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    Unit 3 Period 4ppt课件 新教材同步备课(外研版选择性必修第一册).pptx

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    Unit 3 Period 4ppt课件 新教材同步备课(外研版选择性必修第一册).pptx

    ,Period 4 Revision,Step 1. Key words and phrases,Step 2: Sentence structures,Step 3: Writing task,Revision,Revision,Vocabulary expansion and exercises,Revision,a far cry from,a far cry from,这和1990年的那些美好时光迥然不同,当时他在欧洲巡回赛中赢了三场锦标赛。,我知道,这跟我在乡下的生活相去甚远。,Revision,身体的自然节律造成我们在下午1点至3点间都会感到无精打采、昏昏欲睡。,starry,muddy,watery,juicy,sleepy,Revision,Revision,1. Taking in much salt can _ high blood pressure.2. The famous singer made a promise to the public that he would _ half of the years income to help the disabled. 3. Scientists have found that all kinds of plants _warnings when being attacked. 4. Later, The glaciers _ green-blue water. 5. The Coast Guard had _ all hope of finding the two divers alive.6. We used to _ in our carriage to my schoolfellows. 7. Many household products _ harmful fumes.,give rise to,give away,give out,give way to,given up,give a lift,give off,Revision,Revision,followed by,I followed in his footsteps,following,Revision,to live up to expectations,beyond our expectations.,expectations,Revision,on,endurance,remarkably,Revision,burst onto,Seeing,burst into laughter,burst,Revision,朱迪,我很荣幸能正式把你指派到疯狂动物城的中心。,to assign,assign,老师布置家庭作业时,学生们通常感觉做作业是一种义务。,have been assign,assignment,Revision,going abroad for studies,opponent,最糟的做法就是低估对手。,Revision,payment,pay a visit,to play,Revision,快餐业竞争非常激烈。,现在学校之间为了招揽生源展开了激烈竞争。,intensely,intense,intensity,Revision,lost my nerve,nervous,nervously,Revision,Sentence structure -ing form as subject,Revision,英语中的动名词是由动词变化而来,它仍一方面保留着动词的某些特征,具有动词的某些变化形式,用以表达名词所不能表达的较为复杂的意义,另一方面动名词在句子的用法及功能与名词类同:在句子中可以作主语、宾语、表语、定语。它也可以被副词修饰或者用来支配宾语。但它没有时态变化而只有式的变化,分为一般式和完成式。,Revision,动词原形是不能作主语的,动词作主语时,如果侧重于表示经常性,在动词后面加-ing构成动名词来做主语,如果侧重于表示将来特定的某一次,则用动词不定式来作主语。,考点精讲精练一:,1._ to think critically is an important skill todays children will need for the future. A. LearnB. LearnedC. LearningD. Having learned2. _ to sunlight for too much time will do harm to ones skin. A. ExposedB. Having exposedC. Being exposedD. After being exposed,解析学会批判性思维是当今孩子们一个重要技能。动名词作主语,表示常态。,解析暴晒在日光下太多时间会对皮肤造成伤害,动名词作主语,表示常态。,Revision,有时为了对称,主语,宾语或表语要么都用不定式,要么都用动名词。,1. To answer correctly is more important than _(finish) quickly.2. _ (see) is believing. _(see) is to believe.,to finish,Seeing,To see,Revision,1. _ now seem impossible. A. Saving moneyB. To save money C. Being saved moneyD. To be saved money2. He told us whether _ was still under discussion. A. to haveB. havibg C. haveD. had,解析存钱现在看来是不可能的。表示将来,未发生,动词不定式作主语。,考点精讲精练一:,解析他告诉我是否去野餐还在讨论中。表示将来,未发生,动词不定式作主语。,Revision,考点精讲精练二:Its no use/good doing Its nice meeting you.(见到你很高兴),1. I think its no good _ kids learn a foreign language at kindergarten because it might cause confusion between their native language and the foreign one. A. to letB. lettingC. to have letD.let2. Its no use _ (argue) with Bill because he will never change his mind.3. Its no use _(complain) without taking action.,解析我认为让孩子在幼儿园学习外语并不好,因为这可能会导致他们混淆母语和外语。,arguing,complaining,Revision,考点精讲精练三:Its nice/good/enjoyable/useless/worthwhile +doing,1. It is useless/no use _(wait) here doing nothing. 2. It was fun _(watch) myself on TV.3. It will be lots of fun _(practice) out on the playground in the afternoon with the trees around us.,解析无所事事地等在这里是没有用的,解析在电视上看到自己感觉很有趣。,解析下午在操场上做运动很开心,周围还有树木环绕。