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    人教PEP版五年级下册英语课后作业全册课件,1,Unit 1 My day,PEP 五年级下册,课时 1,Lets try Lets talk,提示:点击 进入习题,四,一,二,三,一、选场景。请根据Amy和Mike的对话,选择合适的场景。 A B C1. Where is Amy at 9: 00 in the morning? _2. Where is Amy at 12: 20 in the afternoon?_,A,C,二、选择正确的疑问词(组)填空。(注意大小写)1. Excuse me,_ is it? Its 9 oclock.2. _ do you usually wash your clothes? On Sunday afternoon.,what time,what timewhen,When,3. _do you go to bed? Usually at 10:00 in the evening.4. _ is your birthday?5. _is your watch?,When/What time,what timewhen,When,What time,点拨:,what time和when的辨别:询问做某事的具体时间(钟点)时两者可以互换。询问钟表所表示的具体时间(钟点)时只能用what time而不能用when。询问事件发生的年份、月份、日期等非钟点性时间时只能用when而不能用what time。,三、单项选择。()1._ do you play football? In the playground. A. Where B. When C. What()2.When do you go to bed? _ 9:30 in the evening. A. In B. At C. On,B,A,()3.I work_.A. in night B. at night C. on night()4.When do you_school?At 6: 30.A. go to B. go C. to go,A,B,()5.When do you get up_ the morning?I usually get up_ 6: 00.A. on; at B. at; in C. in; at,C,点拨:,在具体的某一时刻(几点或几点几分)用介词at;在早晨、下午用介词in。,四、将下列句子排成完整对话,并根据对话填空。(一)用数字给下列句子排序。【确定句首法】()Wow! Thats too busy! ()At about 6: 30.Then I eat dinner at about 6: 40 with my family.()When do you begin class in the morning?()When do you go back home?()We begin class at 8 oclock. After class in the morning, we eat lunch in our school.()When do you usually have lunch in your school?()At 12: 30.Classes start at 2 oclock in the afternoon.,7,6,1,5,2,3,4,方法点拨:,本题用确定首句法解答。先把所有句子通读一遍,发现给出的句子有一定的时间顺序,大致确定第三句为首句,再根据时间依次排列后面的句子即可。,(二)填空,完成句子。1We start class_.2We_ at 12: 30.3We _at about 6: 30.4I have dinner _.,at 8 oclock,eat lunch,go back home,at about 6: 40,Unit 1 My day,PEP 五年级下册,课时 2,Lets learnAsk and write,提示:点击 进入习题,四,一,五,二,三,一、选出不同类的一项。()1. A. clock B. begin C. have ()2. A. when B. after C. where()3. A. play football B. play basketball C. play the piano ()4. A. eat breakfast B. morning exercises C. play sports,A,B,C,B,二、补全短语,并选择合适的图片。()1. do morning _()2. _ dinner ()3. have English _()4. play _()5. eat _,B,exercises,A,A B C D E,eat,E,class,C,sports,D,breakfast,三、从上题中选择合适的短语补全句子。1. I usually_ at 7 oclock.2. We _ at 6: 30 p. m.3. We _ at 11 a. m.4. When do you _?At about 4: 30.We usually play football.5. When do you_ in the morning?,eat breakfast,eat dinner,have English class,play sports,do morning exercises,四、单项选择。()1. _do you go to school? At 8: 00 a. m. A. What B. When C. Whats,B,点拨:,由答语可知问句问的是时间,故选B。,()2. When do you_? Classes finish at 3: 50 p. m. A. begin class B. start class C. finish class()3. When do you eat dinner?_A. At 7 a. m.B. At 7 oclock. C. At 11 a. m.,C,B,()4. I like running. Thats good_.A. exercise B. exercises C. sports,A,点拨:,exercise泛指“锻炼;运动”时,通常是不可数名词,如:Running is good exercise. 但是在表示具体的一套动作时,要用复数形式,如:do morning exercises;do eye exercises。,五、选择正确的选项补全对话。