介绍狗的英语演讲 实用课件.ppt
,Our Friends-Dogs,Dogs are a part of the family.,There are kinds of dogs .,Tibetan Mastiff(藏獒),The Tibetan Mastiff is a highly intelligent, independent, strong willed and rather reserved dog.藏獒是高度智慧,独立,意志坚强和深沉的犬。The gait of a Tibetan Mastiff is powerful, steady and balanced, yet at the same time, light-footed.藏獒的步态是有力,稳重和平衡的,然而同时,是轻盈的。No second Tibetan mastiff dogs as full of mystery, like the color also has been given the ancient myths and legends.世上没有第二种狗像西藏獒犬一样充满了神秘的色彩同时也被赋予了古老的神话传说。,Siberian Husky(西伯利亚雪橇犬),The coat of the Siberian Husky is double and medium in length, giving a well furred appearance, but is never so long as to obscure the clean-cut outline of the dog. 西伯利亚雪橇犬最重要的特征是中等体型,适中的骨骼,比例平衡,行动自如,特有的被毛,可爱的头部和耳朵,正确的尾巴,以及良好的性格。,习性: Small size,frolicsome(爱玩的)Steady(坚定的), with good artistic temperament (艺术气质) conceited(自负),West Highland whiteTerrier(西部高地白梗),Samoyed(萨摩犬),习性: Steady(沉稳) sunny friendly,习性:brave, alert(警惕的)friendly, smart, likes to please the master.,Miniature Schnauzer迷你雪纳瑞犬,Poodle(贵宾犬),习性: Smart, lively, with good temperament, loyal nimble(敏捷的)Gentler,Old English Sheepdog(古代英国牧羊犬),习性: Friendly,loyal, Steady(沉稳的),large size,weight, active,藏獒的步态是有力,稳重和平衡的,然而同时,是轻盈的。frolicsome(爱玩的)Miniature SchnauzerThe Tibetan Mastiff is a highly intelligent, independent, strong willed and rather reserved dog.Steady(沉稳)Dog is a kind of animal .Siberian Husky(西伯利亚雪橇犬)以发源地南斯拉夫的大麦町地区命名。藏獒的步态是有力,稳重和平衡的,然而同时,是轻盈的。Smart, lively, with good temperament, loyal nimble(敏捷的)西伯利亚雪橇犬最重要的特征是中等体型,适中的骨骼,比例平衡,行动自如,特有的被毛,可爱的头部和耳朵,正确的尾巴,以及良好的性格。Small size,Chihuahua吉娃娃犬Chihuahua is the smallest dog in the world. From Mexico,Assign name to by the Dalmatian region in source Yugoslavia.以发源地南斯拉夫的大麦町地区命名。The Dalmatians expression is alert and intelligent, indicating a stable and outgoing temperament。表情:大麦町犬的表情显得警惕而聪明,显示出稳定而外向的气质 。,Dalmatian 大麦町犬,Small size,Small size,Siberian Husky(西伯利亚雪橇犬)藏獒的步态是有力,稳重和平衡的,然而同时,是轻盈的。frolicsome(爱玩的)以发源地南斯拉夫的大麦町地区命名。Assign name to by the Dalmatian region in source Yugoslavia.simple and honestFrom MexicoThe Dalmatians expression is alert and intelligent, indicating a stable and outgoing temperament。习性:brave, alert(警惕的)friendly, smart, likes to please the master.No second Tibetan mastiff dogs as full of mystery, like the color also has been given the ancient myths and legends.,哈士奇 Husky,Labrador 拉布拉多,松狮 Chow,博美Pomeranian,杜宾Doberman,沙皮犬Shar-Pei,cool,loyal,simple and honest,smart,Dog is a kind of animal .They are clever and friendly to people .They can do lots of things for people such as helping blind people going across the road or helping them do other things.,Dogs have lived with and worked with humans in so many roles that their loyalty has earned them the sobriquet mans best friend.,The end,Thank you!,