词展示,6,get /et/ (动词)到达,新词展示,interestingItalian restaurant pizza street get,有趣的,意大利的,餐馆,比萨饼,街道,到达,点击“Lets try”,跟我一起练听力吧!,Lets try,课文朗读,Listening,课文原文,点击“Lets talk”,跟我一起读课文吧!,Lets talk,课文朗读,Conversation,课文原文,interesting /ntrst / (形容词)有趣的,短语,重难点探究,an interesting story 一个有趣的故事,例句,延伸,Science is an interesting subject.科学是一门有趣的科目。,有趣的还可以用 fun 来表示,Italian /itlin/ (形容词)意大利的,短语,重难点探究,a greatItalian restaurant 一个很棒的意大利餐馆,延伸,Italia 意大利 Italian 意大利人,重难点探究,restaurant /restrnt/ (名词) 餐馆,That is a restaurant. 那是一个餐馆。,例句,复数形式,restaurants,izza /pits/ (名词) 比萨饼,拓展,短语,重难点探究,izza king 美味比萨达人,izza是意大利一种有馅烘饼。,重难点探究,street / strit/ (名词)街道,短语,on the street 在街上,复数形式,streets,例句,The hospital is on RenMin street. 医院在人民路上。,重难点探究,三单形式,get /et/ (动词)到达,短语,例句,gets,get to 到达,How can we get there? 我们怎么到达那儿?How can I get to the hospital? 我怎样才能到达医院?,详解, How can we get there? 我们怎样到达那儿? Turn left at the bookstore. Then turn right at the hospital. 在书店向左拐,然后在医院向右拐。,How can we get to ? 询问怎样到达Turn left/right. 向左拐或者向右拐。,重难点探究,例句,What an interesting film! 多么有趣的一场电影啊!I like pizza. 我喜欢披萨饼。,重难点探究,重难点探究,拓展,一些其他表示询问如何到达指定地方以及如何指路,How can I get to? 我怎样到达?Go straight. 直走。,如:How can I get to the bank? 我怎样才能到达银行? Go straight. 直走。,表示喜欢,重难点探究,I like pizza. 我喜欢披萨饼。,注意:,表示喜欢什么是:I like 表示不喜欢什么是:I dont like 表示询问是否喜欢是:Do you like ?,其他句式,重难点探究,感叹句:What an interesting film! 多么有趣的一场电影啊!,例句,What an interesting school! 多么有趣的一所学校啊!,Groups work,请同学们分角色表演Lets talk。,课堂互动,课堂互动,Lets do it!,课文原文,二、选词填空。 what how to on at1._ can we get there? 2.Turn right _ the bookstore.3. _ an interesting book!4.There is a post office next _the zoo.5.The shop is _ ZhongShan street.,一、翻译词组或者句子。1.an interesting film_2. Lets go!_3.向左拐 _4.向右拐 _,巩固练习,一个有趣的电影 我们走吧!turn left turn right,How atWhat to on,巩固练习,三、单项选择。( )1. The restaurant is _ the bookstore. A. next at B. next to C. next( )2. This is _ interesting book. A. an B. a C./ ( )3. I am_. I want eat some pizza. A. nice B. full C. hungry( )4. Where is the cinema? Its _ LiMin street. A. in B. on C. to( )5. Tum left _the hospital. A. on B. in C. at,B A CBC,一、本课时学的重点词汇如下:,二、本课时学习的重点句子如下:,回顾小结, How can we get there? 我们怎样才能到达那儿? Turn left at the bookstore. 在书店向左拐。,interesting(有趣的)Italian (意大利的)restaurant (餐馆) pizza (比萨饼)street(街道) get (到达),128,Talk about the library or the dining hall in your school with your classmates.,课后作业,第五课时,Unit 1 How can I get there?,人教版 (三年级起点) 六年级上册,130,课前热身,Lets play a game!,Looking for my friend:,She is tall. She has two big eyes. She wears glasses. Who is she?,话题导入,You are in a car.,话题导入,Which can help you?,map,compass,GPS,stars,GPS /di pies / (名词)全球定位系统,gave /ev/(give 的过去式) (动词) 提供,交给,feature /fit / (名词)特点,1,2,3,新词展示,follow /fl / (动词)跟着,far /f / (形容词)较远的,4,5,新词展示,6,tell /tel/ (动词)告诉,Lets play a game!,新词展示,GPSgave tellfollowfarfeature,全球定位系统,提供,交给,特点,跟着,较远的,告诉,课文原文,map 地图 compass 指南针 GPS 全球定位系统 stars 星星,课文原文,吴一凡的祖父给罗宾加了一个新特点。他现在有全球定位系统,他能帮助男孩们找到意大利餐馆。