Lily: What day is it today?Sam: 1. _Lily: 2. _Sam: I have a maths class, a Chinese class and an English class.,D,E,A. When do you start class?B. At 5 oclock.C. Me, too.D. Its Monday.E. What do you have on Mondays?,Lily: 3. _Sam: At 9: 00.Lily: When do you finish class in the afternoon?Sam: 4. _What about you?Lily: 5. _,A,B,A. When do you start class?B. At 5 oclock.C. Me, too.D. Its Monday.E. What do you have on Mondays?,C,Unit 1 My day,PEP 五年级下册,课时 3,Lets spell,提示:点击 进入习题,四,一,五,二,三,一、读歌谣,按要求练一练。Its 5 oclock.Dont play.Please clean your plate.Have some eggplants.Have some grapes.Youre so clever.Youre great!,(一)找出歌谣中含有/pl/和/kl/读音的单词,并规范写下来。1. class: _2. playground:_,oclockcleanclever,playpleaseplateeggplants,(二)写出其他带有/pl/和/kl/读音的单词各三个,并任选一个单词写一个句子。1. cl:_2. pl:_3. 句子:_,clothesuncle cloudy,apple plenty people,It is cloudy today. (答案不唯一),二、看图,写出含有pl或cl的单词。 1. _2._3._ 4._ 5._,please,plate,clever,clock,classroom,三、从方框中选择合适的单词,完成句子。1. I often wash my_ on the weekend.2. Put the_ in the fridge.3. Its cool and_ today.4. Tom is _.He has many good ideas.,clothes,eggplants,eggplantscloudycleverclothes,cloudy,clever,四、看图,根据图片补全句子。 1. 2. 3. 1. Clean the _, please.2. Put two _ on the wall.3. The football_ is on the _.,classroom,clocks,player,playground,五、阅读短文,选择正确选项。I am Bill . Im a student t. I get up at 6: 30.I go to school at 7: 15.I have an English class at 9: 00.I eat lunch at 11: 50.I play sports at 5: 30 p.m. I eat dinner at 6: 45 p.m.I do my homework at 7: 30 in the evening . I go to bed at 9: 30.I often play ping-pong and watch TV on Saturday. Sometimes I go hiking . I usually read books on Sunday . I like weekends.,()1.What does Bill do?A. Hes a teacher. B. Hes a student.C. We dont know.()2.When does Bill get up?A. At 6: 30. B. At 7: 15.C. At 9: 00.,B,A,()3.Does Bill eat lunch at 11: 50?A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesnt.C. Yes, he doesnt.()4.What does Bill do on Sunday?A. He often plays pingpong and watches TV.B. He usually reads books.C. Sometimes he goes hiking.,A,B,Unit 1 My day,PEP 五年级下册,课时 4,Lets try Lets talk,提示:点击 进入习题,四,一,五,二,三,一、听对话,把Sarah 在周末做的事按照“often, usually, sometimes”归类。1. often:_2. usually:_3. sometimes:_,A E,C F,A B C D E F,B D,()1.The boy likes playing music.()2.He often plays football with his friends after school.()3.I usually watch TV at 7: 00.,二、读句子,给句子选择相应的图片。,E,A,B,A B C D E,A. B. C. D. E.()4.I wash my clothes every weekend.()5.She sometimes cooks dinner on Sunday.,C,D,三、给下列问句选择合适的答语。【抓关键信息法】()1.Why are you shopping today?()2.What do you do on the weekend?()3.When do you do homework?()4.Do you watch TV on the weekend?,A,A. Because my mum worked last night.B. Yes, sometimes.C. At eight oclock.D. I often play music.,D,C,B,方法点拨:,本题用抓关键信息法解答。在读问句之后要抓住问句的关键信息。本题中13小题是特殊疑问句,特殊疑问词就是关键信息。1小题why询问原因,通常用because回答;2小题what询问事情;3小题when询问时间;4小题是一般疑问句,要用“Yes. . . ”或“No. . . ”回答。这样就能快速找出答语。,四、按要求完成句子。1. I play ping-pong on the weekend.(对画线部分提问)_ 2. I often read books after dinner? (对画线部分提问)_,What do you do on the weekend?,When do you often read books?,点拨:,after dinner表示“晚饭后”,指的是时间,所以用when来提问。,3. a, help, need, you, you, to, robot(.)(连词成句)_4. Im also hardworking.(改为同义句)_,Im hardworking, too.,You need a robot to help you.,五、给句子排序,使之成为一段完整的对话。()I often have art classes.