2022年12月6日星期二,XFlow培训讲稿无网格CFD技术应用培训教程2风力发电机,Overview,Energy Single phase External aerodynamics Force motion Constained motion Post-processing,WS02 Wind turbine,XFlow培训讲稿无网格CFD技术应用培训教程2风力发电机,Engine: Dimension: 3D Single phase external Thermal model: Isothermal Acoustic analysis: off,Global attributes: Automatic turbulence model Wind-tunnel No gravity laws Initialization field: Auto,1. Environment: Single phase external,Wind tunnel: Dimensions: (500,200,200) Position: (75,25,0) Ground wall: On Velocity laws: 10(y+75)/50)0.143 m/s,WS02 Wind turbine,XFlow培训讲稿无网格CFD技术应用培训教程2风力发电机,1. Environment: Inlet velocity profile,Right-click,WS02 Wind turbine,XFlow培训讲稿无网格CFD技术应用培训教程2风力发电机,1. Environment: Disable the grid,Disable the grid: Hit the “Preferences” button Uncheck “Show grid” Hit “Set”,WS02 Wind turbine,XFlow培训讲稿无网格CFD技术应用培训教程2风力发电机,Fluid: Air by default Thermodynamic properties Viscosity model: Newtonian,2. Materials: Air,WS02 Wind turbine,XFlow培训讲稿无网格CFD技术应用培训教程2风力发电机,3. Geometry: Import the geometries,Import geometries: Hit the button Browse the file,WS02 Wind turbine,* Axis X: 0 , 47.9865 Size: 47.9865* Axis Y: -76.921 , 5.01771 Size: 81.9387* Axis Z: -5.01771 , 5.01771 Size: 10.0354,XFlow培训讲稿无网格CFD技术应用培训教程2风力发电机,Tower: Fixed x Constrained Forced ,3. Geometry: Set the forced motion,Blades: Fixed Constrained Forcedx,Blades: Position laws: (0,0,0) Euler angles Angular laws: (90*t,0,0),WS02 Wind turbine,XFlow培训讲稿无网格CFD技术应用培训教程2风力发电机,3. Geometry: Check the forced motion,Visualize the forced motion: Play forward the frames Visualize the blade rotating,WS02 Wind turbine,XFlow培训讲稿无网格CFD技术应用培训教程2风力发电机,Tower: Fixed x Constrained Forced ,3. Geometry: Set the constrained motion,Blades: Fixed Constrainedx Forced ,Degrees of Freedom: Rotation in X-axis,Solid properties: Mass: 1000 kg,WS02 Wind turbine,XFlow培训讲稿无网格CFD技术应用培训教程2风力发电机,Time discretization: Simulation time: 10s Automatic time step calculation Courant number: 1,4. Simulation: Set the numerical parameters,Data storage: Folder name Frequency of samples: 20Hz,Resolution: Resolved scale: 8m Refinement: walls + wake Wake resolution: 0.05m Wall resolution: 0.05m Wake refinement threshold: 1e-05,WS02 Wind turbine,XFlow培训讲稿无网格CFD技术应用培训教程2风力发电机,5. Run the simulation,Run the calculation: Hit button “Run”,WS02 Wind turbine,XFlow培训讲稿无网格CFD技术应用培训教程2风力发电机,5. Calculation: Post-processing,Post-processing: Visualization field: Vorticity Visualization mode: 3d field Cutting-plane Z Interpolation mode: On,WS02 Wind turbine,XFlow培训讲稿无网格CFD技术应用培训教程2风力发电机,5. Post-Processing: Monitor the rotational speed,Right-click,WS02 Wind turbine,XFlow培训讲稿无网格CFD技术应用培训教程2风力发电机,5. Post-Processing: Monitor the rotation angles,Right-click,WS02 Wind turbine,XFlow培训讲稿无网格CFD技术应用培训教程2风力发电机,5. Post-Processing: Change the ranges of fields,Change the ranges of fields: Hit the button Uncheck the automatic ranges Input new range Hit “Set”,WS02 Wind turbine,XFlow培训讲稿无网格CFD技术应用培训教程2风力发电机,