,waiting,watching,practicing,Revision,考点精讲精练四:Its fun/a waste of./job/task + doing,1. Its not an easy task _(do) this work.2. It is a waste of time _ to the doctor with most mild complaints. 3. It is a tough task _(build) top world universities in China.,解析做这件事可不是一个容易的任务。,解析为了种种小毛病去看医生是浪费时间。,解析在中国建立世界一流大学是一个艰巨的任务。,doing,going,building,Revision,考点精讲精练五:What在问句中作主语时,常用动名词来回答,1. What do you think made Mary so upset? _ her new bicycle. A. As she lostB. LostC. Losing D. Because of losing,解析什么事让玛丽如此生气?丢失了她的新自行车。此处为动名词作主语,Losing her new bike make Mary so upset.,Revision,考点精讲精练六:动词不定式作表语时,如果前面有实义动词do的形式,作表语的不定式要省略to,1. The last thing I want to do is _(hurt) you. But its still on the list.2. What Yang Liwei wanted to do when he got out of the spaceship was _ the joy with all the Chinese. A. shareB. sharedC.having sharedD. about to share,解析我最不想做的事就是伤害你,请不要逼我。,解析杨利伟走出太空飞船时想做的事就是和所有中国人分享这份快乐。,hurt,Revision,考点精练,1. Some peoples greatest pleasure is _(fish).2. _(get) up early is good for our health.3. It took yearsof work _(reduce) the industrial pollution and clean the water.4. Its no use_(regret) what you have done.5. _(start) your collection of stamps are very easy because they are everywhere.6. What we have to do is _(work) ever harder.,fishing,Getting,to reduce,regretting,To start,work,Revision,考点精练,1. Its not much use_(learn) by heart long lists of words and their meanings.2. _(win) a schorlarship gave Martin the chance to go to a college in one of the northern states.3. I think _(be) open-minded and friendly will do you good.4. _(ignore) the difference between the two research findings will be one of the worst mistakes you make.5. Whats more, the purpose of many training classes and family teachers is _(make) money.6. All people need to do is _(laugh) aloud and wildly.,learning,Winning,being,Ignoring,to make,laugh,Revision,Writing taskHow to write a sporting moment,Revision,对比赛的描述可以分成三步进行:Step1 :赛事发生的时间,地点, 赛前情况(包括观众和运动员的情况)Step2 :比赛进行中 (包括运动员的动作,观众的紧张反应)Step3 :比赛结果及自己的感受,Revision,常见体育比赛名称:100/400/800/1500-meter race 长短跑4100-meter relay race 接力跑race-walk 竞走hurdel-race 跨栏marathon 马拉松high jump 跳高pole jump 撑杆跳Javelin throwing 标枪,比赛场地:on the playground 在操场in the stadium 在体育馆on basketball court 篮球场in the football field 在足球场,Revision,It was an extraordinary experience Ill never forget. 这是一次令我难忘的经历。The audience was quiet and still. 观众们都安静下来Everyone held their breath. 每个人屏住呼吸。Everyone watched his favourite athelte. 每个人都注视着自己最喜欢的运动员。I had never imagine that the atmosphere at a sports events could be so intense. 我从来没有想象到体育的赛事的气氛如此紧张。The athletes were doing some warm-ups.运动员们正在进行热身。,观众反应,现场气氛,运动员的准备工作,Revision,When the gun went off.当枪声响起.strain to run as fast as they could/possible 尽全力快跑swift 迅速的The competition was so fierece that everyone seemed to forget everything.比赛如此激烈以至于观众看上去忘记了一切。stood up and started shouting 站起来开始大喊.went wild 疯狂了cheerleaders were trying their best. 啦啦队也在尽全力加油。,比赛开始,运动员比赛情况,现场观众的情绪,Revision,It was.who crossed the finish line first. 是.第一个越过终点线。The final score is .to. 最后的比分是.Runners shook hands with and hugged each other. 运动员们互相握手拥抱。 Everyone was on their feet, cheering.大家都站起来,欢呼I was so caught up in the excitement and cheered so hard that I thought my lungs would burst. 我被现场的气氛感染,大声欢呼以至于我觉得我的肺要爆开了。I was moved not only by their excellent competition but by their true spirit of sports.我不仅被他们精彩的比赛所打动,还被他们的体育精神所打动。,比赛结果,现场观众的反应,作者的感受,感谢您的观看,


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