()Oh. Youre so hardworking.()Hey, Ann! What do you usually do on Sundays?()That sounds like a lot of fun.()What about you, John?()I usually clean my room and wash clothes.,3,5,1,6,4,2,Unit 1 My day,PEP 五年级下册,课时 5,Lets learnDo a survey,提示:点击 进入习题,四,一,二,三,一、给下列图片选择对应的短语。A. go for a walk B. clean my roomC. go shopping D. take a dancing class 1. () 2. () 3. () 4. (),C,D,A,B,二、单项选择。()1.I sometimes visit my grandparents _ my mum. A. in B. on C. with()2.I always clean the blackboard_ Mondays. A. in B. on C. with()3.She takes a_ class on the weekend. A. dancer B. dances C. dancing,C,B,C,()4.I_wash my clothes on the weekend.【排除法】A. often B. some times C. am()5.Usually Zip and Zoom _ on the weekend.A. go shopping B. go shopping C. go to shopping,B,A,方法点拨:,本题用排除法解答。题空之后有实义动词wash,故不能再填系动词am;排除C;若选B选项表示频率,应当是sometimes;故答案为A。,三、找出下列句子中的错误并改正。()1.Lets go to a walk in the park._()2.I always taking a dancing class on Saturdays. _()3.I sometimes go shopping and my mum on the weekend._,B,for,B,take,C,with,A,B,C,A,A,B,C,B,C,()4.Do you clean your room in Sundays?_()5.I sometimes play ping-pong with he on Mondays._,C,on,C,him,点拨:,介词后人称代词用宾格形式,he的宾格形式是him。,A,B,C,A,B,C,四、根据图片及句意完成对话。 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. Do you often _ on Monday?Yes,_.2. What do you sometimes _ on the weekend?I sometimes _ my mum on the weekend.,I do,take a dancing class,do,go shopping with,1. 2. 3. 4. 3. What do you always do on the weekend?_4. _I often go for a walk on Sundays.,What do you often do on Sundays?,I always clean my room.,Unit 1 My day,PEP 五年级下册,课时 6,Read and writeLets wrap it up,提示:点击 进入习题,四,一,五,二,三,一、将下面的词汇写在相应的横线上,与动词组成短语。homework class running sports ping-pong kung fu the pipa dinner shopping swimming morning exercises,go play have do,shopping,running,swimming,sports,ping-pong,the pipa,class,dinner,homework,kung fu,morning exercises,二、用适当的介词填空。1. Robinson lives _ an island.2. This is a letter _ my friend.3. I like to play sports _ my friends.4. Kevin is good _ sports.5. Sarah and Mike are _ a play now.,on,from,with,at,in,三、连词成句。1. cave,sometimes,clean,my, I(.)_2. is,sports,good,Robinson,at (.)_,Sometimes I clean my cave.,Robinson is good at sports.,3. swimming,sometimes,I,in,the,go,river (.) _4. late, morning, always, Robinson, up, gets, the, in(.) _,Sometimes I go swimming in the river.,Robinson always gets up late in the morning.,四、补全对话。Zhang Peng: Hello,Lingling.1._Lingling: Im fine, thank you.Zhang Peng: Its Saturday today.2._,A,E,A. What do you do on the weekend?B. Good idea!C. What about you?D. Sometimes I play sports,too.E. How are you?,Lingling: I often play sports.Sometimes I read some books.3._Zhang Peng: Usually I go for a walk. 4._Lingling: We can play sports together next Sunday.Zhang Peng: 5._,D,C,A. What do you do on the weekend?B. Good idea!C. What about you?D. Sometimes I play sports,too.E. How are you?,B,五、阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。