2020/12/11,1,英语专业毕业论文写作,第二讲:论文选题与提纲2011年3月2日,2020/12/11,2,复习、预习互动,有何问题?遇到什么困难?是否还有疑虑?有什么好的意见、建议?网络课件进展,2020/12/11,3,选题范围,文 学语言与文化 过程 (Process) - 收集资料 (Researching) - 酝酿主题、论点 (Finding theme & topics) - 拟写提纲 (Outlining) - 初稿写作 (Drafting) - 修改、定稿 (Revising & Editing),2020/12/11,4,文 学,选定作家、作品通读原著数遍做好笔记、分析整理(出处、页码等)收集相关资料、评论(作者生平、写作背景、主题风格、写作手法等;故事梗概、主要人物性格特征及相互关系、象征意义等)酝酿主题、论点(主题句:thesis statement)撰写提纲,为初稿做准备,2020/12/11,5,语言与文化,确定选题方向(文化、历史、习俗、礼仪、语言特色比较, 等)查阅相关资料、文献做好笔记、分析整理(出处、页码等)酝酿主题、论点、例句撰写提纲,为初稿做准备,2020/12/11,6,示 例:,文 学- Jane Eyre简爱- The Great Gatsby 了不起的盖茨比语言与文化- A Comparison between Chinese and American Family Education (中美家庭教育对比),2020/12/11,7,简 爱 Jane Eyre,通读原著数遍(版本)做好笔记- 故事情节、事件顺序- 主要人物表(特征、彼此关系)- 酝酿主题、论点查阅相关评论,记录出处、页码拟写大纲,为初稿做准备,2020/12/11,8,Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte,Plot: (4 turning points)- From Reeds home to Brocklehursts Lowood School- From School to Thornfield- From Rochester to Marsh End- From St. John Rivers to RochesterCharacter list:- Conflicts between Jane & Mrs. Reed, Brocklehurst, Blanche, Rochester, Bertha, St. John Rivers- Relationship between Jane & Bessie, Helen, Maria, Adle, Diana and Mary RiversTheme(s):- Desire for family, freedom & attitudes to love, independence- Religious figures: Brocklehurst, Helen Burns, & St. John Rivers- Feminist characters: Jane, Helen, Maria, Diana and Mary - Symbols: red room, Thornfield fire, Bertha, & other names,2020/12/11,9,Jane Eyre - An Outline (I),In Pursuit of Dignified Love: A Brief Analysis of Jane Eyres Ideal LoveThesis statement: Jane Eyres financial independence is essential to her return to Rochester.I. Introduction (23 pages)A. Charlotte Bronte & Jane EyreB. The plotII. Four flights (34 pages) A. Flight from Reeds home to Lowood School (for freedom) B. Flight from school to Thornfield (for independence) C. Flight from Rochester to Marsh End (for dignity) D. Flight from St. John to Rochester (for love),2020/12/11,10,Jane Eyre - An Outline (I) (contd),III. Two marriage refusals (23 pages)A. Janes refusal to marry Rochester 1. Because of Bertha 2. Because of Rochesters dominance in loveB. Janes refusal to marry St. John Rivers 1. Because of Rivers ambition and extreme self-importance 2. The marriage is not based on loveIV. Jane Eyres eventual return to Rochester (23 pages)A. When Jane is financially independenceB. When Rochester is no longer dominantC. The marriage is based on “equal-footing”V. Conclusion (1 page)References,2020/12/11,11,Jane Eyre - An Outline (II),A Feminists Attitude towards Love, Dignity & Religion - A Brief Analysis of Major Characters as Depicted in Jane EyreThesis statement: Charlotte Brondes depiction of major characters in Jane Eyre reflects a feminist attitude towards love, dignity and religion.I. Introduction (23 pages) A. Charlotte Bronte & Jane Eyre B. The plotII. Four flights (34 pages) A. Flight from Reeds home to Lowood School (for freedom) B. Flight from school to Thornfield (for independence) C. Flight from Rochester to Marsh End (for dignity) D. Flight from St. John to Rochester (for love),2020/12/11,12,Jane Eyre - An Outline (II) (contd),III. Feminists as depicted in Jane Eyre (23 pages) A. Character analysis of Jane, Helen, Maria, Diana & Mary B. Character analysis of Mrs. Reed, Blanche & BerthaIV. Religions as depicted in Jane Eyre (23 pages) A. Character analysis of Brocklehurst B. Character analysis of Helen Burns C. Character analysis of St. John RiversV. Analysis of symbols as used in Jane Eyre (12 pages) A. The red room B. Thornfield fire C. BerthaVI. Conclusion (1 page)References,2020/12/11,13,The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald,Who Killed Gatsby? - A Tentative Analysis of the Death of GatsbyThesis statement: Gatsby is killed by the social norm and his unrealistic dream of reunion of Daisys love.I. Introduction (34 pages)A. Fitzgerald and The Great GatsbyB. The decline of the American dream in the 1920sC. The plot II. Analysis of Gatsby (24 pages)A. His ambitionB. His unrealistic love for DaisyC. His lavish life and parties,2020/12/11,14,The Great Gatsby (contd),III. The causes of Gatsbys death (34 pages) A. Daisy Buchanan B. Tom Buchanan C. George Wilson D. The role of Nick CarrawayIV. The moral lesson of The Great Gatsby (23 pages)V. Conclusion (12 pages)References,2020/12/11,15,A Comparison between American and Chinese Family Education,Thesis statement: While American families stress an all-round personality development, Chinese families strive for academic excellence in their childrens family education.I. Introduction (23 pages)A. Define “family education”B. Trends in family education in America and ChinaII. A comparison of FE in America & China (78 pages)A. Aims of family education 1. Independence vs. dependence 2. Interests & processes vs. academic performance & resultsB. Learning strategies 1. Learning by exploring vs. rote learning with correct answer 2. Encourage creation, innovation vs. imitation 3. Teaming vs. self-based,2020/12/11,16,A Comparison between American and Chinese Family Education (contd),C. Feedback 1. Parents role and expectation in family education 2. Positive vs. negative 3. Encouraging vs. comparing and perfectingD. Physical and psychological development 1. Healthy, enjoying sports vs. fragile, lacking exercises 2. More open-minded, optimistic vs. more reserved, under pressure 3. Easygoing vs. less sociableIII. Suggestions for improvement (23 pages)IV. Conclusion (12 pages)References,2020/12/11,17,预习“第三讲”阅读章节,第二章:专题毕业论文写作1)翻译理论与实践 pp.1401702)语言与文化 pp.215227撰写论文提纲(初稿)下次提交提纲初稿(A4纸单面打印)毕业论文提纲模板Sample Outlines 1, 2, 3,2020/12/11,18,PPT教学课件,谢谢观看,Thank You For Watching,