,Conversation,课文原文,罗宾:我们在电影院的前面.让我们直走,到了书店左拐。请跟我来。,in front of 在前面Follow me, please! 请跟我来!,Conversation,课文原文,迈克:它远吗?罗宾:不。现在我们在医院的后面。让我们向右拐,然后再向右拐。,far 远的behind 在后面turn right 向右拐,Conversation,课文原文,迈克:有一个餐馆。,There is a 有一个restaurant 餐馆,Conversation,课文原文,work 起作用tell 告诉so hungry 如此饿,罗宾:我新的全球定位系统起作用了。吴一凡:是啊!我告诉祖父。但是我们先吃饭吧。我非常饿了。,GPS /dipies / (名词)全球定位系统,展开,重难点探究,Global Positioning System,例句,GPS can help me.全球定位系统能够帮助我。,gave /ev/(give 的过去式) (动词) 提供,交给,短语,重难点探究,give up 放弃 give out 分发,He gave me a book. 他给了我一本书。,例句,拓展,原形 give 三单 gives 过去分词 given,重难点探究,feature /fit / (名词)特点,features,复数,拓展,例句,This book has a new feature.这本书有一个新特点。,特点还可以是character,follow /fl / (动词)跟着,拓展,短语,重难点探究,follow me 跟我来,跟随还可以是 go after,例句,Follow the teacher , please! 请跟上老师!,重难点探究,far /f / (形容词)远的,短语,拓展,far away from 离着遥远,remote 遥远的,例句,The school is far from here. 学校离这儿很远。,重难点探究,tell /tel/ (动词)告诉,短语,例句,tell to do 告诉去做,I will tell you. 我将告诉你。She can tell stories. 她会讲故事。,拓展,tell 讲述之意,Were in front of the cinema. 我们在电影院的前面。 Lets go straight and turn left at the bookstore. 让我们直走,然后在书店向左拐。Follow me, please!请跟我来!,重难点探究,例句,The shop is in front of the bank. 商店在银行的前面。Go straight and turn right at the library. 直走,然后在图书馆向右拐。,详解,in front of 在前面go straight 直走turn left 向左拐,重难点探究,重难点探究,拓展,一些其他表示指路或者方向的句式,Its near /behind/in front of/next to它在附近/后面/前面/紧挨。,如: Its behind the museum. 它在博物馆后面。,其他句式,重难点探究,祈使句:Follow me ,please! 请跟我来!,例句,Tell her ,please! 请告诉她!,Groups work,请同学们分角色表演Read and write。,课堂互动,课堂互动,Lets do it!,课文原文,Three,works,Lets do it!,课文原文,go straight,turn left,at the bookstore,turn right,二、选出画线部分的反义词。( )1.The shop is near the school. A. far from B. behind C. next to ( )2.Mr Li is in front of the library. A. between B. beside C. behind( )3.The hotel is on your left. A. right B. near C. next( )4.The book is on the chair. A. up B. under C. in,一、英汉互译。1.一个新特点 _2.在前面 _3.在后面 _4.Follow me, please!_,巩固练习,a new character in front of behind 请跟我来!,A C A B,巩固练习,三、按要求写句子。1.Were in front of the park. (对画线部分提问) _2. behind, we,are, hospital, the (.)(连词成句)_3.Lets go _.(笔直地)(填空)4.My new GPS _.(起作用) (填空)5.Im so hungry.(翻译)_,Where are we?We are behind the hotel. straight works 我太饿了。,一、本课时学的重点词汇如下:,二、本课时学习的重点句子如下:,回顾小结,Were in front of the cinema. 我们在电影院的前面。 Lets go straight and turn left at the bookstore. 让我们直走,然后在书店向左拐。,GPS (全球定位系统)gave (给予,交给)feature (特点) follow (跟着)far (遥远的) tell(告诉),159,Talk about how to get to some place in your city with your friends and your family.,课后作业,第六课时,Unit 1 How can I get there?,人教版 (三年级起点) 六年级上册,161,课前热身,Lets review!,Phrases: in front of turn right/leftSentences: Follow me, please. Lets turn right. My new GPS works.,话题导入,各种各样的地方,hospital,school,话题导入,post office,bookstore,话题导入,cinema,museum,点击“Lets check”,跟我一起练听力吧!,Lets check,课文朗读,课文原文,school,post office,bookstore,cinema,museum,课文原文,He wants to go to the museum


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