【细节理解法】Hello! Im John. I am a policeman. I work at night . I drive my car to work at 9: 00 in the evening every day. So I eat dinner at 8: 00 p. m. I go home at 5: 00 in the morning. I eat breakfast at 5: 30 a. m. Then I go to bed . I get up at 1: 30 in the afternoon. Usually I eat lunch at 2: 00 p. m and read some books at about 2: 30.I like to play sports from 4: 00 to 5: 00.On the weekend, I usually go hiking with my family.,()1.John is a policewoman.()2.John goes to work at 9: 00 in the morning.()3.John goes home at 5: 00 in the afternoon.()4.John reads books in the evening every day.()5.John usually goes hiking with his family on the weekend.,F,F,F,F,T,方法点拨:,此题用细节理解法解答。先通读短文,然后做题的时候根据题目的关键信息再回到短文中找到原句,仔细对比,确定正误。例如1小题,短文原句是“I am a policeman. ”但是题目是“John is a policewoman. ”与短文原文不符,故填F。具体的某一时刻(几点或几点几分)用介词at;在早晨、下午用介词in。,Unit 1 My day,PEP 五年级下册,课时 7,Story time,do morning exercises play sportsclean my room go for a walktake a dancing classgo shopping,read,what do you do on the weekend?,talk,What does Mike do on the weekend?,He usually does his homework.,Sometimes he goes hiking.,What does Sarah do on the weekend?,She usually.,Sometimes she.,Zip always very busy.,Guess, what does she do everyday?,Lets see!,Story time,What does Zip usually do on the weekend?,Zip usually watches TV on the weekend.,Zoom: What do you usually do on the weekend?Zip: I often watch TV, but this weekend I have a show. Ill play the pipa.,How about this weekend?,I have a show Ill play the pipa.,Zip has a show.She will play the pipa.,What does Zip do everyday?,自己读故事,完成表格。,词语解析,Zip: Let me see. From Monday to Wednesday, I usually collect nuts in the afternoon.,collect klekt 收集、收藏,collect nuts 收集坚果,I usually collect nuts in the afternoon. 我通常在下午收集坚果。,Zoom: What else?Zip: On Thursday, I often dry my nuts in the sun.,dry dra 使.变干,dry my nuts使我的坚果变干,in the sun在阳光下,词语解析,在英语思维中, 太阳是很大的, 汉语的阳光下, 在英语里就是in了,沐浴阳光里的意思. 在阳光下的英文是in the sun而不是under the sun.,快快长大:in the sun,词语解析,Zip: On Friday, I eat nuts with my friends.,eat nuts 吃坚果,I eat nuts with my friends.我和我的朋友一起吃坚果。,快快长大:学会分享,Zip 在星期五和朋友一起吃坚果。她辛辛苦苦收集坚果、晒干坚果,不是自己独享而是和朋友分享,是一件很开心的事情。因为分享是一项传统美德,是一项生活技能,与人分享快乐,能使别人更快乐,自己也快乐。分享会使烦恼减半,快乐加倍。在分享的同时,性格会得到锻炼。分享有助于做更明确的决定。,What does Zip do from Monday to Friday?,usually collect nuts,dry nuts,eat nuts,often watch TV,Lets read,1. 跟读故事。2. 分角色朗读3. 简单讲述故事内容,一、看图讲故事,( ) 1. It is Sunday now.( ) 2. Zip often watches TV on the weekend.( ) 3. From Monday to Wednesday, Zoom often collects nuts.( ) 4. On Friday, Zip often eats nuts with her friends.( ) 5. This weekend, Zip will have a show.,二、判断对(T)错(F),T,T,F,T,F,本节课我们了解了Zip一周的活动。Zip很忙, 差点忘记了这个周末自己要参加节目,还好及时想起来才没有迟到。Zip 和朋友分享自己最喜欢的坚果是一种美德,我们要向她学习学会分享哦!,1 读故事给伙伴或家长听。制作自己一周的活动安排表格,和伙伴分享。,Unit 1 My day,PEP 五年级下册,四步法叙述你的日常活动,题目:以“My weekend”为题写一篇短文,介绍一下你是怎样过周末的。要求不少于5句话。,四步法叙述你的日常活动,第一步:审题,抓住关键词:周末具体做什么。第二步:进行头脑风暴:首先总体概括周末活动的状况,特别是你的感受;然后按时间顺序描述具体某天的具体活动;最后,和开头相呼应,具体描述一下你的感受。,四步法叙述你的日常活动,第三步:知识储备:常用表示日常活动的短语:1. get up起床 2. do morning exercises 做早操3. eat breakfast 吃早饭 4. have.class 上课,5. finish class上完课 6. go to bed 上床睡觉7. go swimming 去游泳 8. watch TV 看电视9. go shopping 去买东西;购物第四步:下笔成文,连缀成篇;而后反复阅读,修改润色。,四步法叙述你的日常活动,My weekend Im very busy on the weekend. On Saturday, I usually play sports in the morning. In the afternoon, I usually do my homework. And on Sunday morning, I usually visit my grandparents. Sometimes I do some reading. In the afternoon, I often play soccer with my friends. In the evening, I often watch TV with my parents at home. I have a good time.,范文:,我的周末在周末我很忙。在周六上午,我通常进行体育运动。在下午,我通常做作业。在星期天上午,我通常去看望我的外祖父母。有时我也读书。在下午,我经常和朋友踢足球。在晚上我经常和我的父母在家里看电视。我玩得很开心。,译文:,小练笔:,以“My Weekend”为题写一篇小短文,介绍你平时是怎样过周末的。要求:1.条理清晰,语法正确。2.书写规范、认真。3.不少于50个单词。,My WeekendIm very busy on the weekend. On Saturday, I often study English in the morning and do my homework in the afternoon. And I often play sports. On Sunday, I always visit my grandparents in the morning and do some reading in the afternoon. In the evening, I often watch TV with my parents. At that time, we can talk with each other and say something interesting. We often have a good time.,参考例文:,Unit 2 My favourite season,PEP 五年级下册,课时 1,Lets try Lets talk,提示:点击 进入习题,四,一,二,三,六,五,一、打地鼠。听对话根据你所听到的内容圈出要打击的单词地鼠。,二、给下列句子选择相应的图片。()1.Its rainy and warm.()2.Its windy and cold.()3.Its sunny and hot.()4.Its snowy and cold.,B,A,A. B. C. D.,D,C,三、单项选择。()1._ season do you like best? A. Where B. Which C. Who()2.What _ your favourite season? A. is B. am C. are,B,A,()3.We will _ the seasons today.A. draw B. drawing C. to draw()4.I dont like _.Its snowy and cold.A. spring B. summer C. winter,A,C,点拨:,will后面跟动词原形,表示“将要做”。,()5.The autumn is _ and sunny. A. cold B. cool C. hot()6._ is the weather like today? A. What B. Which C. How,B,A,点拨:,询问天气的两种表达方法:What is the weather like? 和How is the weather?,四、给下列各句选择合适的答语。()1.Whats the weather like today?()2.Do you like music?()3.I like rainy days.()4.Which season do you like best?,C,B,A. I like rainy days, too.B. Its sunny and warm.C. Yes, I do.D. I like spring best.,A,D,五、连词成句。1. very, it, pretty, is (.) _2. season, which, you, best, do, like (?)_,Which season do you like best?,It is very pretty.,3. the, what, like, is, weather (?)_4. we , draw, seasons, the, will, today (.) _,We will draw the seasons today.,What is the weather like?,六、用数字给下列句子排序。()What about you?()Which season do you like best?()Its pretty.()Spring.()I dont like winte. Its too cold.()Winter. I can play with snow.,4,1,3,2,6,5,Unit 2 My favourite season,PEP 五年级下册,课时 2,Lets learnRead and match,提示:点击 进入习题,四,一,二,三,五,一、找出不同类的单词。()1.A.winter B. summer C. season()2.A.warm B. busy C. hot()3.A.yellow B. brown C. grapes()4.A.weather B. rainy C. sunny,C,B,C,A,二、在字母框中补全表示“季节”的单词,并把对应的句子序号写在圆圈内。,s,m,m,e,r,B,w,i,t,e,D,a,t,u,m,C,s,p,i,n,g,A,A. In this season, its warm and windy . We often plant(种植) trees.B. In this season, its hot and the days are long.C. In this season, the weather is cool and the colours are pretty.D. In this season, it often snows in Harbin.,三、单项选择。()1.What is the weather like in spring?Its_.A. hot and sunny B. windy and warm C. snowy and cold()2.Which_ do you like best?Winter.A. season B. day C. colour,B,A,()3.Spring i


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